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Optimal Coverage Control of Multiple Constant-Speed Unicycle Robots (CSUR)

File Structure:

  • sim_main.m: the main script to generate simulation results.
  • exp_main.m: the main script to generate experimental results.
  • /src: the source files.
  • /lib: the library files.
  • /data: the data files (go to this folder and download the data according to, before running the code).


  • Operating system: no specific requirements
  • MATLAB: no specific requirements on versions

Quick Start

Generate figures of the simulation results

Run the sim_main.m script to generate figures for simulation.

Simulation study 1: different initial conditions

  • Go to sim_main.m, change parameter setting script to set_sim_case_1_param, set_sim_case_1_param, or set_sim_case_1_param, for case 1, 2, or 3, respectively.
  • Run

Simulation study 2: different parameters

  • Go to sim_main.m, change parameter setting script to set_sim_eps_10_param, set_sim_gamma_10_param, or set_sim_Q_10_param, for the influence of $\varepsilon$, $\gamma$, or $Q$, respectively.
  • Run

Simulation study 3: large number of robots

  • Go to sim_main.m, change parameter setting script to set_sim_large_param.
  • Run

Simulation study 4: comparison with the conventional controller

  • Go to sim_main.m, change parameter setting script to set_sim_proposed_param or set_sim_conv_param, for the proposed controller or the conventional controller, respectively.
  • Run

Generate figures of the experimental results

  • Go to exp_main.m, change the case number to '1', '2', or'3', for case 1, 2, or 3, respectively.
  • Run