TWI355929B - Joint mobilization training instrument - Google Patents

Joint mobilization training instrument Download PDF


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TWI355929B TW97120305A TW97120305A TWI355929B TW I355929 B TWI355929 B TW I355929B TW 97120305 A TW97120305 A TW 97120305A TW 97120305 A TW97120305 A TW 97120305A TW I355929 B TWI355929 B TW I355929B
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control unit
knee joint
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TW200948350A (en
Chien Jia Ren Chang
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Univ Nat Kaohsiung 1St Univ Sc
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Priority to TW97120305A priority Critical patent/TWI355929B/en
Publication of TW200948350A publication Critical patent/TW200948350A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI355929B publication Critical patent/TWI355929B/en



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1355929 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於一種膝關節鬆動術訓練儀,尤指 一種可提供初學膝關節鬆動術之學習者學習到正確之 施力大小,並熟悉力量之控制’當實施於人體時,便 可以正確之施力,以有效改善骸骨軟化症現象。 【先前技術】 按’嬪骨即一般人所謂的膝蓋骨,呈飼三角形, • 位於股骨(大腿骨)及脛骨(小腿骨)間,鑌骨在曰常活 動時的上下移動範圍可達七公分,因此若長期承受體 重的壓力,和受外力影響而產生磨損時,則會感到疼 痛且膝蓋的活動也會受到限制。 髂骨軟化症其病理變化和一般骨關節炎相似,都 疋因骨質中的軟骨膠硫化物流失引起。好發於年輕女 性,可因膝蓋曾受外傷、大腿四頭肌無力或過緊、X 型腿、骨盆較寬、嬪骨位置過高等原因造成。 • 由於這些因素,以致鑌骨在活動時容易外翻,使 得關節面受力不平均,造成嬪骨關節面軟骨有軟化或 產生凹洞的磨損現象。 早期症狀並不明顯,通常病人會感覺到膝蓋前方 #些疼痛,而且當膝蓋彎曲或上下樓梯時,疼痛會加 劇或感覺痠軟無力,若直接在嬪骨處施加麼力也會產 生疼痛’嚴重者膝蓋則會發生明顯的脫位現象。其程 度可藉由X光檢查判斷。 在物理治療方面,症狀輕微者能藉由直抬腿運動 5 1355929 來增強股四頭肌,及股内斜肌的力量以穩定鑌骨,使 髏骨回到它正常的位置。症狀嚴重者當保守療法無效 時,就必須考慮手術治療,手術方式包括關節外側韌 帶鬆弛術、軟組織補強,甚至以截骨術來使髂骨在膝 蓋活動時只維持一個正常的執道。 而現有之物理治療是施以「膝關節鬆動術」,其步 驟包含有: a. Distraction(拉離):係鬆動術的起始動作,治療者 乃施力將患者小腿部往下拉,以使膝關節拉伸受力 【如第五圖所示】。 b. Posterior glide(後滑):治療者施力下壓患者的膝 關節前側,以增加屈曲動作【如第六圖所示】。 c. Anterior glide(前滑):治療者施力下壓患者的膝 關節後側,以增加伸直動作【如第七圖所示】。 d. Distal glide(遠滑):治療者由膝關節前側上方施 以往下滑移推拿之力量,以增加膝關節彎曲時髏骨 的活動力【如第八圖所示】。 e· Medial-lateral glide(内外滑):治療者係施力於 患者的膝關節周側,並由外往内推拿,依此,以提 高髏骨的活動力【如第九圖所示】。 藉由上述治療步驟,即可以有效穩定體骨,使骸 骨回到其正常的位置,改善臏骨軟化症現象。 然而,在治療過程中,治療者手部施力若過小, 則達不到治療的效果,若施力過大,則會造成臏骨的 損傷,尤其,是在實施Distraction(拉離)、Anterior 6 1355929 glide(前滑)及Distal glide(後滑)這三個步驟時, 因施力拉伸膝關節與下壓膝關節前、後側,若施力上 過當,反而會造成鑌骨偏離軌道與磨損,對嬪骨更有 不良影響。 因此,對於初學的治療者而言,除了學會施療的 手法,如何控制手部的力道大小更為重要,而控制手 部的力道大小,一般只能由經驗累積而得,若患者不 慎遇到經驗缺乏的治療者,受其診療後的效果,反而 會使病情更為加重。 緣是,本發明人有鑑於現有膝關節鬆動術,有上 述治療者無法有效控制力道的缺失,乃藉其多年於相 關領域的製造及設計經驗和知識的輔佐,並經多方巧 思,而研擬出一種膝關節鬆動術訓練儀。 【發明内容】 本發明係有關於一種膝關節鬆動術訓練儀,主要 係為了提供初學膝關節鬆動術的治療者一訓練之儀 器,以訓練初學膝關節鬆動術的治療者,經由此膝關 節鬆動術訓練儀之訓練後,得到有效控制施療力道之 成果,以避免患者受到不當診療之傷害。 於是,本發明人乃設計有: 一施療之假人,係主要模擬人體之膝關節構造; 一檢測元件,係設於施療之假人其膝關節部位; 一微處理器,乃與檢測元件相連結; 一學習啟動單元,係連結於微處理器,並與一記 」隐單忝作連設,且使該記憶單元與微處理器相連接; 7 1355929 一施療部位控制單元,係與微處理器作連接,而 依施療部位設有控制鈕; 一年齡層控制單元,乃與微處理器相連結,並依 --— 照年齡分佈設有控制鈕。 藉此,以提供初學膝關節鬆動術之學習者一良好 的訓練,乃先由具經驗的教師示範對各年齡層患者及 相對施療部位之正確施力,並由微處理器將此力量值 載入記憶單元做記錄,再由學員對施療部位及所配合 年齡層做施力之練習,當學員所施加之力量符合教師 示範之正確施力時,即發出聲響,以告知學員其施加 之力量已為正確,依此,以學習到正確之施力大小, 經過多次的練習後,使學員熟悉力量之控制,當實施 於人體時,便可以正確之施力,以有效改善臏骨軟化 症現象。 【實施方式】 而為令本發明之技術手段、發明目的及達成功效 能夠有更完整且清楚的揭露,茲詳細說明如下,並請 一併參閱所附之圖式及圖號。 首先,請參閱第一〜四圖所示,本發明之膝關節 鬆動術訓練儀,係包含施療之假人(1)、檢測元件(2)、 訊號傳輸系統(3)、微處理器(4)、學習啟動單元(5)、 年齡層控制單元(6)及施療部位控制單元(7)、記憶單 元(8)、顯示單元(9);其中: 該施療之假人(1),係主要模擬人體之膝關節(11) 及連接膝關節(11)之小腿部(12)等構造; 8 1355929 該檢測元件(2),係包含有軟質呈薄片狀之電阻塑 壓力計〔FSR(Force Sensing Resistor)〕(A) ' (B) ’ 乃分別設於施療之假人(1)其膝關節(11)上侧部位及 其膝關節(11)下側部位,藉此,以偵測進行「前滑」 及「後滑」之壓力值,又設有一拉力計(C)以結合於施 療之假人(1)其小腿部(12),而此拉力計(C)則可供偵 測「拉離」時施加於小腿部(12)之拉力值; 該訊號傳輸系統(3),乃包含與檢測元件(2)相連 接之多通道切換系統(31)與接續連設於多通道切換系 統(31)之放大器(32)和連接於放大器(32)之後的訊號 處理單元(33)及接設於訊號處理單元(33)後之類比數 位轉化器(34),以將由檢測元件(2)偵測到的訊號資料 傳輸予微處理器(4); 該微處理器(4),係分別與訊號傳輸系統(3)、學 習啟動單元(5)、年齡層控制單元(6)、施療部位控= 單元(Ό及記憶單元(8)、顯示單元(9)等相連結; 該學習啟動單元(5),乃分別連接於微處理器( 與記憶單元(8) ’於具經驗之教師進行治療時,將其扩 力於施療之假人(1)其膝關節(11)前側部位及其^ = 節(11)後侧部位之壓力值與施加於小腿部(12)之技 值等力量資料經微處理器(4)處理後輸入記憮星_ f 中; 平疋18) 該年齡層控制單元(6),係與微處理器(4)相、 結,乃依照青年人(61)、中年人(62)與老^人(的目= 年齡分佈設有控制鈕; 等 9 1355929 該施療部位控制單元(7) ’乃與微處理器(4)作連 接,而依施療部位設有拉離(71)、前滑(72)與後滑(73) 三個控制紐; 該顯示單元⑼,係與微處理器⑷相連設,可為 耳機或制Π八。 據此,當欲記錄具經驗之教師其治療各年齡層患 ^配合施加於各個施療部位之力量大小時,請參^ 第一〜四_示,乃按掣學習啟動單元(5),並按照治 療之部位及患者之年齡層分佈,選擇 前糊與後滑⑽之雛,以及中 年人(62)與老年人(63)之年齡區塊; 該具經驗之教師即於施療之假人⑴對應先 =㈣之施療部位上,進行施力,並配合其年齡之 k擇,而施以適當之力量; 檢測元件⑵即感測到該施力之力量值,並 微處訊號經訊號傳輸系統⑶轉化成資料載入 由記憶單元(8)將此力量值做記錄, :=療部位及配合各個年齡層所須之力量值皆 習之由學員進行操作㈣,學員乃依所欲練 I 讀。p位〔如:拉離〕及年齡層〔如:t年人〕, 於年齡層控制單元⑹及施療部位控制月裡 拉離之2 療^人⑴相對於 η 進行膝關節鬆動狀施力,而隨著力量 之施加’顯示單元⑻亦發出短音之聲響〔可依學員及 10 1355929 練習環境所學選擇配帶耳機或使用喇队〕,並於施加之 力量到達教師示範之力量值時,隨即發出長音之聲響; 此時,學員便可得知其所施加之力量係與教師指 導示範之力量值相符合,依此,以學習到正確之施力 大小,而經過多次的演練練習後,學員便會自然而然 學會並熟悉該力量之控制,而當於人體上實施膝關節 鬆動術時’便可以正確之施力,以有效穩定骽骨,使 髂骨回到其玉常的位置,改善髌骨軟化症現象。 經由以上的實施說明,可知本發明具有數多優 點,如: 1. 本發明係提供初學膝關節鬆動術之學習者一良好的 訓練,乃先由具經驗的教師示範對各年齡層患者及 相對施療部位之正確施力,並由微處理器將此力量 值载入記憶單元做記錄,之後,由學員對施療部位 及所配合年齡層做施力之練習,當學員所施加之力 量符合教師示範之正確施力時,即發出長音聲響, 以告知學員其施加之力量已為正確,依此,以學習 到正確之施力大小,經過多次的演練練習後,學員 便會自然而然熟悉力量之控制,當實施於人體時, 便可以玉確之施力,以有效改善鑌骨軟化症現象。 2. 本發明係設有年齡層控制單元,以依照青年人、中 年人與老年人等年齡分佈設置控制紐,另設有施療 部位控制單元,以分設有拉離、前滑與後滑三個控 制紐,藉此,以供初學膝關節鬆動術之學習者,可 以學習刻不同年齡層患者配合不同施療部位,所須 11 1355929 之正確施力大小,以供初學膝關節鬆動術之學習者 於充分練習後,可以為不同年齡層之患者提供良善 服務。 綜上所述,本發明實施例確能達到所預期之使用 功效,又其所揭露之具體構造,不僅未曾見諸於同類 產品中,亦未曾公開於申請前,誠已完全符合專利法 之規定與要求,爰依法提出發明專利之申請,懇請惠 予審查,並賜准專利,則實感德便。1355929 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a knee joint mobilization training apparatus, and more particularly to a learner who can provide a beginner knee mobilization to learn the correct amount of force and become familiar with the power. The control 'when implemented in the human body, it can be applied correctly to effectively improve the phenomenon of patella softening. [Prior Art] According to the 'sacrum, the so-called kneecap, the triangle is placed in the eye, and the humerus is located between the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (calf bone). The humerus can move up and down up to seven centimeters during normal activities. If you endure the stress of long-term weight and wear due to external influences, you will feel pain and your knee activity will be limited. The pathological changes of patella softening are similar to those of general osteoarthritis, which are caused by the loss of cartilage gel sulfide in the bone. Occurs in young women, may be caused by trauma to the knee, weakness or over-tightening of the quadriceps of the thigh, X-legs, wide pelvis, and excessive humerus position. • Due to these factors, the humerus tends to be everted during exercise, resulting in uneven joint forces, resulting in softening of the tibial articular cartilage or the formation of pits. Early symptoms are not obvious. Usually, the patient feels some pain in front of the knee, and when the knee bends or goes up and down the stairs, the pain will increase or feel sore and weak. If you apply force directly at the tibia, it will cause pain. Significant dislocations can occur. The degree can be judged by X-ray examination. In terms of physical therapy, those with mild symptoms can strengthen the quadriceps and the internal oblique muscles to stabilize the humerus and return the humerus to its normal position by raising the leg movement 5 1355929. In patients with severe symptoms, surgical treatment must be considered when the conservative treatment is ineffective. The surgical methods include lateral ligament relaxation, soft tissue reinforcement, and even osteotomy to maintain the tibia only a normal obstruction when the knee is active. The existing physical therapy is to apply "knee mobilization", the steps include: a. Distraction: the initial action of the mobilization, the treatment is to force the patient's lower leg to pull down Stretch the knee joint [as shown in the fifth figure]. b. Posterior glide: The healer presses the patient's knee joint to increase the flexion action [as shown in Figure 6]. c. Anterior glide: The healer presses the patient's back of the knee joint to increase the straightening action [as shown in Figure 7]. d. Distal glide: The healer's force from the upper side of the knee joint is used to increase the movement of the tibia during bending of the knee joint [as shown in Figure 8]. e· Medial-lateral glide (inside and outside sliding): The therapist applies force to the peripheral side of the patient's knee joint and pushes it from the outside to the inside, thereby increasing the mobility of the tibia [as shown in Figure IX]. By the above treatment steps, the body bone can be effectively stabilized, the tibia can be returned to its normal position, and the patella softening phenomenon can be improved. However, during the treatment, if the weight of the hand of the therapist is too small, the therapeutic effect will not be achieved. If the force is too large, the humerus will be damaged. In particular, the implementation of Distraction, Anterior 6 1355929 glide In the three steps of (pre-slip) and Distal glide (post-slip), stretching the knee joint and pressing the front and back sides of the knee joint by force, if the force is applied too much, it will cause the humerus to deviate from the track and wear. It has a more adverse effect on the tibia. Therefore, for beginners, in addition to learning the techniques of treatment, how to control the strength of the hand is more important, and the strength of the hand control can only be accumulated by experience, if the patient accidentally encounters The treatment of the lack of experience, the effect of its treatment, but will make the condition worse. The reason is that the present inventors have in view of the existing knee mobilization, and the above-mentioned therapeutics cannot effectively control the lack of strength, but by virtue of their years of manufacturing and design experience and knowledge in related fields, and through various ingenuity, research A knee sling training device was developed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a knee joint mobilization training apparatus, mainly for providing a training device for beginner knee mobilization, to train a beginner knee mobilization treatment, through which the knee joint is loosened. After the training of the training device, the results of effective control of the therapeutic power are obtained to avoid the patient being harmed by improper diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, the inventors have designed: a dummy to be treated, which mainly simulates the knee joint structure of the human body; a detecting component is disposed on the knee joint portion of the dummy to be treated; a microprocessor is associated with the detecting component A learning activation unit is connected to the microprocessor and connected to a hidden unit and connects the memory unit to the microprocessor; 7 1355929 A treatment part control unit, and micro processing The device is connected, and the control part is provided with a control button; the one-level control unit is connected with the microprocessor, and has a control button according to the age distribution. In this way, a good training for learners who provide beginner knee mobilization is first demonstrated by experienced teachers to correct the force applied to patients of all ages and relative treatment sites, and this power value is carried by the microprocessor. Enter the memory unit to record, and then the trainer exercises the force on the treatment site and the age group. When the strength exerted by the trainer meets the correct force of the teacher's demonstration, a sound is emitted to inform the trainer that the force exerted has In order to be correct, in order to learn the correct amount of force, after many exercises, the trainees will be familiar with the control of power. When implemented in the human body, they can apply the correct force to effectively improve the phenomenon of patella softening. . [Embodiment] For a more complete and clear disclosure of the technical means, the object of the invention, and the effect of the present invention, the following is a detailed description, and the accompanying drawings and drawings. First, as shown in the first to fourth figures, the knee joint mobilization training apparatus of the present invention includes a dummy (1), a detecting component (2), a signal transmission system (3), and a microprocessor (4). a learning activation unit (5), an age layer control unit (6), a treatment site control unit (7), a memory unit (8), and a display unit (9); wherein: the treatment dummy (1) is mainly Simulating the knee joint (11) of the human body and the calf (12) connecting the knee joint (11); 8 1355929 The detecting element (2) is a soft plastic sheet pressure measuring device (FSR (Force) Sensing Resistor)](A) '(B) ' is set in the treatment of the dummy (1) the upper part of the knee joint (11) and the lower part of the knee joint (11), thereby detecting The pressure values of "front slide" and "back slide" are also provided with a tension meter (C) to be combined with the dummy (1) of the treatment part (1), and the tension meter (C) is available for detection. Measuring the tensile force applied to the lower leg (12) when pulling away; the signal transmission system (3) includes a multi-channel cut connected to the detecting element (2) The system (31) is connected to the amplifier (32) connected to the multi-channel switching system (31), the signal processing unit (33) connected to the amplifier (32), and the analog digital unit connected to the signal processing unit (33). a converter (34) for transmitting the signal data detected by the detecting component (2) to the microprocessor (4); the microprocessor (4) is respectively associated with the signal transmission system (3) and the learning start unit ( 5), age layer control unit (6), treatment part control = unit (Ό and memory unit (8), display unit (9), etc.; the learning start unit (5), respectively connected to the microprocessor ( When working with an experienced teacher with a memory unit (8), spread it to the dummy of the treated person (1) the pressure value of the anterior portion of the knee joint (11) and the posterior side of the joint (11) The power data such as the technical value applied to the calf (12) is processed by the microprocessor (4) and input into the 怃 _ f; 疋 18) The age layer control unit (6), the microprocessor (4) Phases and knots are controlled according to young people (61), middle-aged people (62) and old people (the target = age distribution) ; 9 1355929 The treatment part control unit (7) ' is connected with the microprocessor (4), and the treatment part is provided with three controls of pull-off (71), front slide (72) and back slide (73). The display unit (9) is connected to the microprocessor (4) and can be used for earphones or cymbals. According to this, when it is desired to record an experienced teacher, the treatment of various age groups is combined with the force applied to each treatment site. Please refer to ^1~4_, which is the learning start unit (5), and select the pre- and post-slip (10) chicks and middle-aged people according to the treatment site and the age distribution of the patient. ) and the age block of the elderly (63); the experienced teacher is to apply the force on the treatment site of the first (4) of the dummy (1), and with the age of The detection component (2) senses the force value of the force applied, and the micro-signal is converted into data by the signal transmission system (3). The power value is recorded by the memory unit (8), := the treatment site and the various ages The strength values required for the layers are all operated by the trainees (4). I desired to practice reading. The p-position (such as: pull away) and the age layer (such as: t-year-old person), in the age-level control unit (6) and the treatment site control month pull away 2 treatment ^ people (1) relative to η for knee loosening force, With the application of power, the display unit (8) also emits a short sound (according to the student and the 10 1355929 practice environment to learn to wear headphones or use the racquet), and when the force applied reaches the strength of the teacher demonstration, Immediately, the sound of a long sound is heard; at this point, the trainees can know that the force exerted by them is in line with the strength of the teacher's guidance demonstration, and thus, after learning the correct amount of force, after many exercises. The trainees will naturally learn and be familiar with the control of the power. When the knee joint is loosened on the human body, the force can be applied correctly to effectively stabilize the humerus and return the humerus to its jade position. The phenomenon of patella softening. Through the above implementation description, it can be seen that the present invention has several advantages, such as: 1. The present invention provides a good training for learners of beginner knee mobilization, which is first demonstrated by experienced teachers for patients of all ages and relative The correct force is applied to the treatment site, and the microprocessor loads the force value into the memory unit for recording. After that, the trainer exercises the force on the treatment site and the age group, and the strength exerted by the student is in line with the teacher demonstration. When the correct force is applied, a long sound is emitted to inform the trainees that the force applied is correct. According to this, in order to learn the correct amount of force, after many exercises, the trainees will naturally become familiar with the control of power. When implemented in the human body, it can be used to effectively improve the phenomenon of patella softening. 2. The invention is provided with an age layer control unit for setting control buttons according to the age distribution of young people, middle-aged people and the elderly, and a treatment part control unit for separating, front sliding and rear sliding. The three control buttons, for the learner of the knee joint mobilization for beginners, can learn to engrave different age groups of patients with different treatment sites, the correct force of 11 1355929, for the learning of knee joint mobilization After full practice, you can provide good services for patients of different ages. In summary, the embodiments of the present invention can achieve the expected use efficiency, and the specific structure disclosed therein has not been seen in similar products, nor has it been disclosed before the application, and has completely complied with the provisions of the Patent Law. And the request, the application for the invention of a patent in accordance with the law, please forgive the review, and grant the patent, it is really sensible.

12 1355929 【圖式簡單說明】12 1355929 [Simple description of the diagram]

第一圖 本發明之後滑實施圖 弟一圖 本發明之前滑實施圖 第三圖 本發明之拉離實施圖 第四圖 本發明之方塊圖 第五圖 現有之拉離實施圖 第六圖 現有之後滑實施圖 第七圖 現有之前滑實施圖 第八圖 現有之遠滑實施圖 第九圖 現有之内外滑實施圖 要元件符號說明】 (1) 施療之假人 (11) 膝關節 (12) 小腿部 (2) 檢測元件 (A) 壓力計 (B) 壓力計 (C) 拉力計 (3) 訊號傳輸系統 (31) 多通道切換系統 (32) 放大器 (33) 訊號處理單元 (34) 類比數位轉化器 (4) 微處理器 (5) 學習啟動單元 (6) 年齡層控制單元 (61) 青年人 (62) 中年人 (63) 老年人 (7) 施療部位控制單元(71) 拉離 (72) 前滑 (73) 後滑 (8) 記憶單元 (9) 顯示單元 13The first embodiment of the present invention is followed by the implementation of the present invention. The third embodiment of the present invention is shown in the drawings. The fourth embodiment of the present invention is shown in the figure. Sliding implementation diagram seventh diagram existing prior slip implementation diagram eighth diagram existing far slide implementation diagram ninth diagram existing inner and outer slide implementation diagram element symbol description] (1) treatment of the dummy (11) knee joint (12) small Leg (2) Detection element (A) Pressure gauge (B) Pressure gauge (C) Tension meter (3) Signal transmission system (31) Multi-channel switching system (32) Amplifier (33) Signal processing unit (34) Analog digital Converter (4) Microprocessor (5) Learning Startup Unit (6) Age Level Control Unit (61) Young People (62) Middle Aged (63) Seniors (7) Treatment Part Control Unit (71) Pull away ( 72) Front slide (73) Back slide (8) Memory unit (9) Display unit 13

Claims (1)

1355929 _ 100年8月16日修正替換頁 十、申請專利範圍: 1. 一種膝關節鬆動術訓練儀,係包含: 一施療之假人,係主要模擬人體之膝關節及小 腿部構造; 一檢測元件,係包含設於施療之假人其膝關節 上、下側之壓力計及小腿部位之拉力計; : 一微處理器,乃與檢測元件相連結; - 一學習啟動單元,係連結於微處理器,並與施 ;φ 療部位控制單元、年齡層控制單元及記憶單元相互 連動作用; 一施療部位控制單元,與微處理器作連接,而 依施療部位設有設有拉離、前滑與後滑之控制鈕; 一年齡層控制單元,乃與微處理器相連結,並 依照年齡分佈設有控制鈕; 一記憶單元,與微處理器相連接,而與檢測元 件、學習啟動單元連動作業; φ 一顯示單元,係與微處理器相連設,且與記憶 單元、檢測元件、施療部位控制單元及年齡層控制 單元相互連動,該顯示單元係為耳機或喇队其中之 一,隨著學員對施療之假人施力的增加,顯示單元 係發出短音聲響,並於施加之力量到達記憶單元記 錄之教師示範之力量值時,發出長音之聲響。 2. 如申請專利範圍第1項所述膝關節鬆動術訓練儀, 其中,該檢測元件與微處理器間設有訊號傳輸系 統,該訊號傳輸系統係包含與檢測元件相連接之多 14 1355929 _ 100年8月16日修正替換頁 通道切換系統,以及依序連設於多通道切換系統之 後的放大器與類比數位轉化器。 3.如申請專利範圍第1項所述膝關節鬆動術訓練儀, 其中,該年齡層控制單元係依青年人、中年人與老 年人之年齡作分佈。1355929 _ August 16th, 100th revised replacement page 10, the scope of application for patents: 1. A knee joint loosening training device, comprising: a treatment of the dummy, the main simulation of the human knee and the structure of the calf; The detecting component comprises a pressure gauge provided on the pressure gauge and the lower leg of the upper and lower sides of the knee joint of the treating dummy; a microprocessor is connected with the detecting component; - a learning starting unit is connected to The microprocessor is connected to the φ treatment part control unit, the age layer control unit and the memory unit; a treatment part control unit is connected with the microprocessor, and the treatment part is provided with a pull-out, front Control button for sliding and backward sliding; an age layer control unit is connected to the microprocessor and has a control button according to the age distribution; a memory unit is connected to the microprocessor, and the detecting component and the learning starting unit Linkage operation; φ a display unit, which is connected to the microprocessor and is associated with the memory unit, the detecting element, the treatment part control unit and the age layer control unit In conjunction with the display unit, the display unit is one of the earphones or the racquet. As the student exerts an increase in the force applied to the dummy, the display unit emits a short sound, and the force applied to the memory unit records the strength of the teacher's demonstration. When the value is given, a long beep sounds. 2. The knee joint loosening training apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the detecting component and the microprocessor are provided with a signal transmission system, and the signal transmission system includes a plurality of connected to the detecting component 14 1355929 _ On August 16th, 100th, the replacement page channel switching system was modified, and the amplifier and analog digital converter were sequentially connected after the multi-channel switching system. 3. The knee joint mobilization training apparatus according to item 1 of the patent application scope, wherein the age layer control unit is distributed according to the ages of young people, middle-aged people and elderly people. 1515
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CN112120908A (en) * 2020-08-12 2020-12-25 厦门立方幻境科技有限公司 Multi-mode interactive joint loosening training equipment and training method
CN112037600B (en) * 2020-08-28 2022-05-17 马全胜 Joint loosening operation teaching aid

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