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j edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 44 revisions

ChromaFiler works on Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11. You can download the installer for the latest version on the Releases page. Make sure to get the correct version (32 or 64-bit) matching your Windows installation (if you're unsure, try 64-bit).

ChromaFiler is still in development, so be sure to check for updates periodically.

Installation options

The "Choose Components" screen of the installer

  • ChromaText: Add shortcuts to the built-in text editor "ChromaText". The text editor is always available as part of ChromaFiler -- this option installs it as a separate application.
  • Start Menu Shortcut: Add a shortcut to the Start Menu to launch ChromaFiler.
  • Add to Open With menu: This will add ChromaFiler/ChromaText as an option in the "Open with" menu for all file types (you may need to pick "Choose another app" to find it). This can be useful for setting text files to open in the text editor by default.
  • Add to folder context menu: With this option checked, when you right click a folder in Windows File Explorer you will see an option to "Open in ChromaFiler." This feature is also required if you want to use ChromaFiler as your default file browser.

A folder context menu including the "Open in ChromaFiler" option


If you're updating an older version of ChromaFiler, the installation will not continue until all ChromaFiler windows are closed. This includes the Tray.

Installer error codes

  • 0: No error
  • 1: Installation aborted by user (cancel button)
  • 2: Installation aborted by script

After installation

After installing ChromaFiler, you may want to install preview handlers to expand its functionality.