RCTF Wiki Web

This is a web-based collaboration area for the Remote Collaboration Task Force (RCTF). This web contains agendas of meetings, documentation related to the work of the task force.


The RCTF is a working group in charge of the coordination of the remote collaboration services offered by CERN to the LHC Experiments. It is composed of 5 representatives of the LHC Experiments and 3 representatives from the CERN-IT department.

  • Steven Goldfarb (ATLAS - Ex-officio member as chairman of the RTAG12 working group)
  • Roger Jones (ATLAS)
  • Peter Hristov (ALICE)
  • Werner Jank (CMS)
  • Sheldon Stone (LHCb)
  • Tim Smith (IT)
  • Thomas Baron (IT)
  • Joao Fernandes (Caltech)


Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Discussions



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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf RTAG12-Report.pdf r1 manage 1870.3 K 2006-04-24 - 09:47 ThomasBaron RTAG 12 Final Report
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Topic revision: r16 - 2009-08-20 - PeterJones
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