Miami University
Media and Journalism
This article analyzes the gendered performance at the Beijing Olympics by looking at the elite cheerleaders and Olympic misses, including medal and country presenters at the Olympic and Paralympic opening and closing ceremonies. Drawing... more
The 18 th Party Congress' Third Plenary Session's Decision maps out the country's plan for cultural and media development. There is nothing on the surface that suggests a radical departure from the tight control the Chinese party-state... more
This is a magazine article about advertising in China
本文关注中国的民族主义,将民族主义根植于中国的历史环境中, 并探讨了官方民族主义、大众民族主义、政治民族主义和消费民族主义的相通和区别之处。本文首先回顾了中国的民族主义自鸦片战争以来的发展,希望从一个更宏观的角度理解民族主义。接着,文章研究了与民族主义所应对的普世主义(cosmopolitanism),并指出现代中国通常在民族主义和普世主义之间摇摆。接下来,本文以帝吧出征为例分析网络民族主义的表现。... more
This is just the proof. Please refer to the final version in the book.