JP2635253C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2635253C JP2635253C JP 2635253 C JP2635253 C JP 2635253C JP 2635253 C JP2635253 C JP 2635253C
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volume resistivity
carbon fiber
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Osaka Gas Co Ltd
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Osaka Gas Co Ltd
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明は、電気抵抗の指標である体積固有抵抗値が一定の範囲に制御された短
する方法に関する。 【0002】 【従来の技術】 高分子複合材料は、その製造、成形の容易さのため、あらゆる産業において広
ら、電子部品の用途に用いられることも多い。 【0003】 一般的に、高分子化合物、および繊維強化高分子複合材料系の電子部品にたい
て若干の導電性を付与し、109〜1011Ωcm程度にする必要がある。 【0004】 高分子化合物に対する導電性付与の一つの代表的な方法論として、カーボンブ
の基礎研究の成果がまとめられている。 【0005】 確かにカーボンブラックの添加によっても容易に導電性を付与することはでき
またはポリマー成形体を高い生産性で製造することは極めて難しい。 【0006】 又、特開平2−300263号公報には、超極細炭素繊維をポリマーに配合し
てなる表面抵抗の低い高分子材料が記載されている。 【0007】 しかし、この公報に記載されている炭素繊維では、単に帯電防止、あるいは静
考え得ない事である。例えば、社団法人日本化学会編「化学便覧 応用化学編」
1.5×10-2Ωcmに過ぎない。 【0008】 上記のようなカーボンブラックあるいは超極細炭素繊維の使用のみでは克服で
ンを用いたポリマー組成物が記載されている。 【0009】 ところが、上記チャーカーボンの原料が天然の植物のわらであるため、品質安 定性が悪く、得られるチャーカーボンにも性質にバラツキが生じやすい。更に、
しい。 【0010】 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 本発明の目的は、帯電性が抑制されかつ実用的な絶縁性能を有するポリマー組
することにある。 【0011】 【課題を解決するための手段】 本発明者は、上記課題を解決するために鋭意研究を重ねた結果、比較的高い電
なることを見出だし、この知見に基づいて本発明をなすに至った。 【0012】 すなわち本願発明は、体積固有抵抗値10-1〜103Ωcm、繊維径3〜25
したものである。 【0013】 また本願発明は、体積固有抵抗値10-1〜103Ωcm、繊維径3〜25μm
決したものである。 【0014】 次に本発明の短繊維含有ポリマー組成物およびポリマー組成物の体積固有抵抗
値を制御する方法を詳細に説明する。 【0015】 本発明に用いる短繊維の素材としては、 体積固有抵抗値が10-1〜103Ωcmであるものは、酸化処理を施された炭素繊
ルマニウムの繊維化物などがあげられ、 体積固有抵抗値が10-1Ωcm以下であるものは、酸化処理を施されていない通常
銅など高い導電性を有する金属の繊維化物などがあげられ、 体積固有抵抗値が10-1Ωcm以上であるものは、上記の体積固有抵抗値を高くし
られる。 【0016】 これら短繊維は、体積固有抵抗値が10-1〜103Ωcmであれば、1種類だけ
ある。 【0017】 体積固有抵抗値が10-1Ωcm以下であるものを用いる場合は、体積固有抵抗値
て検討が容易だからである。 【0018】 短繊維の形状は、径が3μm〜25μm、繊維長が50μm〜5cmの範囲、特
に50μm〜15mmの範囲にあることが好ましい。 【0019】 繊維長が50μm未満である場合、導電通路の形成がカーボンブラックの場合
、109〜1011Ωcmの範囲での抵抗値制御が難しくなる。 【0020】 繊維長が5cmを超える場合、添加量の調節に困難が生じ始め、且つポリマー中
が難しくなる。 【0021】 繊維長が50μm〜15mmのときに特に好ましい理由は、この繊維長の範囲の
ものは、射出成形用に熱可塑性樹脂に配合する上で扱いやすいためである。 【0022】 本発明において、短繊維の体積固有抵抗値が10-1〜103Ωcmである事が都
る場合、多量の配合によっても樹脂組成物に導電性が付与しにくい不都合を生じ るためである。 【0023】 この範囲の体積固有抵抗値を有する短繊維を得るためには、体積固有抵抗値が
抗値が10-1〜103Ωcmとなるように加工したものを用いるのが便利である。 【0024】 体積固有抵抗値が10-1〜103Ωcmである短繊維を用いない場合は、体積固
と炭素繊維である事は前述の通りである。 【0025】 これらの繊維のうち、使用上最も有利なものは、体積固有抵抗値が10-1〜1
れた炭素繊維チョップドストランドとを混合して用いたものである。 【0026】 導電性を抑制された炭素繊維は、例えば硝酸による薬液酸化、または空気、酸
800℃未満にして炭化の進行を不完全にすると言った方法で得られる。 【0027】 本発明において用いられるポリマーは、熱可塑性樹脂が最も好ましいが、熱硬
化性樹脂、ゴムなども使用が可能である。熱可塑性樹脂については、例えば、 ポリエチレン、ポリプロピレン、ポリスチレン、ポリアクリルスチレンなどに代
表される汎用ポラスチックス、 ABS(アクリル−ブタジエン−スチレン)樹脂、ポリフェニルエーテル、ポリ
アセタール、ポリカーボネート、ポリブチレンテレフタレート、ポリエチレンテ レフタレート、ナイロン6、ナイロン6、6等に代表されるエンジニアリングプ
ラスチックス、 ポリエーテルエーテルケトン、ポリエーテルイミド、ポリエーテルサルフォン、
用いることができ、 熱硬化性樹脂についてもフェノール樹脂、エポキシ樹脂、不飽和ポリエステル樹
ム材料を用いることができる。 【0028】 ポリマーと短繊維との組成物を得るに当たっては、短繊維10重量部に対しポ
する。 【0029】 本発明の目的上、短繊維は補強を主目的として用いられているわけではないの
ド化が難しいと言った不都合が生じる。 【0030】 組成物の体積固有抵抗値は105〜1013Ωcm、好ましくは106〜1012Ωcm
るためである。 【0031】 ポリマーと短繊維との組成物を得る方法は、熱可塑性樹脂であればエクストル ーダーでコンパウンドとし、射出成形をする、熱可塑性樹脂であればBMC(バ
はSMC法のみに限定されるものではない。 【0032】 短繊維をカップリング剤などで表面処理することは、組成物の体積固有抵抗値
が105〜1013Ωcmの範囲にある限りこれを妨げられない。 【0033】 【実施例】 以下、本発明を実施例をもって詳細に説明する。むろん、本発明は以下の実施
例のみに限定されるものではない。 【0034】 以下の実施例において、短繊維の体積固有抵抗値は次の方法で測定した。 【0035】 測定対象の繊維のストランドを開繊し、4〜5cmのモノフィラメントを取り、
スパン25mmの銅プレート上に導電塗料で固定する。 【0036】 抵抗の測定は、デジタルマルチメーター SC−7402(岩崎通信機(株)
製)で行った。 【0037】 体積固有抵抗値を求める式は次ぎの通りである。 【0038】 【数1】 【0039】 Sf :体積固有抵抗値(Ωcm) d :モノフィラメントの直径(cm) Rf :試験繊維の抵抗値(cm) L :モノフィラメントの長さ(cm)、ただしこれは銅プレートのスパンとし
て計算する。 【0040】 以上、松井醇一著、炭素材料学会編「炭素繊維の展開と評価方法」225〜2
26ページ参照。 【0041】 参考例1 高電気抵抗炭素繊維チョップドストランドの製造 光学的に等方性の炭素繊維用プリカーサーピッチをブッシングが1000ホー
値は、2.5Ωcmであった。 【0042】 上記の方法にて得た炭素繊維ストランドを固形分2%のエポキシ樹脂エマルジ
mm長のチョップドストランドとした。 【0043】 参考例2 通常の炭素繊維の製造 参考例1で記載した不融化繊維を、窒素気流中10℃/minの速度で1000
の体積固有抵抗値は、5.3×10-3Ωcmであった。 【0044】 得られた炭素繊維ストランドを参考例1と同様、固形分2%のエポキシ樹脂エ
ドを3mm長のチョップドストランドとした。 【0045】 参考例3 高電気抵抗炭素繊維チョップドストランドの製造 参考例1で記載した不融化繊維を、窒素気流中10℃/minの速度で800℃
値は、3.5×101Ωcmであった。 【0046】 得られた炭素繊維ストランドを参考例1と同様、固形分2%のエポキシ樹脂エ
ドを3mm長のチョップドストランドとした。 【0047】 実施例1 参考例1のチョップドストランドを利用した熱可塑性樹脂組成物及 び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例1で得たチョップドストランドをABS樹脂GR−2000〔電気化学
樹脂組成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0048】 それら試験片の抵抗を、104Ω以上のものはHiresta IP(三菱油
化製)リング状プローブを用い、104Ω以下のものはLoresta AP(
三菱油化製)4端子プローブを用い測定した。結果を表1に示す。 【表1】 【0049】 参考例4 参考例2のチョップドストランドとガラス繊維のチョップドストラ
ンドを利用した熱可塑性樹脂組成物及び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例2の炭素繊維チョップドストランド10重量部とガラス繊維チョップド
ストランド CS 3PE 331〔日東紡績(株)製〕15重量部とを実施例
。 【0050】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値は、1.3×108Ωcmであった。 【0051】 実施例3 参考例2と参考例3のチョップドストランドを利用した熱可塑性樹 脂組成物及び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例2の炭素繊維チョップドストランド10重量部と参考例3のチョップド
、射出成形して樹脂組成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0052】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値は、6.8×107Ωcmであった。 【0053】 比較例1 参考例2のチョップドストランドによる熱可塑性樹脂組成物及び組 成物の電気抵抗値 参考例2の炭素繊維チョップドストランドを実施例1と同様にABS樹脂GR
成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0054】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値の測定結果を表2に示す。 【表2】 【0055】 実施例1の表1の値と比較例1の表2の値をそれぞれ図1にプロットして示す
。 【0056】 図1は、参考例1の本発明の炭素繊維チョップドストランドによれば、配合量
導電性制御には不適であることが判る(実施例2のプロット参照)。 【0057】 実施例4 参考例2と参考例3のチョップドストランドを利用した熱可塑性 樹脂組成物及び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例2の炭素繊維チョップドストランド10重量部と参考例3のチョップド
長さ49.5mmの樹脂組成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0058】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試 験片の体積固有抵抗値は、4.5×107Ωcmであった。 【0059】 実施例5 参考例2と参考例3のチョップドストランドを利用した熱可塑性樹 脂組成物及び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例2の炭素繊維チョップドストランド10重量部と参考例3のチョップド
.5mm、長さ49.5mmの樹脂組成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0060】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値は、3.8×107Ωcmであった。 【0061】 実施例6 参考例2と参考例3のチョップドストランドを利用した熱可塑性樹 脂組成物及び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例2の炭素繊維チョップドストランド10重量部と参考例3のチョップド
24.5mm、長さ49.5mmの樹脂組成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0062】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値は、9.5×106Ωcmであった。 【0063】 実施例7 参考例3のチョップドストランドを利用した熱可塑性樹脂組成物及 び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例3の炭素繊維チョップドストランド40重量部を実施例1と同様にポリ
部とのコンパウンドとし、シリンダー温度400℃、金型温度130℃の条件下 で射出成形して、厚さ2mm、幅24.5mm、長さ49.5mmの樹脂組成物成形体
の試験片とした。 【0064】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値は、6.3×107Ωcmであった。 【0065】 実施例8 参考例3のチョップドストランドをミルドファイバーにして利用し た熱可塑性樹脂組成物及び電気抵抗制御方法 参考例3の炭素繊維チョップドストランドをボールミル中で粉砕し、平均繊維
樹脂組成物成形体の試験片とした。 【0066】 実施例1と同様の条件でそれら試験片の抵抗を測定した。この樹脂組成物の試
験片の体積固有抵抗値は、9.9×1012Ωcmであった。 【0067】 【発明の効果】 カーボンブラックなど粉体ではなく、短繊維形状の素材、とくに導電性を抑制
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a short-fiber-containing polymer composition in which a specific volume resistance, which is an index of electric resistance, is controlled within a certain range, and a specific volume. The present invention relates to a method for controlling a volume resistivity value of a polymer composition, wherein a short fiber or a mixture of short fibers having a resistivity value is used. [0002] Polymer composite materials are widely used in all industries due to their ease of production and molding. In particular, polymer compounds generally have excellent electrical insulation properties and are therefore often used for electronic components. [0003] In general, higher electrical insulation is required for electronic components of polymer compounds and fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials, but when they are actually used as a part of equipment, In this case, charging occurs as it is, and disadvantages such as adsorption of dust occur. For this reason, the insulating property of the polymer compound is usually 10 15 to 10 16 Ωcm in terms of the volume resistivity, but when it is actually used, some conductivity is imparted by using some means. , It needs to be about 10 9 to 10 11 Ωcm. [0004] One typical method for imparting conductivity to a polymer compound is to add carbon black. For example, the method is described in, for example, Vol.
. 23, no. Sumida's review on pages 3, 103-111 (1987) summarizes the results of basic research so far. [0005] Certainly, conductivity can be easily imparted by adding carbon black. However, in fact, since it has strong conductivity and is a powder, when the dispersibility is increased, the electric power is increased. It is difficult to gradually increase the conduction state, and when the amount exceeds a certain amount, the conductivity rapidly increases. Therefore, by using carbon black, it is extremely difficult to produce a polymer composition or a polymer molded body having a weak conductivity of about 10 9 to 10 11 Ωcm with high productivity. Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 2-300263 discloses a polymer material having a low surface resistance, which is obtained by blending ultra-fine carbon fibers with a polymer. [0007] However, the carbon fiber described in this publication is effective only for the purpose of simply preventing static electricity or removing an electrostatic interference, but is extremely high in conductivity, so that it is not used alone. As in the case of carbon black, it is difficult to obtain a polymer composition having a weak conductivity of about 10 9 to 10 11 Ωcm, and it is difficult to industrially produce a composition having a specific resistance value in that range. Extremely difficult, usually unthinkable. For example, The Chemical Society of Japan, “Chemical Handbook, Applied Chemistry”
(Showa 61-10-15) Maruzen p. Table 12.64 of 967 describes the physical properties of various carbon fibers that are usually commercially available as carbon fibers. In the column of electric resistivity, it is obvious that all of them are 10 −1 Ωcm or less. Nothing reaches even -2 Ωcm (volume resistivity is also called electrical resistivity, resistivity, volume resistivity, etc.). In addition, a catalog issued by Toho Rayon Co., Ltd., named Toho Rayon's carbon fiber BESFIGHT, has a volume resistivity of commercially available carbon fiber of 0.9 to 1.
5 × a 10 -3 [Omega] cm, primarily chopped fibers used in combination with resins, the representative value of the volume resistivity of the carbon fibers used in a milled fiber, 1.5 × 10 -3
Ωcm. In addition, Suguro Otani et al., “Introduction to Carbon Fiber” (58-8-25), Ohm p. In Tables 6 and 86 of Table 86, the electrical resistivity of various carbon fibers is described. Of course, all are not more than 10 -1 Ωcm, and almost all are not more than 10 -2 Ωcm. Even a large one is only 1.5 × 10 -2 Ωcm. One of the attempts to solve the problems that cannot be overcome only by using carbon black or ultra-fine carbon fiber as described above is described in JP-A-63-22861. This publication describes a polymer composition using char carbon as a filler having a selected surface resistivity. However, since the raw material of the char carbon is a natural plant straw, the quality stability is poor, and the char carbon obtained tends to vary in properties. Furthermore,
It is unsuitable as an industrial material because the availability of raw straw and the price of raw materials fluctuate depending on whether the raw material plants are harvested or not. Also, according to the embodiment of the invention of this publication,
Since the other filler is carbon black when char carbon is added,
The volume resistivity of the composition is not stable. Further, the char carbon also has a rather irregular shape to a granular shape, and does not strictly take a fiber shape, which also makes it difficult to delicately control the resistance value in the range of 10 7 to 10 11 Ωcm. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to provide a polymer composition having a suppressed charging property and a practical insulating performance, and an electric resistance for enabling the polymer composition. It is to provide a control method. Means for Solving the Problems The present inventors have conducted intensive studies to solve the above problems, and as a result, have found that short fibers of a substance having a relatively high electrical resistance or short fibers of a conductive property are used. It has been found that the addition of a mixture with short fibers having high electric resistance to the polymer facilitates control of the conductivity of the composition, and the present invention has been accomplished based on this finding. That is, the present invention provides a volume resistivity value of 10 -1 to 10 3 Ωcm and a fiber diameter of 3 to 25.
10 to 40 parts by weight of carbon fiber having a length of 50 μm to 5 cm
0 parts by weight or a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or less, fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm
m, carbon fiber having a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm and a volume resistivity value of 10 −1 to 10 3 Ωcm
Mixture with carbon fiber having a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm and a fiber length of 50 to 5 cm 10 to 4
0 parts by weight are mixed with 90 to 60 parts by weight of the polymer to obtain a volume resistivity of 10 5 to 1.
The conventional problem has been solved by using a carbon fiber-containing polymer composition of 0 13 Ωcm. The invention of the present application also has a volume resistivity value of 10 −1 to 10 3 Ωcm and a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm.
A mixture of 10 to 40 parts by weight of carbon fiber having a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm with 90 to 60 parts by weight of a polymer, or a volume resistivity of 10 −1 Ωcm or less, and a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm;
A mixture of carbon fiber having a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm and a volume specific resistance value of 10 −1 to 10 3 Ωcm, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm, and a carbon fiber having a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm is 10 to 40 parts by weight. To solve the conventional problem by controlling the volume resistivity of the carbon fiber-containing polymer composition to 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm. Next, the short fiber-containing polymer composition of the present invention and a method for controlling the volume resistivity of the polymer composition will be described in detail. As the material of the short fiber used in the present invention, those having a volume resistivity value of 10 -1 to 10 3 Ωcm are carbon fibers subjected to oxidation treatment, Examples include carbon fiber and fibrous material of germanium obtained with incomplete progress, and those with a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or less are completely carbonized at normal firing temperature without oxidation treatment. General carbon fiber obtained, aluminum, steel,
Fibers of metals having high conductivity, such as copper, and the like, and those having a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or more include carbon fibers, germanium fibers, and glass fibers having the above-mentioned high volume resistivity. And silicon carbide fibers. If these short fibers have a volume resistivity value of 10 −1 to 10 3 Ωcm, it is possible to use one type alone or to use two or more types together. Volume specific resistance value is 10
-1 to 10 3 take short fibers and the other volume resistivity of Ωcm be used together short fibers are also possible, it is also possible to use by addition or two of them short fibers. When a material having a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or less is used, a material having a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or more is used in combination. Also in this case, it is possible to use two or more types of short fibers each having a specific volume resistivity. When used in combination, the content of 10 -1 Ωcm or more should be 20% or more of the total short fibers to be mixed with the resin. Carbon as the combination of the short fibers, the volume resistivity of carbon fibers and volume resistivity of the general 10 -1 [Omega] cm were increased 10 -1 [Omega] cm or more volume resistivity having a respective volume resistivity A combination of fibers or glass fibers is preferred. This is because these have a great accumulation of research results as polymers, especially fibers for resin reinforcement, and therefore, when investigating industrially, it is easier to study concrete addition amounts and compounding methods than other fiber materials. The short fibers preferably have a diameter of 3 μm to 25 μm and a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm, particularly preferably 50 μm to 15 mm. When the fiber length is less than 50 μm, since the formation of the conductive path occurs at the critical point with the same amount of addition as in the case of carbon black, the conductivity rapidly increases, and the conductivity increases to 10 9 to 10 11 Ωcm. It becomes difficult to control the resistance value in the range. When the fiber length exceeds 5 cm, it becomes difficult to adjust the addition amount, and the dispersibility of the fiber in the polymer becomes poor, and it is also difficult to control the resistance value in the range of 10 9 to 10 11 Ωcm. Become. The reason why the fiber length is particularly preferable when the fiber length is 50 μm to 15 mm is that the fiber length range is easy to handle when blended with a thermoplastic resin for injection molding. [0022] In the present invention, the reason that the volume resistivity of the short fibers is 10 -1 to 10 3 [Omega] cm is convenient, if the volume resistivity of less than 10 -1 [Omega] cm, the resin with a small amount of blending This is because it is difficult to control the composition because it gives rapid conductivity to the composition, and when the composition exceeds 10 3 Ωcm, it is difficult to impart conductivity to the resin composition even if a large amount is blended. In order to obtain a short fiber having a volume resistivity in this range, a material having a volume resistivity of 10 −1 to 10 3 Ωcm or a fiber material or a fiber material having a volume resistivity of 10 Ωcm is used. It is convenient to use one processed so as to have a density of 10 -1 to 10 3 Ωcm. The volume when the resistance value is not using short fibers is 10 -1 to 10 3 [Omega] cm, the volume resistivity of 10 -1 short fibers and volume resistivity of less conductivity type [Omega] cm is 10 -1 It is not disadvantageous to use a mixture with an insulating short fiber of Ωcm or more. As a combination of the conductive short fiber and the insulating short fiber, those having extreme conductivity such as glass fiber and carbon fiber, fibrous metal and silicon carbide fiber and those having extreme insulation property Combinations are also possible. As described above, the most ideal combination in this combination is glass fiber and carbon fiber. Among these fibers, those most advantageous for use have a volume resistivity value of 10 -1 to 1.
A chopped strand of carbon fiber whose conductivity is suppressed to be 0 3 Ωcm, or a mixture of a carbon fiber chopped strand having general high conductivity and a carbon fiber chopped strand whose conductivity is suppressed. It is. The carbon fiber whose conductivity has been suppressed is subjected to an oxidation treatment such as chemical liquid oxidation with nitric acid or gas phase oxidation with air, oxygen, ozone or the like. Is obtained in a way that makes progress incomplete. The polymer used in the present invention is most preferably a thermoplastic resin, but a thermosetting resin, rubber or the like can also be used. For the thermoplastic resin, for example, general-purpose plastics represented by polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyacrylstyrene, etc., ABS (acryl-butadiene-styrene) resin, polyphenyl ether, polyacetal, polycarbonate, polybutylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate , Nylon 6, nylon 6, 6, engineering plastics represented by polyetheretherketone, polyetherimide, polyethersulfone,
So-called super engineering plastics such as polyphenylene sulfide can also be used, and thermosetting resins such as phenol resins, epoxy resins, and unsaturated polyester resins can be used almost without exception. ,
For rubbers, various rubber materials such as natural rubber, isoprene rubber, butadiene rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, chloroprene rubber, nitrile rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber, acrylic rubber, epichlorohydrin rubber, polysulfide rubber, and urethane rubber are used. be able to. In obtaining the composition of the polymer and the short fiber, the amount is adjusted to be in the range of 90 parts by weight of the polymer to 10 parts by weight of the short fiber to 60 parts by weight of the polymer to 40 parts by weight of the short fiber. [0029] For the purpose of the present invention, short fibers are not used for the main purpose of reinforcement, so that it is not required to have a very high mechanical strength when the composition is formed into a molded body. If the proportion of the short fibers is less than 10 parts by weight, the conductivity is insufficiently imparted. On the other hand, if the proportion of the short fibers exceeds 40 parts by weight, the disadvantage that the compounding is not limited to the present invention is difficult. . The composition has a volume resistivity of 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm, preferably 10 6 to 10 12 Ωcm.
And more preferably in the range of 10 7 to 10 11 Ωcm. 10 5 Ω
If it is less than cm, it is effective to use a normal conductive filler,
If it exceeds 10 13 Ωcm, there arises a disadvantage that the effect of antistatic and dust removal cannot be obtained. A method for obtaining a composition of a polymer and a short fiber is such that a thermoplastic resin is used for compounding with an extruder and injection molding is performed. For a thermoplastic resin, BMC (bulk molding compound) and SMC (sheet molding) are used. If the rubber material is used as the compound, a conventionally known method such as kneading while heating the polymer in the same manner as the thermoplastic resin can be used. Of course, it is not limited only to the injection molding method or the SMC method. The surface treatment of the short fibers with a coupling agent or the like cannot be prevented as long as the volume resistivity of the composition is in the range of 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm. EXAMPLES Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail with reference to examples. Of course, the present invention is not limited only to the following examples. In the following examples, the volume resistivity of the short fibers was measured by the following method. Open the strand of the fiber to be measured, take a 4-5 cm monofilament,
It is fixed with a conductive paint on a copper plate having a span of 25 mm. The resistance was measured using a digital multimeter SC-7402 (Iwasaki Communication Equipment Co., Ltd.)
Made). The equation for determining the volume resistivity is as follows. ## EQU1 ## S f : Volume specific resistance value (Ωcm) d: Diameter of monofilament (cm) R f : Resistance value of test fiber (cm) L: Length of monofilament (cm), but as a span of copper plate calculate. As mentioned above, Junichi Matsui, “Development and Evaluation Method of Carbon Fiber”, edited by Japan Society of Carbon Materials, 225-2
See page 26. Reference Example 1 Production of chopped strands of high electric resistance carbon fiber An optically isotropic precursor pitch for carbon fiber was melt-spun from a spinning device with a bushing of 1000 holes to obtain a strand of pitch fibers. The pitch fiber was heated to 300 ° C. at a rate of 0.5 ° C./min in the air, and kept at that temperature for 10 minutes to make it infusible. The infusibilized fiber was heated to 900 ° C. at a rate of 10 ° C./min in a nitrogen stream and held at that temperature for 10 minutes to obtain a carbon fiber. The volume resistivity of the obtained carbon fiber was 8.0 × 10 −3 Ωcm. Next, this carbon fiber was placed in air 4
Heat treatment was performed at 00 ° C. for 120 minutes to oxidize the surface of the fiber. The volume specific resistance value of this fiber was 2.5 Ωcm. The carbon fiber strand obtained by the above method is immersed in an epoxy resin emulsion having a solid content of 2%, and thereafter, water is removed in a drier.
The chopped strand was mm in length. REFERENCE EXAMPLE 2 Production of ordinary carbon fiber The infusibilized fiber described in Reference Example 1 was mixed with nitrogen at a rate of 10 ° C./min in a stream of 1000 ° C.
° C, and kept at that temperature for 10 minutes to obtain carbon fibers. The volume resistivity of the obtained carbon fiber was 5.3 × 10 −3 Ωcm. The obtained carbon fiber strand was immersed in an epoxy resin emulsion having a solid content of 2% in the same manner as in Reference Example 1 and then water was removed in a drier, and then this strand was made into a chopped strand having a length of 3 mm. . Reference Example 3 Production of chopped strands of high electric resistance carbon fiber The infusible fiber described in Reference Example 1 was heated at 800 ° C. in a nitrogen stream at a rate of 10 ° C./min.
And kept at that temperature for 10 minutes to obtain carbon fibers. The volume resistivity value of the obtained carbon fiber was 3.1 × 10 −2 Ωcm. Next, the carbon fiber was heat-treated in air at 400 ° C. for 60 minutes to oxidize the surface of the fiber. The volume specific resistance value of this fiber was 3.5 × 10 1 Ωcm. The obtained carbon fiber strand was immersed in an epoxy resin emulsion having a solid content of 2% in the same manner as in Reference Example 1 and then water was removed in a drier, and then this strand was made into a chopped strand having a length of 3 mm. . [0047] Example 1 Reference Example 1 chopped strands thermoplastic resin composition using及 beauty electric resistance control method Reference Example ABS resin GR-2000 chopped strands obtained in 1 [Denki Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.] Compounds were blended so as to be 10, 20, and 30% by weight of the total weight, and the dry-blended product was charged into a single screw extruder to obtain a compound. Next, the compound pellets were subjected to an injection molding machine at a cylinder temperature of 2.
A test piece of a molded resin composition having a thickness of 2 mm, a width of 24.5 mm, and a length of 49.5 mm was obtained at 30 ° C. and a mold temperature of 70 ° C. [0048] Resistivity of the test piece, the 10 4 Omega over those using Hiresta IP (manufactured by Mitsubishi Petrochemical) ring-like probe, is 10 4 Omega following are Loresta AP (
The measurement was performed using a 4-terminal probe (manufactured by Mitsubishi Yuka). Table 1 shows the results. [Table 1] REFERENCE EXAMPLE 4 Chopped strand of glass fiber and chopped strand of Reference Example 2
The thermoplastic resin composition using a command and an electrical resistance control method Reference Example Carbon fiber chopped strands 10 parts by weight of 2 and glass fiber chopped strands CS 3PE 331 [Nitto Boseki Ltd. (Ltd.) 15 parts by weight as in Example 1 Under the same conditions, a compound with ABS was injection-molded to obtain a test piece of a resin composition molded article. The glass fiber has a volume resistivity of 10 15 Ωcm. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 1.3 × 10 8 Ωcm. The chopped strands 10 weight Example 3 Reference Example 2 and Reference Example 3 of chopped strands thermoplastic resin using a fat composition and the electric resistance control method carbon fiber chopped strands 10 parts by weight Reference Example 2 Reference Example 3 The part was made into a compound with ABS under the same conditions as in Example 1, and injection molded to obtain a test piece of a resin composition molded article. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 6.8 × 10 7 Ωcm. [0053] Comparative Example 1 Reference Example 2 chopped strands according to the thermoplastic resin composition and the set composition as the electric resistance value Reference Example 2 carbon fiber chopped strands as in Example 1 ABS resin GR
-2000 (manufactured by Denki Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd.) in a total weight of 10, 20, and 30% by weight, compounded under the same conditions as in Example 1, and injection molded to obtain a resin composition molded article. A test piece was used. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. Table 2 shows the measurement results of the volume resistivity of the test piece of this resin composition. [Table 2] The values shown in Table 1 of Example 1 and the values shown in Table 2 of Comparative Example 1 are plotted and shown in FIG. FIG. 1 shows that according to the chopped carbon fiber strand of the present invention of Reference Example 1, the change in the volume resistivity of the polymer composition due to the change in the blending amount is not abrupt, so that the conductivity of the composition can be easily controlled. This is shown (see the plot of Example 1). On the other hand, Reference Example 2
In ordinary carbon fiber chopped strands, the change in volume resistivity in the region of 10 6 to 10 13 Ωcm rapidly occurs with a difference of only a few percent,
It turns out that it is not suitable for conductivity control (see the plot of Example 2). Example 4 Thermoplastic Resin Composition Using Chopped Strands of Reference Examples 2 and 3 and Electric Resistance Control Method 10 parts by weight of carbon fiber chopped strands of Reference Example 2 and 10 parts by weight of chopped strands of Reference Example 3 In the same manner as in Example 3, a compound of 80 parts by weight of a polyacetal resin Duracon (manufactured by Polyplastics Co., Ltd.), and injection molding under the conditions of a cylinder temperature of 200 ° C. and a mold temperature of 90 ° C. to give a thickness of 2 mm , Width 24.5mm,
A test piece of a resin composition molded article having a length of 49.5 mm was used. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 4.5 × 10 7 Ωcm. [0059] chopped strands 10 weight Example 5 Reference Example 2 and Reference Example 3 of chopped strands thermoplastic resin using a fat composition and the electric resistance control method carbon fiber chopped strands 10 parts by weight Reference Example 2 Reference Example 3 And polycarbonate resin Panlite L in the same manner as in Example 3.
-1250J [manufactured by Teijin Chemicals Ltd.] A compound with 80 parts by weight was injection-molded under the conditions of a cylinder temperature of 300 ° C. and a mold temperature of 120 ° C. to have a thickness of 2 mm and a width of 24 mm.
. A test piece of a resin composition molded body having a length of 5 mm and a length of 49.5 mm was used. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 3.8 × 10 7 Ωcm. [0061] chopped strands 10 weight Example 6 Reference Example 2 and Reference Example 3 of chopped strands thermoplastic resin using a fat composition and the electric resistance control method carbon fiber chopped strands 10 parts by weight Reference Example 2 Reference Example 3 In the same manner as in Example 3, a compound with 80 parts by weight of polyphenylene sulfide resin Ryton R-6 (manufactured by Philips Co., Ltd.) was injection-molded under the conditions of a cylinder temperature of 320 ° C. and a mold temperature of 130 ° C. A test piece of a molded resin composition having a thickness of 2 mm, a width of 24.5 mm and a length of 49.5 mm was used. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 9.5 × 10 6 Ωcm. [0063] Example 7 Reference Example 3 in the same manner of carbon fiber chopped strands 40 parts by weight of chopped strands thermoplastic resin composition using及 beauty electric resistance control method in Reference Example 3 and Example 1 polyetherimide resin Ultem [ Nippon GE Plastics Co., Ltd.] compounded with 60 parts by weight, injection molded under the conditions of cylinder temperature 400 ° C., mold temperature 130 ° C., thickness 2 mm, width 24.5 mm, length 49.5 mm Was used as a test piece of the resin composition molded article. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 6.3 × 10 7 Ωcm. Example 8 Thermoplastic Resin Composition Using the Chopped Strand of Reference Example 3 as Milled Fiber and Control Method of Electric Resistance The carbon fiber chopped strand of Reference Example 3 was pulverized in a ball mill to give Made a milled fiber. 30 parts by weight of this milled fiber was used in the same manner as in Example 7 to prepare a polyetherimide resin Ultem (Nippon GE Plastics
70 parts by weight) and injection molding under the conditions of cylinder temperature 400 ° C. and mold temperature 130 ° C. to form a resin composition having a thickness of 2 mm, a width of 24.5 mm and a length of 49.5 mm. A body test piece was used. The resistance of the test pieces was measured under the same conditions as in Example 1. The test piece of this resin composition had a volume resistivity of 9.9 × 10 12 Ωcm. EFFECTS OF THE INVENTION Insulation and antistatic properties, which have been considered difficult to achieve by including a polymer in the form of short fibers, especially carbon short fibers with suppressed conductivity, instead of powder such as carbon black. Can easily and with high productivity obtain a fiber-containing polymer composition having an electric resistance in a range in which both are appropriate.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 炭素繊維含有量と体積固有抵抗値との関係を示す図である。[Brief description of the drawings]     FIG.   It is a figure which shows the relationship between a carbon fiber content and a volume specific resistance value.

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 体積固有抵抗値10-1〜103Ωcm、繊維径3〜25μm、
成物。 【請求項2】 体積固有抵抗値10-1Ωcm以下、繊維径3〜25μm、繊維
の炭素繊維含有ポリマー組成物。 【請求項3】 ポリマーが熱可塑性ポリマーである請求項1又は請求項2に記
載の組成物。 【請求項4】 体積固有抵抗値10-1〜103Ωcm、繊維径3〜25μm、
値を105〜1013Ωcmに制御する方法。 【請求項5】 体積固有抵抗値10-1Ωcm以下、繊維径3〜25μm、繊維
マー組成物の体積固有抵抗値を105〜1013Ωcmに制御する方法。 【請求項6】 ポリマーが熱可塑性ポリマーである請求項又は請求項に記
Claims: 1. A volume resistivity value of 10 -1 to 10 3 Ωcm, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm,
A carbon fiber-containing polymer composition having a volume resistivity of 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm, comprising 10 to 40 parts by weight of carbon fibers having a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm and 90 to 60 parts by weight of a polymer. 2. A carbon fiber having a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or less, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm and a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm, a volume resistivity of 10 -1 to 103 Ωcm, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm, and a fiber length. A volume resistivity value of 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm, which is composed of 10 to 40 parts by weight of a mixture with carbon fibers of 50 μm to 5 cm and 90 to 60 parts by weight of a polymer.
The carbon fiber-containing polymer composition of the above. 3. The composition according to claim 1, wherein the polymer is a thermoplastic polymer. 4. A volume resistivity value of 10 -1 to 10 3 Ωcm, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm,
The carbon fiber-containing polymer composition is characterized by mixing 10 to 40 parts by weight of carbon fiber having a fiber length of 50 μm to 5 cm with 90 to 60 parts by weight of a polymer, and controls the volume resistivity of the carbon fiber-containing polymer composition to 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm. Method. 5. A carbon fiber having a volume resistivity of 10 -1 Ωcm or less, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm and a fiber length of 50 to 5 cm, a volume resistivity of 10 -1 to 103 Ωcm, a fiber diameter of 3 to 25 μm, and a fiber length. The volume specific resistance value of the carbon fiber-containing polymer composition is controlled to 10 5 to 10 13 Ωcm, wherein 10 to 40 parts by weight of a mixture with 50 μm to 5 cm of carbon fiber is mixed with 90 to 60 parts by weight of the polymer. how to. 6. The method of claim 4 or claim 5 the polymer is a thermoplastic polymer.



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