DK174651B1 - Method, for application of offset printing on plastic package, involves application of at least one basic color print on part/whole of package outer wall prior to application of print and hardening it by ultra violet radiation - Google Patents
Method, for application of offset printing on plastic package, involves application of at least one basic color print on part/whole of package outer wall prior to application of print and hardening it by ultra violet radiation Download PDFInfo
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- DK174651B1 DK174651B1 DK200201454A DKPA200201454A DK174651B1 DK 174651 B1 DK174651 B1 DK 174651B1 DK 200201454 A DK200201454 A DK 200201454A DK PA200201454 A DKPA200201454 A DK PA200201454A DK 174651 B1 DK174651 B1 DK 174651B1
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- Denmark
- Prior art keywords
- color
- packaging
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- colors
- text
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- B41M1/00—Inking and printing with a printer's forme
- B41M1/06—Lithographic printing
- B41M1/08—Dry printing
- B41M1/00—Inking and printing with a printer's forme
- B41M1/26—Printing on other surfaces than ordinary paper
- B41M1/30—Printing on other surfaces than ordinary paper on organic plastics, horn or similar materials
- Auxiliary Devices For And Details Of Packaging Control (AREA)
- Printing Methods (AREA)
- Application Of Or Painting With Fluid Materials (AREA)
i DK 174651 B1in DK 174651 B1
Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en fremgangsmåde til påføring af tør-offset på emballager, fortrinsvist af plastmateriale.The present invention relates to a method of applying dry offset to packages, preferably of plastic material.
5 Ved påtrykning af tekst, farvetryk m.m. på sider af emballager af den angivne art, benyttes der af produktionstekniske årsager farver der hærder ved belysning med UV-lys, hvis hær-detid er meget lille.5 When printing text, color printing, etc. on pages of packaging of the specified kind, for technical reasons colors used for curing with UV light illumination, whose curing time is very small, are used.
10 Ved påtrykning af farvetryk på emballager benyttes der ofte en flerhed af farver for at skabe et foretrukket udseende af emballagen, der ofte er transparent, således at varen i emballagen, når denne står på salgsstedet, kan beskues af forbrugeren.10 When printing color printing on packaging, a plurality of colors are often used to create a preferred appearance of the packaging, which is often transparent, so that the product in the packaging when it is at the point of sale can be viewed by the consumer.
15 Påtrykning af farver og evt. tekst, finder sted ved en pålægningsdug. Ved anvendelse af flere farver påføres disse ydersidefladen af emballagen enkeltvist via en farvepålægnings-dug, hvorpå de respektive farver der ønskes påført emballage-20 siden udlægges successivt og placeres på dugen, alt efter hvor på emballagens sider farvetrykket ønskes placeret på emballagens sidevæg, og emballagen rulles langs med dugen, hvorved farven pålægges emballagens side, og farven hærdes umiddelbart efter pålægningen ved belysning af den farvebe-25 lagte emballageside.15 Printing of colors and possibly text, takes place on a cloth. Using multiple colors, these outer surfaces of the packaging are applied individually via a color coating cloth, whereupon the respective colors desired to be applied to the packaging side are successively laid out and placed on the cloth, depending on where on the sides of the packaging the color printing is desired to be placed on the side wall of the packaging and the packaging. is rolled along the tablecloth, whereby the color is applied to the side of the packaging and the color is cured immediately after application by illumination of the color-coated packaging side.
Ved anvendelse af transparente emballager, men også ved farvede, kan det være meget vanskeligt at opnå den ønskede farveægthed for de på emballagen påtrykte farver, ligesom tekst-30 felter indeholdende de obligatoriske varedeklarationer, kan være meget svære at læse for forbrugeren, med mindre teksten på en eller anden måde er fremhævet. Med faveægthed skal forstås at den påtrykte farve eller tekst, ved den lysindtrængning der navnlig finder sted ved transparente emballager, 35 medfører at farven ikke i enhver situation fremtræder ensartet, ligesom påtrykt tekst i form af varedeklaration af varen DK 174651 B1 2 i beholderen, kan være vanskelig at læse på den transparente baggrund.When using transparent packaging, but also in color, it can be very difficult to obtain the desired color fastness for the colors printed on the packaging, just as text boxes containing the mandatory product declarations can be very difficult to read for the consumer, unless the text is somehow highlighted. It is to be understood that the printed color or text, by the light penetration which takes place in particular in transparent packaging, 35 means that the color does not appear uniform in any situation, just as printed text in the form of a declaration of goods of the item DK 174651 B1 2 can be difficult to read on the transparent background.
Det kendes at fremhæve en påtrykt tekst på et emballageemne 5 ved at der fremstilles en kliche, svarende til teksten, og der påføres således hvid farve i feltet imellem de enkelte bogstaver eller figurer, og hvor disse påtrykkes umiddelbart efter påføringen af klicheen. Dette giver i nogen grad en forbedring af læsemuligheden for påtrykt tekst, men stiller 10 store krav til nøjagtigheden af placeringen af kliche-trykket i forhold til teksten, hvor blot en afvigelse på 1/10 mm, vil være tilstrækkelig til at sløre teksten så den på det nærmeste bliver ulæselig.It is known to emphasize a printed text on a packaging item 5 by producing a cliche corresponding to the text, thus applying white color in the box between the individual letters or figures, where they are printed immediately after the application of the cliche. This provides an improvement to the readability of printed text to some extent, but places 10 great demands on the accuracy of the placement of the cliche print relative to the text, where a mere deviation of 1/10 mm will be sufficient to blur the text so that it almost becomes unreadable.
15 Imidlertid vil en kliche, der i øvrigt er kostbar at fremstille og anvende grundet de meget store krav til nøjagtighed, ikke løse problemet med den manglende farveægthed, der simpelthen tilskrives lysindfald, eller manglen på samme på bagsiden af den påtrykte tekst eller lignende på emballagen.15 However, a cliche which is otherwise expensive to manufacture and use due to the very high accuracy requirements will not solve the problem of the lack of color fastness simply attributed to light or the lack of the same on the back of the printed text or the like on the packaging .
20 Desuden kan et påtryk på en farvet emballage også medføre et helt andet slutresultat end først antaget. Et eksempel herpå kan være påføring af et blåt farvetryk på en gul emballage, hvilket vil give det færdige farvetryk et grønligt skær, hvilket ikke kan betragtes som værende tilfredsstillende.20 In addition, printing on a colored packaging can also result in a completely different end result than first assumed. An example of this could be the application of a blue color print to a yellow packaging, which will give the finished color print a greenish tinge, which cannot be considered satisfactory.
Det er således opfindelsens formål at angive en fremgangsmåde for tilvejebringelse af tryk på emballager af plast, hvor den påtrykte farve udviser en større farveægthed end den farveægthed der er opnåelig ved de hidtil kendte fremgangsmåder. / 30It is thus the object of the invention to provide a method for providing printing on plastic packaging wherein the printed color exhibits a greater color fastness than the color fastness obtainable by the known methods. / 30
Dette formål opnås ved, at der forinden pålægning af farvetryk på emballagen finder sted, på udvalgte dele af emballagens ydervæg, eller hele denne, pålægges i det mindste en bundfarve, der hærdes ved belysning med en UV-lyskilde, og at 35 der i umiddelbar tilknytning til denne operation, påføres den normale successive påføring af tryk på samme emballageside 3 DK 174651 B1 offset tryk hvorefter denne ligeledes hærdes ved belysning med en UV-lyskilde.This object is achieved by prior application of color printing to the packaging, on selected parts of the outer wall of the packaging, or all of it, at least a bottom color cured by illumination with a UV light source and In connection with this operation, the normal successive application of pressure to the same packaging side is applied offset pressure, after which it is also cured by illumination with a UV light source.
Herved opnås det, at de på emballagens side påførte farver 5 eller tekst, fremstår mere klart, idet de eksempelvis er påført på en baggrund, der ved teksttryk danner kontrast til den påtrykte tekst, og ved øvrigt farvetryk enten danner kon-' trast til farverne, eller hindrer lysindfald fra bagsiden af den transparente beholdervæg.In this way, the colors 5 or text applied to the packaging are achieved more clearly, for example, they are applied on a background which, by text printing, contrasts with the printed text, and in the case of other color prints either contrasts with the colors. , or obstruct light from the back of the transparent container wall.
Forsøg med påtryk af forskellige bundfarver på emballager, såvel transparente som ikke transparente, har vist, en hensigtsmæssig baggrundsfarve udgøres af en hvid farve.Experiments with printing different bottom colors on packaging, both transparent and non-transparent, have shown that an appropriate background color is a white color.
15 En maskine til udøvelse af fremgangsmåden ifølge opfindelsen omfatter en karrusel omfattende radialt udstående, roterbar lejrede konsoller for bæring og rotation af derpå placerede emballageemner imod en farvepålægnigsdug i et farveværk, et farveværk for pålægning af UV-hærdende farver på emballageem-20 nerne omfattende i det mindste en farvepålægningsdug med en fremføringsenhed for fremføring af farvedugen med en hastighed svarende til periferihastigheden ved rotation af beholderemnerne på karrusellen, hvilken farvepålægningsdugs bredde i det mindste svarer til bredden af det felt på emballagen 25 hvorpå der skal påføres farvetryk, en farveekstruderingsenhed for successiv udlægning af farver, tekst eller lignende på farvepålægningsdugen, og hvilket farveværk endvidere omfatter en UV-lyskilde for belysning af de farvepålagte områder, kendetegnet ved at maskinen omfatter en forlænget farvepålæg-30 ningsdug for pålægning af en bundfarve på hele eller dele af emballagens sideflade og hærdes ved belysning med en selvstændig UV-lyskilde inden pålægning af de øvrige på farvepålægningsdugen successivt anbragte farver/tekst eller lignende motiver.A machine for carrying out the method according to the invention comprises a carousel comprising radially protruding, rotatably mounted brackets for carrying and rotating packaged articles thereon against a color coating cloth in a color work, a color work for applying UV-curing colors to the packaging objects comprising: at least one color coating cloth having a feed unit for feeding the color cloth at a rate corresponding to the circumferential rate of rotation of the container items on the carousel, the width of the color coating cloth at least corresponding to the width of the field on the package 25 to be applied to color printing, a color extruder coating of colors, text or the like on the dye cloth, and which dye additionally comprises a UV light source for illumination of the dyed areas, characterized in that the machine comprises an extended dye cloth for applying a bottom color to the entire electricity clay parts of the packaging's side surface and cured by illumination with a self-contained UV light source before applying the other color / text or successively applied colors / textures to the color coating cloth.
35 DK 174651 B1 435 DK 174651 B1 4
Herved opnås det at den påtrykte farve, der pålægges emballagesiden, hvor dette ønskes, placeres på en baggrund bestående af en afhærdet bundfarve, hvorved farveægtheden for den pålagte farve forbedres betydeligt. Navnlig ved pålægning af en 5 hvid baggrundsfarve på hvilken farvetryk påføres efterfølgende vil give en høj grad af farveægthed. Bundfarven pålægges i en og samme operation, samtidigt med at det normalt forekommende farvetryk pålægges og hærdes, og med praktisk taget samme procestid, idet emballagen blot roteres en ekstra om-10 gang i farvepålægningsmaskinen i forbindelse med påføringen af bundfarven, hvorefter den normale farvepålægning/tryk med efterfølgende UV-lys hærdning finder sted. Der vil således kunne opnås en betydelig forbedret farveægthed af påtrykt farver på emballagerne, uden at dette vil medføre en nævne-15 værdig forøget procestid for gennemførelse af de dermed forbundne operationer.Hereby it is achieved that the printed color applied to the packaging side, where desired, is placed on a background consisting of a cured bottom color, thereby greatly improving the color fastness of the applied color. Especially when applying a 5 white background color to which color printing is applied subsequently will give a high degree of color fastness. The bottom color is applied in the same operation, at the same time as the normally occurring color print is applied and cured, and at practically the same process time, the packaging being simply rotated an extra 10 times in the color printing machine in connection with the application of the bottom color, after which the normal color application / pressure with subsequent UV light curing takes place. Thus, a significantly improved color fastness of printed colors can be achieved on the packaging, without this resulting in a noticeably increased process time for carrying out the associated operations.
En yderligere fordel ved anvendelse af baggrundsfarven er, at tekst kan påføres denne direkte, uden at det vil være nødvendigt at anvende en kliche, hvilket betyder at fremstillingen 20 af klicheen kan undlades, og det vil således være betydeligt lettere at ændre i teksten der påtrykkes f.eks. en varedeklaration, såfremt sammensætningen af produktet der opbevares i emballagen ændres, eller hvis der opstår nye krav til deklarationen, eller lignende.A further advantage of using the background color is that text can be applied to it directly without the need for a cliche, which means that the production of the cliche can be omitted and thus it will be considerably easier to change the text that is printed. eg. a goods declaration if the composition of the product stored in the packaging is changed or if new requirements for the declaration arise, or the like.
Claims (2)
Priority Applications (4)
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DK200201454A DK174651B1 (en) | 2002-09-30 | 2002-09-30 | Method, for application of offset printing on plastic package, involves application of at least one basic color print on part/whole of package outer wall prior to application of print and hardening it by ultra violet radiation |
AU2003266937A AU2003266937A1 (en) | 2002-09-30 | 2003-09-30 | Method for applying offset print on packaging |
PCT/DK2003/000642 WO2004028820A1 (en) | 2002-09-30 | 2003-09-30 | Method for applying offset print on packaging |
EP03747844A EP1545892A1 (en) | 2002-09-30 | 2003-09-30 | Method for applying offset print on packaging |
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
DK200201454A DK174651B1 (en) | 2002-09-30 | 2002-09-30 | Method, for application of offset printing on plastic package, involves application of at least one basic color print on part/whole of package outer wall prior to application of print and hardening it by ultra violet radiation |
DK200201454 | 2002-09-30 |
Publications (1)
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DK174651B1 true DK174651B1 (en) | 2003-08-11 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
DK200201454A DK174651B1 (en) | 2002-09-30 | 2002-09-30 | Method, for application of offset printing on plastic package, involves application of at least one basic color print on part/whole of package outer wall prior to application of print and hardening it by ultra violet radiation |
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WO (1) | WO2004028820A1 (en) |
Families Citing this family (2)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
US7571810B2 (en) | 2005-09-08 | 2009-08-11 | One Source Industries, Llc | Printed packaging |
CA2677287A1 (en) | 2007-02-08 | 2008-08-14 | One Source Industries, Llc | Printed packaging |
Family Cites Families (4)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
US5037682A (en) * | 1987-03-09 | 1991-08-06 | James River Paper Company, Inc. | Decorative printed packaging material and a process for producing the same |
US6435086B1 (en) * | 1995-05-04 | 2002-08-20 | Howard W. DeMoore | Retractable inking/coating apparatus having ferris movement between printing units |
DE10004997A1 (en) * | 1999-03-19 | 2000-09-21 | Heidelberger Druckmasch Ag | Combined two inking systems printing of material |
JP2002015290A (en) * | 2000-04-27 | 2002-01-18 | Kobayashi Kirokushi Co Ltd | Form with optical read code |
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