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I tried Bolt this morning for about 5 minutes, and it did output valid React code, but things like inputs and buttons it created didn't work without additional prompting, and then it started throwing "There was an error processing your request"

This problem is already solved by a Patent License Agreement. I don't know why people think this is a difficult problem. It's not.

It actually is a difficult problem. Not only could the patent holder want to charge too much for the license, they may not want to grant a license at all. The problem is that patent holders have a monopoly when they should not. Licensing should be compulsory, at reasonable rates.

Are we reading the same academic papers? When I read ChatGPT output it reads like pseudo-educational blogspam.

That's because for the past couple of years models like ChatGPT's have been used to generate psueudo-educational blogspam, and you associate that with writing style with it now.

But generally, ChatGPT writes in a very literal direct style. When you write about science, it sounds like a scientific paper. When you write about other subjects, it sounds like a high school book report. When you write creatively, it sounds corny and contrived.

You can also adjust the writing style with example or proper descriptions of the writing style. As a basic example, asking it to "dudify" everything it says will make it sound cooler than a polar bear in ray-bans, man...

What's the point of this comment? Some violence is justified. Violence against the Nazis was justified. The destruction of the Berlin Wall was justified. Jesus overturned the tables of the money exchangers, violently I suppose, and that was justified. The focus on the broad term 'violence' without any additional analysis is completely useless.

And it's interesting to me that when 'violence' is used on this specific topic, it seems to only be used to label the reaction of the protesters and not the underlying issue they're protesting about, which itself is also a form of violence.

The point of the comment is that there is no such thing as 'good violence' just as there is no such thing as 'hate speech'. There is just violence. There is just speech. You try to muddle those simple things and you end up with where are today: confused population unable to reason through their way through otherwise simple reality.

Taking black and white thinking so far you're considering dropping one of those colors even!

> the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"

I want to offer you a moment to reconsider this comment. It adds nothing to this discussion. It does not refute my point. It does not undermine it. It does nothing really except maybe confuse the reader.

Unless the latter is the point, consider an edit that addresses my point directly. I am only human. It is possible that there is a flaw in my reasoning. It is possible coffee did not hit me yet.

As written, this is not an argument at all.

Thank you for your generous offer but I will decline.

What the comment does in its original form is draw attention to the nonsensical cowardice of refusing to take a stand on any issue. "There's no such thing as good violence" has you condemning slave revolutions for example. "There's no such thing as hate speech" refuses to acknowledge the forces and choices that led to historical atrocities and abdicates power to notice and prevent them. There's no future in this enlightened centrism, nothing to refute because it refuses to take a stand.

My friend, word is word. Violence is violence. Adding moralistic value to either solves nothing, but adds problems for the society as a whole. If anything, it is cowardly to run from the lingua franca that is violence and try to excuse it by the current equivalent of 'gott mit uns'. Good luck out there.

To be clear, you have to 'learn CSS properly' to make sense of Tailwind. I don't see how someone can not know CSS, but know Tailwind. Tailwind is just atomic classes for the underlying CSS styles.

> I don't see how someone can not know CSS, but know Tailwind.

I've met a fair amount of devs (specially younger, <30yo fullstack devs) who have not written raw CSS at all and just use Tailwind. They are employed and get paid decently well.

Tailwind is a massive time saver, and I can see the appeal.

>The streaming platforms, for which you pay full price, don’t even let you choose the quality of the movie you want to watch

I wanted to re-watch Dune Part 1 before Part 2 came to theaters, so I rented the film on Youtube Movies which said it would be HD $3.99. I paid, but when the movie started playing it was NOT HD. The quality selector didn't even let me choose a HD resolution. I tried different browsers, I tried Safari on my Mac, Chrome on my Mac, disconnecting from my 4K display... was it a some bug? Was it a haywire copy protection because I opened the film on a 4K display over Displayport? I have no idea, but I felt cheated. I haven't paid for a movie since.

Did you use a DisplayLink hub per chance? This ill-conceived stuff triggers the DRM idiocy.

In general, I find less and less time is given to me and other coworkers to document things compared to a few years ago.

The summit was two days ago, September 10th according to the article.

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