USD86626S - Design por a tumbler ob similar article - Google Patents

Design por a tumbler ob similar article Download PDF


Publication number
USD86626S US D86626 S USD86626 S US D86626S
United States
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similar article
design por
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Earl W. Newton
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Des. 86,626
March 29, 1932.
E W. NEWTON v TUMBLER OR SIMILAR ARTICLE 7 Filed Aug 1'7, 1931 Patented Mar. 29, 1932 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE EARL NEWTON, 0F EVANSTON, ILLINOIS DESIGN FOR A TUMBLER OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Application filed August 17, 1931. Serial No. 40,869. Term of patent 14 years.
To all whom it may concern: I I Fig. 1 is a perspective View of a tumbler Be it known that I, EARL W. NEWTON, a showing my design; and
citizen of the United States, residing at Fig.2is evertical sectional view thereof. Evanston, in the county of Cook and I claim: 1 State of Illinois, have invented a new, origi- The ornamental design for a tumbler or 11:11, and ornamental Design for Tumbler or similar article, as shown. Similar Article, of which the following is a In testimony whereof I aflix my signature. specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, forming a part there- EARL W. NEWTON,
of, wherein



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