Christian Orthodoxy and Nationalism
Recent papers in Christian Orthodoxy and Nationalism
Introduction to a survey of a history of Montenegro.
REFERENCE: Předmluva, In: František Šístek, Dějiny Černé Hory, Praha: NLN 2017, pp. 1-21.
REFERENCE: Předmluva, In: František Šístek, Dějiny Černé Hory, Praha: NLN 2017, pp. 1-21.
The article analyses from an anthropological perspective the 2010 Belgrade Pride Parade, the first state-supported Parade in Serbia, as a part of the building of a democratic and European Serbian nation. In their discursive framing of the... more
The apparitions in Medjugorje are an extremely complex phenomenon that produces different interpretations and evaluations. In this paper I will focus solely on the perspective of those who recognize the apparitions of Mary as a symbol of... more
Free e-print link: ABSTRACT The autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine had four sig- nificant consequences outside of Ukraine.... more
Honorable Mention, 2012 Early Slavic Studies Association Distinguished Scholarship Award A pivotal period in Russian history, the "Time of Troubles" of the early 17th century has taken on new resonances in post-Soviet Russia. Current... more
Mergând pe drumul deschis de către maeştrii sfârşitului de secol XVII, Chrysaphes cel Nou, Ghermanos Neon Patron şi Balasie Preotul împreună cu ceilalţi, protopsalţii de după 1670 vor demara ample proiecte de modificare a stilisticii... more
A review on a book about English literature stereotypes of the Balkans and the Balkan people, based on Edward Said's Orientalism, though it does not attempt to examine the influence of the literary works that it mentions in the British... more
Аннотация: Рассматривается феномен изобретения традиций в храмостроительстве Русской православной церкви конца ХХ – начала XXI веков: причины и механизмы возникновения явления, влияние на тенденции архитектурного формообразования,... more
This chapter examines how the Christian Reconstructionist and Christian Identity movements narrowed their ideological differences while maintaining theological differences. The two movements did these first through an exchange of ideas,... more
Данный текст является переработкой статьи: Холмогоров, Е.С., Солдатов А.В. Каноническое пространство: принципы, идеологи, конфликты // Отечественные записки. 2002. №6 (7)... more
This paper attempts to explain the policy of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church aiming at achieving a centralized ecclesiastical authority during the 20th century. The joint initiatives of the political power, both monarchical and... more
The paper explores the relationship between Orthodoxy and nationalism in the Russian Orthodox tradition. It employs the term “Orthodoxy” when referring to Eastern Orthodox Christianity in general, while using “Russian Orthodoxy” to... more
In July 2009 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Rus' paid a visit to Ukraine with ostensibly spiritual concerns to celebrate the anniversary of the baptism of St Vladimir and Rus' and the 450th anniversary of the gift of the Pochaiv icon... more
At the end of the 1980s, the international movement of football fans experiences a renaissance, contributing to establishment of new and reshaping of existing organized groups throughout the Western world. This specific urban subculture,... more
The text deals with the issue of the current role and place of the Georgian Orthodox Church over the centuries of its history, with special consideration of the issue of the restoration of autocephaly at the beginning of the 20th century... more
Scholarship has long since demonstrated that colonialism does more than exploit a community materially. In colonial and postcolonial settings, indigenous populations lose control of what it means to be; they are challenged by what it... more
В монографии определены художественно-стилевые направления в современном православном храмостроении Беларуси, раскрыта роль категорий канона и традиции в их формировании, очерчены перспек- тивы развития православного зодчества Беларуси на... more
In this paper I will explore three different visions of ecumenism found in three Orthodox thinkers of the last century, Nikolai Berdyaev, Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Lossky. With the exception of Bulgakov, they are not the most... more
Αντικείμενο του βιβλίου είναι το ζήτημα των μεταρρυθμίσεων στο χώρο του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου και πιο συγκεκριμένα το πρόβλημα της ερμηνείας των Γενικών Κανονισμών , οι οποίοι επηρέασαν τη διαδικασία ανασυγκρότησης του ορθόδοξου... more
« Autour de l’élément politique du culte en Moldavie de sainte Parascève la Jeune », in: L’empereur hagiographe. Culte des saints et monarchie byzantine et post-byzantine, éd. Petre Guran, avec la collaboration de Bernard Flusin Bucarest,... more
An Historical Approach to the Question of the Criteria of a Just war in Orthodox Christianity
This article examines the rise of a "right-wing international" around contemporary Russia through the lens of the concept of "bad ecumenism," explored in conjunction with the author's philosophical views and personal experience of... more
I argue in this article that holocaust memory discourse in Serbia is currently being promoted by the state as part of its efforts to conceal any political space where an encounter between the state and the civil society may be able to... more
This is an English version of the article “L’avenir de la « diaspora » orthodoxe”, Contacts 65:243 (Julliet-Septembre 2013), 477-497. The study examines the grounds and the challenges for the future of Orthodoxy in the West after the... more
This essay is mainly about the Church of the Goths and about the Russian Orthodox Church, and their conflict. The essay will be focusing about important persons in these two churches. This essay will be tracing back the roots of the... more
A chapter from a prospective book on the history of conciliarity in the Russian Church in the XX and XXI centuries.
Ten days on the Mount Athos in Greece...
The living traditions of monodic Orthodox chant were going through innovations, as the music theory and its notation were created starting from 1814. They are the results of a reform finished under the third generation or the “4th music... more
This book is a collection of 5 essays. The first is an introduction into the basics of chant transmission, the modal framework within the eight-mode system, differentiated according to Western and Eastern chant genres. The second is an... more
Монографія піднімає малодосліджене як в історіографії питання з історії Церкви ХХ ст. У фокусі зацікавлення авторки – життя православної громади в Українській РСР у повоєнні десятиліття, коли її єдиним легальним представником була... more