Revista de Historia de América
La Revista Historia de América es una publicación de la Comisión de Historia del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia y como tal depende de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA). Fundada en 1938 por Silvio Zavala es una de las revistas especializadas más antiguas en el continente y una de las pocas que se propuso a través de un espacio de discusión académica generar un conocimiento de y sobre el continente como conjunto o sobre alguno de los países que lo integran. Retomando la idea original de su fundación, la revista es un espacio de construcción de una identidad regional y de redes académicas entre historiadores para fomentar el interés de la historia de América como objeto de estudio.Durante los últimos 80 años ha sido dirigida por reconocidos académicos de distintas instituciones internacionales como Silvio Zavala, Ernesto de la Torre Villar, Laurio H Destéfani, Francisco Enriquez Solano y Rubén Ruiz Guerra. Actualmente la nueva época en su versión digital y de acceso abierto que inicia en octubre de 2017 se encuentra bajo la dirección de Alexandra Pita González (Universidad de Colima).Se trata de una publicación de carácter académico que busca contribuir en las tareas de investigación y de enseñanza de la Historia de América a través de la publicación de contribuciones evaluadas por pares académicos nacionales y extranjeros en las siguientes secciones: artículos libres o temáticos, documentos y reseñas. Dado que es una publicación que depende de un organismo internacional puede publicarse en los cuatro idiomas oficiales: español, inglés, francés y portugués.
ISSN (impresa): 0034-8325; ISSN (en línea): 2663-371X
Phone: (52)312-3161000 ext. 47306 - (52) 312-3161127
Address: Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Sociales (CUIS) - Universidad de Colima
Av. Gonzalo de Sandoval 444, Col. Las Víboras, Colima, Colima, CP 28040. México
ISSN (impresa): 0034-8325; ISSN (en línea): 2663-371X
Phone: (52)312-3161000 ext. 47306 - (52) 312-3161127
Address: Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Sociales (CUIS) - Universidad de Colima
Av. Gonzalo de Sandoval 444, Col. Las Víboras, Colima, Colima, CP 28040. México
RHA 161 (julio-diciembre 2021) by Revista de Historia de América
Por último, esta investigación observa específicamente las inflexiones, las tensiones políticas, educativas y sindicales subyacentes y veladas en la publicación mensual, las cuales nos dan vistazos de cómo una revista afiliada al gobierno contiene fisuras respecto a la línea política y educativa con la que fue creada.
El dossier que el lector tiene ahora en sus manos se caracteriza porque los ensayos que lo integran han sido elaborados por especialistas en el campo de los estudios literarios, y desde ahí, con su instrumental teórico y crítico, se acercan a revisar cómo la literatura mexicana ha construido visiones artísticas de los hechos del pasado, en un amplio abanico temporal que va desde la Colonia hasta nuestros días. Nos congratulamos de que una revista dedicada especialmente a la reflexión histórica haya abierto sus puertas para albergar estas propuestas de revisión del pasado y el presente de México, a la luz de la literatura.
República (Problemas y secretos maravillosos de la Indias, 1591); en una obra cuasi enciclopédica y heredera del galenismo arabizado (Verdadera medicina, cirugía y astrología, 1607); y textos médicos intervenidos y anotados (Tesoro de medicinas, 1674). Finalmente, la posesión del libro de Arciniega en el Convento Grande de San Francisco de la Ciudad de México demuestra que la idea del cuerno de unicornio fue importada y que formaba parte de una filosofía natural aristotélica, que seguirá presente en autores posteriores: en una obra franciscana que destaca el beneficio de otros simples lapidosos oriundos de la Nueva España (Teatro mexicano, 1698); en una obra médica jesuita del XVIII (Florilegio medicinal, 1712) que continuará la leyenda del unicornio. E incluso, formará parte de la lista de medicamentos de las boticas de hospitales novohispanos (1798-1808).
A partir de la Metahistoria de Hayden White, otro propósito es demostrar que Ireneo Paz construye esta leyenda utilizando procedimientos semejantes a los de los historiadores románticos europeos del siglo XIX: un estilo metafórico, un relato de carácter novelesco y un modo de argumentación formista, todo ello con el fin de mitificar un proceso histórico por demás complejo y así contribuir al sostén del victorioso liberalismo triunfante, a costa de ficcionalizar y caracterizar de forma exclusivista a los actores principales del Segundo Imperio Mexicano.
Por último, esta investigación observa específicamente las inflexiones, las tensiones políticas, educativas y sindicales subyacentes y veladas en la publicación mensual, las cuales nos dan vistazos de cómo una revista afiliada al gobierno contiene fisuras respecto a la línea política y educativa con la que fue creada.
El dossier que el lector tiene ahora en sus manos se caracteriza porque los ensayos que lo integran han sido elaborados por especialistas en el campo de los estudios literarios, y desde ahí, con su instrumental teórico y crítico, se acercan a revisar cómo la literatura mexicana ha construido visiones artísticas de los hechos del pasado, en un amplio abanico temporal que va desde la Colonia hasta nuestros días. Nos congratulamos de que una revista dedicada especialmente a la reflexión histórica haya abierto sus puertas para albergar estas propuestas de revisión del pasado y el presente de México, a la luz de la literatura.
República (Problemas y secretos maravillosos de la Indias, 1591); en una obra cuasi enciclopédica y heredera del galenismo arabizado (Verdadera medicina, cirugía y astrología, 1607); y textos médicos intervenidos y anotados (Tesoro de medicinas, 1674). Finalmente, la posesión del libro de Arciniega en el Convento Grande de San Francisco de la Ciudad de México demuestra que la idea del cuerno de unicornio fue importada y que formaba parte de una filosofía natural aristotélica, que seguirá presente en autores posteriores: en una obra franciscana que destaca el beneficio de otros simples lapidosos oriundos de la Nueva España (Teatro mexicano, 1698); en una obra médica jesuita del XVIII (Florilegio medicinal, 1712) que continuará la leyenda del unicornio. E incluso, formará parte de la lista de medicamentos de las boticas de hospitales novohispanos (1798-1808).
A partir de la Metahistoria de Hayden White, otro propósito es demostrar que Ireneo Paz construye esta leyenda utilizando procedimientos semejantes a los de los historiadores románticos europeos del siglo XIX: un estilo metafórico, un relato de carácter novelesco y un modo de argumentación formista, todo ello con el fin de mitificar un proceso histórico por demás complejo y así contribuir al sostén del victorioso liberalismo triunfante, a costa de ficcionalizar y caracterizar de forma exclusivista a los actores principales del Segundo Imperio Mexicano.
La producción arquitectónica derivada de estas políticas sanitarias estuvo vinculada a un cambio de modalidad en la relación entre técnica y política, por lo cual se promovió la realización de concursos y la contratación de profesionales para la realización de obras públicas, en un contexto signado por una mayor regulación del ejercicio de diferentes profesiones liberales (arquitectura, ingeniería, actividades curativas).
Se consultaron diversas fuentes: proyectos de ley y debates parlamentarios en los diarios de sesiones legislativas (Archivo de la Legislatura de Mendoza), prensa local de diverso signo: La Palabra, Los Andes, y El Socialista. Además, se utilizó la Memoria del Ministerio de obras públicas correspondiente a 1922-1923, la Memoria de la Dirección de Salubridad correspondiente a 1927 (Biblioteca Pública General San Martín), y Anuarios estadísticos del período analizado (Dirección General de Estadísticas de Mendoza).
Los anarquistas del Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM) han sido analizados sólo como parte del proceso revolucionario en México. Desde ese ángulo se han conformado una serie de afirmaciones sobre su actuación, mismas que se han convertido en un espacio común acerca de sus intenciones revolucionarias. Sin embargo, no se aborda su llamado insistente a la revolución mundial, lo que obliga a una interpretación más compleja, que no se apega a las limitadas explicaciones que surgieron en la posrevolución.
En este sentido, se concluye que el cambio institucional implicado en el establecimiento de la Intendencia de Salta del Tucumán (1784), sin haber subsumido fiscalmente la región salteña al epicentro rioplatense —tal como lo procuraba una política de centralización hacendaria—, fomentó la integración comercial entre Salta y otras plazas mercantiles regionales como modo de superar la crisis derivada de los cortocircuitos en el comercio interregional generados por los levantamientos andinos de la década de 1780.
Desde hace ya más de dos décadas, la historiografía hispanoamericana logró explicar de manera concluyente que el crédito escriturado notarialmente sirvió, durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, para articular circuitos comerciales de larga distancia y enlazar nodos mercantiles. Ratificando las hipótesis de aquella historiografía, este artículo ahonda en aquellas interrogantes mediante una reconstrucción anual de los movimientos crediticios durante la década que corre entre 1777 y 1786, apelando a herramientas metodológicas procedentes tanto de la estadística como del Análisis de Redes Sociales, previamente subutilizadas. Ello permitirá comprender la incidencia del cambio institucional sobre una economía de Antiguo Régimen, focalizando en la dimensión relacional del crédito y en la estructura comercial a la cual éste sostenía y expresaba. Las fuentes empleadas para este abordaje consisten en las escrituras de obligación rubricadas por el escribano de Salta durante dicho período.
Casa de las Américas es una de las revistas más importantes del continente; estudiar los discursos y la materialidad de sus números en los ochenta da claves para comprender ciertos virajes en las relaciones entre política y cultura en una época de inflexión histórica. Como se verá en el artículo, en esta icónica revista cubana se reflejaron contradicciones y matices en torno al ideal y práctica de la Revolución cubana, en ella coincidieron pensamientos no unívocos.
The method based on the proposal of pairs of non-dialectical opposites, points out how the human being has built a dichotomous world, in which only two options are considered in human treatment: friend or enemy. Thus, the present investigation exposes the version of Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, around the miracle guadalupano, which did not adjust to the accepted by the Hispanic clergy of the nineteenth century, so it was designated as an apostate and enemy of the faith.
One of the most useful developments for modern historians is the digitiza-tion of the newspaper archives, since these ones are appreciated information sources between scholars that want to understand issues associated with politics, culture, and society. This fact is promoting an increasing digitaliza-tion of this kind of archives, causing the appearance of “new” challenges, due to the fact lack of text recognition technologies application to digitalized historical newspapers. It makes difficult application of technologies that allow an automatic processing and retrieving events related to daily life, such as meteorological events.
Taking into account this scenario, this paper addresses these challenges for discovering how terminology was used in news related to meteorological events performed in the Latin-American society from the XIX-XX centuries. For that, we gather digitalized historical newspapers, which are available from websites, from National newspaper and periodicals libraries associated with Colombia, Ecuador, México and Uruguay. Once these newspapers have been collected, we carry out a corpus linguistics through a bibliomining process, performing technical readings and the application of technologies (QDA-MinerLite and R), which allows retrieving the terminology about meteorological events related to newspapers from different considered countries.
From 1920 the post-revolutionary Mexican governments set in motion one of the most radical transformations that have been made in the continent, the construction of the Secretariat of Public Education, SEP, to teach literacy to the large peasant and indigenous mass that remained in illiteracy. This pro-cess brought together three important intellectuals: the Mexicans José Vasconcelos and Jaime Torres Bodet and the Chilean Gabriela Mistral. These had a long relationship of friendship and collaboration that transcend-ed the short years of Vasconcelos in charge of the SEP, the two ministries of Torres Bodet and his stay in UNESCO and the diplomatic and poetic wander-ing of Mistral. The relationship, which was maintained and succeeded de-spite the exiles, diplomatic positions and political vicissitudes faced by the three, far from being merely of friendship or formal diplomacy, consolidated a collaboration that lasted almost forty years, influencing the formation of international organizations such as UNESCO. Our hypothesis is that, beyond the global changes that took place between 1921 and 1964 and those that experienced the political and pedagogical conceptions of these intellectuals, there is a central idea in the educational project that was promoted in Mexi-co, which constitutes the contribution to universal education: the literacy of large masses excluded for inclusion in the nation the development of a cul-ture for peace.
Both in the nineteenth century and in the twentieth century, Latin American intellectuals have played a leading role as diplomatic representatives, favoring the projection and cultural prestige of their rights in the international arena. However, the explanation of why intellectuals got involved in diplomacy was generally restricted to the representatives of the high culture of the countries as they sought to project a good image abroad. The essay suggests the possibility of changing the traditional method of studying international relations as the field of foreign policy to go beyond this and devote attention to ideas, their circulation and networks. For this purpose, the essay reflects on the Latin American intellectuals / diplomats, in a temporality that spans from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the third decade of the twentieth century. The London-ParisWashington axis is analyzed to understand the conjunctures, scenarios and actors that revolve around Latin American diplomacy. Key words: Panamericanism, intellectuals, diplomats, Latin America.
Although he was essentially a diplomat and was involved in the preparations for the plans for the Argentine delegation sent to the First Pan-American Conference (1889-1990), Vicente Quesada was a precursor of Latin American modern anti-imperialism and above all of the theories postulating the existence of a regional international law for Latin America. Before modern Latin American anti-imperialist ideas were incorporated within the intellectual, diplomatic and political Latin American imaginary, Quesada put forward a series of assertive critiques of the Monroe Doctrine as a safeguard to protect peace in the Americas and of the emerging Pan-American movement promoted by James Blaine in the context of the First Pan-American Conference. Moreover, preceding the institutionalization of international law as a modern discipline in Argentina and the construction of a continental legal tradition associated to Pan-Americanism, Quesada published a series of influential articles in which he sought to demonstrate that regional peace was the product of truly Latin American legal prínciples and not of the Monroe Doctrine. This article draws on these important pieces by Quesada and it argues that Quesada was pioneering in postulating a Latin American tradition of international law, advocating the construction of a regional Latin American legal order, safeguard from US expansionism.
Manoel de Oliveira Lima (1867-1928) e Joaquim Nabuco (1849-1910) tiveram muito em comum e ocuparam espaços relevantes como diplomatas e homens de letras. Também tiveram suas diferenças politicas, mas souberam superá-las para forjar uma amizade que parecia sólida por duas décadas até que suas visões divergentes sobre os Estados Unidos, seu papel no continen-te e as relações com o Brasil os afastaram definitivamente. Nenhum dos dois era estranho às polêmicas nem a divergências, porém, quando Nabuco recebeu de Oliveira Lima o que interpretou como um ataque ao seu legado, foi o fim da amizade entre dois dos diplomatas mais importantes do seu tempo. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o contexto em que se deu este rompimento, seus antecedentes e como ao fim e ao cabo foi mais um ego ferido do que uma diferença irreconciliável de ideias o que promoveu o rompimento. Além disso, busca evidenciar como o desenlace marcou a imagem de Oliveira Lima como figura difícil, diplomata rebelde e, ultimamente, como antiamericano.
This article studies the relationship among Alfonso Reyes, Luisa Luisi and the Uruguay-Mexico Committee. It is based on the analysis of Reyes’ diary and the unpublished correspondence he maintained with the Uruguayan writer Luisa Luisi, as well as on encounters, speeches and collaborations published in magazines and newspapers of the time. Reyes´ official arrival in Uruguay, in May of 1928, was part of and also catalyzed a “wave that diffused the values” of post-revolutionary Mexico. Reconstructing the intellectual relationship between Reyes and Luisi, as well as reflecting on the collaboration and conflict dynamics between the two, lends new insights into biographical criticism of the authors and studies on Mexico´s cultural diplomacy in South America.
The coup d’état of 1930 and the political change that took place as its immediate consequence were the subject of attention by the Mexican representation in Buenos Aires. The diplomatic reports elevated by Rafael Cabrera, ambassador of Mexico in Argentina, seen on the Historic Archives of the Foreign Relations Secretary of Mexico, showed to the superiority the emergence of growing authoritarianism due to the tutelary presence of the military in local politics. Added to the above, from Mexico some voices were heard against the democratic interruption of Buenos Aires, such as the Latin American student movement and the trade unionist Vicente Lombardo Toledano, who in different spaces supported the defense of democracy in Argentina against the new regime. As a result, the thirties were characterized by the growing distance between the two nations, due to completely divergent political programs.
Intellectuals were fundamental in Latin-American diplomacy. Some of them took part in the diffusion of their own culture. Luis Chico Goerne was one of these, an academic and former rector in charge of a mission in Paris in the end of 1938. He designed, unsuccessfully, a plan based on the two currents of Mexican cultural diplomacy, one of propaganda and one more cultural. The goal is to show how was thought the Mexican cultural diplomacy and how Chico Goerne participated in its renovation. Thanks to the investigation based on French and Mexican diplomatic sources, it was possible to present how Chico Goerne tried to make an advantageous propaganda to the Mexican government, and to create a Mexican institute in Paris, in order to have Mexico better known in France. The interest of this article is to understand how was made the institutionalization of the cultural diplomacy, or how it changed from an individual action to a collective and institutional policy and how it reduced the importance of intellectual action in cultural diplomacy.
The article analyzes the Latin American Prize Novel, convened by the Pan American Union in 1940. The aim of the contest was to introduce Latin American writers to the American publish market. With the Second World War as a backdrop, the call had a political intention: to promote the ideal of Pan American solidarity among readers, editors and writers. The contest was an instrument of cultural diplomacy, designed to serve as an articulating axis between the main literary networks of the continent. Unlike other inter-American cooperation projects, the Prize was not an initiative unilaterally sponsored by the United States, but was organized by a multilateral institution and by Latin American officials and institutions.
The early works of Silvio Zavala —published between 1930 and 1932— when he was a law student in Mexico and in Spain, show his interest in constitutional law and the political environment of his time. He dedicated himself to the study of the Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1917 and the constitutional activity of the Spanish Republic. He found, in the first, the institutional beginnings of the winning faction in the fighting which followed the Mexican Revolution; in the second, the disagreements and the impossibility of consensus among the protagonists who participated within and outside the Spanish parlament (warning of repression and the civil war that would come later). The thematic sequence of these short articles published in Mexico in the Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia, in the daily El Nacional
and in journals such as Universidad de México and Crisol offers an interesting comparative view which we should consider to be the first installments of the historiographical work of a great historian of colonial American institutions, who discovered and confirmed his vocation in the years that preceded the end of the Spanish Civil War.
The aim of the author is to propose an assessment of Silvio Zavala's intellectual career, but this time characterized as part of his institutional life, not only through the numerous positions he assumed as founder and director of journals, commissions and research centers, but also as part of circles of intellectuals who, mainly in Mexico, but also in many countries of America, created the first professional "societies of thought" in historical studies. This implies that the approach, instead of being sociological, aspires to apply to the field of history of historiography a hermeneutics of place, action and the articulation of writing, publication, circulation and appropriation of stories.
In the article I explore the role that Silvio Zavala played in the process of institutionalization and professionalization of history in Mexico. I analyze the historiographical value of his first works produced during his stay in Spain under the guidance of Rafael Altamira y Crevea and the national and international alliances and bonds that he established upon his return to Mexico since 1936. I argue that the prestige as an academic and historian allowed Zavala to be one of the creators of publications such as Revista de Historia de América and fundamental promoter of institutions such as El Colegio de México where he trained multiple generations of students and researchers. The research ends at 1950, his last year as director of the Historical Studies Centre. In this work I use archival and bibliographic sources that have been scarcely studied before.
El artículo reconoce los grandes aportes de Zavala al campo de estudio sobre el pensamiento político hispanoamericano, no obstante, se señalan los límites del enfoque metodológico del que partió el autor, los cuales le impidieron llevar a cabo una transformación historiográfica de mayor calada.
This article examines Silvio Zavala’s studies of the political and philosophical controversies on the Conquest of America. The analysis of its content and methodology, as well as the discussions in which he participated with these works, shows how the historian took on a perspective closer to the so-called “traditional history of ideas” than the scientism or positivism with which it is commonly associated.
Herein Zavala’s important contributions to the field of Spanish American political thought are recognized. However, it is stressed the limits of his methodological approach, which prevented him from making a major historiographical contribution.
The conquistadors armament is one of the outstanding issues to reach a complete and dynamic vision of the Conquest of New Spain. Although there are some studies that address the subject, its approach is restricted to the use of codices and chronicles for its description. In this sense the work of Silvio Zavala, and the place occupied by the indigenous tribute in the supply of weapons, is especially effective to make an approach that allows another paradigm of the important phenomenon heading to its 5th Centenary.
Vasco de Quiroga arrived to the New World and his life and his work changed. A man of study, books allowed him continue thinking about a reality that he didn’t see at all in the Catholic Europe: humbleness and simplicity of the indigenous people. These and other characteristics of life and work of don Vasco were understood by Silvio Zavala from an early age. And at any time that he had the opportunity he made to know his findings, the influences of the Bishop of Michoacan had, his pastoral deed, putting in to practice his ideas, his life testimony. In Zavala’s work, don Vasco, it’s an example of humanism. Quiroga’s thought has to be studied on the defense he made of the Indians against the cruelty from the conqueror and because he structured the elements of the primitive Church that he desired and long for that had been lost in the European Catholic.
The following text is a historiographical analysis of a series of essays written by Silvio Zavala whose main purpose was to elaborate a synthesis of Mexican History from pre-colonial period until the 20th Century; in essence, those essays constituted a “business card” towards international institutions. It includes the analysis of some reports written for UNE SCO, conferences at the UNAM , as well as an article originally published in the magazine Nouvelles du Mexique.
This article explores de History of America Program, sponsored by the Panamerican Institute of Geography and History, and led by Silvio Zavala, in order to assess the possibilities and limitations of writing a history of the American continent. It is based primarily on Zavala’s own writings, published in the Revista de Historia de América.
This article analyzes the transformation of the Argentine fields of intellectual production and circulation at the turn of the 20th Century from the vantage point of an apparently minor debate that took place in 1903 between the young physician José Ingenieros and the director of the National Library, Paul Groussac about the use of the term "psychiatrist". By carrying out a "dense description" of this polemical exchange as a point of departure, the article sheds light on-borrowing from Carlo Ginzburg-"the framework of deeper historical tendencies" of Argentine culture.
This article analyzes the transformation of the Argentine fields of intellectual production and circulation at the turn of the 20th Century from the vantage point of an apparently minor debate that took place in 1903 between the young physician José Ingenieros and the director of the National Library, Paul Groussac about the use of the term “psychiatrist”. By carrying out a “dense description” of this polemical exchange as a point of departure, the article sheds light on —borrowing from Carlo Ginzburg— “the framework of deeper historical tendencies” of Argentine culture.
In Tunja’s celebration of centennial decade of national independence (1910-1919), its stands out the centenary of Heroes-martyrs in 1916, characters of the first republic, executed in the city in the reconquest (1816). With this reason, civil and ecclesiastical authorities organized a patriotic party coordinated by the Academy of History, that included parades, openair mass, literary contests, industry expos and the exhumation of the martyrs’ bodies and their move to the cathedral. The speeches, the corporeity of the martyrs, the exaltation of the values like progress and modernity were the fundamental feature of this centenary, linked to the Hispanic tradition of the city.
This paper analyzes the political, social and cultural implications of the special embassy sent to Buenos Aires by the Brazilian government in honor of Argentine's celebrations of its Centennial of Independence in 1916 in the context of the Great War. This endeavor was led by the prestigious Brazilian jurist, senator and Conselheiro (counselor) Ruy Barbosa and demonstrates the climax of a period of rapprochement between the two countries initiated by president Roque Sáenz Peña's official missions in 1910. The analysis traces Barbosa's profile being both ambassador and jurist during his month-long stay at Buenos Aires focusing on images and identities presented in his speeches, public rituals of political and cultural approximation, achievements and tensions thereafter, as well as the impact Barbosa had in media and public sectors by the study of the many letters he received. The peak of this diplomatic rapprochement between Argentina and Brazil was prompted by "Europe's demise into barbarism" as all rights and conventions were overturned.
Doctor Chanca, a physician who accompanied Columbus during the second voyage (1493-1496), wrote a letter to the Council of Seville, the very first description about the caribbean Indians. The document is a portrayal of those men and women, includes not only information provided by savages that Columbus previously qualified as good people, but also a very pessimistic vision about the bad savage to be civilized by Europe. His references to cannibals, that terrified Taino people because of their ferocity, served as a counterweight of the image of the "Noble Savage", and lead us to a reflection about how it promoted the colonization of America and the vigilant eye of ethnographers.
El presente artículo se propone como principal objetivo indagar el impacto que las reformas borbónicas pudieron tener sobre la economía comercial en Hispanoamérica, mediante una lectura estadística y relacional del crédito escriturado notarialmente en Salta, uno de los más importantes nodos comerciales del Virreinato del Río de la Plata.
En este sentido, se concluye que el cambio institucional implicado en el establecimiento de la Intendencia de Salta del Tucumán (1784), sin haber subsumido fiscalmente la región salteña al epicentro rioplatense —tal como lo procuraba una política de centralización hacendaria—, fomentó la integración comercial entre Salta y otras plazas mercantiles regionales como modo de superar la crisis derivada de los cortocircuitos en el comercio interregional generados por los levantamientos andinos de la década de 1780.
Desde hace ya más de dos décadas, la historiografía hispanoamericana logró explicar de manera concluyente que el crédito escriturado notarialmente sirvió, durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, para articular circuitos comerciales de larga distancia y enlazar nodos mercantiles. Ratificando las hipótesis de aquella historiografía, este artículo ahonda en aquellas interrogantes mediante una reconstrucción anual de los movimientos crediticios durante la década que corre entre 1777 y 1786, apelando a herramientas metodológicas procedentes tanto de la estadística como del Análisis de Redes Sociales, previamente subutilizadas. Ello permitirá comprender la incidencia del cambio institucional sobre una economía de Antiguo Régimen, focalizando en la dimensión relacional del crédito y en la estructura comercial a la cual éste sostenía y expresaba. Las fuentes empleadas para este abordaje consisten en las escrituras de obligación rubricadas por el escribano de Salta durante dicho período.
Since historiography recognized the Royal Treasury as an institutional and financial materialization of the Catholic Monarchy, it was feasible to understand that the dynamics of Hispanus fiscus combined tension and negotiation between central and local instances of power, rather than a pyramidal structure verticallu commanded. This allowed to discuss the coercive and centralized model of the Bourbon imperial organization in the fiscal field, but it remains to delve into the implications that these limits of the Bourbon centralism had on the performance of commercial interaction. Credit practices constitute, in this sense, a window to observe the effects that Bourbon politics had on the local and regional economy in Spanish America. The research on credit is, thus, way to investigate the impact that the institutional modulations exerted on the economic performance in the Old Spanish-American Regime.
The main objective of this article consists in investigate the impact that the Bourbon reforms could have on the commercial economy in Hispanic America, through a statistical and relational reading of the notarized credit in Salta, one of the most important commercial nodes of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata.
In this sense, the present work concludes that the institutional change implied in the establishment of the Intendancy of Salta del Tucumán (1784), even when could not achieve the fiscally subsumption of the Salta region to the rioplatense epicenter —1as it was projected by a centralization fiscal policy—, encouraged the commercial integration between Salta and other regional markets as a way to overcome the crisis derived from breakdowns in interregional trade generated by the Andean uprisings of the 1780s.
For more than two decades, Hispanic American historiography managed to explain that notarized credit served, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to articulate long-distance commercial circuits and linking mercantile nodes. Ratifying the hypothesis of that historiography, this article delves into those questions through an annual reconstruction of credit movements during the decade that runs between 1777 and 1786, appealing to methodological tools from both statistics and social network analysis, previously underutilized. This will make it possible to understand the impact of institutional change on an Old Regime economy, focusing on the relational dimension of credit and the commercial structure to which it maintained and to which it expressed. The sources used for this approach consist of the deeds of obligation signed by the scribe of Salta during the period.
Manoel de Oliveira Lima (1867-1928) y Joaquim Nabuco (1849-1910) tu- vieron mucho en común y ocuparon espacios relevantes como diplomáticos y hombres de letras. También tuvieron sus diferencias políticas, sin embar- go, supieron superarlas para crear una amistad que parecía solida por dos décadas hasta que sus visiones divergentes sobre los Estados Unidos, su papel en el continente y las relaciones con Brasil los alejaron definitivamen- te. Su relación no desconocía las polémicas ni las divergencias, pero cuando Nabuco sufrió lo que él consideró un ataque a su legado por parte de Olivei- ra Lima, fue el fin de la amistad entre dos de los diplomáticos más importan- tes de su tiempo. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el contexto en que se dio el rompimiento, sus antecedentes y cómo al fin y al cabo un ego herido fue más determinante que una diferencia irreconciliable de ideas el respon- sable del vínculo. Además, busca poner de relieve cómo el episodio marcó la imagen de Oliveira Lima como una figura difícil, un diplomático rebelde y, por última, como antiamericano.
Manoel de Oliveira Lima (1867-1928) and Joaquim Nabuco (1849-1910) had a lot in common and played relevant roles as diplomats and men of letters. They also had their political differences that they were able to over- come in order to create what it seemed like a solid friendship for two dec- ades until their opposite views on the United States, its role in the continent and the relations with Brazil, set them apart. Their relationship had experi- enced previous controversies and disagreements before, but it was only when Nabuco experienced what he considered an attack on his legacy by Oliveira Lima that their friendship ended definitely. This article aims to analyze the context of the rupture, its background and how in the end it was a hurt ego more than an irreconcilable ideological battle what prompt them to cut ties. Moreover, it seeks to highlight how this episode helped to forge Oliveira Lima’s image as a difficult character, a rebel diplomat, and, finally, as anti-American.