Client tools for Panda analysis jobs

This page is outdated. New documentation is available at

     IDEA!   Current version of panda-client : 1.4.36 (9/7/2020)   IDEA!


The panda-client package contains following tools to submit/manage analysis jobs on PanDA.

  • pathena
    • Athena jobs
  • prun
    • ROOT/general jobs
  • pbook
    • Bookkeeping


First of all, please make sure you have a grid certificate. See Starting on the Grid. You should have usercert.pem and userkey.pem under ~/.globus.
$ ls ~/.globus/*
usercert.pem userkey.pem


The panda-client package is distributed in two kinds of format, tarball and rpm. Users can choose one format as they like. Installation procedure is described individually. You can find available release packages in the repository. If you are using CVMFS you can skip this section and go directly to setup for CVMFS user.


wget --no-check-certificate
tar xvfz panda-client-*
cd panda-client-*
python install --prefix=[install dir]
python install --prefix=~/mypanda


You need root privilege, or to use --user, or virtualenv.
pip install panda-client


If you are using CVMFS see setup for CVMFS user.

First, you need to source the panda setup script according to your installation. The script sets PANDA_CONFIG_ROOT (~/.pathena by default) in addition to some environment variables. PANDA_CONFIG_ROOT is a directory name where user's configuration/data files are contained.

source [install dir]/etc/panda/panda_setup.[c]sh
source ~/mypanda/etc/panda/
For rpm,
source /etc/panda/

Warning, important If you are going to use pathena, this step needs to be done after sourcing Athena's since it changes the PATH environment variable. e.g.,

source -tag=15.6.10,32,setup
source ~/mypanda/etc/panda/

Setup file on CVMFS

The latest version of panda-client is also available on CVMFS. You don't need to maintain the package by yourself. To setup
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/
lsetup panda

Documentation on individual tool

The following pages describe how to use tools;

Release Notes

See ChangeLog.

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Topic revision: r140 - 2021-07-05 - TadashiMaeno
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