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31. Counting bytes faster than you'd think possible (mattstuchlik.com)
128 points by asicsp 17 hours ago | hide | 26 comments
32. Alexandre Grothendieck, The New Universal Church (1971) [pdf] (uwo.ca)
91 points by vinnyvichy 17 hours ago | hide | 40 comments
33. Europe is in danger of regulating its tech market out of existence (foreignpolicy.com)
260 points by paulpauper 13 hours ago | hide | 514 comments
34. IRS collects milestone $1B in back taxes from high-wealth taxpayers (apnews.com)
78 points by gmays 6 hours ago | hide | 61 comments
35. From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH Only (cloudbsd.xyz)
190 points by jaypatelani 1 day ago | hide | 21 comments
36. MIT 11.350: Sustainable Real Estate (ocw.mit.edu)
79 points by mdp2021 10 hours ago | hide | 111 comments
37. Why Levittown didn't revolutionize homebuilding (construction-physics.com)
73 points by sien 1 day ago | hide | 143 comments
38. A hash table by any other name (lwn.net)
106 points by signa11 1 day ago | hide | 27 comments
39. The Many Lives of Null Island (stamen.com)
84 points by sebg 19 hours ago | hide | 14 comments
40. Deep Learning Interviews (2021) (arxiv.org)
43 points by ibobev 11 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
41. The Rise of the Analytics Pretendgineer (benn.substack.com)
14 points by acossta 9 hours ago | hide | discuss
42. Finding a random seed that solves a LeetCode problem (2023) (mcognetta.github.io)
83 points by mcyc 15 hours ago | hide | 26 comments
43. Stripe acquires Lemon Squeezy (lemonsqueezy.com)
223 points by drecoe 16 hours ago | hide | 149 comments
44. CrowdStrike update may cost world billions – and insurance ain't covering it all (theregister.com)
8 points by pjmlp 2 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
45. Memory for music doesn't diminish with age (nature.com)
56 points by gnabgib 19 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
46. Clojure macros continue to surprise me (tonsky.me)
117 points by jgrodziski 1 day ago | hide | 24 comments
47. FTC launches probe into 'surveillance pricing' (cnbc.com)
109 points by m463 1 day ago | hide | 25 comments
48. Lost by Schoolgirls: A display of 17th century papercuts (nationaltrust.org.uk)
86 points by geox 1 day ago | hide | 21 comments
49. Nice Things that Apple doesn't let us have (on an iPad) (taoofmac.com)
12 points by walterbell 3 hours ago | hide | 4 comments
50. Funtoo Linux is shutting down (funtoo.org)
98 points by DaSHacka 11 hours ago | hide | 53 comments
51. Startup Finance for Founders – Part I, Accounting (2016) (rein.pk)
173 points by sebg 1 day ago | hide | 19 comments
52. Treescope: Interactive HTML visualization library for Python neural networks (github.com/google-deepmind)
55 points by zerojames 20 hours ago | hide | 6 comments
53. Intel confirms no recall for Raptor Lake CPUs,microcode won't fix affected units (videocardz.com)
82 points by josephcsible 10 hours ago | hide | 55 comments
54. Is the nervous system a democracy? (2016) (scientificamerican.com)
26 points by kawera 12 hours ago | hide | 15 comments
55. Call the compiler, fax it your code [video] (youtube.com)
142 points by ayoreis 15 hours ago | hide | 35 comments
56. VCs are still pouring billions into generative AI startups (techcrunch.com)
9 points by gsky 3 hours ago | hide | discuss
57. Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650M checks (eieio.games)
193 points by todsacerdoti 16 hours ago | hide | 47 comments
58. Beyond Clean Code (tobeva.com)
69 points by pbw 13 hours ago | hide | 49 comments
59. Show HN: Word Slicer (wordslicer.com)
43 points by NoArcher888 19 hours ago | hide | 38 comments
60. How to optimize a CUDA matmul kernel for cuBLAS-like performance (2022) (siboehm.com)
94 points by mpweiher 18 hours ago | hide | 25 comments

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