^60303 九、發明說明: . 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於-種通訊模組,尤指一種具有雙系統之 通訊模組及其操作模式定義方法。 【先前技術】 ^ ^著無線通訊技術曰漸成熟,無線網路的應用範疇已 • 跨出電腦平台’而延伸到了手機、數位相機、數位影音播 ,機與遊戲機等消費性電子產品。目前,市場對於搭載無 4通訊功能之電子產品的需求係持續攀升。 λ破置的無線通讯功能一般是由三大功能區塊來支 浚为別為負責收發訊號的射頻、負責二次升降頻與調變 ,,中頻’及負責資料處理與儲存的基頻。現階段係有系 、為單Β曰片(Soc)及系統級封裝(Sip)等兩種技術可將上 准的無線訊號處理機制封裝為單一元件,不但可減少 工力耗與電路板面積,更具有簡化裝置設計複雜度的優點, ,有助於後端產品縮短開發時程。上述兩種技術中,系統 單曰曰片技術需面臨大量矽智財、設計、驗證、製程封裝與 測試等問題,而系統級封裝的通訊模組的製程較具彈性, 易於配合客製化需求。 通5凡模組正朝向多功能整合方向發展,將多、個通訊系 .統整合於單-模組之中。舉例來說,具備無線區域網路 j WIAN )與無線個人網路(WPAN,例如:藍芽Bluet〇〇th ) 雙重系統,能夠同時支援資訊裝置間’及裝置與網際網路 的連結。 一雔=裴置端的設計面而言’雙重無線通訊功能可使用單 線或兩個獨立天線來收發兩種無線訊號,由於兩 ^拉式的訊號傳輸路徑存在差異,必須透過不同的線 且^彳,配’因此’時下之雙系統通訊模組普遍是以提供 i模S同内部線路的模組產品,來配合客戶端所使用的天 除了前端天線使用模式之外,模組的傳輸介面型 '脈頻率也是基於客製需求來決定,因此,生產 必頊叮出多種不同規格的模組產品,以符合客戶端 的設計方式。 #总ί樣化的通訊模組係造成生產者製造與行銷方面的 ’、而對於後端業者而言,—種模組只能對應固定 、°又11松式,也相當地缺乏彈性。有鑑於此,本案發明人 從而提出本案,以改善現有技術的缺失。 【發明内容】 此’本發明之目的係在於提供—種雙系統通訊.模組 及/、操作模式疋義方法,其藉由内部之路徑分配電路,配 合外部電路被組成為雙工天線電路或獨立天線電路時,均 可控制射頻訊號沿預定的路徑傳輸,係可將同—種通訊模 組應用為不同的操作模式,從而減少製造控管的負擔,與 增加應用設計的彈性β 本發明係揭示-種雙系統通訊模組,係適用於搞接於 -外部電路’以配合處理-第—射頻訊號及—第二射頻訊 號’其中該外«路係為-雙卫天線電路或為—獨立天線 電路。所述,雙系統通訊模組包括—第一設定埠及一路徑 分配電路 第一設定埠係耦接於外部電路,以傳輸第一射 3訊:射頻訊號。路徑分配電路係耦接於第-設定 綠路内部之―第—系統路徑及一第二系 略n田卜。p電路為雙工天線電路或獨立天線電 -系场2配電路均控制第—射軸號於第—設定埠與第 輿ΐ:备徑之間傳輸’並控制第二射頻訊號於第一設定埠 一、弗一糸統路控之間傳輸。 糢組無線裝置’具有所述之雙系統通訊 獨立fa邛电路,此無線裴置包括一雙工天線或二 第二射H號於雙系統通訊模組,來收發第—射頻訊號及 所—種操倾式定義方法,係剌於定義 包括下列步驟:首先,夂此#作板式疋我方法 第_〜心±力*供雙糸統通訊模組;其次,組成 ,二之外部電路為雙工天線電路或為獨立天 '、表电路’以決定雙I統通簡_操作模式。 進-ίΐίίί與接下來的詳細說明及附圖,皆是為了能 功 ^纟㈣達成敢目的所採取之料、手段及 2 =有關本發明的其他目的及優點,將.在^ 及圖式中加以闡述。 心 【實施方式] 首先’請參閱第一、_、-闽 _ ^ ^· 她β ,上 一二圖’该二圖係為本發印 又糸、、先通訊模組之一呈^每 _ ^ 版只知例之封裝外觀不意圖, 為,、正視圖、側視圖及接腳佈局圖。 所述之雙系統通訊模組iq係用以設於無線裝】 03 線通訊功能。藉由内部所整合的身咖 =及線路’來達成射頻訊號的頻率合成、;料;1 虚理Γί、!號編解碼、跳頻及封包處理等主要無線訊號 处力肊。如弟―、二、三圖所示,雙系統通訊模组κ 可透物壓(_dlng)或金屬遮料方式 一元件。圖例中,雙系統通訊模組二 巧具有64隻接腳的包裝’實際應用時,利用SMT製程 ,著於電路板上’便可與天線、週邊線路及後端應用模組 寺共同運作,以達成裝置的機能。 其中第三圖所示之接腳佈局上視圖,其中所標示之尺 寸^長度或寬度及接㈣號是為了朗可能的實施狀況, 第三圖中標示尺寸的數值是使用毫米(mm)單位,但第三 ,^所㈣是為了本㈣說明,並不因此限制本發明的保 螋範圍’透過本案所揭露之發明精神仍可對其做均等變化。 如第-圖所示,雙系統通訊模組1()具有—第—·通訊系 統101及一第二通訊系統102操作功能,以支援兩種不同 無線通訊系統的訊號處理。於一具體實施例,第一通訊系 統101與第二通訊系統102係分別為無線區域網路 (WLAN )系統及無線個人網路(wpan,例如:藍芽 Bluetooth)系統,以支援裝置間,及裝置與網路的連結。 本發明與現有模組產品的主要差異,係在於雙系統通 訊模組10能夠以同一内部線路架構,彈性地耦接於雙工天 線電路或獨立天線電路,使用單一雙工天線或兩個獨立天 線來收發無線訊號,而現有的模組產品則須以不同的内部 電路架構來與兩種天線電路作匹配。 1360303 /請參閱第四圖及第五圖,該二圖係為本發明所揭示之 ‘ 雙系、统通tfi模组之—具體實施例之系統架構示意圖’第 四、五,之雙系統通訊模組10係分別設於無線裝置4卜 43,且/刀別操作於雙工天線模式及獨立天線模式。雙系統 通訊模組10具有一第一設定埠110,用以傳輸第一射頻訊 號TRX1及第二射頻訊號TRX2,藉由耦接於第一設定璋 110的外部電路41〇' 430型態,便能夠將雙系統通訊模組 10設定為雙工天線模式操作,.或為獨立天線模式操作。 鲁 兩種不同規格的訊號必須經由各自的系統作處理。如 圖示’讀入雙系統通訊模組10内部的第一射頻訊號TRX1 係沿第一系統路徑E1傳輸到第一通訊系統101 (示於第一 圖),而第二射頻訊號TRX2則係沿第二系统路徑E2傳輸 到第二通訊系統102 (示於第一圖)。在雙工天線模式與獨 立天線模式下’第一射頻訊號TRX1與第二射頻訊號TRX2 均必須沿此路徑分別傳輸到第一通訊系統與第二通訊 系統102。雙系統通訊模組1〇具有一路徑分配電路搞 Φ 接於第一設定埠110與第一系統路徑E1及第二系統路徑 B2間’以控制射頻訊號TRX1、TRX2按照上述路徑作傳 輪。 此實施例中,第一設定埠110包括有三接腳,分別為 接腳P2、接腳P5及接腳P8。路徑分配電路ln包括有一 射頻訊號分配電路113及一耦合電路組件1150,射頻訊號 分配電路113耦接於第一設定埠110的接腳;P.2與第一系統 路徑E1及第二系統路徑E2之間;而耦合電路組件115〇 則耦接於第一設定埠110的接腳P5、P8、射頻訊號分配電 路U3及第二系統路徑E2之間。射頻訊號分配電路113 =第-射頻訊號TRX1及第二—訊號TRX2作 合_且件·可與外部電路430共二 ;f〗=路115(示於第五圖)。圖例中,叙合丄 ::頻訊號分配電謂,另一端_接:二 镇徑Ε2之間的路徑,電感L1的1減於接腳 蠕則減於電感L2與_訊號分崎路li3 輪路徑。以下將詳述圖例中兩種模式的動作機.卜 當雙系统通訊模組1〇應用為第四圖之雙 需將鱗於第-設定埠^外部電路做、= =工天線電路,包括於接腳p2的雙工天線: 唼腳P5、;P8則空接。 而 L由雙工天線31饋入的第—射頻訊號TRX1及第二射 須訊號ΤίΟα,經㈣喊純電路m妓,使得= ,頻訊號TRX1傳輸到第-系統路徑m,第二射 則傳輪到第二系統路徑E2;及反向,由第_系统ς 杈耵1輸的第一射頻訊號TRX卜及由第二系統路徑Ε2 的第二射頻訊號TRX2,經射頻訊號分配電路113耦 合,使〃兩種訊號沿同一路徑傳輸到雙工天線3丨發送。如圖 =,第—射頻訊號TRX1係沿路徑A傳輸,而第二射 銳TRX2係沿路徑b傳輸。 ° ^ 按,所述之射頻訊號分配電路113可耦合兩種通訊系 ^的高頻訊號,相關之電路架構係為習知技術,且有^種 實施方式’因此在此便不再作贅述。 當雙系統通訊模組10應用為第五圖之獨立天線模 時,需將耦接於第一設定埠110的外部電路430組成為二 1360303 獨立天線電路,包括一耦接於接腳p2的第一天線33、一 輪接於接腳P5的第二天線35,及一耦接於接腳P8的接地 電感L3。此時,係由第一天線33收發第一射頻訊號 TRX1 ’而由第二天線35收發第二射頻訊號TRX2,而接 地電感L3則與耦合電路組件U5〇共同組成一完整的耦合 電路115 ’耦接於第二天線35與第二系統路徑它2之間。[60303] IX. Description of the invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a communication module, and more particularly to a communication module having a dual system and a method for defining an operation mode thereof. [Prior Art] ^ The wireless communication technology has matured, and the application range of wireless networks has extended to mobile phones, digital cameras, digital video players, games and game consoles and other consumer electronic products. At present, the demand for electronic products equipped with 4 communication functions continues to rise. The λ-breaking wireless communication function is generally supported by three functional blocks: the radio frequency responsible for transmitting and receiving signals, the secondary frequency and modulation, the intermediate frequency and the fundamental frequency responsible for data processing and storage. At this stage, there are two technologies, such as single-chip (Soc) and system-in-package (Sip), which can package the wireless signal processing mechanism of the standard into a single component, which not only reduces the power consumption and board area. It also has the advantage of simplifying the design complexity of the device, which helps the back-end products to shorten the development time. Among the above two technologies, the system single-chip technology needs to face a lot of problems, such as wisdom, design, verification, process packaging and testing, and the system-packaged communication module has a flexible process, which is easy to meet the needs of customization. . Through the development of the module, the module is moving towards multi-functional integration, and multiple communication systems are integrated into the single-module system. For example, a wireless local area network (J WIAN) and a wireless personal network (WPAN, for example, Bluetooth Bluet〇〇th) dual system can simultaneously support the connection between the information device and the device and the Internet. In the case of the design side of the device, the dual wireless communication function can use one or two independent antennas to send and receive two types of wireless signals. Since the two signal transmission paths are different, they must pass through different lines and The dual-system communication module with 'this' is generally a module product that provides i-mode S and internal lines to match the usage of the client. In addition to the front-end antenna usage mode, the module's transmission interface type 'Pulse frequency is also determined based on customer demand. Therefore, the production must produce a variety of modular products of different specifications to meet the client's design. #总ί The communication module is responsible for the manufacturing and marketing of the producers. For the back-end operators, the modules can only be fixed, ° and 11 loose, and they are quite inelastic. In view of this, the inventor of the present invention has proposed the present case to improve the lack of the prior art. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The purpose of the present invention is to provide a dual system communication module and/or operation mode ambiguity method, which is composed of an internal path distribution circuit and an external circuit to form a duplex antenna circuit or When the independent antenna circuit can control the transmission of the RF signal along a predetermined path, the same communication module can be applied to different operation modes, thereby reducing the burden of manufacturing control and increasing the flexibility of the application design. Revealing a dual-system communication module that is suitable for interfacing with an external circuit to cope with processing - the first - RF signal and the second RF signal - where the external circuit is a dual-antenna circuit or is independent Antenna circuit. The dual system communication module includes a first setting unit and a path allocating circuit. The first setting unit is coupled to the external circuit to transmit the first shot 3: radio frequency signal. The path distribution circuit is coupled to the first system path and the second system n field inside the first-set green road. The p-circuit is a duplex antenna circuit or an independent antenna. The electric-system field 2 control circuit controls the first-axis number to transmit between the first-set and the third-order: and control the second RF signal in the first setting.埠一, 弗一糸 system control between transmission. The module wireless device has the dual system communication independent fa邛 circuit, and the wireless device includes a duplex antenna or a second second H-channel dual-system communication module for transmitting and receiving the first-frequency signal and the The definition method of the tilting method includes the following steps: First, # # 作 疋 方法 方法 方法 方法 方法 方法 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The antenna circuit is either an independent day or a table circuit to determine the dual-mode operation mode. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Explain it. Heart [Implementation] First of all, please refer to the first, _, -闽_ ^ ^· her β, the last two pictures 'The two pictures are the same as the printing and printing, and one of the first communication modules is ^ every _ The version of the version is only intended to be a package that is not intended to be a front view, a side view, or a pin layout. The dual system communication module iq is used for the wireless communication 03 line communication function. Through the internal integration of the body coffee = and the line 'to achieve the frequency synthesis of the RF signal; material; 1 virtual management Γί, ! codec, frequency hopping and packet processing and other major wireless signals. As shown in the brother-, second, and third figures, the dual-system communication module κ can be permeable (_dlng) or metal-shielded. In the illustration, the dual-system communication module has a 64-pin package. In actual application, the SMT process can be used on the circuit board to work with the antenna, peripheral circuits and back-end application module temples. Achieve the function of the device. The top view of the pin layout shown in the third figure, wherein the size, length or width and the number of the (4) are for possible implementation, and the values indicated in the third figure are in millimeters (mm). However, the third, ^ (4) is for the purpose of this (four) description, and therefore does not limit the scope of the invention's scope of protection. The invention spirit disclosed in this case can still be equally changed. As shown in the figure, the dual system communication module 1 () has the operation functions of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In a specific embodiment, the first communication system 101 and the second communication system 102 are respectively a wireless local area network (WLAN) system and a wireless personal network (wpan, for example, Bluetooth) system to support the devices, and The connection between the device and the network. The main difference between the present invention and the existing module product is that the dual system communication module 10 can be elastically coupled to the duplex antenna circuit or the independent antenna circuit by using the same internal circuit structure, using a single duplex antenna or two independent antennas. To send and receive wireless signals, existing module products must match the two antenna circuits with different internal circuit architectures. 1360303 / Please refer to the fourth and fifth figures, which are the two-system, unified tfi module - the system architecture diagram of the specific embodiment of the invention, the fourth and fifth, the dual system communication The modules 10 are respectively disposed in the wireless device 4, and the switches are operated in the duplex antenna mode and the independent antenna mode. The dual-system communication module 10 has a first setting 埠110 for transmitting the first RF signal TRX1 and the second RF signal TRX2, and is coupled to the external circuit 41〇' 430 of the first setting 璋110. The dual system communication module 10 can be set to operate in a duplex antenna mode, or operate in an independent antenna mode. Lu Two different specifications of the signal must be processed through their respective systems. As shown in the figure, the first RF signal TRX1 read into the dual system communication module 10 is transmitted along the first system path E1 to the first communication system 101 (shown in the first figure), and the second RF signal TRX2 is along the line. The second system path E2 is transmitted to the second communication system 102 (shown in the first figure). In the duplex antenna mode and the independent antenna mode, the first RF signal TRX1 and the second RF signal TRX2 must be transmitted along the path to the first communication system and the second communication system 102, respectively. The dual system communication module 1 has a path distribution circuit Φ connected between the first setting 埠110 and the first system path E1 and the second system path B2 to control the RF signals TRX1 and TRX2 to follow the above path. In this embodiment, the first setting 埠110 includes three pins, which are a pin P2, a pin P5, and a pin P8. The path distribution circuit ln includes an RF signal distribution circuit 113 and a coupling circuit component 1150. The RF signal distribution circuit 113 is coupled to the pin of the first setting port 110; P.2 and the first system path E1 and the second system path E2. The coupling circuit component 115 is coupled between the pins P5 and P8 of the first setting unit 110, the RF signal distribution circuit U3, and the second system path E2. The RF signal distribution circuit 113 = the first-radio signal TRX1 and the second-signal TRX2 are combined and can be shared with the external circuit 430; f = = path 115 (shown in the fifth figure). In the legend, the combination of 丄:: frequency signal distribution, the other end _ connection: the path between the two towns Ε2, the inductance L1 minus the foot creep is reduced to the inductance L2 and _ signal points the road li3 wheel path. In the following, the action modes of the two modes in the legend will be detailed. The dual-system communication module 1〇 application is the fourth figure, and the scale needs to be set to the external circuit of the first setting, = = the antenna circuit, included in The duplex antenna of pin p2: 唼P5, P8 is empty. And the first radio frequency signal TRX1 and the second beating signal ΤίΟα fed by the duplex antenna 31 are spoofed by the pure circuit m妓, so that the frequency signal TRX1 is transmitted to the first system path m, and the second shot is transmitted. Turning to the second system path E2; and reversing, the first RF signal TRX transmitted by the first system 杈耵1 and the second RF signal TRX2 of the second system path Ε2 are coupled via the RF signal distribution circuit 113. The two signals are transmitted along the same path to the duplex antenna 3丨. As shown in Fig. =, the first RF signal TRX1 is transmitted along path A, and the second sharp TRX2 is transmitted along path b. The RF signal distribution circuit 113 can be coupled to the high frequency signals of the two communication systems. The related circuit architecture is a conventional technique, and there are various embodiments, and thus will not be described herein. When the dual-system communication module 10 is applied as the independent antenna module of the fifth figure, the external circuit 430 coupled to the first setting unit 110 is formed into two 1360303 independent antenna circuits, including a first coupling coupled to the pin p2. An antenna 33, a second antenna 35 connected to the pin P5, and a grounding inductance L3 coupled to the pin P8. At this time, the first antenna 33 transmits and receives the first RF signal TRX1', and the second antenna 35 transmits and receives the second RF signal TRX2, and the grounding inductor L3 and the coupling circuit assembly U5〇 form a complete coupling circuit 115. 'Coupled between the second antenna 35 and the second system path 2 thereof.
第一射頻訊號TRX1係穿過射頻訊號分配電路H3, 沿路,C在第一天線33與第一系統路徑m之間傳輸。耦 接^第一天線35的耦合電路115,可將第二射頻訊號TRX2 與/第-射頻_ TRX1隔離,使得第二射頻訊號TRX2沿 路k D在第—天線35與第二系統路徑μ之間傳輸,而不 會流向射頻訊號分配電路113方向。 所达,裝置41、43係利用不同的外部電路410、 430祸接於第一設定埠〗] 旱110,以控制雙系統通訊模組10操 作為雙工天線模式與猶立 g不、w/ 天線核式。而利用耦合電路組件 1150疋否被、、且成元整的,人带 頻訊號TRX2的流向。° i ’便能夠控制第二制 附帶一提的是,外拢 3卜第-天線33、第二^接腳P2、P5、P8與雙工天線 .傳送高頻訊號,因此須p\35、接地電感L3的傳輸線係 抗值為50歐姆。再者, 充匹配而热線通sfl系統的阻 體作調整,以取得最地電感L3的電感值可按實際硬 接著,請參閱第=訊Γ性及最低之訊號損耗值。 統通訊模組之操作模式定圖係為本發明所揭示之雙系 的系統架構請同時參聞義方法之步驟流程圖。其中相關 所述之操作模式定義方^及第五圖。如第六圖所示, /匕括有下列步驟: 12 1360303 首先’提供雙系統通訊模組10 (步驟Sl〇0); 其^人’虹成第一設定埠110所搞接之外部電路410、 430為雙工天線電路(如第四圖之外部電路41〇)或為該獨 立天線電路(如第五圖之外部電路430),以決定雙系統通 訊模組10的操作模式係以雙工天線31收發無線訊號,或 以獨立的第一天線33、第二天線35收發無線訊號(步驟 S102) 〇 為了使得後端應用裝置的設計更具彈性,本案係賦予 籲雙系統通訊模組10具有多個時脈源及傳輸介面,經由外部 電路的設定來選擇所需之時脈源及傳輸介面。 /請參閱第七及第八圖,該兩圖係為本發明所揭示之雙 系統通訊模組之另一具體實施例之系統架構示意圖,該兩 圖係顯示雙系統通訊模組操作於不同的時脈頻率模式。如 第七與八圖所示,雙系統通訊模組10具一控制單元100 及一第=設定埠120。控制單元10〇為雙系統通訊模組1〇 内部的邏輯控制核心,係根據耦接於第二設定埠的外 • 部電路51〇、53〇,來啟動接收不同參考時脈CLK。 此實施例中,第二設定埠120包括有三接腳P15、 P23、P32。第七圖中,接腳pi5、p23、p32分別_於一 接地電阻R5卜R52、R53,將接腳電壓拉至低準位,使得 控制單το 100選擇接收第一時脈源第八圖中, 接腳PI5、P23、P32係空接狀態,接腳電壓保持在空接狀 . @的準位,使得控制單元則選擇接收第二時脈源 122。 上述内部時脈源數量、第二設定埠12〇的腳位數及 部電路的設定線路僅為-圖例,用以闡明技術概念,然其 13The first RF signal TRX1 passes through the RF signal distribution circuit H3, along which C is transmitted between the first antenna 33 and the first system path m. The coupling circuit 115 coupled to the first antenna 35 isolates the second RF signal TRX2 from the /-RF_TRX1 such that the second RF signal TRX2 is along the path k D at the first antenna 35 and the second system path μ The transmission is not in the direction of the RF signal distribution circuit 113. As a result, the devices 41, 43 are spliced by the different external circuits 410, 430 to the first setting 旱 〗 〖 drought 110, to control the dual system communication module 10 to operate as a duplex antenna mode and still g, w / Antenna core type. By using the coupling circuit component 1150, the flow direction of the person with the frequency signal TRX2 is determined. ° i ' can control the second system with the mention that the external 3 Bu-antenna 33, the second ^ pin P2, P5, P8 and the duplex antenna. Transmit high-frequency signals, so p\35, The grounding inductance L3 has a transmission line resistance of 50 ohms. In addition, the matching and hot-line sfl system resistors are adjusted to obtain the inductance of the most inductive L3. The actual value of the inductor can be as follows. Please refer to the = signal and the lowest signal loss value. The operation mode of the communication module is the flow chart of the two-system system architecture disclosed in the present invention. Among them, the operation mode definition side and the fifth figure are related. As shown in the sixth figure, the following steps are included: 12 1360303 Firstly, the dual system communication module 10 is provided (step S1〇0); the external circuit 410 is connected to the first setting 埠110 430 is a duplex antenna circuit (such as the external circuit 41A of the fourth figure) or the independent antenna circuit (such as the external circuit 430 of the fifth figure) to determine the operation mode of the dual system communication module 10 to be duplexed. The antenna 31 transmits and receives wireless signals, or transmits and receives wireless signals by the independent first antenna 33 and the second antenna 35 (step S102). In order to make the design of the back-end application device more flexible, the system provides a dual-system communication module. 10 has a plurality of clock sources and a transmission interface, and selects a desired clock source and a transmission interface via setting of an external circuit. Please refer to the seventh and eighth figures, which are schematic diagrams of the system architecture of another embodiment of the dual system communication module disclosed in the present invention. The two figures show that the dual system communication module operates in different modes. Clock frequency mode. As shown in the seventh and eighth figures, the dual system communication module 10 has a control unit 100 and a first setting unit 120. The control unit 10 is a logic control core inside the dual system communication module 1 ,, and starts to receive different reference clocks CLK according to the external circuits 51 〇 and 53 耦 coupled to the second setting 。. In this embodiment, the second setting 120 includes three pins P15, P23, and P32. In the seventh figure, the pins pi5, p23, and p32 are respectively _ a grounding resistor R5, R52, R53, and the pin voltage is pulled to a low level, so that the control unit το 100 selects and receives the first clock source in the eighth figure. The pins PI5, P23, and P32 are in the empty state, and the pin voltage is kept in the null state. The control unit selects to receive the second clock source 122. The number of internal clock sources, the number of bits in the second setting 埠12〇, and the setting line of the circuit are only - legends to clarify the technical concept, but 13
UDUJUJ 並非用以限制本發明之範圍。 接著’請參閱第九圖及第十圖 揭-之雙系統通訊模組 :=為本發明所 圖,該二圖_干雔“再/、體以例之錢架構示意 式。如第六,又系,,羌通釩輪組操作於不同的介 面訊镜處理單元13卜;且10具有1 —介 制單元100及n )丨面喊處理單元叻、—γ m 及一第二連接埠13〇。第一介面旬雒由'" 及第二介面·^„ 弟"面汛唬處理單元 格的八P 虎處早元133可將訊號轉換為尤门拍 匕的介面訊號,並分 姨為不同規 介面134央措私人 弟傳輸介面132及第二傳輪 組H)肉, 訊號。控制單元100為雙系統诵 内邛的邏輯控制核心,係'、讯杈 的外部電路610、_于2 痛接弟二設定埠130 或第_人 來啟動第一介面訊號處理單元 义弟-;丨面訊號處理單元Π3。 早凡131 係分無線裝置61、63的應用模“5、635 ^傳輸介面」32與第二傳輸介面以 系統通訊模組皇鈐 — μ孓與雙 Ρ43、^ #輪鱗第三設料13G包括有~ ^ 3咏。第九圖中,接腳P43、p44分接腳 ^阻R61、R62,將接腳電壓拉至低 ^接地 iOO選擇啟翻楚人 * 史件控制單元 第+= 錢理單元131轉換介面辦 ’接腳P43、P44係空接狀態,;“ 狀·㈣立,使得控制單元⑽選擇啟動第在 破處理單元I33轉換介面訊號。 動弟叫丨面机 SDI0所^第一傳輸介面132及第二傳輸介® 134可為 單元數互_ P!、UART等任一規格介面’而介面訊號處理 路僅^国弟三設定蜂130的腳位數及外部電路的設定線 ,、',圖例,用以闡明技術概念,然其並非用以限制本 14 丄360303 發明之範圍。 藉由以上實例詳述,當可知悉本發明之雙系統 組,利用_於狀狀埠的外部來定義其^ m與傳輸介面的種類。係簡化模组的類別, 樣製造端的生產控管成本’且可滿足客戶端多 端產式。由此可見,本案係同時裨益於製造端與後 產^升^可制提升產品辭力,從㈣進無線通訊 及^隹=域述,僅為本發明的具體實施例之詳細說明 請專利範圍為準,任何熟悉d: 專;;:思及之變化或修物涵蓋在以下丄 【圖式間早說明】 .第-圖、第二圖及第三圖係為本發明所揭示之 通訊模組之-具體實施例之封裝外觀示意圖, = 為正視圖’第二圖為側視圖’第三圖則為接腳佈局上' 圖係顯示雙系統 第四圖及第五本發明所揭示之雙系 之一具體實施例之糸統架構示意圖,該二 、、、 通訊模組操作於不同的天線模式; ;六圖係示之雙系統通訊模、_^ 式定義方法之步騍洲·权圖’ 第七圖及第為本發明所揭示之雙系統通訊㈣ 之另-具體實施例之糸統錢示意圖,該二圖係顯示雙系 15 1360303 統通訊模組可操作於不同的時脈頻率模式;及 第九圖及第十圖係為本發明所揭示之雙系統通訊模組 之再一具體實施例之系統架構示意圖,該二圖係顯示雙系 統通訊模組可操作於不同的介面模式。 【主要元件符號說明】 10:雙系統通訊模組 100 :控制單元 101 :第一通訊系統 102 :第二通訊系統 110 :第一設定埠 111 :路徑分配電路 113 .射頻訊號分配電路 115 :耦合電路 1150 :耦合電路組件 120 :第二設定埠 121:第一時脈源 122 :第二時脈源 130 :第三設定埠 131 :第一介面訊號處理單元 132 :第一傳輸介面 133 :第二介面訊號處理單元 134:第二傳輸介面 31 :雙工天線 < S > 16 1360303 33 :第一天線 35 :第二天線 41、43、51、53、61、63 :無線裝置 410、430、510、530、610、630 :外部電路 615、635 :應用模組 A、B、C、D :傳輸路徑 E1 :第一系統路徑 E2 :第二系統路徑 P1〜P64 :接腳 R5卜 R52、R53、R61、R62 :電阻 LI、L2、L3 :電感 CLK :參考時脈 TRX卜TRX2 :射頻訊號 S100〜S102 :各個步驟流程UDUJUJ is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. Then, please refer to the ninth and tenth diagrams of the dual system communication module: = for the present invention, the two figures _ dry "re-/, the body of the money structure schematic. As the sixth, Further, the 羌 钒 vanadium wheel set operates on different interface mirror processing units 13; and 10 has a 1-media unit 100 and n) a surface processing unit 叻, a γ m and a second port 13 〇 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 第一 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '姨 is the different interface 134 Yangcao private transmission interface 132 and the second transmission group H) meat, signal. The control unit 100 is a logic control core of the dual system, which is the external circuit 610 of the signal, the second circuit 610 of the message, or the first person to activate the first interface signal processing unit. The face signal processing unit Π3. The early 131 models of the wireless devices 61, 63 application mode "5, 635 ^ transmission interface" 32 and the second transmission interface with the system communication module Huangpu - μ孓 and double Ρ 43, ^ # wheel scales third set 13G Includes ~ ^ 3咏. In the ninth figure, the pins P43 and p44 are connected to the resistors R61 and R62, and the pin voltage is pulled to the low level. Grounding iOO selects the turn-over person* The history control unit += The money management unit 131 conversion interface does' Pins P43 and P44 are in an empty state; "shape" (4), so that the control unit (10) selects to start the conversion processing unit I33 to switch the interface signal. The younger brother is called the noodle machine SDI0 ^ first transmission interface 132 and the second The transmission media 134 can be used for any number of interfaces such as _P!, UART, etc. The interface signal processing circuit only sets the number of bits of the bee 130 and the setting line of the external circuit, ', legend, In order to clarify the technical concept, it is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. In the above example, when the dual system group of the present invention is known, the externalization of the shape is used to define its The type of transmission interface is to simplify the category of the module, the production control cost of the production side is 'and can meet the multi-end production of the client. It can be seen that the case is also beneficial to the manufacturing end and the post-production Responsibility, from (four) into the wireless communication and ^ 隹 = domain description, only The detailed description of the specific embodiments of the invention is subject to the patent scope, any familiarity d: special;;: the change or repair of the thought is covered in the following 丄 [interpretation between the drawings]. - map, second map and The three drawings are schematic diagrams of the package appearance of the communication module disclosed in the present invention, = is a front view 'the second picture is a side view', and the third picture is a pin layout. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing the architecture of a dual embodiment of the dual system disclosed in the present invention. The second, and the communication modules operate in different antenna modes; and the six-system dual system communication mode, _ ^ The definition of the method of the method of the · · 权 权 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' The modules are operable in different clock frequency modes; and the ninth and tenth drawings are schematic diagrams of a system architecture of another embodiment of the dual system communication module disclosed in the present invention, and the two figures show dual systems. Communication module can operate in different interfaces [Main component symbol description] 10: Dual system communication module 100: Control unit 101: First communication system 102: Second communication system 110: First setting 埠 111: Path assignment circuit 113. Radio frequency signal distribution circuit 115: Coupling circuit 1150: coupling circuit component 120: second setting 埠121: first clock source 122: second clock source 130: third setting 埠131: first interface signal processing unit 132: first transmission interface 133: Two-interface signal processing unit 134: second transmission interface 31: duplex antenna <S > 16 1360303 33: first antenna 35: second antenna 41, 43, 51, 53, 61, 63: wireless device 410 430, 510, 530, 610, 630: external circuit 615, 635: application module A, B, C, D: transmission path E1: first system path E2: second system path P1 to P64: pin R5 R52, R53, R61, R62: Resistor LI, L2, L3: Inductance CLK: Reference clock TRX BUX2: RF signal S100~S102: Process flow