Lexical-semantic resources: yet powerful resources
for automatic personality classification
Xuan-Son Vu †1∗ , Lucie Flekova¶2∗, Lili Jiang†3 , Iryna Gurevych§4
Amazon Research Germany, Aachen
Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden
UKP Lab, Computer Science Department, Technische Universität Darmstadt
[email protected], ¶2
[email protected]
[email protected], §4
[email protected]
In this paper, we aim to reveal the
impact of lexical-semantic resources,
used in particular for word sense disambiguation and sense-level semantic
categorization, on automatic personality classification task. While stylistic
features (e.g., part-of-speech counts)
have been shown their power in this
task, the impact of semantics beyond
targeted word lists is relatively unexplored. We propose and extract
three types of lexical-semantic features, which capture high-level concepts and emotions, overcoming the
lexical gap of word n-grams. Our
experimental results are comparable
to state-of-the-art methods, while no
personality-specific resources are required.
Automatic personality classification (APC)
has been employed on user generated content
(UGC), such as Tweets, to collect the user
personality for various personalized intelligent applications, including recommender
systems (Hu and Pu, 2011), mental health diagnosis (Uba, 2003), recruitment and career
counseling (Gardner et al., 2012). Especially,
the recommender applications benefit from
knowing the personality of real as well as
fictional characters (Flekova and Gurevych,
2015). For example, if a user is known to favor
the personality traits displayed by the main
*The research by the 1st and the 2nd authors has
been done during their employment at the UKP Lab,
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, and supported by the German Research Foundation under grant
No. GU 798/14-1.
characters of, say, Terminator 1 and Rambo1 ,
then the system should automatically recommend movies with similar characters.
Currently, the performance of APC depends
on how user personality is modeled and what
types of personality features can be extracted.
Regarding the first factor, one well-known
model called Five Factor Model (Costa and
McCrae, 2008) has been highly accepted as a
standard model. It consists of five personality
traits (i.e., extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience). The APC task is then formulated as
a regular document classification on these five
labels. To the second factor of feature extraction, the existing studies heavily depend on
personality specific resources such as linguistic inquiry word count (LIWC) (Pennebaker
et al., 2007). These resources, however, are
rather time consuming and expensive to construct especially for minor languages (Vu and
Park, 2014). Moreover, the resource construction requires expertise in both psychology and
linguistic (e.g., LIWC). In contrast, it is observed that lexical-semantic features which
could be extracted from the publicly available lexical resources (e.g., WordNet (Miller,
1995)) can help to improve the performance
of the APC task. However, their impact on
real world UGC data for APC had been relatively unexplored.
Among lexical-semantic features, senselevel features were explored in previous
works (Kehagias et al., 2003; Vossen et al.,
2006) with varying conclusions. In this paper,
we conduct extensive experiments, aiming at
obtaining a more detailed understanding of
whether or not the senses can be beneficial
in certain cases compared to word-based fea1
Famous fiction/action movies.
tures. Broadly, we explore the use of word
senses, supersenses, and WordNet sentiment
features (Baccianella et al., 2010) in personality classification. Our main contributions are:
• Investigating the impact of different
lexical-semantic features on APC task.
• Revealing the accumulated benefit by
combining word sense disambiguation
(WSD) with semantic and sentiment features in APC.
• Proposing and evaluating a feature selection method called Selective.WSD to improve WSD usage in APC.
• Proposing a unified framework on top of
the UIMA framework 2 to integrate different lexical-semantic resources for APC.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents the related work and our
novel contributions, as well as background
knowledge of the Five Factor Model. Section 3
describes the experimental datasets. Our proposed framework and methodology are presented in Section 4. Experimental results and
discussion are in Section 5. Section 6 concludes this paper.
Related Work and Background
Previous studies concerned the positive impact of sense-level features (i.e., using WordNet based WSD) on the performance of document classification systems (Rose et al., 2002;
Kehagias et al., 2003; Moschitti and Basili,
2004; Vossen et al., 2006). Though they
had different focuses, they suggest that word
senses are not adequate to improve text classification accuracy. Vossen et al. (2006) report an
improvement from 0.70 to 0.76 F-score while
negative results have been reported by Kehagias et al. (2003). This is why supersenses,
the coarse-grained semantic labels based on
WordNet’s lexicographer files, have recently
gained attention for text classification tasks.
In this paper, we further explore the impact of
these features in personality prediction.
There have been many different attempts to
automatically classify personality traits from
texts. However, there were not any studies
incorporating senses, supersenses, and sentiment features into the APC. Some works (Iacobelli et al., 2011; Bachrach et al., 2012; Iacobelli
and Culotta, 2013; Okada et al., 2015) start
from the data and seek linguistic cues associated with personality traits, while other approaches (Mairesse et al., 2007; Golbeck et al.,
2011; Farnadi et al., 2016) make heavy use of
external resources, such as LIWC (Pennebaker
et al., 2007), MRC (Wilson, 1988), NRC (Mohammad et al., 2014), SentiStrength 3 , where
they detect the correlations between those resources and personality traits.
However, the resources require the efforts
of experts in psychology and linguistics, e.g.,
LIWC of Pennebaker et al. (2007), to construct.
This constrains the available resources for
APC, especially for minor languages. Thus,
we aim at broadly available resources (e.g.,
WordNet and SentiWordNet), to benefit APC.
Close to our work, Mairesse et al. (2007)
run personality prediction in both observer
judgments through conversation and selfassessments using text via the Five Factor
Model. They also exploit two lexical resources
as features, LIWC and MRC, to predict both
personality scores and classes using Support
Vector Machines (SVMs) and M5 trees respectively. As for personality prediction on social
network data, Golbeck et al. (2011) use both
linguistic features (from LIWC) and social features (i.e., friend count, relationship status).
Recently, Farnadi et al. (2016) deal with the
automatic personality classification based on
users social media traces, which include three
of the four datasets in our study. However,
similar to other studies (Mairesse et al., 2007;
Farnadi et al., 2013), they mainly use the personality specific resources.
At the time of writing, the use of personality specific resources for APC has received
much attention, while the impact of lexicalsemantic features has been neglected. The
only existing work that explores sense-level
features is from Flekova and Gurevych
They partially used sense-level
features among others (i.e., lexical features,
stylistic features, and word embedding
features) for personality profiling of fictional
characters. As a complement of the existing
work on automatic personality classification,
the novel contributions of this paper include:
(1) we present how WSD and lexical-semantic
features influence personality prediction
by conducting different experiments on
four public datasets; and (2) we explore
the accumulated impact of supersenses and
sentiment features in combination with WSD.
The Five Factor Model
In personality prediction, the most influential
Five Factor Model (FFM) has become a
standard model in psychology over the last
50 years (Mairesse et al., 2007). The five
factors are defined as extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and
openness to experience. Pennebaker and
King (1999) identify many linguistic features
associated with each of personality traits
in FFM. (1) Extroversion (cEXT) tends to
seek stimulation in the external world, the
company of others, and to express positive
(2) Neurotics (cNEU) people
use more 1st person singular pronouns,
more negative emotion words than positive
emotion words. (3) Agreeable (cAGR) people
express more positive and fewer negative
Moreover, they use relatively
fewer articles. (4) Conscientious (cCON)
people avoid negations, negative emotion
words and words reflecting discrepancies
(e.g., should and would). (5) Openness to experience (cOPN) people prefer longer words
and tentative expressions (e.g., perhaps and
maybe), and reduce the usage of 1st person
singular pronouns and present tense forms.
Table 1: A quick overview of the four datasets
with the number of sentences (#Sen), the number of words (#Word), and the number of users
(#Users). Non-standard words may be either
out-of-vocabulary tokens (e.g., tmrw for ‘tomorrow’) or in-vocabulary tokens (e.g., wit for
with in ‘I come wit you’).
Dataset and Statistics
3.1 Dataset Overview
We conducted our experimental studies on
four public datasets, three of which are from
public social media platforms (i.e., Twitter,
Facebook, Youtube) and the fourth one is a
well-known public dataset specially for personality research. These datasets are chosen
for their popularity and diversity in data size,
scale of users, and writing styles.
• TWITTER : collected by PAN’ 15 (Stamatatos et al., 2015), it contains Tweets of
328 Twitter users in 4 languages in which
only the Tweets come from 153 users written in English are selected in this study.
• FACEBOOK : collected through the myPersonality project 4 (Stillwell and Kosinski,
2015) containing status updates of 250
Facebook users with 9,917 status updates
and personality labels.
• YOUTUBE : collected by Biel et al. (2011), it
consists of a collection of behavioral features, speech transcriptions, and personality impression scores for a set of 404
YouTube vloggers. About 28 hours of
video were annotated.
• ESSAYS : collected and analysed by Pennebaker and King (1999). It contains 2,479
essays from psychology students, who
were required to write whatever came
into their mind for 20 minutes. The data
includes users, raw text, and gold standard classification labels.
3.2 Data Statistics
Table 1 shows the overview statistics of the
four datasets. All values are normalized by
the number of users in each corresponding
dataset. Non-standard words denotes the fraction of non-standard words (unseen vocabularies in WordNet) over the total number of
words in each dataset.
The statistics in Table 1 indicate that Twitter dataset has the highest value of #Sen and
#Word but the lowest number of users. Moreover, the TWITTER dataset also has the highest ratio of non-standard words, which makes
it more challenges to the APC task. All in
all, these diverse characteristics benefit our results analysis on improving personality classification.
As depicted in Figure 1, we design a system
based on UIMA framework5 for experimental studies. It contains three main processes
including (1) Data Loading and Data Processing, 2) Feature Extraction, (3) Personality Classification and Evaluation. After loading data
into the whole system (i.e., four datasets and
lexical resources), feature extraction is performed. Afterwards, we formulate personality classification as a binary classification on
each personality trait since more than one trait
can be embodied in a user. We apply the SVM
classifier (linear kernel) and the TF-IDF feature weighting scheme. In the evaluation, we
use 10-fold cross validation, i.e., rotating the
10% test data selection over the dataset and
training the SVM classifier on the 90% of nottested data, to get accuracy scores. Since the
goal of this paper is revealing the impact of
different lexical-semantic features in APC, we
used exactly the same classification algorithm
as used in the popular work of Mairesse et
al. (2007). Details about the second process
of feature extraction will be described in the
following subsection.
3.3 Feature Extraction
Based on our observations and the previous
studies, we found that people with different
personal traits have different writing styles
and word usage. For example, neurotic and
extrovert people use the emotion words significantly differently. Neurotic people use more
1st person single pronouns while less positive emotional words. And it is observed that
openness people use more abstract concepts.
Motivated by these observations, we manage
to capture these personality trait differences
by extracting the semantic and sentiment features.
We denote four kinds of features as F =
a set of word-level features, SENSE is a set
of sense-level features, S SENSE is a set of
Figure 1:
Workflow of the experimental
WordNet supersense features, and SENTI is
a set of sentiment features. (S SENSE) is
extracted from WordNet supersenses as a
complement to SENSE.
Regarding senselevel feature, we applied two different WordNet based WSD algorithms, SimLesk and
MostFreq (Miller et al., 2013). Correspondingly, instead of SENSE, we have two different feature sets WN-S-LESK and WN-MFS.
Thus, we finally have the feature list of F =
Semantic Features
Regarding semantic features, we focus on extracting topic information given input texts
from different people.
We firstly recognize lexical knowledge by applying WordNet semantic labels6 . For example, based
on the given personal texts, after extracting
word n-grams, the topic information is detected and organized in the form of pos.suffix.
Here, pos denotes part-of-speech and suffix organizes groups of synsets into different categories (e.g., a tiger can be categorized into noun.animal and a tree is categorized
into noun.plant). In this paper, DKPro Uby
(Gurevych et al., 2012) is further employed to
extract all above required information to represent in pos and suffix from given texts.
Sentiment Features
For sentiment features, we extracted emotional information, which are extremely important to characterize personality according
to Pennebaker and King (1999). For example,
neurotics use more negative emotion words
(e.g., ugly and hurt) than positive emotion
(e.g., happy and love). In details, we applied the sentiment word disambiguation algorithm (i.e., SentiWordNet) to match the disambiguated word senses for each term with
three scores, Positive (P), Negative (N) and
Objective/Neutral (O) scores. Finally, we obtained the individually final P, N and O scores
for each personal text, which were averaged
by the total number of sentiment features.
4.1 Word Sense Disambiguation
Above, we have discussed and presented feature extraction for APC. However, one primary challenge in feature extraction is word
sense ambiguity. To address this challenge,
word sense disambiguation (WSD) is broadly
applied to match the exact sense of an ambiguous word in a particular context. For word,
sense, supersense, and sentiment features, it
is necessary to first disambiguate the words
to reduce the semantic gap.
However, due to the high ambiguity of
words, it is extremely challenging to detect the
exact sense in a certain context. Postma et al.
(2016) showed that current WSD systems perform an extremely poor performance on low
frequent senses. To address this challenge, we
propose an algorithm Selective.WSD to reduce
the side effect of WSD by finding senses of a
word subset rather than all possible words in
the BoW model. Selective.WSD is presented
in Algorithm 1. The algorithm takes a wordlevel document as an input to return a mixture
of word-level and sense-level feature list. The
wordLevelFeature(f) function in the algorithm
will return a word-level feature (e.g., bank) of
a sense-level feature (e.g., bank%1) by removing the extra notation (e.g., %1). The function
of wsd.annotateSenses in the algorithm is implemented based on DKPro WSD (Miller et
al., 2013) - annotating the exact sense of a disambiguated word in a context. In the following experimental study section, we will show
the impact of WSD on personality prediction.
Procedure 1 Selective.WSD
Input: a word-level document.
Output: a selective mixture of word-level and
sense-level feature list.
1: f eaturesL ← initialize an empty list
2: L ← topK word-level features ordered by χ2
3: for sentence s ∈ document d do
mixFeatList ← wsd.annotateSenses(s)
for feature f ∈ mixFeatList do
if wordLevelFeature( f ) < L then
f ← wordLevel( f )
f ← senseLevel( f )
characteristics. In this way, the noisy features are filtered out. We used the χ2 feature selection algorithm before feeding the
features (i.e., word, sense, supersense, and
sentiment features) to a classifier. The feature selection strategy was chosen empirically based on our preliminary experiments
on training dataset, where we compared χ2
with three other state-of-the art feature selection methods for the supervised classification
(i.e., Information Gain, Mutual Information,
and Document Frequency thresholding (Yang
and Pedersen, 1997)), and χ2 outperformed.
Table 2: Abbreviation list of the feature set
Word-level features.
Word-level features in which
only words that present in
WordNet are used.
Sense-level features based on
the most frequent sense algorithm.
Sense-level features based on
the Simplified Lesk algorithm.
WordNet semantic label (or
WordNet supersense) features.
Three sentiment features including posscore, negscore,
and neuscore.
4.2 Feature Selection
Feature selection is naturally motivated by the
need to automatically select the best determinants for each personality trait. Thus, we can
derive a qualitative description of the state
f eaturesL Å f
return f eaturesL
Experiment and Analysis
We conducted extensive experiments to investigate the impact of different lexical-semantic
features on the APC task. All the feature abbreviations we use are listed in Table 2.
5.1 Experiment Settings
We compared four pipelines based on different lexical-semantic feature settings. In the
first and simplest pipeline, the documents
are segmented into words used as features.
We further refer to this setup as WORD.
The subsequent feature selection and classification, specified below, is the same for all
pipelines. In the second processing pipeline,
the documents are segmented to words, and
the words are further annotated with their
part-of-speech and lemma. With these annotations, we can look them up in WordNet.
Only those words, which are present in WordNet, are then used as bag-of-words features.
This intermediate step reveals which changes
in performance can be attributed to the lexicon coverage as opposed to the WSD quality. We refer to this setup as WN-WORD.
The third processing pipeline is similar to
the previous one, but after the WN-WORD
lookup step performed, in addition, the WordNet based WSD is employed to extract senselevel features. For each of the words present
in WordNet, the resulting sense and its WordNet semantic label (S SENSE) are both used as
two features. There are two possible configurations in the third pipeline, which differ in the WSD algorithm used (see subsection 4.1). We experimented with the most frequent sense baseline (denoted further as WNMFS-S SENSE) and Simplified Lesk algorithm
(WN-S-LESK-S SENSE). Differently from the third
pipeline, in the fourth pipeline, for each sense,
we calculate three sentiment scores (positive,
negative, neutral) by applying SentiWordNet
and add them as three extra features. We
refer to this setup as WN-S-MFS-S SENSE-SENTI
and WN-S-LESK-S SENSE-SENTI for the Most Frequent Sense and the Simplified Lesk algorithm correspondingly. All results from the
above four different pipelines are shown in
Figure 2 and Figure 3. More discussions are
present in the following subsections.
5.2 Experimental Result Demonstration
As shown in Figure 2 and 3, though the APC
performance of different configurations varies
on different datasets, we have some interest-
Figure 2: A comparison between not-using
WSD (i.e, No.WSD) versus using WSD in
a combination with sentiment/semantic features (i.e., WSD.Sentiment/Semantic) in the
four datasets. The majority accuracy (i.e., Majority.Acc) is the accuracy when we predict all
test instances to a major class.
Figure 3: The overall number of times that
each feature setting achieves the best performance in the four datasets.
ing observations. For example, for predicting conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness personality traits, using the WSD
algorithm always decreases the performance
across all datasets, while the prediction performance on extraversion and neuroticism improves 75% cases. The restriction to WordNetonly words is helpful in 10/24 ≈ 41% of the
cases, especially on ESSAYS dataset. It is noteworthy that the S-LESK related settings (i.e.,
S-LESK-S SENSE and S-LESK-S SENSE-SENTI) perform better than MFS related settings (i.e.,
5.3 Experimental Result Analysis
For the classification results, we have the following two observations: a) The restriction
to WordNet words (WN-WORD vs. WORD)
helps the most datasets (3 out of 4 datasets)
for predicting openness and agreeableness. b)
The positive effects of SENTI features on predicting neuroticism (2 out of 4 datssets). Detailed analysis are presented in the following
Impact of word feature (WORD)
We observe that in the all-words approach,
there are many pronouns in the top-ranked
features. The pronouns are later removed
when filtering for WordNet words only. The
experimental results show that removing
these high-ranked features (e.g., pronouns,
particles, and punctuation) increases the accuracy on ESSAYS dataset in all cases, while
for other three datasets the feature impact
varies based on different data. One possible
explanation is that the essays are written in
a more thoughtful manner, focused on the inner thoughts. They may, therefore, carry more
personality-related information in the content
words than the social media data, where the
interjection and smileys are more revealing
than the topic under discussion. Restriction
to WordNet words only thus helps in the essays to better represent the document.
Given our purpose is not about competing
for performance but rather exploring the effectiveness of the general lexical-resources in
APC. However, in Table 3, we draw a comparison with the recent best results of Majumder et
al. (2017) to show that we get very competitive
results on the FACEBOOK dataset. This is a very
fair comparison since Majumder at al. used
exactly the same evaluation settings as ours.
It is worth to mention that, Majumder et al.
(2017) used complex neural network models
while we used the simple SVM model without tuning parameters. For other datasets, it is
difficult to show a fair comparison since previous works (e.g., Farnadi et al. (2016)) regard
the APC task as a linear regression problem
instead of classification.
5.4 Discussion on Different Pipeline
Figure 3 shows the ratio of the number of
times each feature setting achieves the best
performance over other pipelines in each
dataset. In the picture, we can see the WNWORD setting works well most of the time
across four datasets. Therefore, the restriction
to WordNet words is a low-cost and effective
process to improve personality prediction.
Impact of sentiment feature (SENTI)
In the WSD-S SENSE-SENTI setup, a better result is achieved on cNEU label since neuroticism people tend to use more emotional words
(Pennebaker and King, 1999).
Comparison with the state-of-the-art results
Table 3: Performance in comparison with
the state-of-the-art results on the FACEBOOK
Majumder et al. (2017)
Ours (Majority.Acc)
72.10 (70.40)
56.80 (52.00)
62.10 (38.40)
55.80 (53.60)
61.70 (39.60)
58.64 (50.80)
Figure 4: A test on cEXT personal trait of
ESSAYS dataset to compare between Selective.WSD and All.WSD.
Impact of WSD on APC
We found that the WSD does not generally
lead to an improvement in classification results except arbitrary dataset-specific differences, which can be largely attributed to the
lemmatization and POS tagging. However,
in contrary to previous beliefs (Sanderson,
1994; Gonzalo et al., 1998), the performance
Improved impact of WSD
love1 v
music1 n
guy1 n
good1 a
proud1 a
assignment1 n
boyfriend1 n
real1 a
sleep1 v
love1 v
assignment1 n
sleep1 v
street4 n
love1 n
sleep1 n
music1 n
good6 a
proud3 a
In a more complex setting of WSD, we can
partially resolve the issue mentioned above
by (1) applying the Selective.WSD method and
(2) combining WSD with semantic and/or sentiment information. Firstly, in Figure 4, we
showed that the Selective.WSD method works
better than the normal WSD method in selecting sense-level features for the APC. Especially, when we increase the number of topK
features, the performance will drop. The reason for this difference was discussed in subsection 4.1. Secondly, we performed various
experiments to show the benefit of combining
WSD with semantic and sentiment features.
Figure 2 indicates the differences between using WSD with semantic and/or sentiment features versus not-using WSD. Briefly, the combination of WSD with semantic and/or sentiment information works better in two cases
of less-noise UGC data including ESSAYS and
FACEBOOK on cEXT and cNEU personal trait.
Our analysis shows that this is because cEXT
and cNEU people use more pronoduns and
emotional words than other personal traits.
Table 4: The highest ranked features for Extraversion on the ESSAYS dataset, averaged
across the 10 cross-validation folds, using the
χ2 feature selection.
of the WSD algorithms is not the major issue for stagnating performance. Rather, it is
the reduction of the representative scope of
bag-of-words (since function words are not
present in the lexicon) and the reduction of
the impact of multi-POS words (since those
are assigned different senses), which leads to
a lower ranking of otherwise highly predictive features. For example, in table 4, in the
WN-WORD setup, the word worry is ranked
to predict extraversion with χ2 = .007, while the
sense worry1 v is ranked to predict introversion,
i.e., the opposite class of extraversion, with χ2
= -.004. Furthermore, as pointed out in (Gale
et al., 1992), if a polysemous word appears
two or more times in a discourse, it is likely
that all the occurrences will share the same
coarse-grained sense. A fine-grained WSD
might be therefore counter-productive. However, while the effect of WSD itself in a BoW
setup is marginal, we observe that the WSD
quality is rather high. This implies that the
assigned senses can be reliably used to query
additional information about the word meaning (and relations to other words) from the
lexical-semantic resources.
This paper presents extensive experiments
to explore the lexical-semantic resources on
APC. Especially, WSD is combined with semantic and sentiment information to pose an
improved performance in APC. In summary,
we draw the following major conclusions.
Firstly, using a dictionary (e.g., WordNet,
WiktionaryEN) to remove noise-features often works well in most datasets. Secondly, applying WSD alone, in general, does not work
in APC, especially on not-well-written UGC
data. However, our proposed Selective.WSD
works better than a basic WSD. Thirdly, applying WSD combining with semantic and/or
sentiment features improve the performance
for specific personal traits (i.e., cNEU, cEXT).
Moreover, no personality specific resources
are required in our method.
This work has been supported by the German
Research Foundation under grant No. GU
798/14-1 and by Umeå University on federated
database research.
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