Radical Left Movements in Europe, edited by Magnus Wennerhag, Christian Fröhlich, Grzegorz Piotrowski (Routledge), 2018
The chapter draws on the data on protest events organized by moderate and radical left organizati... more The chapter draws on the data on protest events organized by moderate and radical left organizations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia between 1989 and 2010, and deals with two main issues. First, it reviews the main approaches to the definition of radical left politics, identifies how it may be differentiated from the activities of the reformist (old) Left and from the post-modernist strategies of the new social movements, and illustrates this empirically. The chapter shows that the key aspects of radical left activism (post-materialist issues, confrontational repertoire, sub-national and supra-national scale of claims) demarcate it from the moderate left contention also in the post-communist context. Second, the paper focuses on the role of political context of activism. It follows Kriesi´s notion of political opportunity structure and focuses on the role of political cleavages in shaping political activism. More specifically, the chapter explores how the salience of socio-economic conflict influences protest agenda, general cooperation patterns, and reactions to national cabinet shifts in two countries under study. Chapter comes to conclusion that while there are systematic differences in terms of protest cooperation and reactions towards the orientation of national cabinet, there are only minor differences in terms of protest issue preference.
Papers by Jiri Navratil
of the Czech left. First, it attempts to divide the left into four
basic sectors, as defined by the prevailing ideologies and values.
In this sense, the four sectors are defined as follows: trade unions,
communists, new advocacy organizations, and finally, the radical
left. There are, of course, many ways of dividing the Czech left;
however, according to the testimonies of actors in the field (see
Conclusion), the division of left-wing entities on a spectrum
of economic and cultural conservatism / progressivism still makes
a great deal of sense in the context of the Czech left.
In this chapter, we focus on the interactions of party and movement-based organisations in the studied period. Therefore, we seek not only to map empirically the strategies and activities in the organisational field of the radical right,but also to explore the theoretical aspects of their organisational trajectories. Here we draw on the concept of ‘movement parties’ to refer to actors that are in transition from extra-institutional movements to the partisan electoral competition ‘as their primary vehicle to bring societal interests to bear on policy-making’(Kitschelt 2006: 278). Therefore, we also try to assess the processes of change in relation to the shifts of various actors between the field of political protest and electoral politics.
Intersections. EEJSP 3(3): 41-62. DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v3i3.347
of the Czech left. First, it attempts to divide the left into four
basic sectors, as defined by the prevailing ideologies and values.
In this sense, the four sectors are defined as follows: trade unions,
communists, new advocacy organizations, and finally, the radical
left. There are, of course, many ways of dividing the Czech left;
however, according to the testimonies of actors in the field (see
Conclusion), the division of left-wing entities on a spectrum
of economic and cultural conservatism / progressivism still makes
a great deal of sense in the context of the Czech left.
In this chapter, we focus on the interactions of party and movement-based organisations in the studied period. Therefore, we seek not only to map empirically the strategies and activities in the organisational field of the radical right,but also to explore the theoretical aspects of their organisational trajectories. Here we draw on the concept of ‘movement parties’ to refer to actors that are in transition from extra-institutional movements to the partisan electoral competition ‘as their primary vehicle to bring societal interests to bear on policy-making’(Kitschelt 2006: 278). Therefore, we also try to assess the processes of change in relation to the shifts of various actors between the field of political protest and electoral politics.
Intersections. EEJSP 3(3): 41-62. DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v3i3.347
Studie má rovněž obecnější ambici: tou je představení současných přístupů ke studiu sociálních hnutí založených na rozlišování dvou klíčových modů koordinace kolektivního jednání – tj. směny či sdílení zdrojů a procesů tvorby kolektivní identity. Zde se práce snaží předložit odpovědi na otázky týkající se vztahu mezi kolektivní identitou a strategiemi koordinace zdrojů českého alterglobalizačního aktivismu, charakteru tohoto vztahu napříč různými tematickými poli kolektivního jednání, a konečně jeho proměn v čase.
Deadline for abstracts is 15th of March 2016, and for developed drafts of accepted papers 31st of May 2016.