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Shock (Cloud)

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The name or term "Shock" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Shock (disambiguation).
Transformers Cloud:
Spacetime World: Guardians of Time

Chapter 3: Part 3
Transformers Cloud GOT ch 3 pt 3.jpg
Publisher e-HOBBY, TakaraTomy Mall
First published July 10, 2014
Story by Makoto Wakabayashi
Illustrated by Nagi Miyako
Continuity Cloud, Japanese Beast Wars cartoon continuity

In an attempt to stop Shockwave, Hot Rodimus and SARA end up on a wild planet.



Shockwave confronts the surprised Hot Rodimus in the Dimension Gate chamber, ordering the Autobot to not interfere. Perceptor phones in, explaining that the garrison surrounding the facility was downed by Shockwave's sudden attack, but reinforcements are on their way. Rodimus doesn't mind, but pleads with the scientist to shut off the Gate, which Perceptor can't, as a computer virus has infected the computer system, preventing the closure of the Gate, which has been dialed to a unknown spacetime. Rodimus comes to the realization that the purpose of Shockwave's previous attack was to plant this virus; as a Decepticon without access to spacetime travel, Shockwave needed to hijack the Autobots' infrastructure to achieve whatever goal he has. Further, Rodimus reasons that Shockwave has to restrain his attacks as to not destroy the Dimension Gate. The silent logician simply responds by transforming into helicopter mode... then his "battle mode" achieved by painful modification on himself to attain a third mode. While Perceptor is hard at work trying to defeat the virus, Hot Rodimus receives assistance via the newly-arrived Bumblebee and Ironhide. Outnumbered, Shockwave makes a dash for the Dimension Gate, but Rodimus stabs the Decepticon's leg with his sword and SARA, despite Rodimus telling her to escape to safety, clings to Rodimus's own leg. Subsequently, both are dragged by Shockwave into the Gate, which closes soon after. Perceptor explains to those still present that he couldn't close the Gate in time, but he was able to change the destination to prevent whatever Shockwave was plotting. The rest, Optimus Prime notes, is up to Hot Rodimus...

Hot Rodimus is awakened by SARA and finds himself in untouched wilderness—by a large lake surrounded by the local organic fauna, as sight Rodimus is unaccustomed to. SARA asks what the nearby horned beast is, and Rodimus explains that it's a rhinoceros. With Shockwave's whereabouts unknown, Rodimus answers SARA's other question—they are in the 9-BW Spacetime. Taking in more breadth of his surroundings, Rodimus starts feeling a strange sensation, which he can endure for a while, but it's not a good idea to remain too long on this world. To let his comrades know of his status, the Autobot sends a short text message—real time communication takes up too much energy—to Cloud World to inform them of his whereabouts and well-being.

Taking the opportunity, SARA asks Hot Rodimus more about this spacetime, and the Transformer replies that it's similar to the 24-BW Spacetime he visited prior. He explains further that where they currently are exists as a parallel world within the "BW Spacetime" with a slightly different flow of time. Spacetime is violate and creates branches at the slightest disturbance—those branches within greater spacetimes are numbered in Cloud World's management catalogue. Worlds like MF and BW are united in the "grand flow of time", but they are separated for convenience. Altogether, those spacetimes and flows of time form the greater Spacetime World. The calm of their discussion is suddenly interrupted by a voice showing fascination in the current topic. The two turn their attention onto a unassuming rhinoceros, who continues speaking and then transforms into robot mode! He introduces himself as Rhinox.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • It's difficult to make out inverted and heavily obscured, but Perceptor's screens in the illustration display text written in Autobot script that can be decoded to read:
[Soun]DWAVE [approac]HING

Transformers references

  • Hot Rodimus and SARA end up at the "9-BW Spacetime" (第9BW時空), taking place in the Beast Wars cartoon. Hot Rodimus notes his previous visit to 24-BW Spacetime, which was mentioned in "Uprising". The 9-BW Spacetime probably takes place before "Fallen Comrades" (or at least "Double Jeopardy"), as none of the characters aside from the original cast show up in the next part.


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