USD85613S - Design fob - Google Patents

Design fob Download PDF


Publication number
USD85613S US D85613 S USD85613 S US D85613S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
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Geobge E. Hebriitg
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NOV. 24, 1931. G. E HERRlNG D68. 85,613 SILVERWRE CHEST Filed sept. `22; 1931 Patented Nov. 24, 1931 d Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE GEORGE E. BLERRING, 0F CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DESIGN FOR A SILVERWARE CHEST n Application led September 22, 1931. Serial No. 41,182. Term of patent 7years.
To all 'whom t may concern.' The figure is a perspective view of a silver- Be it known that I, GEORGE E. HERRING, ware chest, showing my new design.
a citizen of the United States, and a resident The other side of the case is substantially of Chicago, in the county of Cook and State like the side shown.
of Illinois, have invented a new, original, I claim:
and ornamental Design for a Silverware The ornamental design for a silverware Chest, of which the following is a specicachest as shown and described.
tion, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. GEORGE E. HERRING.



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