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Reminds me of gofuckingdoit.com from Pieter levels.

I like Caddy: https://caddyserver.com/ Nice community and enough features for my (basic) use cases.

The only thing that I don’t quite like is the logging format.

The automatic certificate renewal is a killer feature. Goodbye dodgy cronjobs!

May I ask which Bootcamp that was? I’m interested in learning more about marketing :)

Oh yes it is! Wouldn't it be easy to add an option to block this behaviour? Like a flag in about:config or something.

Yes, there is, to block this by default, set 'permissions.default.shortcuts' to 2.

I just found out that doing that does not prevent shortcuts from the extension to work contrary to what I just posted although I'm sure that when I tested this yesterday it did...:) So this is a step in the right direction.

Then I'm still left with sites stealing focus preventing shortcuts to work. Even though Vimium has an option to prevent sites from doing it, it is not fool proof. YouTrack/Upsource for example insist on stealing focus, so when I'm happily switching tabs using shortcuts as soon as I stumble upon YouTrack/Upsource I have to grab the mouse again :'(.

I loved VimFX and am in the same boat - It was really the best browsing experience.

I remember being upset for months when they killed XUL.

Wish Mozilla would finally start being their old self again and create a browser that is truly customizable. Call it Firefox Pro, I would happily pay for that. But instead we get “Colorways”..

> But instead we get “Colorways”

Yeah, the browser situation sucks and it's getting worse by the day.

> I remember being upset for months when they killed XUL.

You know what, still a week does not pass without me mourning the death XUL...

I'm currently using Waterfox quite a bit. VimFX is still somewhat maintained[1] and works with Waterfox Current.

It should be added that this browser is owned by an adtech company called System1. But my only alternatives at this point is surfing in a straitjacket (without VimFX) or using Waterfox. Haven't really found any apparent wrongdoings by System1 yet, but I guess it's a matter of time...

[1] https://github.com/akhodakivskiy/VimFx

And, since plenty of other people are name dropping similar extensions/addons to Vimium (like Tridactyl, Vimari, Vim Vixen etc.), I might as well add they all suffer from the same shortcoming as Vimium C and Vimium-FF because they're all WebExtensions. VimFX is not.

> still a week does not pass without me mourning the death XUL...

I'm coping by suppression. ;)

Haven't looked to much into the alternatives like Waterfox/Pale Moon et al. How are they security wise? Do they offer patches immediately?

Quite a lot of sites break in Pale Moon. Waterfox Current works just as well as Firefox.

> I would happily pay for that

How much would you pay?

That does sound like fun! Very cool activity.

Sadly I never got into reversing. How did you learn that? Can you recommend some resources?

How to learn reverse engineering... Good question.

First of all, nowadays, free interactive tools like Ghidra drastically accelerate the reverse engineer process. Ghidra's decompiler is able to produce actually reasonable C-like source code in many cases. So, if you want to jump right into the water, do the following:

- Write a small C program and compile it

- Install Ghidra

- Load the binary of your program into Ghidra

- Try to make sense of what you see :)

That's a quite cumbersome way to learn, though, although there are several Youtube videos that follow that approach. Modern decompilers are good, but they are still far from perfect, especially when applied to highly optimized machine code. Often, the output of the decompiler only makes sense when you have the assembly code next to it. Therefore, I highly recommend to first learn programming in assembly, which includes understanding how code and data are represented in main memory, how the stack works, how OS functions are called, etc. The good news: once you have understood how a particular CPU and computer architecture work, you can transfer that knowledge easily to other architectures. Therefore, maybe just start with x86 if your computer has an AMD or Intel CPU: http://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/pgubook/Pro...

Once you can read and write assembly language, you can go back to Ghidra and disassemble some programs for which you have the source code. That will teach you a lot about how compilers translate high-level languages to machine code. You will later discover that hand-written machine code sometimes look very different from compiler-generated code.

There is also what I call the platform specific part. That one really depends on the type of programs you want to reverse engineer. For example, if you want to reverse engineer a text adventure written for MS-DOS, the only platform-specific things you will encounter in the code are the four or five BIOS calls necessary for printing text, reading the keyboard, etc. That's something you can easily look up in the Internet without any deeper knowledge of MS-DOS or IBM-compatible PCs. On the other hand, if you are working on an Amiga game, it helps to be familar with the hardware and to be able to recognize the typical series of instructions that are needed to query the state of the mouse buttons etc.

Whenever I read these kind of salaries I feel like I’m doing something fundamentally wrong.

30yo, European based with lousy 60k/year. With the rising real estate prices I probably won’t even be able to afford a house in my lifetime. (Except maybe with a working SO - but even then until I’m too old for work)

I’d say if it’s it just about earning more money maybe work overtime for a little salary boost. Hard to beat that $/h.

Leetcode and get a job at a tier 1 tech company.

If you want it enough to put in the time, it is possible.

> Leetcode

> get a job at a tier 1 tech company.

The absolute state of the tech industry. The bubble WILL burst, and most idiot devs WILL be out of job.

Ya totally all of these "idiot" devs with the patience and drive to grind Leetcode and that now have the skills accumulated from working at a FAANG will be jobless. Lol.

When the bubble bursts, no amount of "grinding" Leetcode will guarantee a job. The number of well-paying jobs will be a fraction of what they are now.

I never added a phone number and thus the account got flagged immediately. Just shoot the twitter support a mail and they can unflag you.

I would, but what address should I use? I mean, I could just write to [email protected] or whatever, but I would be amazed if that would return anything.

They do not announce an official mail contact anywhere. Looks like they don't actually want to really get in contact with their (potential) users.

reply to my e-mail to [email protected]:

> We appreciate you reaching out, but Twitter doesn’t monitor emails sent to this support address. To contact our support team, please submit a request through our online form. We also have resources and articles on our Help Center that might be able to answer your question.


I don’t work as a Designer but I do dabble in web development and design in my free time. Would gladly take a look at some designs and lend my eyes for some critique/advice.

Any way to contact you?

Thank you for these words, i needed it.

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