Reports by CHUNG-TO Guillaume
Papers by CHUNG-TO Guillaume
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2023
Archéo.doct 17, 2024
Cet article aborde la question de la gestion de la ressource en eau le long des itinéraires carav... more Cet article aborde la question de la gestion de la ressource en eau le long des itinéraires caravaniers de la péninsule Arabique aux débuts de l’Islam et plus particulièrement à partir de la seconde moitié du VIIIe siècle. S’appuyant principalement sur les données produites dans les années 1980-1990 par des chercheurs saoudiens, il présente les limites de ces approches archéologiques mais également ce qu’elles apportent à notre connaissance des structures hydrauliques le long de ces routes. Cet article explore les aspects fonctionnels de ces haltes dans leur rapport à l’eau, abordant les questions d’approvisionnement, de gestion et de contrôle de l’eau.
This paper addresses the issue of water resource management along the caravan routes of the Arabian Peninsula in the early Islamic period, and more particularly from the second half of the 8th century onwards. Based mainly on data produced in the 1980s and 1990s by Saudi researchers, it presents the limitations of these archaeological approaches but also the way in which they contribute to our knowledge of the hydraulic structures along these routes. This study explores the functional aspects of these halts in their relationship to water, addressing issues of water supply, management and control.
Priestman, S., Kennet, D., MacDonald, E., al-Jahwari, N., al-Balushi, T., Brown, P., Campbell, K., Chung-To, G., MacDonald, R., al-Mahroqi, W., al-Maqbali, S., Marrast, A., Mamalashvili, T., Naskidashvili, D., Al-Sharqi, S., Santi, A., Shiokawa, T. & Smith, K. 2024: ‘Sohar Project: the archaeolog...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2024
The multidisciplinary investigation carried out between 2020 and 2023 by the Khaybar Longue Durée... more The multidisciplinary investigation carried out between 2020 and 2023 by the Khaybar Longue Durée Archaeological Project (CNRS-RCU-AFALULA) demonstrates that the Khaybar Oasis was entirely enclosed by a rampart in pre-Islamic times, like several other large regional walled oases in north-western Arabia (Tayma, Qurayyah, Hait, etc.). The cross-referencing of survey and remote sensing data, architectural examinations and the dating of stratified contexts have revealed a rampart initially some 14.5 km long, generally between 1.70 m and 2.40 m thick, reinforced by 180 bastions. Preserved today over just under half of the original route (41 %, 5.9 km and 74 bastions), this rampart dates back to the Bronze Age, between 2250 and 1950 BCE, and had never been detected before due to the profound reworking of the local desert landscape over time. This crucial discovery confirms the rise of a walled oasis complex in northern Arabia during the Bronze Age, a trend that proved to be central to the creation of indigenous social and political complexity.
Dossiers d'Archéologie, Jan 1, 2023
Events by CHUNG-TO Guillaume
XXVIe rencontres de l'association des doctorant.e.s travaillant sur les mondes musulmans médiévau... more XXVIe rencontres de l'association des doctorant.e.s travaillant sur les mondes musulmans médiévaux et modernes (Toulouse, 20-24 juin 2024)
XXVes rencontres de l'association des doctorantes et doctorants en histoire des mondes musulmans ... more XXVes rencontres de l'association des doctorantes et doctorants en histoire des mondes musulmans médiévaux et modernes.
Coordination: Chaimaa Cherkaoui, Yoan Parrot, Guillaume Chung-To, Enki Baptiste
Reports by CHUNG-TO Guillaume
Papers by CHUNG-TO Guillaume
This paper addresses the issue of water resource management along the caravan routes of the Arabian Peninsula in the early Islamic period, and more particularly from the second half of the 8th century onwards. Based mainly on data produced in the 1980s and 1990s by Saudi researchers, it presents the limitations of these archaeological approaches but also the way in which they contribute to our knowledge of the hydraulic structures along these routes. This study explores the functional aspects of these halts in their relationship to water, addressing issues of water supply, management and control.
Events by CHUNG-TO Guillaume
Coordination: Chaimaa Cherkaoui, Yoan Parrot, Guillaume Chung-To, Enki Baptiste
This paper addresses the issue of water resource management along the caravan routes of the Arabian Peninsula in the early Islamic period, and more particularly from the second half of the 8th century onwards. Based mainly on data produced in the 1980s and 1990s by Saudi researchers, it presents the limitations of these archaeological approaches but also the way in which they contribute to our knowledge of the hydraulic structures along these routes. This study explores the functional aspects of these halts in their relationship to water, addressing issues of water supply, management and control.
Coordination: Chaimaa Cherkaoui, Yoan Parrot, Guillaume Chung-To, Enki Baptiste