TWM300472U - Structure of a mobile pouch - Google Patents

Structure of a mobile pouch Download PDF


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TWM300472U TW95208739U TW95208739U TWM300472U TW M300472 U TWM300472 U TW M300472U TW 95208739 U TW95208739 U TW 95208739U TW 95208739 U TW95208739 U TW 95208739U TW M300472 U TWM300472 U TW M300472U
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mobile phone
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Chinese (zh)
Wu-Nan Su
Original Assignee
Cheng Mau Textile Co Ltd
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Application filed by Cheng Mau Textile Co Ltd filed Critical Cheng Mau Textile Co Ltd
Priority to TW95208739U priority Critical patent/TWM300472U/en
Publication of TWM300472U publication Critical patent/TWM300472U/en



  • Purses, Travelling Bags, Baskets, Or Suitcases (AREA)


M300472 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於一種手機袋新結構,其主要是針對織製 成之手機態進行設計,利用其袋口部位一體延織出之翼片 ,使其得將翼片上翻覆過袋口,並配合扣體或黏扣帶而得 座為手機袋的袋蓋,藉以對内置手機形成安全防護,或者 可將翼片下翻並與袋體縫結而製成背套,俾可供皮帶穿置 以賦予其整體之攜帶便利性,據此製成一種創新之手 結構者。 【先前技術】 按,由於通訊技術的發展及同業價格競爭,使得行動 電話手機愈來愈普及,幾乎已到了人手一機的地步,而為 了避免手機外殼的磨損及攜帶之便利性,各種材質、款式 的手機套或手機袋充斥市面,藉以使消費者得依個人^ 與需求選擇適合的手機套或手機袋,以達手機防護及攜帶 _之雙重功能。 而在眾多材質、款式的手機套(袋)中,有業者以織 線織製成型手機袋,利用其織線的材質特性及編織技術, 使其得於袋體表面-體織製成型各種圖樣造形,使其得以 ,舒的視覺效果,因此廣受一般女性消費者的歡迎與 ^愛,成為一種風格獨特的織製手機袋。 惟,就此類織製成型的手機袋觀 織製成型雙層的筒狀袋體後,再將其-端予以併合車: 即製成具有單一開口之手機袋’在此—結構型態下,因該 M300472 手機袋僅為單純之袋狀結構,是以僅具有收納手機功能, 由於其袋口處未社有袋蓋,雖在取置手機時較為方便,但 部可能造成手機不慎掉出手機袋,造成手機遺失之問題, 再者,因其手機袋亦未設有背套等攜帶所需之配件,導致 其並無法穿套皮帶上作便利性之攜帶,而只能手持或置於 皮包、公事包内攜帶,如此一來,勢將面臨攜帶上的不便 ,甚至衍生手機忘了帶或遺失等諸多問題,嚴重影響其實 用價值,實有待設法加以解決改善者。 、 【新型内容】 有鑑於習知織製成型的手機袋所存在的問題與缺失, 創作人特著手進行研究改良,基於其從事織製品生產之多 年經驗與技術,進而研創出本創作之手機袋新結構,即其 ^要目的乃在於經由結構之組成設計,使其得於手機袋織 製成型時,一體於其袋口背侧延織成型袋蓋,俾得將袋蓋 覆蓋於袋口,並配合袋蓋與袋口前側對應製設之知趙或黏 才帶特月b對内置之手機形成安全防護,避免其不慎落 、遺失去。 、 ^本創作之另一目的係在於經由結構之組成設計,使其 得於手機么的袋口背侧略下方部位—趙延織—翼片,並將 該翼片下翻並與袋體縫結,藉以構成一可供皮帶穿置之背 套’據以可提供將手機袋繫於腰間之攜帶便利性者。 ,本創作之最終目的係在於經由結構之組成設計,使 :於手機袋織製成型時,一體於手機袋袋口背侧一體延織 、下二翼片,俾可以上方翼片作為袋蓋,而以下方翼片 M300472 車缝構成背套,據以提供手機之安全防護及攜帶便利性之 雙重功能者。 【實施方式】 有關於本創作之結構組成、技術手段及功效達成方面 ,謹配合圖式再予舉例進一步具體說明於后: 首先,請參閱第卜3、7、8圖之結構示意圖及第 4〜6圖之結構關係示意圖,說明本創作之較佳實施,如 圖所示,本創作之手機袋於結構設計上,主要是採織線織 製成型雙層之筒狀結構趙,再將其底端予以併合車縫而製 f單—開口之袋體(10) ’並經由其規劃設計而得於其 袋體(10)纟面織設出適當之圖案(1造形(如圖 所示係織設為聖誕老人圖樣),藉以賦予較佳之視覺美觀 性’而在該筒狀袋體(;L 〇 )織製成型時,乃於其相對於 袋口( 1 2 )的背侧部位一體延織出上、下' ⑴)(…,其中該下翼片(14)可由近=片( 1 2)的背側頂部(第4、5圖所示)或略下方之令段部 位(第6圖所示)延織成型,利用該二翼片(13)( 4)的製設,特可將其上翼片(1 3)上翻覆過袋口 () 2)而形成手機袋的袋蓋’於其袋蓋翼片(13)與袋體 (1〇)的覆合對應部位乃得製設磁釦(15)(如 圖所示)、或縫設紐知(16)(如第7圖所示 1 設點扣帶(17)(如第8圖所示),俾得維持袋蓋2 (1 3 ) f十袋體(1 〇 )的覆蓋狀態,藉以對内置手機 20)形成安全防護’而該下翼片(14)則可下翻並與 M300472 袋體(1 Ο )縫結而製成背套,俾可供皮帶穿置以賦予其 整體之攜帶便利性,據此,利用該手機袋織製成型時所一 體延織之翼片(13) (1 4)恰可製成手機袋使用上所 需之心蓋及背套結構’令其在實際使用上,除了賦予手機 (2 0 )的收納功能外,更得以提供適當之安全防護與攜 帶的便利性,有效解決現有織製成型手機袋單純收納功能 所可能面臨的使用問題與缺失,甚或可利用其袋蓋搭配袋 體(1 0)之圖案(1 1)而使整體呈現饒富趣味的視覺 ®效果,以增進其整體討喜性與價值感,依此製成一種創新 之手機袋結構者; 次,請繼續配合第9〜1 3圖之結構關係示意圖,說 明本創作之其他較佳實施型態,如圖所示,本創作在手機 袋的織製成型上,除了於袋體(3 〇 )的袋口( 3丄)背 侧部位一體延製出二翼片外,亦得以採延織出單一翼片( 3 2 )設計,使其得視使用需求將該翼片(3 2 )上翻覆 籲設於袋口(31)而製成袋蓋(如第9、1〇囷所示), 或是將翼片(3 2 )下翻並與袋體(3 〇 )車縫結合而製 成背套(如第1 1、1 2圖所示),或者得將其翼片(3 2 )自袋口( 3 1 )略下方之背侧中段一體延織並車縫製 成背套(如第13圖所示),依此特能在以織線織製成型 手機袋容置收納手機外,更能視其不同需求而選擇一體延 織成型袋蓋或背套結構,賦予極佳之產業利用價值者; 即,經由以上說明,可知本創作沿襲現有織線織製成 型的手機袋製造上,更進一步於其袋邀背侧預定部位一體 M300472 延織單一或成雙之翼片,使其得以將翼片上翻覆過袋口, 並配合扣體或黏扣帶而得座為手機袋的袋蓋,藉以對内置 手機形成安全防護,或者可將翼片下翻並與袋體縫結而製 成背套,俾可供皮帶穿置以賦予其整體之攜帶便利性,據 此有效解決此類手機袋所存在之問題與缺失,整體而言, 確具有極佳之產業利用價值與實用性者。 綜上所述,本創作之手機袋新結構,針對現有織製成 型手機袋缺閥帶蓋及背套結構所衍生之使用問題與缺失, •創新地利用其袋體織製成型時所一體延織之翼片,特能巧 妙地製成袋蓋及背套,有效解決習知結構之問題與缺失, 使其整體使用上更為實用、便利,整體而言,誠不失為一 優異、突出之創新設計,爰依法提出專利申請。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖··係本創作較佳實施例於未組製成型時之背視結構 不意圖。 鲁第2圖··係本創作較佳實施例組製成型後之背視結構示意 圖。 第3圖:係本創作較佳實施例組製成型後之前視結構示意 圖。 第4圖··係本創作較佳實施例於未組製成型時之結構關係 示意圖。 第5圖:係本創作較佳實施例組製成型後之背視結構關係 不意圖。 第6圖:係本創作次一較佳實施例組製成型後之背視結構 M300472 關係示意圖。 第7圖係、本創作再次—較佳實施例之前視結構示意 第8圖:係本創作另一較佳實施例之前視結構示意圖。 第9圖:係本創作再—較佳實施例於未組製成型時之結構 關係示意圖。 第10圖·係本創作再一較佳實施例於組製成型時之結構關 係示意圖。 第11圖:係本創作又一較佳實施例於未組製成型時之結構 關係示意圖。 第12圖:係本創作又一較佳實施例於組製成型時之結構關 係示意圖。 第13圖:係本創作又再一較佳實施例於組製成型時之結構 關係示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (1 0 )袋體 (1 2 )袋口 (1 5 )磁知 (1 3 )黏扣帶 (3 0 )袋體 (1 1 )圖案 (13) (14)翼片 (1 6 )紐知 (2 0 )手機 (3 1 )袋口M300472 VIII. New Description: [New Technology Field] This creation is about a new structure of mobile phone bag, which is mainly designed for the mobile phone state of the weaving, using the flaps of the bag to extend the wings. The utility model has the function of protecting the built-in mobile phone by forming a safety protection against the built-in mobile phone by flipping the flap over the bag mouth and matching the buckle body or the fastening tape, or the flap can be turned down and stitched with the bag body. Made of a back cover, the 俾 can be worn by a belt to give it an overall portability, thereby making an innovative hand structure. [Previous technology] According to the development of communication technology and competition among peers, mobile phone handsets have become more and more popular, almost reaching the point of one-handed machine. In order to avoid the wear and carry convenience of mobile phone casings, various materials, The style of mobile phone case or mobile phone bag is flooding the market, so that consumers can choose the right mobile phone case or mobile phone bag according to their personal needs and needs to achieve the dual functions of mobile phone protection and carrying. In many mobile phone sets (bags) of various materials and styles, some manufacturers use woven wire to make mobile phone bags, and use the material characteristics and weaving technology of the woven threads to make them surface-woven. Various patterns have been shaped to make it a visual effect, so it is widely welcomed and loved by ordinary female consumers, becoming a unique style of woven mobile phone bag. However, after the woven bag is made into a double-layered tubular bag, the end-end is combined and assembled: a mobile phone bag having a single opening is formed. Here, the structure type Next, because the M300472 mobile phone bag is only a simple bag-like structure, it only has the function of accommodating a mobile phone. Since the bag has no bag cover at the mouth of the bag, it is convenient when the mobile phone is taken, but the mobile phone may be inadvertently caused by the mobile phone. The phone bag is dropped out, causing the problem of the phone to be lost. Moreover, because the cell phone bag does not have the back cover and the like, it is not convenient to carry on the belt, but can only be carried or It is carried in leather bags and briefcases. As a result, it will face inconvenience in carrying, and even the derivation of mobile phones forgot to bring or lose many problems, seriously affecting its practical value, and it is still necessary to try to solve the improvement. [New Content] In view of the problems and shortcomings of the conventional mobile phone bags, the creators have made special research and improvement, based on their years of experience and technology in the production of woven products, and then researched and created the mobile phone of this creation. The new structure of the bag, that is, its purpose is to design through the structure of the structure, so that when the mobile phone bag is woven, the bag is covered on the back side of the bag, and the bag cover is covered on the bag mouth. And with the cover and the front side of the bag mouth corresponding to the design of the Zhao or sticky with the special month b to form a security protection for the built-in mobile phone, to avoid its accidental loss, lost. ^ Another purpose of this creation is to design through the structure of the structure, so that it is located on the back side of the pocket of the mobile phone - Zhao Yan weaving - wing, and the wing is turned down and seamed with the bag The knot is used to form a back cover for the belt to be worn, so as to provide the convenience of carrying the mobile phone bag to the waist. The ultimate goal of this creation is to design through the structure of the structure, so that when the mobile phone bag is woven, it is integrated into the back side of the mouth of the mobile phone bag, and the lower wing piece can be used as the bag cover. The following wing piece M300472 is sewn into a back cover, which provides a dual function of the safety protection and portability of the mobile phone. [Embodiment] Regarding the structural composition, technical means and efficacy of this creation, we will further elaborate on the following with the following examples: First, please refer to the structure diagram of Figure 3, Figure 7, and Figure 4. The structure diagram of the ~6 figure shows the better implementation of the creation. As shown in the figure, the mobile phone bag of the present invention is mainly in the structural design, which is mainly made of a double-layered tubular structure. The bottom end is combined with the seam to make the f-opening bag body (10)' and through its planning design, the appropriate shape of the bag body (10) is woven (1 shape (as shown) The woven fabric is set as the Santa Claus pattern) to give a better visual aesthetics, and when the tubular bag body (L 〇) is woven, it is opposite to the back side of the bag mouth (1 2 ). One-piece extension of the upper and lower '(1)) (..., where the lower flap (14) can be from the top of the back side of the sheet (12) (shown in Figures 4 and 5) or slightly below the section ( Figure 6) Extension weaving, using the two fins (13) (4), the upper wing (1 3 The cover of the mobile phone bag is overturned over the bag mouth () 2). The magnetic button (15) is formed on the cover corresponding to the cover flap (13) and the bag body (1). As shown in the figure, or sewing the new knowledge (16) (as shown in Figure 7 1 set buckle (17) (as shown in Figure 8), I have to maintain the bag cover 2 (1 3) f ten bags The covering state of the body (1 〇) is used to form a safety protection for the built-in mobile phone 20), and the lower flap (14) can be turned down and sewn with the M300472 bag body (1 Ο) to form a back cover. The belt is worn to give the whole portability convenience, and accordingly, the flap (13) (1) which is integrally woven by the use of the mobile phone bag can be made into a heart of the mobile phone bag. The cover and the back cover structure make it suitable for the mobile phone (20) in addition to the storage function of the mobile phone (20), and provide the appropriate security protection and carrying convenience, effectively solving the simple storage function of the existing woven mobile phone bag. Possible use and lack of use, or even the use of the bag cover with the pattern of the bag (10) (11) to give the overall visually interesting effect to enhance The overall pleasing and sense of value, according to this, made an innovative mobile phone bag structure; Second, please continue to cooperate with the structural relationship diagram of Figures 9 to 13 to illustrate other preferred implementations of this creation, as shown in the figure As shown in the figure, in the woven shape of the mobile phone bag, in addition to the two-wing piece integrally formed on the back side of the bag mouth (3 丄) of the bag body (3 〇), the single wing can also be woven and woven. The piece (32) is designed so that the flap (32) can be flipped over the bag opening (31) to form a flap (as shown in Figures 9, 1), or The flap (3 2 ) is turned down and combined with the bag body (3 〇) to form a back cover (as shown in Figures 1 and 2), or the flap (3 2 ) is self-contained. The back side of the mouth (3 1 ) is woven and sewn into a back cover (as shown in Figure 13), which is specially used for accommodating mobile phone bags and accommodating mobile phones. According to the different needs, we can choose one-piece stretch-molded bag cover or back cover structure to give excellent industrial use value; that is, through the above description, we can see that this creation follows the existing weaving thread. In the manufacture of the finished mobile phone bag, the M300472 is woven into a single or double flap in a predetermined part of the back of the bag, so that the flap can be overturned over the bag and matched with the buckle or the fastening tape. The seat cover of the mobile phone bag can be used to form a safety protection for the built-in mobile phone, or the flap can be turned down and sewn with the bag body to form a back cover, which can be worn by the belt to give the whole portable convenience. Sex, according to this, effectively solve the problems and lack of such mobile phone bags, and overall, it has excellent industrial use value and practicality. In summary, the new structure of the mobile phone bag of the present invention is aimed at the use problems and lack of the use of the existing woven mobile phone bag lacking the valve cover and the back cover structure, and the innovative use of the bag body woven type. The integrated woven flaps can be skillfully made into the flaps and the back cover, effectively solving the problems and defects of the conventional structure, making the whole use more practical and convenient. Overall, it is an excellent and outstanding Innovative design, patent application in accordance with the law. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a rear view structure in which the preferred embodiment of the present invention is not formed. Lu 2 is a schematic diagram of a rear view structure of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a schematic view of the front view of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a schematic view showing the structural relationship of the preferred embodiment of the present invention when it is not formed. Fig. 5 is a rear view structural relationship after the preferred embodiment of the present invention is formed. Fig. 6 is a schematic diagram showing the relationship between the rear view structure M300472 after the formation of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 7 is a schematic view of a prior art structure of another preferred embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 9 is a schematic view showing the structural relationship of the present invention in the case of the unconstituted type. Fig. 10 is a schematic view showing the structural relationship of a preferred embodiment of the present invention in the formation of a group. Fig. 11 is a schematic view showing the structural relationship of another preferred embodiment of the present invention when it is not formed. Fig. 12 is a schematic view showing the structure of a further preferred embodiment of the present invention when it is formed into a group. Fig. 13 is a schematic view showing the structural relationship of a further preferred embodiment of the present invention when the composition is formed. [Description of main component symbols] (1 0) bag body (1 2 ) bag mouth (1 5 ) magnetic knowledge (1 3 ) adhesive tape (30) bag body (1 1 ) pattern (13) (14) wing (1 6 ) New Zealand (2 0) mobile phone (3 1) pocket

Claims (1)

M300472 九、申請專利範圍: 1、-種手機袋新結構,主要是以織線織製成雙層之 筒狀結構體,再將其底端予以併合車縫而製成單一開口之 袋體,藉以提供手機收納功能;其特徵係在於·· 該筒狀袋體織製成型時,乃於其相對於袋口的背側預 定部位一體延織出上、下成雙之二翼片,利用該二翼片的 製設,特可將其上翼片上翻覆過袋口而形成手機袋的袋蓋 ’藉以對内置手機形成安全防護,而該下翼片則可下翻並 與袋體縫結而製成背纟,俾可供皮帶穿置以賦予其整體之 播帶便利性,據此,利用該手機袋織製成型時所—體延織 之翼片恰可製成手機袋使用上所需之袋蓋及背套結構,令 其在實際使用上,&了賦予手機的收納功能外,更得以提 供適當之安全防護與攜帶的便利性者。 2、依據申請專利範圍第工項所述之手機袋新結構, 其中該手機袋在其袋口背侧延織的翼片,乃得作單一翼片 延織設計,使其得視使用需求將該翼片上翻覆設於袋口而 製成袋蓋者。 之手機袋新結構, ,乃得作單一翼片 下翻並與袋體車縫 3、依據申請專利範圍第1項所述 其中該手機袋在其袋口背侧延織的翼片 延織設計,使其得視使用需求將該翼片 結合而製成背套者。 4、依據申請專利範圍第工或2項所述之手機袋新社 構’其中該上翻製設成袋蓋之翼片與袋趙的覆合對應部位 乃得製設磁釦,據以維持袋蓋翼片對袋體的覆蓋狀熊者。 11 •i M300472 5、 依據申請專利範圍第丄或之項所述之手機袋新妹 構’其中該上翻成袋蓋之翼片錢艎的覆合對應部: 乃得製設鈕釦,據以維持袋蓋翼片對袋體的覆蓋狀態者。 6、 依據申請專利範圍第1或2項所述之手機袋新結 構,其中該上翻製設成袋蓋之翼片與袋體的覆合對應部位 乃得製設黏扣帶’據以維持袋蓋翼片對袋體的覆蓋狀態者 Ο 7、 依據申請專利範圍第1項所述之手機袋新結構, 其中該袋體在織製成型時,乃得於袋艘表面織設出適當之 圖案造形,藉以賦予較佳之視覺美觀性者。 8㈣中請專利範圍第i或3項所述之手機袋新結 =’其中該下翻製設成背套之翼片,乃得由手機袋背侧近 叙口之頂部一體延織成型者。 9依據申請專利範圍第工或3項所述之手機袋新結 &其中該下翻製設成背套之翼片,乃得由手機袋背侧袋 •口略下方之中段部位一體延織成型者。 12M300472 Nine, the scope of application for patents: 1. The new structure of the mobile phone bag is mainly made up of a double-layered tubular structure woven by a woven thread, and then the bottom end is combined and sewn to form a single-open bag body. The utility model provides a mobile phone accommodating function, which is characterized in that: when the tubular bag body is woven, the two upper and lower wings are integrally woven with a predetermined portion on the back side of the bag mouth, and the utility model utilizes The design of the two-wing piece can be made by flipping the upper flap over the pocket to form a flap of the mobile phone bag, thereby forming a safety protection for the built-in mobile phone, and the lower flap can be turned down and stitched with the bag body. And the backing is made, and the belt can be worn to give the whole belt convenience. According to this, when the mobile phone bag is woven, the body-woven woven flap can be made into a mobile phone bag. The need for the cover and the back cover structure makes it possible to provide appropriate security protection and carrying convenience in addition to the storage function provided to the mobile phone. 2. According to the new structure of the mobile phone bag described in the application of the patent scope, the flap of the mobile phone bag stretched on the back side of the bag mouth is designed as a single wing stretch fabric, so that it can be used depending on the needs of use. The flap is overturned on the mouth of the bag to form a flap. The new structure of the mobile phone bag can be used as a single flap to turn down and be sewn with the bag body. 3. According to the first paragraph of the patent application, the cell phone bag is woven on the back side of the bag mouth. It is made to combine the flaps according to the needs of use to make a back cover. 4. According to the new structure of the mobile phone bag according to the application of the patent scope or the second item, the corresponding part of the cover of the flap and the bag Zhao is required to be provided with a magnetic buckle. The cover flap is attached to the bag body. 11 • i M300472 5. In accordance with the new mobile phone bag described in item 丄 or item of the patent application scope, the cover part of the wing piece that is turned up into a flap is: In order to maintain the cover of the bag flap to the bag body. 6. The new structure of the mobile phone bag according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the cover portion of the flap and the cover of the bag body are provided with a fastening tape to maintain The cover body of the bag cover is in a state of covering the bag body. 7. According to the new structure of the mobile phone bag according to claim 1, wherein the bag body is woven on the surface of the bag when it is woven. The pattern is shaped to give a better visual aesthetic. 8(4) In the case of the mobile phone bag mentioned in item i or item 3 of the patent scope = 'the wing piece which is set to be the back cover, it is to be integrally formed by the top of the back side of the mobile phone bag. 9 According to the patent application scope or the mobile phone bag new item mentioned in the 3rd item, the flap that is set up as the back cover is made by the back side pocket of the mobile phone bag. Mold. 12
TW95208739U 2006-05-19 2006-05-19 Structure of a mobile pouch TWM300472U (en)

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