The show CID telecast on Sony Entertainment Television, has outpaced the Colors' show Balika Vadhu as it got a TVR of 4.97 during the week of January 1 to January 7, 2012 (TAM Peoplemeter System). While Balika Vadhu gets a TVR of 4.76 for the week.
This story is from January 12, 2012
The show CID telecast on Sony Entertainment Television, has outpaced the Colors' show Balika Vadhu as it got a TVR of 4.97 during the week of January 1 to January 7, 2012 (TAM Peoplemeter System). While Balika Vadhu gets a TVR of 4.76 for the week.
The show CID telecast on Sony Entertainment Television, has outpaced the Colors' show Balika Vadhu as it got a TVR of 4.97 during the week of January 1 to January 7, 2012 (TAM Peoplemeter System). While Balika Vadhu gets a TVR of 4.76 for the week.