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TW200824659A (en
Zhi-Hao Zhou
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Zhi-Hao Zhou
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Publication of TWI296517B publication Critical patent/TWI296517B/zh
Publication of TW200824659A publication Critical patent/TW200824659A/en



  • Orthopedics, Nursing, And Contraception (AREA)


1296517 九、發明說明·· 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發_-種人,造口之排㈣的_置,係具有穩固 不&脫位移且具舒適性與密合性之優點,亦可適於人工肛門造口之手 5術後_,另料具材配合灌腸、可兼絲臭魏射避免同一部 位長時間黏著造成皮膚發癢或過敏之情形發生。 【先前技術】 ^ 按,人工肛門造口手術係為治療直腸癌的前提處理方式,它並非 一種病,唯有直腸癌破壞肛門之功能時才須要對患者做永久肛門手術 10 ^處理其排便,而當患者開刀做人工肛門造口手術之後兩天内不能進 食以免於傷口受感染,但事實上兩天内傷口並無法癒合,當兩天之後 患者開始進食後會自然排便,而且大部份為輕微之腹濕,因此一般醫 I1 边在人間造口之手術傷卩轉布覆蓋,但由於排便或排氣係不 定時排放,因此隨時有惡臭或排泄物滲出的情形,而須不定時更換紗 布,因而造成患者與照顧護士之困擾,另外有些醫師會教導病患家屬 或看護人員對患者做灌腸作業以處理排便,若灌腸後僅用紗布貼覆於 人工肛門造口處,當患者排氣時仍然會順道排出有臭味的液體,若患 者同時患有糖尿病必須少量多餐進食,即使有進行灌腸仍然無法維持 一天不再排便,最快有可能兩小時後即開始排便,而且通常會腹瀉, 20雖然有些醫師或患者會使用習用人工肛門造口排泄物之收集裝置如 圖一〜圖二所示,其係包括有一收集袋(4),該收集袋(4)具有穿孔(41) 以及位於穿孔(41)周圍所設之工業用雙面膠(42),當欲使用時撕去工 1296517 業用雙面膠(42)的表層(421)即可黏貼於患者之人工肛門造口部位, 並由穿孔(41)對準人工肛門造口(引流口),因此患者之排泄物即可由 前述穿孔(41)進入收集袋(4)内;經查前述習用產品乃存在如下缺失: 1·收集袋(4)之穿孔(41)與患者人工肛門造口周圍之皮膚無法完全密 5 合,因此人工肛門造口周圍之皮膚容易接觸排泄物,長時間之後可 能產生皮膚過敏,若傷口尚未完全癒合甚至較嚴重者會導致皮膚潰 _ 2•只能在同一部位靠工業用雙面膠W2)黏貼患者皮膚,又沒有透氣效 果,時間一久谷易產生悶熱或發癢不舒適甚至皮膚過敏的情形,有 10些患者會另外購買人工皮膚來使用以避免前述情形產生,但人造皮 膚至少要新台瞥三、四信元,並不是所有病患可以負擔得起。 3·當患者職或秋餘晴蓄齡㈣,絲之魏令患者或患者 周邊的人產生困擾’尤其患者可能因此而自卑,造成心理負擔。 *查公告編號第535576號「人工肛門之銜接座結構改良」專利 案揭露了用繫帶配合銜接顧定在患者身上的相_容,然而經查每 一位患者之身材胖痩不―,若繫帶繫得太緊會不舒服,若繫帶以舒服 的緊度固定靡定會因患者姿勢變換產生位移鬆脫,尤其是收集袋内 ^物累積-定做之後更料產生娜_,糾此觀構使用之 ==了魅权編㈣樹删、辦情形,而 …、法平整’即使貼上膠帶仍有滲出排氣或澄氣導致臭味的情形產生; 1296517 另外,新型專利第M2瞻號「人工肛門繼物之收 =供了猶績_切,恤細轉複雜,亦 ^述竭、5麵號專利案之容易鬆脫位移或佩掛不舒適以及 ,、衣上方谷易滲出排乳產生臭味;再者,新型專利第麵咖號「人 工^門便做合及其拋棄式崎」專猶,_獨使㈣帶固定, 於人體的方式域會有與皮膚接觸部位產生悶熱、發漆 ^,卿結嶋,使__,晌—缺失則是 中央通孔與患者之密合性亦較差,仍會有驗物接觸人工取門造口附 近的皮膚造成過敏甚至潰爛之情形產生。 1發明者贿鑑於前述缺失翻擾,經過不_研究、測試與改 良、於創-種人工肛門造口之排池物的收集裳置。 主要目的乃在於提供一種人工肛門造口之躲物 y 接合座之凸帽的槽孔可配合對準人工肛門造口(引流 塗覆之醫树私膠與患者人爛造口周圍的皮 ’而具有穩固不鬆脫位移以及具有較佳 =亦可適用於人工取門造口手術後使用,而凸帽之周壁則可與 二flT離保護作用,可避免患者皮膚直接接觸排泄物而導致 潰爛、紅腫或過敏等情形產生。 種一⑽口之排泄物的收 絲置,/、接5座之凸帽的内牆可避免割傷患者人工肛門造口。 本發明之再-目的乃在於提供一種人工肚門造口之排泄物的收 20 1296517 集裝置,其收集袋之適當部位可增設有一個或一個以上的獨立室以供 裝設入活性鮮除錢,且獨立室至少設有—透氣孔與排氣孔,藉由 除臭劑可對收集袋内之排泄物或患者之排氣具有除臭功能。 本發明之又一目的乃在於提供一種人工肛門造口之排泄物的收 -5集裝置,其接合座之凸帽的形狀可呈錐形體,以配合灌腸器錐形的嘴 部,而利於配合灌腸器使用。 本發明之另一目的乃在於提供一種人工肛門造口之排泄物的收 ⑩集裝置,其接合座之凸帽的形狀呈錐形體,可利於導引排泄物導出。 本發明之次一目的乃在於提供一種人工肛門造口之排泄物的收 1〇集裝置,其收集袋内係可另置設衛生紙、棉5戈其他具吸水作用之紙、 棉或布,以適時吸收患者之排氣的水份或溼氣。 本發明之再一目的乃在於提供一種人工肛門造口之排泄物的收 集裝置,其接合座之板體的内面與收集袋的袋體之一面並可具有適當 鲁面積之非連結部位,進而可提供使用者選擇另外以醫療用膠帶將該板 體與皮膚黏著定位,或者利用板體原先所設醫療用雙面膠與皮膚黏著 定位,如此可避制-皮膚部侧長時職轉而造成皮膚發癢、紅 腫或過敏等不舒適的情形產生。 【發明内容】 -種人工間造σ之排泄物敝餘置,係包括有接合座與收集 袋,其接合座之凸帽的槽孔可配合對準人工肛門造口(引流口),並由 凸帽塗覆之醫療用皮膚石夕膠與患者人工肛門造口周圍的皮膚接觸部 8 1296517 位膠合,而具有穩固不鬆脫位移以及具有較佳之舒適性與密合性,亦 可適用於人工肛門造口手術後使用,而凸帽之周壁則可與患者皮膚形 成隔離保護作用,可避免患者皮膚直接接觸排池物而導致潰爛、紅腫 或過敏等情形產生,而接合座之凸帽的内牆可避免割傷患者人工肛門 5造口,另外其收集袋之適當部位可增設有一個或一個以上的獨立室以 供裝设除臭劑,配合透氣孔與與排氣孔而具有除臭功能,再者,其接 合座之凸帽的形狀可呈錐形體,不但有利於導引排泄物導出,亦可以 籲配合灌腸器錐形的嘴部而利於配合灌腸器使用,另者,其接合座之板 體的内面與收集袋的袋體之一面並可具有適當面積之非連結部位,進 10而可提供使用者選擇另外以醫療用膠帶將該板體與皮膚黏著定位,或 者利甩板體原先所設雙面膠與皮膚黏著定位,如此可避免同一皮膚部 位因長時間被黏著而造成皮膚發癢、紅腫或過敏等不舒適的情形產 生。 絲配合圖式詳加說明如后。 • 【實施方式】 如圖二〜圖九所示,本發明一種人工肛門造口之排泄物的收集裝 置,係包括有: 接合座(1),係具有一凸帽(Π)以及位於凸帽(n)之另一側的板體 (12),該凸帽(11)與板體(丨2)之間具有相通之槽孔(13),而凸帽(11) 20 之外周壁(in)的侧端並設有向槽孔(13)内彎折延設之内牆 (112),在該凸帽(11)之外周壁(Π1)的外侧端(lni)以及接近於外 1296517 周壁(111)的前端緣面(113)可供塗覆一層醫療用皮膚矽膠(1〇)(參 考圖九),而前述板體(12)的外面則設有醫療用雙面膠(m)該醫療 用雙面膠(12)乃具有透氣孔(12Π),或者板體(12)亦可直接設有黏 膠(圖未示),且板體(12)的内面(122)係與收集袋(2)連結; 收集袋(2),係由其袋體的一面(21)與接合座(d之板體(12〉連結,並 由該袋體一面(21)之穿孔(211)與銜接座(1)之槽孔(13)相連通,該 收集袋(2)之一側並具有封閉端(22); 擊藉由前述特徵,接合座(1)之凸帽(11)的槽孔(13)可配合對準人 工肛門造口(引流口),並由凸帽(11)塗覆之醫療用皮膚石夕膠(1〇)與患 w者人工肛門造口周圍的皮膚接觸部位膠合,而具有穩固不鬆脫位移以 及較佳之舒適性與密合性,因此亦可適於人工肛門造口手術後使用, 而凸幅(11)之周壁則可與患者皮膚形成隔離保護作用,可避免患者皮 膚直接接觸排泄物而導致潰爛、紅腫或過敏等情形發生,而接合座G) 之凸帽(11)的内牆(112)則可避免使用時割傷患者人工肛門造口,又 瞻當板體(12)的醫療用雙面膠(121)撕開後即可與患者之人工肛門造口 附近的皮膚貼合,在實際使用時,排泄物可經接合座之槽孔U幻 經由收集袋(2)之穿孔(211)直接流入收集袋(2)之袋體内。 再者’前述收集袋(2)係另-侧可進-步具有封閉端(23),且在 袋體的適當部位可增設有一個以上的獨立室(24)(參考圖五),該獨立 室(24)的⑽空間並裝設有活性炭⑽或除臭濾材或其他:除臭 劑,而其中該獨立室(24)並至少設有一個與袋體之内部空間(2〇)連通 的透氣孔⑽),域獨立f⑽至少設有—倾外界連 10 20 1296517 (242) ’該獨立室⑽所裝人之除臭劑可透過魏孔⑽)對袋體内之 排泄物或排氣具除臭功能。 窃口另者,前述接合座⑴之凸帽⑴)的形狀係可呈錐形體以配合灌 腸器之錐形的嘴部’關於配合歸^使用,當欲進行灌腸時可先將 5收集袋⑵另一側的封閉端⑽剪掉而形成開口(230)(參考圖八),然 後將灌腸器經由開口(231)穿入收集袋⑵之袋體内,並由該灌腸器之 嘴部對準凸帽(11)之槽孔(13),隨即可進行灌腸作業,當灌腸作業完 •成可將灌腸器取出,而將前述收集袋⑵另一侧的開口⑽)對摺,並 配合膠帶齡或以其他方式將收健⑵之開口(23())重新封閉。 10 又,前述接合座⑴之凸帽⑽呈錐碰,且其槽孔⑽亦呈錐 形體,以便於導引排泄物排出。 另外,前述接合座⑴之凸帽⑻的外⑼)之外側端⑴⑴ 係呈非銳角狀例如圓弧導角,如此前述之外周壁(111)之外側端(1111) 以及前述接近於外周壁(111)之前端緣面⑴3)即為連接一體的圓藏 V角面(圖未示),相對的此圓弧導角面係提供.塗覆一層前述之醫療用 皮膚矽膠。 再者,丽述收集袋(2)内係可另置設衛生紙(25)(參考圖五)、棉 (圖未示)、布(圖未示)或其他具吸水作用之紙、棉或布,以供適時吸 收患者之排氣中的水份或溼氣。 20 另者,參考圖六、圖九,前述接合座(1)之板體(12)的内面(122) 與收集袋(2)的袋體之一面(21)並可具有適當面積之連結部位(22〇) 1296517 與非連結部位(22G),進而可提供使用麵擇糾叫療用膠帶 (27)(參考圖七)將該板體⑽與皮_著定位,其優點乃在於當使用 者原本姻板體(12)之醫療贿導⑽)與患者域_著部位之 黏貼時間太久時,可選斯文變為另外藉由醫療用膠 」部位貼著,進而可避免長時間的黏著而造成皮膚紅腫、 - 專症狀。 又,前述接合座⑴之板體(12)的内面(122)與收集袋⑵的一面 φ (21)之連結方式係可為-體成形或以熱溶膠熱溶接合或者以高周波 接合等方式連結。 ' 1〇 另外’前述接合座⑴之板體⑽的適當部位係設有數透氣孔 (123) 〇 再者,前述接合座⑴似採用符合縣顧之轉材質為較 佳,本實施例係採用ΤΤ塑膠。 請另參考圖十〜圖十一所示係本創作之另-實施例,其特徵與前 管述實施例_,主要差異在於裝設之活性炭(3,)或其他除臭劑的形狀 .不同’相對獨立室(24’)的形狀亦不相同,該獨立室⑼,)同樣具有透 氣孔(24Γ)與排氣孔(242,)。 再者’本創作實際生產時可視不同狀況需求提供不同尺寸規格, 以供患者選用,請另配合參考圖十二係本創作之又一實施例,其與第 2〇 -實施例之特徵内容相同,僅尺寸規格略有不同,故不另費述。’、 綜上所述,本創作可歸納具有下列增進功效: 12 1296517 口)’並由凸帽(11)塗覆之皮膚轉⑽與患者人工肛門造 口周圍的皮雜卿轉合,㈣有_轉勘及具有較佳 之舒適性触合性,柯適於人雄門造口之手術後使I -5 2·凸帽(11)之難浙與患者誠職嶋賴伽,可避免患者皮 膚直接接觸排泄物而導致潰爛、紅腫或過敏等情形產生。 3.接合座⑴之凸帽(11)的内牆⑴2)可避免割傷患者人工肛門造口。 • 4·收集袋⑵之適當部位可增設有一個或一個以上的獨立室(24)以供 裝設入活性炭(26)等除臭劑,且獨立室(24)至少設有一透氣孔(241) 10 與排氣孔(242),藉由除臭劑可對收集袋(2)内之排泄物或患者之排 氣具有除臭功能。 5·接合座(1)之凸帽(11)的形狀可呈錐形體,以配合灌腸器錐形的嘴 部’而利於配合灌腸器使用。 6,接合座(1)之凸帽(π)可呈錐形體,且其槽孔(13)亦呈錐形體,可 —利於導引排泄物排出。 7·收集袋(2)内係可另置設衛生紙(25)、棉(圖未示)、布(圖未示)或 其他具吸水作用之紙、棉或布,以適時吸收患者之排氣中的水份或 溼氣。 8·接合座(1)之板體(12)的内面(122)與收集袋(2)的袋體之一面(21) 2〇 並可具有適當面積之連結部位(220)與非連結部位(221),進而可提 供使用者選擇另外以醫療用膠帶(27)將該板體(12)與皮膚黏著定 13 1296517 位’或者湘板體(12)原細設醫細雙轉(121)與皮膚黏著定 位,如此可避免同一皮膚部位因長時間被黏著而造成皮膚發癢、紅 腫或過敏等不舒適的情形產生。 是I本發明乃確具其產業上之利用價值,乃謹以發明專利申請 5之,態請釣局貴審查委員予以詳查並賜准專利,至感德便。 惟^以上所述者僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已,當不能以之限定 2明貫施之範圍,舉凡依本發明申請專利範圍所作之鱗變化婦 _飾白應仍屬本發明涵蓋之專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 10圖一係習用產品之立體分解圖。 圖二係習用產品之立體組合圖。 圖三係本發明實施例之立體分解圖。 圖四係本發明實施例之立體組合圖。 _圖五係本發明實施例之組合斷面示意圖。 圖六係本發明實施例之另一角度、组合斷面示意圖。 .圖七係本發明實施例配合使用另—種膠帶之立體示青⑮ 圖八係本發明實施例收集袋一側剪開狀態之示咅圖_。 圈^本發明實霉塗覆—層醫療用皮^之部份組合斷面示 20圖十係本發明另一實施例之立體圖。 圖十一係本發明另一實施例之斷面示意圖 14 1296517 圖十二係本發明另一實施例之立體圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (1)接合座(10)醫療用皮膚矽膠(11)凸帽(111)外周壁(1111)外 侧端(112)内牆(113)前端緣面(12)板體(121)醫療用雙面膠 5 (122)内面(123)(241)(24Γ)透氣孔(13)槽孔(2)收集袋(21)—面 (211)穿孔(22)(23)封閉端(220)連結部位(221)非連結部位(230) 開口(24)(24’)獨立室(242)(242’)排氣孔(25)衛生紙(27)醫療用 籲膠帶(3)(3’)活性炭1296517 IX. Inventive description·· 【Technical field to which the invention belongs 】 The _-type of the person, the ostomy row (4), has the advantages of stable non-displacement and comfort and adhesion. It can be applied to the artificial anus stoma 5 postoperative _, and the other materials can be combined with enema, and can be combined with silky odor to prevent the skin from being itchy or allergic. [Previous technique] ^ According to the artificial anus ostomy surgery, it is a precondition for the treatment of rectal cancer. It is not a disease. Only when rectal cancer destroys the function of the anus, it is necessary to perform permanent anal surgery on the patient. When the patient is operated for an artificial anus ostomy, he can't eat for two days to avoid the wound being infected. In fact, the wound can't heal within two days. When the patient starts eating, the patient will naturally defecate after two days, and most of them are mild. The abdomen is wet, so the general medical I1 is covered in the surgical scar of the human stoma. However, since the defecation or the exhaust system is discharged from time to time, there is a situation in which the odor or the excretion is exuded at any time, and the gauze must be changed from time to time. It causes troubles for patients and nurses. Other doctors will teach family members or caregivers to perform enema work on patients to treat bowel movements. If the gavage is applied to the artificial anus stoma only after enema, the patient will still be exhausted when the patient is venting. Squeeze out the smelly liquid, if the patient has diabetes at the same time, you must eat a small amount of meals, even if there is still enema Maintaining a day without defecation, it is possible to start defecation in two hours at the earliest, and usually diarrhea, 20 although some physicians or patients will use the artificial anus ostomy excretion collection device as shown in Figure 1 ~ Figure 2, The utility model comprises a collecting bag (4) having a perforation (41) and an industrial double-sided adhesive (42) disposed around the perforation (41), and tearing off the work 1296517 when used. The surface layer (421) of the top coat (42) can be adhered to the artificial anal stoma of the patient, and the perforation (41) is aligned with the artificial anus stoma (drainage port), so that the patient's excrement can be made by the aforementioned perforation (41). Entering the collection bag (4); after checking the above-mentioned conventional products, there are the following defects: 1. The perforation (41) of the collection bag (4) is not completely close to the skin around the patient's artificial anus stoma, so the artificial anus is made. The skin around the mouth is easy to contact with excretions. It may cause skin allergies after a long time. If the wound has not completely healed or even worse, it will cause skin ulceration. 2• Only use the double-sided adhesive W2) in the same area to adhere to the patient's skin. No ventilation effect For a long time, the valley is prone to sultry or itchy uncomfortable or even skin allergies. There are 10 patients who will purchase artificial skin to avoid the above situation, but the artificial skin must have at least three or four cells, not all. Patients can afford it. 3. When the patient is in the position of the patient or the age of the autumn (4), the silk is caused by the patient or the person around the patient. In particular, the patient may feel inferior and cause psychological burden. *Investigation No. 535576 "Improvement of the structure of the artificial anus joint" patent case reveals the use of the tie to match the body of the patient on the patient's body, but after checking each patient's body is not fat, if If the strap is too tight, it will be uncomfortable. If the strap is fixed with a comfortable tightness, the displacement will be loose due to the change of the patient's posture, especially the accumulation of the inside of the collection bag. The use of the structure == the charm of the editor (four) tree deletion, do the situation, and ..., the law is flat 'even if the tape is still oozing out or suffocating the odor caused by the situation; 1296517 In addition, the new patent M2 No. "Artificial anus following the harvest = for the success of the _ cut, the shirt is fine and complicated, also ^ exhausted, the 5 face patent case is easy to loose displacement or uncomfortable hanging, and the top of the cloth is easy to seep out The milk produces odor; in addition, the new patent No. 1 coffee cup "manual ^ door will be combined and its abandoning type" is special, _ singular (four) with a fixed, in the human body, there will be sultry contact with the skin , lacquer ^, Qing knot, so that __, 晌 - missing is the central pass Also the patients with poor adhesiveness, the test will have to take contacted artificial stoma door near the skin caused by allergy or even ulceration of the case is generated. 1 Inventor bribes In view of the aforementioned lack of turbulence, after the collection, testing and improvement, the collection of the pool of artificial anus stoma. The main purpose is to provide a kind of artificial anus stoma. The slot of the convex cap of the joint y joint can be matched with the artificial anus stoma (the drainage of the coated medical tree and the skin around the patient's rotten mouth) It has stable non-relaxation displacement and has better = can also be used after artificial ostomy surgery, and the peripheral wall of the convex cap can be protected from the two flT, which can prevent the patient's skin from directly contacting the excrement and causing ulceration. Redness or allergies, etc.. The inner wall of the excrement of one (10) mouth, /, the inner wall of the convex cap of the 5 seat can avoid cutting the artificial anus stoma of the patient. The re-purpose of the present invention is to provide a For the collection of excrement of artificial ventral stoma, the collection unit of 20 1296517, the appropriate part of the collection bag may be provided with one or more independent rooms for the installation of active fresh money, and the independent chamber is provided with at least venting holes And the venting hole, the deodorizing agent can have a deodorizing function for the excrement in the collecting bag or the exhaust of the patient. Another object of the present invention is to provide a collection of excrement of artificial anal stoma. Device The shape of the convex cap of the seat can be tapered to match the taper of the enema to facilitate the use of the enema. Another object of the present invention is to provide a device for collecting the excrement of the artificial anus stoma. The convex cap of the joint seat has a conical shape, which is favorable for guiding the drainage of the excrement. The second object of the present invention is to provide a collecting and collecting device for the excrement of the artificial anal stoma, which collects the inside of the bag. A toilet paper, cotton, other absorbent paper, cotton or cloth may be additionally provided to absorb the moisture or moisture of the patient's exhaust gas in a timely manner. A further object of the present invention is to provide an artificial anal stoma excretion. The collecting device of the object, the inner surface of the plate body of the jointing seat and one side of the bag body of the collecting bag and having a non-joining portion of a proper lu area, thereby providing the user with the option of attaching the plate body to the skin with medical tape. Orientation, or use the double-sided adhesive for medical use and the skin to be positioned, so as to avoid the uncomfortable situation such as itchy skin, redness or allergies caused by long-term rotation of the skin side. [Summary of the Invention] - The artificial sinter sputum sputum sputum, including the joint seat and the collection bag, the slot of the joint cap of the joint can be matched with the artificial anus stoma (drainage port), The medical skin shijiao coated by the convex cap is glued to the skin contact portion 8 1296517 around the patient's artificial anus stoma, and has stable and unrelaxed displacement and better comfort and adhesion, and is also applicable. It is used after artificial anus ostomy surgery, and the peripheral wall of the convex cap can form a protective effect on the patient's skin, which can prevent the patient's skin from directly contacting the drainage pool and causing ulceration, redness or allergies, and the convex cap of the joint seat. The inner wall can avoid cutting the artificial anus 5 stoma of the patient, and the appropriate part of the collecting bag can be provided with one or more independent chambers for the installation of deodorant, with the venting hole and the venting hole. The odor function, in addition, the shape of the convex cap of the joint seat can be a cone shape, which not only facilitates guiding the drainage of the excrement, but also can be combined with the tapered mouth of the enema to facilitate the use of the enema. The inner surface of the plate body of the joint seat and one side of the bag body of the collecting bag may have a non-joining portion of an appropriate area, and the user may choose to additionally position the plate body and the skin with medical tape. Or the double-sided adhesive originally set on the sputum plate body and the skin adhesion positioning, so as to avoid the uncomfortable situation such as itching, redness or allergic skin caused by the long-term adhesion of the same skin part. The wire and the drawing are explained in detail as follows. [Embodiment] As shown in FIG. 2 to FIG. 9 , the apparatus for collecting excrement of artificial anal stoma according to the present invention comprises: an engaging seat (1) having a convex cap and a convex cap. (n) the other side of the plate body (12), the convex cap (11) and the plate body (丨2) have a slot (13), and the convex cap (11) 20 outer peripheral wall (in The side end is provided with an inner wall (112) bent and extended into the slot (13), the outer end (lni) of the peripheral wall (Π1) outside the convex cap (11) and the outer wall of the outer 1296517 The front end edge surface (113) of (111) can be coated with a layer of medical skin glue (1〇) (refer to FIG. 9), and the outer surface of the front plate body (12) is provided with medical double-sided tape (m). The medical double-sided tape (12) has a venting hole (12 Π), or the plate body (12) can also be directly provided with an adhesive (not shown), and the inner surface (122) of the plate body (12) is attached to the collecting bag. (2) The connection bag (2) is connected to one side (21) of the bag body and the joint body (the plate body of the d (12> is connected, and the piercing (211) of one side (21) of the bag body is connected with The slot (13) of the seat (1) is connected to one side of the collecting bag (2) Having a closed end (22); by the foregoing feature, the slot (13) of the convex cap (11) of the joint seat (1) can be fitted with the artificial anus stoma (drainage port) and by the convex cap (11) The coated medical skin shijiao (1〇) is glued to the skin contact part around the artificial anal stoma of the patient with w, and has stable non-loose displacement and better comfort and adhesion, so it can also be adapted It is used after artificial anal stoma surgery, and the peripheral wall of the convex (11) can form a protective effect on the patient's skin, which can prevent the patient's skin from directly contacting the excrement and causing ulceration, redness or allergies, etc., and the joint G) The inner wall (112) of the convex cap (11) can avoid cutting the artificial anus stoma of the patient during use, and can also be used with the patient after the medical double-sided adhesive (121) of the plate body (12) is torn open. The skin around the artificial anus stoma fits. In actual use, the excrement can flow directly into the bag of the collecting bag (2) through the slot (211) of the collecting bag (2) through the slot U of the engaging seat. The 'collection bag (2) is a further-side accessible step with a closed end (23) and at the appropriate part of the bag More than one independent chamber (24) may be added (refer to FIG. 5), and the (10) space of the independent chamber (24) is provided with activated carbon (10) or deodorizing filter or other: deodorant, and the independent chamber (24) And at least one venting hole (10) communicating with the inner space (2〇) of the bag body, the domain independent f(10) is provided with at least the outer lining 10 20 1296517 (242) 'the deodorization of the independent room (10) The agent can deodorize the excrement or exhaust in the bag through Weikong (10). In addition, the shape of the convex cap (1) of the joint seat (1) may be a cone shape to match the tapered mouth of the enema device, and the bag may be used for enema when the enema is to be performed (2) The closed end (10) on the other side is cut away to form an opening (230) (refer to Fig. 8), and then the enema is inserted into the bag of the collecting bag (2) via the opening (231) and aligned by the mouth of the enema The slot (13) of the convex cap (11) can be used for enema operation. When the enema operation is completed, the enema can be taken out, and the opening (10) on the other side of the collecting bag (2) is folded in half, and matched with the tape age or The opening (23()) of the health (2) is reclosed in other ways. Further, the convex cap (10) of the joint seat (1) is tapered, and the slot (10) is also tapered to guide the discharge of the excrement. Further, the outer (9) (1) outer end (1) of the convex cap (8) of the joint seat (1) has a non-sharp shape such as a circular arc lead angle, such that the outer peripheral wall (111) outer side end (1111) and the aforementioned close to the outer peripheral wall ( 111) The front edge surface (1) 3) is a connected V-angle surface (not shown), and the opposite arc surface is provided by coating a layer of the aforementioned medical skin glue. In addition, the Lishui collection bag (2) can be additionally provided with toilet paper (25) (refer to Figure 5), cotton (not shown), cloth (not shown) or other absorbent paper, cotton or cloth. For timely absorption of moisture or moisture from the patient's exhaust. 20, referring to FIG. 6 and FIG. 9 , the inner surface (122) of the plate body (12) of the joint seat (1) and one side surface (21) of the bag body of the collecting bag (2) may have a joint portion of an appropriate area. (22〇) 1296517 and the non-joining part (22G), and thus the use of the face-selecting correction tape (27) (refer to Figure 7) to position the plate (10) with the skin, the advantage is that when the user When the medical bribe (10) of the original board body (12) is attached to the patient's field for too long, the optional Sven becomes a separate part of the medical glue, thereby avoiding long-term adhesion. Causes redness and swelling of the skin, - specific symptoms. Further, the inner surface (122) of the plate body (12) of the joint seat (1) and the one surface φ (21) of the collecting bag (2) may be joined by a body forming method or a hot melt hot melt bonding or a high frequency bonding. . In the appropriate part of the plate body (10) of the joint seat (1), a plurality of vent holes (123) are provided. Further, the joint seat (1) is preferably made of a material suitable for the county, and the present embodiment is preferably ΤΤ. plastic. Please refer to FIG. 10 to FIG. 11 for another embodiment of the present invention, the features of which are the same as the former embodiment _, the main difference is the shape of the activated carbon (3,) or other deodorant installed. The shape of the 'relatively independent chamber (24') is also different, and the independent chamber (9), also has a venting opening (24 Γ) and a venting opening (242,). Furthermore, in the actual production of the present invention, different sizes and specifications may be provided for different conditions, for the patient to select, please cooperate with another embodiment of the reference drawing, which is the same as the feature of the second embodiment. Only the size specifications are slightly different, so no further description is required. 'In summary, this creation can be summarized as having the following enhancements: 12 1296517)) and the skin (10) coated by the cap (11) is transferred to the skin of the patient's artificial anus stoma, (4) _Transfer and better comfort contact, Ke is suitable for human ostomy surgery after the operation of I -5 2 · convex cap (11) difficult Zhejiang and patients sincerely 嶋 嶋 ,, can avoid the patient's skin Direct contact with excreta causes ulceration, redness or allergies. 3. The inner wall (1) 2) of the convex cap (11) of the joint seat (1) can avoid cutting the artificial anus stoma of the patient. • 4. The appropriate part of the collection bag (2) may be provided with one or more separate chambers (24) for the installation of deodorant such as activated carbon (26), and the independent chamber (24) is provided with at least one venting hole (241). 10 and the venting hole (242), the deodorizing agent can have a deodorizing function for the excrement in the collecting bag (2) or the exhaust of the patient. 5. The convex cap (11) of the joint seat (1) may have a conical shape to match the tapered mouth of the enema to facilitate use with the enema. 6. The convex cap (π) of the joint seat (1) can be tapered, and the slot (13) is also tapered, which can be used to guide the discharge of the waste. 7. The collection bag (2) can be equipped with toilet paper (25), cotton (not shown), cloth (not shown) or other absorbent paper, cotton or cloth to absorb the patient's exhaust in a timely manner. Moisture or moisture in the water. 8. The inner surface (122) of the plate body (12) of the joint seat (1) and the one surface (21) of the bag body of the collection bag (2) are 2 〇 and may have a joint portion (220) and a non-join joint portion of an appropriate area ( 221), in turn, the user can choose to additionally use the medical tape (27) to adhere the plate body (12) to the skin 13 1296517' or the Xiang plate body (12). The skin is positioned so as to avoid uncomfortable conditions such as itchy skin, redness or allergies caused by adhesion of the same skin part for a long time. It is I that the invention is indeed of its industrial use value. It is the invention patent application 5, and the inspection board of the fishing bureau is required to examine and grant the patent. However, the above description is only a preferred embodiment of the present invention, and when it is not possible to define the scope of the invention, the scale change according to the scope of the present invention is still covered by the present invention. Within the scope of the patent. [Simple description of the diagram] Figure 10 is a three-dimensional exploded view of the conventional product. Figure 2 is a three-dimensional combination of conventional products. Figure 3 is a perspective exploded view of an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 4 is a perspective assembled view of an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 5 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a combined embodiment of the present invention. Figure 6 is a schematic view showing another angle and a combined sectional view of the embodiment of the present invention. Figure 7 is a perspective view of the embodiment of the present invention in combination with another type of tape. Figure 8 is a schematic view of the side of the collection bag in the embodiment of the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention is a perspective view of another embodiment of the present invention. Figure 11 is a schematic cross-sectional view of another embodiment of the present invention. 14 1296517 Figure 12 is a perspective view of another embodiment of the present invention. [Description of main component symbols] (1) Bonding seat (10) Medical skin gel (11) Male cap (111) outer peripheral wall (1111) outer end (112) inner wall (113) front end edge surface (12) plate body ( 121) Medical double-sided tape 5 (122) inner surface (123) (241) (24 inch) venting hole (13) slot (2) collection bag (21) - face (211) perforation (22) (23) closed end (220) Joint site (221) Non-joining site (230) Opening (24) (24') Separate chamber (242) (242') Vent hole (25) Toilet paper (27) Medical use tape (3) (3 ') Activated carbon


Claims (1)

1296517 十、申請專利範圍·· 1· -種人工肛門造口之排池物的收集裝置,係包括冑: 接合座’係具有一凸帽以及位於凸帽之另一側的板體,該凸帽與板 體之間具有麵之槽孔,在該凸帽之外賤的外側端以及接近於 •5 外的㈣緣面可供塗覆—層醫制皮膚轉,而前述板體的 夕卜面則設有醫療用雙面膠或直接設有黏膠,且板體的内面係與收 集袋連結; 鲁收集袋’係由其袋體的一面與接合座之板體連結,並由該袋體一面 之穿孔與銜接紅魏減通,該收絲之-舰具有封閉端 10 者。 2·如申料嫌圍第i項職之纽肛門造口之排㈣的轉裝置, 其中該接合座之凸帽的外周壁之侧端設有向槽孔内彎折延設 牆者。 3·如申明專利範圍第丨項所述之人工肛門造口之排泄物的收集裝置, ⑩其中該收集袋係另一侧可進一步具有封閉端者。 4.如申#專她圍第丨項所述之人卫肛門造口之排池物的收集裝置, 其中該收集袋之袋體的適#部位可增設有—個以上的獨立室,該獨 立至的内口 P空間亚裝設有除臭劑,而其中該獨立室並至少設有一個 與衣體之内輕間連通的透氣孔,雌獨立室至少触—個與外界 20 連通之排氣孔者。 1 5·如申料細圍第丨項所述之人工肛門造口之排泄物敵集裝置, 16 1296517 其中該接合座之凸帽的形狀係可呈錐形體者。 6. 如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之人工肛門造口之排_的收集裝置, 其中該接合座之凸帽與板體之間的槽孔係為錐形體之槽孔者。 7. 如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之人工肛門造口之排㈣的收集裝置, —5其中該收集袋_可另置設衛生紙、棉、布或其他具吸水作用之 * 紙、棉或布者。 8. 如申請專利細帛丨項賴之人雄門造σ之獅物敝集裝置, 鲁其中該接合座之板體的内面與收集袋之一面並可具有適當面積之 非連結部位,進而可提供制者選擇另外以膠帶將該板體與皮膚黏 10 著定位者。 ^ 9. 如申請專概圍第丨項所狀人卫間造口之觀物触集裝置, 其中該接合座之板體外面所設醫療用雙面膠係具有數透氣孔者。 10. —種人工肛門造口之排泄物的收集裝置,係包括有: 接合座,係具有-凸帽以及位於凸帽之另一侧的板體,該凸帽與板 t 體之間具有相通之概,在該凸帽之外周壁的外侧端具有圓弧導 角面可供塗覆-層醫翻皮抑膠,而前述板體的外酬設有醫 療用雙面膠或直接設有黏膠,且板體的内面係與收集袋連結;W 收集袋,係由其袋體的一面與接合座之板體連結,並由該袋體一面 之穿孔與銜讀餘魏,職集狀—舰具有封閉端 20 者。 1L如申請專利範圍第1〇項職之人卫肚門造口之排泄物的收集裝 17 1296517 置,其中該收集袋係另-侧可進一步具有封閉端者。 \如=利範圍第1〇項所述之人工肛_口___ 置,其中触餘之袋體_t部位可增财—似上的獨立室, 該獨立室的内部空間並裝設有除臭劑’而其中該獨立室並至少設有 一個與袋體之内部空間連通的透氣孔,且該獨立室至少設有一個與 外界連通之排氣孔者。 13.如申請專利範圍第1〇項所述之人工肛門造口之排泄物的收集裝 •置,其中該接合座之凸帽的形狀係可呈錐形體者。 U.如申料利翻第1G項所述之人抑門造口之排泄物的收集裝 10置,其中該接合座之凸帽與板體之fBl的槽孔係為錐雜之槽孔者。 15.如申請專利範圍第1〇項所述之人工肛門造口之排泄物的收集袭 置,其中該收集袋内係可另置設衛生紙、棉、布或其他具吸水作用 之紙、棉或布者。 16,如申明專利範圍帛1〇項所述之人工肛門造口之排池物的收集裝 w 置,其中該接合座之板體的内面與收集袋之一面並可具有適當面積 之非連結部位,進而可提供使用者選擇另外以料職板體與皮膚 黏著定位者。 17·如申請專利翻第項所述之人工肛門造口之排㈣的收集裝 置,其中該接合座之板體外面所設醫療用雙面膠係具有數透氣孔 20 者。 181296517 X. Patent application scope ···················································································· There is a slotted hole between the cap and the plate body, and the outer end of the cymbal outside the convex cap and the (four) rim surface close to the outer surface of the outer cover can be coated with a layer of medical skin, and the aforementioned plate body is The surface is provided with a double-sided adhesive for medical use or directly with a glue, and the inner surface of the plate is connected with the collection bag; the collection bag is connected by one side of the bag body to the plate body of the joint seat, and the bag is connected by the bag The perforation of the body side is connected with the red Wei, and the ship has a closed end 10 . 2. For example, if the side end of the outer peripheral wall of the convex cap of the joint seat is provided, the side end of the outer wall of the convex cap of the joint seat is provided to bend the wall in the slot. 3. A device for collecting excrement of artificial anal stoma as described in the scope of claim 2, wherein the other side of the collecting bag may further have a closed end. 4. For example, the application device for the sputum of the human anus ostomy as described in the article 专 围 专 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集The inner port P space sub-assembly is provided with a deodorant, and wherein the independent chamber is provided with at least one venting hole communicating with the inner light body of the clothing body, and the female independent room at least one exhaust gas communicating with the outside world 20 Hole. 1 5· The artificial anal stoma excrement enemies as described in the item 丨 围 丨, 16 1296517, wherein the shape of the convex cap of the joint can be a cone shape. 6. The collecting device of the artificial anus stoma according to the scope of the invention, wherein the slot between the convex cap of the joint and the plate body is a slot of the cone. 7. The collection device of the artificial anus stoma (4) as described in the scope of the patent application, (5) wherein the collection bag _ may be provided with toilet paper, cotton, cloth or other absorbent paper, cotton or Cloth. 8. For example, if you apply for a patent 帛丨 之 人 人 雄 雄 造 造 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The manufacturer is additionally selected to adhere the plate to the skin with tape. ^ 9. If you apply for the viewing device of the ostomy of the person in the stipulations, the medical double-sided tape provided on the outside of the plate of the joint has a number of venting holes. 10. A collecting device for excrement of an artificial anal stoma, comprising: a joint having a - a cap and a plate on the other side of the cap, the cap being in communication with the plate t In general, the outer side end of the outer wall of the convex cap has a circular arc guide surface for coating-layer medical flipping, and the outer layer of the front plate is provided with medical double-sided adhesive or directly provided with adhesive. Glue, and the inner surface of the plate body is connected with the collecting bag; the W collecting bag is connected by one side of the bag body with the plate body of the jointing seat, and the perforation of one side of the bag body and the reading of Yu Wei, the job set- The ship has a closed end 20 . 1L is the collection of the excrement of the human ventral stoma of the first part of the patent application scope, and the collection bag is further closed with the other side. \ 如=============================================================================================== The odorant' and wherein the independent chamber is provided with at least one venting hole communicating with the inner space of the bag body, and the independent chamber is provided with at least one venting hole communicating with the outside. 13. The collection device of the excrement of the artificial anus stoma according to the first aspect of the patent application, wherein the convex cap of the joint is shaped as a cone. U. For example, the collection of the excrement of the stagnation mouth of the human body as described in Item 1G, wherein the convex cap of the joint and the slot of the fBl of the plate are the slots of the cone . 15. The collection of excrement of artificial anus stoma as described in claim 1 of the patent application, wherein the collection bag may be provided with toilet paper, cotton, cloth or other absorbent paper, cotton or Cloth. 16. The collection device of the artificial anus stoma according to the patent scope of claim 1, wherein the inner surface of the plate body of the joint seat and one side of the collection bag may have a non-joined portion of an appropriate area In turn, the user can be selected to additionally position the body plate and the skin. 17. The collecting device of the artificial anus ostomy row (4) according to the invention, wherein the medical double-sided tape provided on the outer surface of the plate body has a plurality of vent holes 20 . 18
TW95146591A 2006-12-13 2006-12-13 Collecting device for excreta around opening of enteroproctia TW200824659A (en)

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TW95146591A TW200824659A (en) 2006-12-13 2006-12-13 Collecting device for excreta around opening of enteroproctia

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TW95146591A TW200824659A (en) 2006-12-13 2006-12-13 Collecting device for excreta around opening of enteroproctia

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104661621A (en) * 2012-08-01 2015-05-27 西蒙·德贝尔 Ostomy disposal device
TWI744012B (en) * 2020-09-28 2021-10-21 高雄醫學大學 Manure bag

Families Citing this family (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN107397619B (en) * 2017-08-07 2024-01-05 烟台市焕妍医疗科技有限公司 Multifunctional stoma excrement collection box and artificial anus bag with same

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104661621A (en) * 2012-08-01 2015-05-27 西蒙·德贝尔 Ostomy disposal device
CN104661621B (en) * 2012-08-01 2016-11-16 西蒙·德贝尔 Ostomy disposal device
TWI744012B (en) * 2020-09-28 2021-10-21 高雄醫學大學 Manure bag

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