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I'm currently using colima, and none of the other alternatives that I have found support forwarding UDP ports, which I use a lot, so that's a bummer!

Thankfully, lima has landed a new port forwarder with UDP support! [0]. I'm hoping to be able to use it soon once it makes into a release.

[0]: https://github.com/lima-vm/lima/commit/13e9cbcabc6a0a05ec389...

Love it! The background is awesome! The 90s / early 2000s vibes this gives! Looks straight out of geocities and I love it. Great work Naya!

She picked the image from a search and download it, then I had her open it up in Preview and set the transparency. Worked out well.

Interesting! Is there a way to center the content of the bar on the screen? The split is very cumbersome to use on an ultrawide display and I'd be happy if there was a way to put the content on the middle 3rd.

If it did it would have to be only for external displays because the laptops all have a notch there

I tried it but I get an error: "There was a problem with the AI query: Error from OpenAI: [] is too short - 'messages'"

According to the docs it only uses that if the model doesn't begin tieh gpt- and uses an old API, so alas it doesn't seem compatible with ollama.

Edit: here is the relevant part of the code: https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2/blob/a196d31658a8d0aa2dc5...

Looks like adding ollama support is really a matter of changing a few lines of code.

Edit 2: Seems to be fixed in the next beta release: https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2/commit/fcd212490626f1d8ea...

Kinda surprised the 8B gets this wrong: "what's heavier a kilo of steel or two kilos of feathers?" GPT-3.5 gets it wrong too. The 70B model does get it right, so does GPT-4.

My pet question is “Which weighs more, 1000cm^3 of styrofoam or 1cm^3 of tungsten?”

Most LLMs go through the calculation and find the styrofoam is heavier, then confidently announces that the tungsten weighs more. Strange considering it’ll say something very nearly like “The styrofoam weighs 50 g and the tungsten weighs 19.3 g, therefore the tungsten is heavier.”

That's not how it responded to my query.

> What's heavier? 1 kg of lead or 2 kg of feathers?

That's a classic trick question!

The answer is: 2 kg of feathers.

Why? Because 2 kg is heavier than 1 kg, regardless of the material. The density of the material doesn't matter in this case, only the weight. So, 2 kg of feathers would weigh more than 1 kg of lead.

I stand corrected. I was inadvertently on the 70b model.

That seems to be the general experience. Maybe 8B are just too few parameters to achieve higher level reasoning.

Maybe depth rather than parameter count.

The one and only Beej! Your guide is a phenomenal resource, thanks for that!

So what are you up to now? (if you can share, that is!) :-)

I'm teaching CS at Oregon State University-Cascades.

I'm trying to find the motivation to finish the C23 part of the C Guide. :)

Revising the Networking Basics guide.

I'm also starting to write an Analysis of Algorithms guide that I'm going to need plenty of help with because I'm not super strong in that area. :)

IIRC he stepped away from Homebrew years ago. See https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/graphs/contributors

I've been going to FOSDEM since 2011 and you folks impress me every year! Outstanding work!

IIRC, video often had trouble like incomprehensible audio due to way too quiet or overdriven recording at the time (i.e. 2011). But for some years now, it has usually been perfect indeed :)

The 3? (4?) video recordings I watched from FOSDEM 2024 all had bad audio :( sounded overdriven to me

Hey all Jitsi dev here. It hasn’t been an easy few days, thanks a lot for the empathetic comments I’ve seen here.

We’ll keep moving forward making (hopefully) the best open source meetings tool out there.

To answer a few recurring questions:

- Only the first user needs to be authenticated

- This change does not affect the self-hosted deployments, you can choose what auth (or none at all) to use

> Only the first user needs to be authenticated

Is it the first user to join the meeting (so it could be the host or a guest)? Or is it the person who created the room (and may likely be the first person to join the room)? I’m glad to get this answer here, but it’d be useful to document this on your help or support pages and share the link as well.

Rooms are created by the first user who joins.

Since the room won’t start without users, the first one will need to log-in or wait for someone else to do so.

Care to elaborate? Jitsi Meet might not be right answer to all use cases, but IMHO (disclaimer, I work on Jitsi at 8x8) it strikes a good balance.

Many think they can go P2P, but browsers implement one bandwidth estimator per PeerConnection, so that begins to hurt quickly in practice.

In addition, sending multiple HD streams to serveal participants it's going to hurt the sender, but an SFU helps with that.

There are many more reasons, this is just scratching the surface.

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