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The routing simulations over ad hoc networks indicate that network capacity is poorly utilized in terms of throughput and packet delay when the 802.11 MAC protocol is integrated with routing algorithms. Also, since wireless network access... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksWlanNs-2
Vo rtragsaufzeichnungen digital präsentierter Inhalte erfreuen sich bei Studenten und Dozenten heute gleichermaßen großer Beliebtheit. Systeme zur Präsentation und Aufzeichnung vonInhalten sind bisher entweder Infrastruktur-oder... more
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    • Delfi
Recent intensive theoretical and experimental studies shed light on possible new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, which can be probed with sub-eV energy experiments. In the second run of the OSQAR photon regeneration... more
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      Particle PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsBeyond the Standard Model PhysicsLarge Hadron Collider
The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment searches for pseudoscalar and scalar axionlike particles by the method of "Light Shining Through a Wall", based on the assumption that these weakly interacting sub-eV particles couple to two... more
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We present a sentiment classification system that participated in the SemEval 2014 shared task on sentiment analysis in Twitter. Our system expands tokens in a tweet with semantically similar expressions using a large novel distributional... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningSentiment AnalysisLexical Semantics
Recent intensive theoretical and experimental studies shed light on possible new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, which can be probed with sub-eV energy experiments. In the second run of the OSQAR photon regeneration... more
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      Particle PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsBeyond the Standard Model PhysicsLarge Hadron Collider
The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment searches for pseudoscalar and scalar axionlike particles by the method of "Light Shining Through a Wall", based on the assumption that these weakly interacting sub-eV particles couple to two... more
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Recent intensive theoretical and experimental studies highlight the possibility of new fundamental particle physics beyond the standard model that can be probed by sub-eV energy experiments. The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment looks... more
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    • Quantum Physics
Online, social media communication is often ambiguous, and it can encourage speed and inattentiveness. We investigated whether Actively Open Minded Thinking (AOT), a dispositional willingness to seek out new or potentially threatening... more
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Scientific reasoning and argumentation (SRA) is a complex process. Thus, analyzing the quality of learners’ SRA and presenting SRA outcomes are important research problems. This study attempts to account for these problems by developing a... more
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Recent intensive theoretical and experimental studies shed light on possible new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, which can be probed with sub-eV energy experiments. In the second run of the OSQAR photon regeneration... more
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      Particle PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsBeyond the Standard Model PhysicsLarge Hadron Collider
Obtaining insights into the style and content characteristics of a novel can provide a benefit to a large number of users. Parents and teachers may be interested in finding appropriate books for children. Booksellers may want to assess... more
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There are many applications of text classification such as gender attribution in market research or the identification of forged product reviews on e-commerce sites. Although several automatic methods provide satisfying performance in... more
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    • Computer Science
People associate certain behaviors with certain social groups. These stereotypical beliefs consist of both accurate and inaccurate associations. Using large-scale, data-driven methods with social media as a context, we isolate stereotypes... more
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This dissertation is concerned with the applicability of knowledge, contained in lexical-semantic resources, to text classification tasks. Lexical-semantic resources aim at systematically encoding various types of information about the... more
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    • Computer Science
Social media allows any user to express themselves to the public through posting content. Using a crowdsourcing experiment, we aim to quantify and analyze which human attributes lead to better perceptions of the true identity of others.... more
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    • Psychology
This paper discusses the potential for creating academic resources (tools, data, and evaluation approaches) to support research in conversational search, by focusing on realistic information needs and conversational interactions.... more
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      Computer SciencearXiv
Would you target your audience differently, knowing the real age and gender of the text authors on your website forum? This paper examines hundreds of thousands of online documents, e.g. chat lines or blog posts, showing that computers... more
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      GeographyComputer Science
In this paper, we aim to reveal the impact of lexical-semantic resources, used in particular for word sense disambiguation and sense-level semantic categorization, on automatic personality classification task. While stylistic features... more
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    • Computer Science
Social media allows any user to express themselves to the public through posting content. Using a crowdsourcing experiment, we aim to quantify and analyze which human attributes lead to better perceptions of the true identity of others.... more
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    • Psychology