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Hasbro Q&A/March 2010: Answers

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Read March's submitted questions!


1. Is the new Voyager Sea Spray a character who lives in the live-action film universe?

Sea Spray is continuing under the design philosophy that we started with Classics line and continued through Universe. It is all about reimaging classic characters in a new, 21st century styling.

2. At Toy Fair 2010, a yellow redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Voyager Long Haul named "Payload" was revealed. There are two other yellow Constructicon dump trucks that exist within the extant Revenge fiction: firstly, within the movie itself, a yellow dump truck that is a different model truck from Long Haul forms Devastator's left leg with a yellow Rampage, while Long Haul himself forms the entirety of Devastator's right leg. Meanwhile, within the Revenge video games, there are the "Constructicon Warriors", generic enemies that are the Long Haul game model in yellow. Which of these concepts, if either, does Payload represent? Is Payload perhaps the unknown yellow dump truck from the film, who is in turn a Constructicon Warrior? Or is Payload not connected to either, meaning that there are three separate yellow dump truck characters within the Revenge universe?

Simply stated, Payload is a video game guy.

Read the full Q & A article!
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