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> Well, I would agree the Netherlands and Sweden are rapidly approaching total collapse

LOL? Despite variations, at least the Netherlands is one of the best run countries on this planet. When the Netherlands will collapse, everyone else will have been under water for many years, already.

Hello??? Colonialism much? Did you forget the last ~600 years? Nobody wants to do that anymore.

There are plenty of systems held together by screws and other removable devices which are waterproof.

We build a million things each year which are a lot more impressive than cathedrals.

China built a entire high speed rail network that's about the size of all the other ones in the world, combined, and they did it in 20 years.

China built a high speed Maglev train between Beijing and Shanghai, I think Japan is going to build one soon, too.

The US has been building hyper tall pencil looking skyscrapers in Manhattan for about 20 years.

There are tons of amazing tunnels being built around the world, as we speak.

India, China, Indonesia, etc. are building amazing subway networks in tens of cities.

The scale, complexity and sheer audacity of what we're building has never been seen in the history of the world.

Didn't they gut the Fucshia dev team?

On Windows if you don't use WSL, Cygwin gets you 95% of the way there. I've been using it for decades to develop CLI tools and backbends in Python and a few other languages. You learn the quirks in about 1 month, add some tooling like apt-cyg and map C: to /c and you're off to the races.

Yeah, I liked Cygwin too when I was on Windows myself!

Who develops just? Will it be around in 5 years? Will it be ad supported? Will the developer sell my data? Etc.

I don't have any of those concerns with GNU Make.

Software with small scopes can be finished. It doesn’t sound too complicated to just push a new bug fix each year, by anyone. If anything, make is probably a significantly more complex codebase due to all the hacks it accumulated over the years, as a result of a dumb model it started with.


Just has quite a few features and it's at version 1.35.

You'll find the issue within 2 minutes of googling the error message.

What if he wants to have a uniform environment across projects and some aren't JavaScript?

Dear God! There is something that isn't javascript? Do you know you can it use on the server and the browser!??!

Then he could just use Gulp, but I have no skin in this absurd game.

Gulp? That JS tool that was last cool in 2018? After it which it was replaced with Grunt, which stopped being cool in 2020? And that was replaced with Webpack, ESBuild, Rome, Bun...

Why would anyone voluntarily subject themselves to that kind of insanity? :-))

Better to just use the hacksaw that is Make than all these Rube Goldberg contraptions :-)

I don’t personally care about the JS ecosystem. But OP is already using Gulp. He’s then calling Gulp from npm run. He’s then calling npm run from make. Adding make into the mix is solving nothing here. If you’re saying he should use make properly I agree!

Phew, I was so worried. So for 48 years out of Unix' 53 years of existence (90% of that time), make hasn't been the new kid on the block. Oh, let alone the fact that we're talking about stuff from 48 years ago, when their "screen" was a paper printout of the output.

I have no idea what that comment is supposed to mean.

That your comment was hyper-pedantic.

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