M41&526 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作關於一種支援冷卻發熱的組件之系統,更特定 而言’係關於一種整合液體冷卻組件在相關聯的電腦設備 機架旁邊之系統。 【先前技術】 在像是伺服器場、通訊供應商及資料儲存中心這樣的 運算提供商之間的競爭已經造成在當他們擴充他們的設施 時需要一種可罪、可擴充的冷卻解決方案。電子設備中增 加的熱負載需要在列層次及/或機架層次改善冷卻能力。要 透過傳統的咼架式電腦機房空調(CRAC,computer Room Air Conditioning)冷卻很難能夠冷卻每個機架5 kW以上的 熱負載。對於具有每個機架18 kw以上的熱負載之像是刀 峰式伺服器機架的組件會特別嚴重。 藉由使用液體冷卻與將該冷卻裝置更靠近於該熱負 載’即可達到一些效能增益與效率。但是,冷卻水(CW, Chilled Water)-背門熱父換器(RDHx,Rear Door Heat Exchanger)及泵浦式致冷劑(PR,Pumped Refrigerant)-RDHx 僅能夠總共移除18-20kW。 在列層次及/或機架層次的目前冷卻拓樸包括:1)背門 熱交換器;2)列内冷卻器;3)天花板冷卻器;及4)緊接 耦合式熱抑制系統。每一者皆很難容納漸增的熱負載。 習用的邊車冷卻單元為安裝在設備機架旁邊的熱交換 3 夠藉由更換多個熱交換器與機架來提供備用配 勃:為封閉式系統’其中包含伺服器的熱排放,而合 謝。—設計在製- 消耗大量的能源來運作。 w成…並 因此需要一種有效率、節省人工、便宜、可靠與可擴 法來滿足熱負載逐漸增加之企業化操作設備 【新型内容】 本創作揭卜種用㈣内整合邊輕體冷卻組件與相 關聯的電腦設備機架之系統。 該簡化的被動式列内冷卻器複合系統可用於實際上任 何的IT 5又備機架,比既有的解決方案提供了顯著的優點。 所揭示的整合式邊車熱交換Μ置可有效地處理資料中心 熱點’並便於完全負載的機架之部署。具體實施例對於通 常已經超過其冷卻能力之場所能夠提供空間的節省與彈 性。它們可降低空調系統的負載’且利用獨立的冷卻回路 而可在當空調系統失效時能夠提供備用配件,但增加了停 機時間。例如,溫度在當空調系統失效後每分鐘增加攝氏 兩度’造成伺服器停機,並在15分鐘之内上升華氏1〇〇度。 整合式邊車熱交換器系統亦可為—種節省能源的資料中心 M41&526 冷卻解決方案。 ^具體實施例包括一種用於冷卻發熱設備之邊車液體熱 又換器裝置,其包含至少一機架背側外殼,導引來自一發 熱設備機架的機架離開氣流;至少一邊車外殼,其包含— 北與出口,其中該入口配置成接收來自該至少一機架 月侧外设的氣流;該至少一邊車外殼包含至少-邊車阻流 〔、至y。卩伤攔截該機架排出氣流,且在至少一第一模 式中導引錢架排出氣流中至少—部份經由該邊車入口進 〇到敍少-邊車外殼,及在至少—第二模式中導引該機 卞排出氣机中至少—部份至該至少一邊車外殼的外部,藉 此提供一無失效模式;及至少-熱交換器元件,其設置在 =少—邊車外殼内該人口與該出口之間,其中該至少一 熱交換器元件表面區域配置成維持通過該設備機架之氣流 的阻抗。在其它具體實施例中,該設備機架背側外殼包含 二被動式背Η液體熱交換n(RDHx),其中rdh?^收來自 =電子=備機架之離開氣流,並排出氣流至少部份朝向該 一邊車阻流板;且另包含至少—轉換框架,其將該發 車合於該_Χ。在另-具體實施例中,該邊 ===裝置使用該RMX的冷卻劑軟管連接器。 -邊車阻产至少一熱性機械式開關以打開該至少 模式不需要電力,來提供該至少-無失效 -邊車^ —邊車喊板㈣機_ “流到該至 y 邊車外设的外部。另一且俨眚 車離開實例包含一機架前方-邊 工” Λ又’其中在該至少—邊車阻流板的至少一模 5 M41&526 1接:通過5亥至少一被動式邊車液體熱交換器裝置 p/、 I W機架冷卻。在又其它具體實施例中,該發 …設備機架與該邊車液體熱交換器裝置中 空氣,置;且該邊車液體熱交換器裝置為被動 *卻取代了二具:實施例’該機架_ 砑°周冷部,並猎此降低整體的電力消 耗。 方法施例包括一種冷卻發熱設備的方法,該 -機架中的發敎設備:丨^液體熱父換器裝置來冷卻 開排出氣流通過發熱設備機架的機架離 ^ y料肖側外殼;藉由至少-邊車阻 ^板至少部份_該機__出氣流,且在 =中導引該機架排出氣流中至少—部份經由該至少= ^夕卜殼入口進人到至少—邊車外殼,且在至少-第二模f =引該機架排出氣流中至少—部份到該至:外; 的外部,藉此提供一無失效模式;在該至少第卜: =機架離開氣流中至少—部份進人該至少—邊車 ’错由设置在該至少一邊車外殼内該邊車入 :: 口之間的至少-熱交換器元件冷卻在該至少至少^ =的m經㈣邊車出口排出該邊車氣流。2二 一體實施例中,該至少—第—桓 另 中至少-部份經由該邊車入口進二邊車二$出^流 該邊車排出氣流進入-冷通道,且其中該至少^=此 氣流導引該機架排出氣流中至少一部份進入一執=式中 6 M418526 此提供該無失效模式。在其它具體實施例中,至少部份攔 截該機架離開排出氣流的步驟包含移動至少一邊車阻流板 來於該等第一與第二模式之間切換,該移動包含至少一熱 性開關的操作。具體實施例包括氣流循還通過該被動式邊 車液體熱交換器裝置,其可提供該至少一發熱設備機架之 備用冷卻;以及離開該邊車液體熱交換器裝置的邊車排出 空氣比進入該發熱設備機架的空氣要冷。 其它具體實施例包括一種用於冷卻發熱設備的液體熱 交換器系統,其包含至少一發熱設備機架,其中包含至少 一空氣移動裝置用於在設置在該至少一發熱設備機架中該 發熱設備之上產生氣流;至少一機架背側外殼導引來自該 發熱設備機架的機架離開氣流;至少一邊車外殼,其包含 一入口與一出口,藉此該入口配置成接收來自該至少一機 架背側外殼的氣流;該至少一邊車外殼包含至少一邊車阻 流板,在至少一種模式中至少部份地攔截該機架排出氣 流,導引該機架排出氣流中至少一部份經由該邊車入口進 入該至少一邊車外殼當中;至少一熱交換器元件設置在該 至少一邊車外殼之内該入口與該出口之間,其中該至少一 熱交換器元件表面區域配置成維持通過該設備機架之氣流 阻抗。對於其它具體實施例,該機架背側外殼包含一被動 式背門液體熱交換器(RDHx);且該系統包含一轉換框架, 其整合該發熱設備機架與該RDHx。另一具體實施例包含 一冷卻劑配送單元,其可提供被調整的冷卻劑至該至少一 邊車。在另外其它的具體實施例中,該至少一邊車阻流板 7 M41&526 提供至V第-、第二、第三與第四操作模式,宜 I邊車包含至少—第—與至少—第二邊車;駐少Γ發熱 设備機架包含至少—筮 Λ _ 邊車血” “ 設備機架;該第一 /、Μ弟一邊車被設置在該第一發熱設備機架的任一側 士備:ΓΓ設置在該第一發熱設備機架與該第二發熱 第一操作模式同時藉由該第-邊車與該 =邊車提供該第-發熱設備機㈣冷卻;該第 第—邊車提供該第—發熱設備機㈣冷卻,並藉 ^弟τ邊車k供該第一與該第二發熱設備機架的冷卻; 二式藉㈣第—邊車提供該第—發熱設備機架 卻稭由該第二邊車提供該第二發熱設備機架的冷 模式藉由該至少一第-與第二邊車之該 至夕一邊車阻流板導引該至少—第—與第二發熱 f排出氣流中至少一者的至少一部份到該至少-邊車的外 邊供—無失效模式。又其它的具體實施例包含至少一 邊車離開空氣外殼,藉此該至少一邊車的排出氣 回到該至少一發熱設備機架當中。 〃展 此處料找料徵錢點麵全部w, =術中具有一般技術者在觀看該等圖式、說* :=圍ί後可瞭解到有許多額外的特徵與優點:、再 一 到在說明書中使用的語言主要係 與指示性的目的做原則性的選擇, 二 °貝性 之範圍。 /、'未限制本創作標的 【實施方式】 本創作可令許有έ午多具體實施例。 性,並非本創作範圍之窮盡敘述。 自為例不 「在本說明中,相對的用語,例如「水平」、「垂直」\ 下」、「上方I盘「佐加 」、 於技底4」以及其衍生詞皆必須視為泉昭 =下來所述之方向,或是如正在討論之圖面中所示者: ==用語係為了說明方便,且通常並非需要-特定 =向:包括「向内」相對於「向外」、「前方」相對於特: 當==係要彼此相對地解釋,或是相對於適 接盥「 、附加、耦合及類似者的用語,例如「連 」等,除非另有明確說明,皆係代表1中 :,以及:Γ:也經由中介的結構彼此固定或附著的關 性連接」代表這=動或固定之附著或關係。用語「操作 由其關係的本質需要Γ操Γ合或連接可允許相關的結構可 機請案中可與「電子設備 熱設備之Μ ^ 使用。其代表一種發 植件的任他/ 4用於包含電子設備系統或電腦系統之 應器二^如獨立運作的電腦、電源供 一 4體儲存裝置或通訊介面等。該用語「· 經由冷卻劑的循環的任何-種熱交換機I、心 =聯或编合的一或多個分散的熱交換裝置。 入到交備機ΐ具體實施例提供—種低成本的液體冷卻來加 備鶴’以及對於機架㈣易升級路#维護投資。 M41&526 如果有空間可使用,可在不需要停機時間之下執行安裝。 具體實施例提供列内冷卻器使用的調整,而相對於完 全内含的封閉耦合式機架冷卻。封閉耦合式系統將熱量推 入到一封閉耦合的熱抑制外殼中,例如一導管或返回風 管,其包括密封與密合墊來區隔空氣區域,並回傳熱空氣 到CRAC單元。 具體實施例傳遞冷空氣至一冷通道。它們提供給刀峰 伺服器30 kW的公稱能力,如在美國加熱、冷凍與空調工 程師協會(ASHRAE,American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers)中新的操作 指引所述。 具體實施例可容納12”或24”寬度,其寬度藉由例如所 需要的能力來決定。在具體實施例中的深度符合最低19” EIA機架深度-1,000 mm(39.4”)。具體實施例提供一種被動 式系統,其不需要電性連接。具體實施例為可改裝成既有 IT機架的領域’藉此它們為19”或24” EIA’且無關於機架 深度。 該列内冷卻器邊車的具體實施例為獨立運作,其為分 離且獨立的。這些具體實施例並不設計成「固定」於任何 特定機架設計/尺寸。具體實施例包括一機架抑制系統,其 使用特定於機架型號與尺寸(深度、寬度與高度相關)之轉換 框架。 具體實施例包括無失效設計,其較為簡單與便宜(傾倒 至熱通道)。在具體實施例中使用一阻流板熱性機械式開 10 M418526 關’其不需要電力來開啟/關閉該外殼或組件門。亦提供手 動的開啟與關閉。 具體實施例在機架尺寸的範圍内使用一標準機架Vette 抑制風官外殼。亦可使用其它的風管種類。具體實施例提 供一種最高到至少30 kW公稱能力的完全冷卻架構。總而 言之,具體實施例使用轉換框架,及機架尺寸範圍内的一 機架抑制風管。此可允許在初始時使用一 RDHX,在以後 使用相同的轉換框架來支援列内冷卻。 具體實施例使用相同的軟管連接器做為CW-RDHx來 降低成本’並允許使用相同的C W-RDHx軟管套件。示例 包括(做為非限制性示例)Parker配件與AeroQuip。它們提 供1-1機架比例或1-2比例用於備用及/或負載分擔。具體 實施例具有一無失效阻流板’其在失效時向外打開(相對於 向内)。在具體實施例中’沒有電性連接,並可能需要監測。 監測可在一冷卻劑配送単元(CDU,Coolant Distribution Unit)處達成。 第1圖為配置有一邊車列内冷卻器之一設備機架1〇〇 的一封閉阻流板操作模式的具體實施例之簡化上視平面 圖。阻流板105所示為在一封閉操作位置上。外部氣流11〇 進入設備機架115,氣流120通過機架,然後氣流125離開。 組件可以包括機架背側外殼130,其導引氣流125通過阻流 板105。氣流135通過阻流板105,並進入邊車熱交換器 140。在邊車中的氣流145通過一或多個熱交換器組件 150。氣流155自邊車離開。離開邊車的氣流155能夠進入 M41S526 周遭空氣,包括一冷通道的選擇。在具體實施例中,隨著 初始的外部氣流110重新進入機架115。具體實施例包括具 有多種非限制性組態的組件,例如45度角彎曲、形成斜面 的轉角、直角的轉角、彎曲的轉角或任何組合。 第2圖為配置有一邊車列内冷卻器之一設備機架200 的一開放阻流板操作模式的簡化上視平面圖。阻流板205 所示為在一開放或無失效操作位置上。此可允許直接排氣 至該設備機架的外部,並可提供一無失效操作模式。在具 體實施例中,如果該邊車熱交換器未提供冷卻時,一無失 效模式相較於通過該邊車的氣流將可降低熱量累積。現在 隨著外部氣流210進入設備機架215,氣流220通過機架然 後氣流225離開。組件可以包括機架背側外殼230,其中氣 流225被導引通過開放阻流板205。在此模式下,氣流235 通過阻流板205且離開,不會經由包括一或多個熱交換器 組件250的邊車熱交換器240而循環。具體實施例利用一 個以上的阻流板。在具體實施例中,邊車深度等於機架深 度,如第2圖所示,或較淺,如第1圖所示。對於具體實 施例,深度可為標準機架尺寸。離開機架的氣流235能夠 進入周遭空氣,在具體實施例中包括一熱通道。對於具體 實施例,機架背侧外殼230包含一背門熱交換器。對於其 它具體實施例,該背門熱交換器包含一轉換框架,其將該 背門熱交換器配裝至該設備機架。該轉換機架安裝該背門 熱交換器至該設備機架,其不需要對任一者做修改,藉此 支援多個機架製造商的型號。如前所述,具體實施例包括 12 M41&526 具有多種非限制性組態之組件’例如45度角彎曲、具有斜 面的轉角、直角的轉角、彎曲的轉角或任何組合。 第3圖為配置有一邊車列内冷卻器之多個設備機架 300的簡化上視圖。阻流板305所示為在一封閉操作位置 上。外部氣流310進入設備機架315,氣流320通過機架, 然後氣流325離開。具體實施例組件包括一或多個機架背 側外殼330,其導引氣流325通過阻流板305。阻流板305 可以包含多個組件。氣流335 A與B通過中央阻流板305, 並進入邊車熱交換器340。加熱的空氣排出至設備機架 315A與315B之間的邊車熱交換器340。在邊車中的氣流 345通過一或多個熱交換器組件350。氣流355自邊車離 開。離開邊車的氣流355可進入包括一冷通道之選擇的周 遭空氣。在具體實施例中’隨著初始的外部氣流310重新 進入機架315。如前所述’具體實施例包括具有多種非限制 性組態的組件,例如45度角彎曲、形成斜面的轉角、直角 的轉角、彎曲的轉角或任何組合。 第4圖為配置有多個邊車列内冷卻器之多個設備機架 400的簡化上視圖。阻流板405 A與B所述在一封閉操作位 置上。外部氣流410進入設備機架415,氣流420通過機架, 然後氣流425離開。具體實施例組件包括機架背側外殼 430,其導引氣流425通過阻流板405。阻流板405可以包 含多個組件。氣流435通過阻流板405,並進入邊車熱交換 器440A與440B。加熱的空氣排出至設備機架415旁邊的 邊車熱交換器440A與440B。在邊車中的氣流445通過一 13 ^418526 或多個熱交換器組件450。氣流455自邊車離開。離開邊車 的氣流455能夠進入周遭空氣,包括一冷通道的選擇。在 具體實施例中,隨著初始的外部氣流410重新進入機架 415。現在’隨著進入設備機架465的外部氣流460,氣流 470通過機架,然後氣流475離開。組件可以包括外殼480, 其中氣流485被導引通過阻流板405。氣流490亦離開。在 此模式中,氣流485離開通過阻流板405並離開,而不會 循環通過邊車熱交換器440B。具體實施例利用一個以上的 阻流板。離開機架的氣流485與490能夠進入周遭空氣, 在具體實施例中包括一熱通道。對於具體實施例,機架背 側外殼430及/或480包含一背門熱交換器。如前所述,具 體實施例包括具有多種非限制性組態之組件,例如45度角 彎曲、具有斜面的轉角、直角的轉角、彎曲的轉角或任何 組合。 第5圖為配置有一重新循環組態中多個邊車列内冷卻 器之多個設備機架500的簡化上視圖。阻流板505A與B 所述在一封閉操作位置上。重新循環機架氣流510進入設 備機架515,氣流520通過機架,然後氣流525離開。具體 實施例組件包括機架背側外殼530,其導引氣流525通過阻 流板505。阻流板505可以包含多個組件。氣流535通過阻 流板505 ’並進入邊車熱交換器540A與540B。加熱的空 氣排出至設備機架515旁邊的邊車熱交換器54〇a與 540B。在邊車中的氣流545通過一或多個熱交換器組件 550。氣流510自邊車540A與540B離開而重新循環。離 14 M418526 開空氣外殼555導引離開邊車冷卻器540A與540B的空氣 進入機架515。現在隨著進入設備機架565的外部氣流 560,氣流570通過機架然後氣流575離開。組件可以包括 機架背側外殼580,其中氣流585被導引通過陴流板505。 氣流590亦離開。在此模式中,氣流585通過阻流板505 並離開,而不會循環通過邊車熱交換器540B。具體實施例 利用一個以上的阻流板。離開機架的氣流585與590能夠 進入周遭空氣,在具體實施例中包括一熱通道。對於具體M41&526 V. New Description: [New Technology Area] This work is about a system that supports cooling and heating components, and more specifically, a system for integrating liquid cooling components next to the associated computer equipment rack. . [Prior Art] Competition between computing providers such as server farms, communications providers and data storage centers has created a guilty, scalable cooling solution when they expand their facilities. The increased thermal load in electronic equipment requires improved cooling at the column level and/or rack level. It is difficult to cool the thermal load of more than 5 kW per rack through conventional truss computer room air conditioning (CRAC) cooling. For components with a thermal load of more than 18 kw per rack, the components of the knife-edge servo rack are particularly severe. Some performance gains and efficiencies can be achieved by using liquid cooling and bringing the cooling device closer to the thermal load. However, the CW (Chilled Water)-Rear Door Heat Exchanger (RDHx, Pumped Refrigerant)-RDHx can only remove a total of 18-20 kW. Current cooling topologies at the column level and/or rack level include: 1) back door heat exchangers; 2) in-column coolers; 3) ceiling coolers; and 4) immediately coupled coupled thermal suppression systems. Each is difficult to accommodate an increasing heat load. The conventional sidecar cooling unit is a heat exchange 3 installed next to the equipment rack. By replacing multiple heat exchangers and racks, it provides a backup: for a closed system, which contains the heat discharge of the server, thank. - Design in-process - consumes a lot of energy to operate. w成...and therefore need an efficient, labor-saving, cheap, reliable and expandable method to meet the increasing thermal load of the enterprise operating equipment [new content] This creation is used to develop (4) integrated edge light body cooling components and A system of associated computer equipment racks. This simplified passive in-colum cooler composite system can be used in virtually any IT 5 rack, providing significant advantages over existing solutions. The disclosed integrated sidecar heat exchange device effectively handles data center hotspots and facilitates the deployment of fully loaded racks. Particular embodiments provide space savings and flexibility for locations that typically exceed their cooling capacity. They reduce the load on the air conditioning system and use a separate cooling circuit to provide spare parts when the air conditioning system fails, but increase downtime. For example, the temperature increases by two degrees Celsius per minute after the air conditioning system fails, causing the server to shut down and rise to 1 degree Fahrenheit within 15 minutes. The integrated sidecar heat exchanger system can also be an energy-saving data center M41&526 cooling solution. The specific embodiment includes a sidecar liquid heat exchanger device for cooling a heat generating device, comprising at least one rack back side casing, guiding a frame from a heat generating equipment rack to leave the air flow; at least one side of the vehicle casing, It includes a north and an outlet, wherein the inlet is configured to receive airflow from the moonside peripheral of the at least one rack; the at least one vehicle housing includes at least a sidecar flow [to y. The smash intercepts the venting airflow of the gantry, and in at least one of the first modes, the at least one of the escaping airflow is guided through the sidecar entrance to the smear-side car casing, and in at least the second mode Directly guiding at least a portion of the machine exhaust fan to the exterior of the at least one side of the vehicle casing, thereby providing a no-failure mode; and at least - a heat exchanger element disposed in the = less-side car casing Between the population and the outlet, wherein the at least one heat exchanger component surface area is configured to maintain an impedance of the gas flow through the equipment rack. In other embodiments, the back side of the equipment rack includes two passive backing liquid heat exchange n (RDHx), wherein the rdh is from the = electronic = standby airflow, and the exhaust airflow is at least partially oriented The one side car baffle; and further comprising at least a conversion frame that fuses the start to the vehicle. In another embodiment, the edge === the device uses the coolant hose connector of the RMX. - the sidecar resists the production of at least one thermal mechanical switch to open the at least mode without power, to provide the at least - no failure - side car ^ - side car shunt board (four) machine _ "flow to the outside of the y side car peripherals Another and the departure of the vehicle includes a rack front-side worker" and then at least one of the at least one side car spoiler 5 M41 & 526 1 pick: pass 5 sea at least one passive sidecar The liquid heat exchanger unit p/, IW rack is cooled. In still other embodiments, the equipment rack and the side vehicle liquid heat exchanger device are placed in air; and the sidecar liquid heat exchanger device is passive* but replaces two: Rack _ 砑 ° cold section, and hunt this to reduce overall power consumption. The method includes a method for cooling a heat generating device, wherein the hairpin device in the rack is: a liquid hot parent device to cool the exhaust airflow through the frame of the heat generating device rack away from the side of the housing; At least part of the __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a side car casing, and at least a second mode f = directing the frame exhaust airflow at least - part to the outside of the outer; thereby providing a no-failure mode; at least the second: = rack Leaving at least part of the airflow into the at least one sidecar is incorrectly disposed in the at least one side of the vehicle casing: the at least the heat exchanger element between the ports is cooled at at least at least ^=m The side air flow is discharged through the (four) side car exit. In the two-integrated embodiment, at least one of the at least one of the at least one-parts passes through the sidecar entrance into the two-side vehicle, and the side-side vehicle exhausts the airflow into the cold passage, and wherein the at least ^= The airflow directs at least a portion of the rack exhaust airflow into a mode of 6 M418526 which provides the no-failure mode. In other embodiments, the step of at least partially intercepting the rack from the exhaust airflow includes moving at least one of the vehicle spoilers to switch between the first and second modes, the movement comprising operation of the at least one thermal switch . Particular embodiments include airflow through the passive sidecar liquid heat exchanger device that provides for alternate cooling of the at least one heat generating equipment frame; and sidecar exhaust air exiting the sidecar liquid heat exchanger device The air in the heating equipment rack is cold. Other embodiments include a liquid heat exchanger system for cooling a heat generating device, comprising at least one heat generating equipment rack, wherein at least one air moving device is included for the heat generating device disposed in the at least one heat generating equipment rack Generating an airflow thereon; at least one rack back side housing directing the rack from the heat generating equipment rack to exit the airflow; at least one side of the vehicle housing includes an inlet and an outlet, whereby the inlet is configured to receive from the at least one Airflow from the back side of the rack; the at least one vehicle housing includes at least one side air baffle, at least partially intercepting the rack exhaust airflow in at least one mode, directing at least a portion of the rack exhaust airflow via The sidecar inlet enters the at least one vehicle housing; at least one heat exchanger element is disposed between the inlet and the outlet within the at least one vehicle housing, wherein the at least one heat exchanger component surface area is configured to maintain Airflow impedance of the equipment rack. For other embodiments, the rack back side housing includes a passive back door liquid heat exchanger (RDHx); and the system includes a conversion frame that integrates the heat generating equipment frame with the RDHx. Another embodiment includes a coolant delivery unit that provides adjusted coolant to the at least one side vehicle. In still other specific embodiments, the at least one side baffle 7 M41 & 526 is provided to the V-th, second, third, and fourth modes of operation, and the I-side car includes at least - first and at least - Two-side car; the frame of the heating equipment in the Shaohao contains at least - 筮Λ _ side car blood "" equipment rack; the first /, the younger side of the car is set on either side of the first heating equipment rack士备: The 发热 is disposed in the first heat-generating equipment rack and the second heat-generating first operation mode while the first-side vehicle and the side-car provide the first-heating equipment (4) cooling; the first-side The vehicle provides the first heat-generating equipment (4) for cooling, and the second and second heat-generating equipment racks are cooled by the second-class vehicle k; the second-type (four) first-side vehicle provides the first-heating equipment rack But the cold mode in which the second heat-generating equipment frame is provided by the second side vehicle is guided by the at least one first and second side vehicles to the at least one-first and second At least a portion of at least one of the heat f exhaust gas flows to the outside of the at least side car - no failure mode. Still other embodiments include at least one side of the vehicle exiting the air casing whereby the exhaust gas of the at least one side of the vehicle returns to the at least one heat generating equipment frame. 〃 此处 此处 此处 此处 此处 此处 征 征 征 征 征 征 征 征 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The language used in the manual is primarily a principled choice for indicative purposes, the scope of the two-degree shell. /, 'Unrestricted by this creative target [Embodiment] This creation allows for a number of specific examples. Sex is not an exhaustive narrative of the scope of this creation. As an example, "in this description, relative terms such as "horizontal", "vertical", "down", "above I" "Zuga", "Technology 4" and their derivatives must be regarded as Quanzhao. = the direction described below, or as shown in the drawing in question: == language for convenience of description, and usually not required - specific = direction: including "inward" versus "outward", " "Before" is relative to the special: when == is to be interpreted relative to each other, or relative to the terms of ", "addition, coupling, and the like, such as "Lian", etc., unless otherwise stated, Medium:, and: Γ: A closed connection that is also fixed or attached to each other via an intermediary structure represents the attachment or relationship of this = motion or fixation. The term "operation by the nature of its relationship requires a slapstick connection or connection that allows the relevant structure to be used in conjunction with the "electronic device thermal device ^. It represents a type of planting device / 4 for A device containing an electronic device system or a computer system, such as a stand-alone computer, a power supply for a 4-port storage device or a communication interface, etc. The term "· any heat exchanger via the circulation of the coolant I, heart = joint Or a combination of one or more dispersed heat exchange devices. Into the delivery machine, the specific embodiment provides a low-cost liquid cooling to add cranes and maintenance investment for the rack (four) easy upgrade road # M41& 526 If the space is available, the installation can be performed without downtime. The specific embodiment provides adjustments for the use of the in-column cooler, as opposed to a fully enclosed closed coupled rack cooling. The closed coupled system will The heat is pushed into a closed coupled thermal suppression enclosure, such as a conduit or return duct, which includes a seal and a mat to separate the air region and return heat transfer air to the CRAC unit. Passing cool air to a cold aisle. They provide a nominal capacity of 30 kW for the Knife Peak Server, as new in the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The specific embodiment can accommodate a 12" or 24" width, the width of which can be determined, for example, by the required capabilities. In a particular embodiment, the depth conforms to a minimum of 19" EIA frame depth - 1,000 mm (39.4" The specific embodiment provides a passive system that does not require an electrical connection. The specific embodiment is a field that can be retrofitted into an existing IT rack 'by which they are 19" or 24" EIA' and regardless of the depth of the rack. The specific embodiment of the in-column cooler sidecar is independently operated, which is separate and independent. These embodiments are not designed to be "fixed" to any particular rack design/size. Particular embodiments include a rack suppression system that uses a conversion frame that is specific to the rack model and size (depth, width and height related). Particular embodiments include a no-failure design that is relatively simple and inexpensive (pour to the hot aisle). In a particular embodiment, a spoiler is used to thermally mechanically open 10 M418526 off which does not require electrical power to open/close the enclosure or component door. Manual opening and closing are also available. The specific embodiment uses a standard rack Vette to suppress the windshield casing over a range of rack sizes. Other types of ducts can also be used. The specific embodiment provides a full cooling architecture up to a nominal capacity of at least 30 kW. In summary, the specific embodiment uses a conversion frame and a rack suppression duct within the rack size range. This allows an RDHX to be used initially, and the same conversion framework is used later to support in-column cooling. The specific embodiment uses the same hose connector as the CW-RDHx to reduce cost' and allows the same CW-RDHx hose kit to be used. Examples include (as a non-limiting example) Parker accessories with AeroQuip. They provide a 1-1 rack ratio or a 1-2 ratio for backup and/or load sharing. The specific embodiment has a failure-free spoiler' that opens outward (relative to inward) in the event of a failure. In a particular embodiment, there is no electrical connection and monitoring may be required. Monitoring can be achieved at a Coolant Distribution Unit (CDU). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a simplified top plan view of a particular embodiment of a closed spoiler mode of operation with one of the equipment racks 1 in one of the trains in the train. The spoiler 105 is shown in a closed operational position. The external airflow 11〇 enters the equipment rack 115, the airflow 120 passes through the rack, and then the airflow 125 exits. The assembly can include a rack back side housing 130 that directs airflow 125 through the baffle 105. Airflow 135 passes through spoiler 105 and enters sidecar heat exchanger 140. Airflow 145 in the sidecar passes through one or more heat exchanger assemblies 150. Airflow 155 exits from the sidecar. Airflow 155 leaving the sidecar can enter the air surrounding the M41S526, including the choice of a cold aisle. In a particular embodiment, the initial external airflow 110 re-enters the rack 115. Particular embodiments include components having a variety of non-limiting configurations, such as 45 degree corner bends, beveled corners, right angled corners, curved corners, or any combination. Figure 2 is a simplified top plan view of an open spoiler mode of operation with one of the equipment racks 200 in one of the in-car coolers. The spoiler 205 is shown in an open or no-fail operating position. This allows direct venting to the outside of the equipment rack and provides a no-fail operating mode. In a specific embodiment, if the sidecar heat exchanger does not provide cooling, a no-failure mode will reduce heat buildup compared to the airflow through the sidecar. Now as the external airflow 210 enters the equipment rack 215, the airflow 220 exits through the rack and then the airflow 225. The assembly can include a rack back side housing 230 in which the airflow 225 is directed through the open spoiler 205. In this mode, airflow 235 passes through spoiler 205 and exits without cycling through sidecar heat exchanger 240 including one or more heat exchanger assemblies 250. The specific embodiment utilizes more than one spoiler. In a particular embodiment, the sidecar depth is equal to the frame depth, as shown in Figure 2, or shallower, as shown in Figure 1. For a specific embodiment, the depth can be a standard rack size. Airflow 235 exiting the rack is capable of entering ambient air, and in a particular embodiment includes a hot aisle. For a specific embodiment, the rack back side housing 230 includes a back door heat exchanger. For other embodiments, the back door heat exchanger includes a conversion frame that mates the back door heat exchanger to the equipment rack. The conversion rack mounts the back door heat exchanger to the equipment rack, which does not require modification to either one, thereby supporting multiple rack manufacturer models. As previously mentioned, specific embodiments include 12 M41 & 526 components having a variety of non-limiting configurations' such as 45 degree angular bends, beveled corners, right angled corners, curved corners, or any combination. Figure 3 is a simplified top plan view of a plurality of equipment racks 300 configured with a side train cooler. The spoiler 305 is shown in a closed operational position. The external airflow 310 enters the equipment rack 315, the airflow 320 passes through the rack, and then the airflow 325 exits. The specific embodiment assembly includes one or more rack back side housings 330 that direct airflow 325 through the spoiler 305. The spoiler 305 can include multiple components. Airflows 335A and B pass through central spoiler 305 and enter sidecar heat exchanger 340. The heated air is discharged to the sidecar heat exchanger 340 between the equipment racks 315A and 315B. Airflow 345 in the sidecar passes through one or more heat exchanger assemblies 350. Airflow 355 leaves the sidecar. Airflow 355 exiting the sidecar can enter a selection of ambient air including a cold aisle. In a particular embodiment ' with the initial external airflow 310 re-entering the gantry 315. As previously mentioned, the specific embodiment includes components having a variety of non-limiting configurations, such as 45 degree corner bends, beveled corners, right angled corners, curved corners, or any combination. Figure 4 is a simplified top plan view of a plurality of equipment racks 400 configured with a plurality of side train in-columns. The spoilers 405 A and B are described in a closed operating position. External airflow 410 enters equipment rack 415, airflow 420 passes through the rack, and airflow 425 exits. The specific embodiment assembly includes a frame back side housing 430 that directs airflow 425 through the spoiler 405. The spoiler 405 can contain multiple components. Airflow 435 passes through spoiler 405 and enters sidecar heat exchangers 440A and 440B. The heated air is discharged to the sidecar heat exchangers 440A and 440B beside the equipment rack 415. Airflow 445 in the sidecar passes through a 13^418526 or plurality of heat exchanger assemblies 450. Airflow 455 exits from the sidecar. Airflow 455 exiting the sidecar can enter ambient air, including the choice of a cold aisle. In a particular embodiment, the initial external airflow 410 re-enters the gantry 415. Now with the external airflow 460 entering the equipment rack 465, the airflow 470 passes through the rack and then the airflow 475 exits. The assembly can include a housing 480 in which airflow 485 is directed through the spoiler 405. Airflow 490 also exits. In this mode, airflow 485 exits through spoiler 405 and exits without cycling through sidecar heat exchanger 440B. The specific embodiment utilizes more than one spoiler. Airflows 485 and 490 exiting the rack are capable of entering ambient air, and in a particular embodiment include a hot aisle. For a particular embodiment, the rack back side housing 430 and/or 480 includes a back door heat exchanger. As previously mentioned, specific embodiments include components having a variety of non-limiting configurations, such as 45 degree bends, beveled corners, right angled corners, curved corners, or any combination. Figure 5 is a simplified top plan view of a plurality of equipment racks 500 configured with a plurality of sidecar inner coolers in a recirculating configuration. The spoilers 505A and B are described in a closed operational position. The recirculated rack airflow 510 enters the equipment rack 515, the airflow 520 passes through the rack, and then the airflow 525 exits. The specific embodiment assembly includes a rack back side housing 530 that directs airflow 525 through the baffle 505. The spoiler 505 can include multiple components. Airflow 535 passes through baffle 505' and enters sidecar heat exchangers 540A and 540B. The heated air is discharged to the sidecar heat exchangers 54A and 540B beside the equipment rack 515. Airflow 545 in the sidecar passes through one or more heat exchanger assemblies 550. Airflow 510 exits from sidecars 540A and 540B and recirculates. The air exiting the sidecar coolers 540A and 540B from the 14 M418526 open air casing 555 enters the gantry 515. Now with the external airflow 560 entering the equipment rack 565, the airflow 570 exits through the rack and then the airflow 575. The assembly can include a rack back side housing 580 with airflow 585 being directed through the choke 505. Airflow 590 also leaves. In this mode, airflow 585 passes through spoiler 505 and exits without circulating through sidecar heat exchanger 540B. DETAILED DESCRIPTION More than one baffle is utilized. Airflows 585 and 590 exiting the rack are capable of entering ambient air, and in a particular embodiment include a hot aisle. For specific
實施例,機架背侧外殼530及/或580包含背門熱交換器。 如前所述,具體實施例包括具有多種非限制性組態之組 件’例如45度角彎曲、具有斜面的轉角、直角的轉角、彎 曲的轉角或任何組合。多個圖式之組態被組合來提供多種 操作模式。 兴篮貫她例之元件包括一機架接合介面,例如一轉換 框架’其可合易連接’並可提供熱性的優點,例如可控制In an embodiment, the rack back side housing 530 and/or 580 includes a back door heat exchanger. As previously mentioned, specific embodiments include components having a variety of non-limiting configurations, such as 45 degree angular bends, beveled corners, right angled corners, curved corners, or any combination. The configuration of multiple schemas is combined to provide multiple modes of operation. The components of her example include a frame joint interface, such as a conversion frame 'which is easy to connect' and can provide thermal advantages such as controllability
熱膨脹。接合介面具體實施例可提供簡易連接,能夠傳導 機架熱^到―㈣換器,並可控制熱膨脹。 、可谷納熱父換器軟管組態,並可維持氣流控制,例如 氣"μ_Ρ且抗4體實施例可提供對於機架高度及/或寬度之變 化的尺寸可㉟整性。密封方法可提供簡易安裝、非常可靠, 並可維持餘制。鉸鏈具體實_可支援鎖定,其可保持 Π的打開,並提供自動開門。 本技術專業人士由本說明、圖式與以下的申請專利範 圍將可立即瞭解到其它與多種具體實施例。 15 财18526 先%本創作之具體實施例的說明係為了例示及說明的 4的來呈現。其並非窮盡式或限制本創作於所揭示之明確 3L式在本揭不内容的教示之下有可能有許多種修改及變 化本創作之範圍並非要由此詳細說明所限定,而是由苴 附屬的申請專利範圍所限定。 /、 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖為根據一具體實施例配置有一邊車列内冷卻器 設備機架的-封閉阻流板操作模式的簡化上視平面 圖0 弟2圖為根據—具體實施例中—設備機架的—開放阻 〜板操作模式之簡化的上視平面圖。 第3圖為根據-具體實施例配置有一邊車列内冷卻号 之夕個設備機架的簡化上視平面圖。 w 第4圖為根據一具體實施例中客喜 簡化上視平面圖。貫,〇個邊車_冷卻器的 第5圖為根據一具體實施例 的簡化上視平面圖。 心 【主要元件符號說明】 100 設備機架 105 阻流板 110 外部氣流 115 設備機架 16 M41&526Thermal expansion. The joint interface embodiment provides an easy connection that conducts the rack heat to the (four) converter and controls thermal expansion. The Cogano heat exchanger hose configuration, and can maintain airflow control, such as the gas "μ_Ρ and anti-4 body embodiment can provide 35 dimensions for the change in frame height and / or width. The sealing method provides easy installation, is extremely reliable, and maintains the balance. The hinge is _ can support locking, which keeps the opening of the cymbal and provides automatic opening. Other and various embodiments will be immediately apparent to those skilled in the art from this description, the drawings and the claims. The description of the specific embodiments of the present invention is presented for the purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the scope of the present invention. It is possible to have a variety of modifications and variations under the teachings of the present disclosure. The scope of the present invention is not limited by the detailed description, but rather The scope of the patent application is limited. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a simplified top plan view of a closed baffle operating mode with a side train cooler device frame configured according to an embodiment. FIG. In the example - a simplified top plan view of the equipment rack - open resistance ~ board operation mode. Figure 3 is a simplified top plan view of an equipment rack equipped with a cooling number in one of the trains in accordance with a particular embodiment. w Figure 4 is a simplified top plan view of a guest according to a specific embodiment. Figure 5 is a simplified top plan view of a particular embodiment. Heart [Main component symbol description] 100 Equipment rack 105 Spoiler 110 External airflow 115 Equipment rack 16 M41&526
120 氣流 125 氣流 130 機架背側外殼 135 氣流 140 邊車熱交換器 145 氣流 150 熱交換器組件 155 氣流 200 設備機架 205 阻流板 210 外部氣流 215 設備機架 220 氣流 225 氣流 230 機架背側外殼 235 氣流 240 邊車熱交換器 250 熱交換器組件 300 多個設備機架 305 阻流板 310 外部氣流 315A 設備機架 315B 設備機架 320 氣流 M418526120 Airflow 125 Airflow 130 Rack Back Side Enclosure 135 Airflow 140 Sidecar Heat Exchanger 145 Airflow 150 Heat Exchanger Assembly 155 Airflow 200 Equipment Rack 205 Articulator Plate 210 External Airflow 215 Equipment Rack 220 Airflow 225 Airflow 230 Rack Back Side Housing 235 Airflow 240 Sidecar Heat Exchanger 250 Heat Exchanger Assembly 300 Multiple Equipment Racks 305 Spoiler 310 External Airflow 315A Equipment Rack 315B Equipment Rack 320 Airflow M418526
325 氣流 330 機架背側外殼 335 氣流 340 邊車熱交換器 345 氣流 350 熱交換器組件 355 氣流 400 多個設備機架 405A 阻流板 405B 阻流板 410 外部氣流 415 設備機架 420 氣流 425 氣流 430 機架背側外殼 435 氣流 440A 邊車熱交換器 440B 邊車熱交換器 445 氣流 450 熱交換器組件 455 氣流 460 外部氣流 465 設備機架 470 機架 18 M418526325 Airflow 330 Rack Back Side Enclosure 335 Airflow 340 Sidecar Heat Exchanger 345 Airflow 350 Heat Exchanger Assembly 355 Airflow 400 Multiple Equipment Racks 405A Spoiler 405B Spoiler 410 External Airflow 415 Equipment Rack 420 Airflow 425 Airflow 430 Rack Back Side Housing 435 Airflow 440A Sidecar Heat Exchanger 440B Sidecar Heat Exchanger 445 Airflow 450 Heat Exchanger Assembly 455 Airflow 460 External Airflow 465 Equipment Rack 470 Rack 18 M418526
475 氣流 480 機架背側外殼 485 氣流 490 氣流 500 多個設備機架 505A 阻流板 505B 阻流板 510 氣流 515 設備機架 520 氣流 525 氣流 530 機架背側外殼 535 氣流 540A 邊車熱交換器 540B 邊車熱交換器 545 氣流 550 熱交換器組件 555 外殼 560 外部氣流 565 設備機架 570 氣流 575 氣流 580 機架背側外殼 585 氣流 590 氣流 19475 Airflow 480 Rack Back Side Enclosure 485 Airflow 490 Airflow 500 Multiple Equipment Rack 505A Spoiler 505B Spoiler 510 Airflow 515 Equipment Rack 520 Airflow 525 Airflow 530 Rack Back Side Enclosure 535 Airflow 540A Sidecar Heat Exchanger 540B Sidecar Heat Exchanger 545 Airflow 550 Heat Exchanger Assembly 555 Enclosure 560 External Airflow 565 Equipment Rack 570 Airflow 575 Airflow 580 Rack Back Side Enclosure 585 Airflow 590 Airflow 19