Soft Power and International Relations
Recent papers in Soft Power and International Relations
Sánchez, S (2020). Soft Power Chino y Diplomacia Pública: Un análisis de comunicación política hacia América del Sur. En: Caldevilla, D. (Edit). Unidos por la Comunicación: Libro de Actas del Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación... more
States construct domestic and international relations through communications of an economic, security and cultural nature, internationally to shape global order. The mid-20thcentury US-sponsored United Nations initiative and China’s... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
Yemek, etrafında birçok sosyal pratiği şekillendiren güçlü bir iletişim aracıdır. Uluslararası ilişkilerde düzenleyici ve belirleyici bir misyona sahip olan bu araç, 21. yüzyılda kamu diplomasisinin en önemli rgümanlarından biri olarak... more
In the age of disruption and in today’s platform society (Van Dijck et al., 2019), communication between nation states is influenced by the development of technology. The nation state is responding to the new communication environment... more
Çin yükselen ekonomisi ve siyasi etkisi ile küresel bir güç konumundadır. Çin bu konuma sadece askeri gücünü kullanarak değil yumuşak gücünü kullanarak gelmiştir. Yumuşak güç bir ülkenin kültürünün, siyasi fikirlerinin ve politikalarının... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kafkasya coğrafyasını tanımlamak aktörlerini belirlemek ve bu çerçevede bölgedeki Türk etkisini tarihi perspektiften geleceğe taşımak için fikir mülahazaları yapmaktır. Bize hem yakın hem uzak hem benzer hem değişik... more
As a formerly colonized country, India takes very seriously the defence of its sovereignty and of its independence of action in the external realm as well as its identity as a Third World nation. These reasons contribute to its reluctance... more
The text treats the Polish cultural and historical resource and soft power potential in the form of a reservoir of symbolic references to the „Rzeczpospolita”. The text includes the theoretical framework of soft power, referring to the... more
Uluslararası ilişkilerde, değişen güç ilişkilerini daha isabetli bir şekilde tarif ve tahlil edebilmek amacıyla ortaya atılan kavramların son örneklerinden biri ‘keskin güç’ kavramı oldu.
This article aims to provide a retrospective view of the Peace Corps in Turkey. It is based on a number of books and articles written by returned Peace Corps Volunteers as well as personal and email interviews and correspondence with some... more
La Globalización en Transición Resumen (Español) Este artículo se corresponde con la conferencia que pronuncié el 5 de mayo de 2021 como Lección Magistral de Apertura del Curso 2021 de la Real Academia Gallega de Ciencias: La primera... more
How can we explain the dynamics of nonconventional struggles such as the Gaza flotilla case of May 2010? Most international relations scholars analyze international disputes using a “chess logic,” according to which the actors seek to... more
This article argues that there are economic and political motives behind the response to the Rohingya humanitarian crisis issue which identified as a form of soft power rivalry penetrated by the United States (US) and China. Some previous... more
I am sharing the introduction and the conclusion of my new book on Disney, Hollywood and cultural capitalism. This book sheds new light on the socio-economic impact of multinational corporations. Combining Cultural Studies and... more
The aim of this article is to demonstrate how a relational concept of power can benefit Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). It begins by drawingattention to the fact that Japan’s foreign policy has been portrayedrather enigmatically in terms of... more
Discussion on the distinctions between brand management in the corporate vs. the public sphere; the question of how image and identity are managed by elected governments in a democratic nation vs. appointed or self-appointed management in... more
Katar son yıllarda Ortadoğu'da gerek tek başına gerekse uluslararası örgütler vasıtasıyla yoğun bir dış politik etkinlik içerisindedir. Körfezin bu küçük ama etkin ülkesi adından son dönemlerin popüler politik söylemi olan yumuşak güçle... more
RESUME Avec le processus de mondialisation, de plus en plus de pays sont désireux de présenter une image d'eux-mêmes facilement compréhensible et favorable à leurs politiques et le Japon ne fait pas exception. Comme la plupart des pays... more
Sometimes the Chinese dream is of sustainable development, of anti-corruption, of constitutionalism, of a clean environment, or of social harmony. Essentially, like the American dream or any dream for that matter, the Chinese dream can... more
Problematyka niniejszego tekstu została zawężona do problemu wykorzystania twardej i miękkiej siły przez Rosję i UE wobec poradzieckich państw czarnomorskich (Gruzji i Ukrainy oraz Mołdowy, Armenii i Azerbejdżanu). Trzy ostatnie państwa... more
Although 30 years have passed since it was first formulated by the American political scientist Joseph Nye Jr, experts in international relations still debate on the contribution that soft power can give in foreign policy. This article... more
This essay shall argue that rules and norms significantly shape, influence and define the behaviour of states in the international system in a plethora of ways which are spelt and best explained through international law, multilateralism... more
The scope of this essay is to underline and comprehend the role of soft power that is associated with the Belt and Road Initiative. It is really important to implore further into this particular topic during a time of fading American... more
This essay intends to provide a political-economy grounded analysis of the ideas of soft power in the context of US foreign policy. It argues that Nye's theory of soft power amounts to little more than the latest update of cultural... more
This article aims at introducing two new concepts: Hack Power and Cyberbullying Power, which complement and broaden the Hybrid Warfare approach and, at the same time, reveal a series of academic characteristics that enables their... more
In Marc-Olivier Gonseth et alii (eds.), Imagine Japan, Neuchâtel : Musée ethnographique de Neuchâtel, 2015, pp.334-341.
In June 2017, forty-five Muslim students— Dungans 东干族 from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan — celebrated their graduation from a four-year course of study at Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou, Gansu province. All these activities facilitate... more
A qualitative study of Chinese soft power tools in African states: How is China using its soft power and what are the implications for African states? Master's thesis presented with a view to obtaining the degree of Master's in Political... more
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
For international relations (IR) scholars, the story behind the figure of Udjahorresnet might seem as an obscure phase in international history. Yet the pre-Roman period is educative for testing constitutive IR concepts such as the balance... more
Si la création des instituts Confucius est récente, elle est également souvent analysée avec méfiance par des observateurs craignant que, derrière les apparences du soft power, ne se cache une volonté de propagande. Cette méfiance mérite... more