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ODE Release Deployment

hmusavi edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 7 revisions

To deploy the software, use the created release tag to pull down the code, build and deploy it:

  1. Pull from jpo-ode-<releaseVersion> tag where is the desired version tag
git pull --tags --recurse-submodules
git checkout tags/jpo-ode-<releaseVersion>
git submodule update --recursive --init

Alternatively, you may run the provided script:

. ./scripts/ <releaseVersion>
  1. Build and deploy the code using the following commands:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build -d
  1. Verify running version Point your browser to http:https://YourOdeIpAddress:8080/release and verify that the intended version has been deployed. The browser should display the running version similar to the following:


Change Notices

Informational Reference

  • Decode a file with asn1c
  • Deposit BSM to S3
  • Docker fix for SSL issues due to corporate network
  • Docker management
  • ECDSA Primer
  • Filter BSMs through PPM module
  • Geofence Filtering for PPM
  • Import BSMs from RSU log file
  • Import TIMs from RSU log file
  • jpo security svcs Integration
  • Link host directory to Docker directory
  • Migrating from SDW websocket depositor to SDW Depositor Submodule
  • ODE Release Deployment
  • ODE Release Preparation
  • Prepare a fresh Ubuntu instance for ODE installation
  • Process for Handling Bugs (Code Defects)
  • Run the ODE using the ASN codec module
  • Query RSU for set TIMs
  • Schema Version 6 Change Notice
  • Signed Message File Import
  • TIM REST Endpoint Changes
  • Using the .env configuration file
  • Using the ODE test harness

Test Procedures

  • Delete TIM on RSU test
  • Event Logger Test
  • Import Decode and Deliver BSM Test
  • Manage SNMP Test
  • Sending PDM to RSU Test
  • Sending TIM to RSU Test
  • Submit_TIM_To_SDW Test


  • Log File Changes (schemaVersion=4)
  • Receive BSMs over UDP
  • Receive ISD via UDP and deposit to SDC
  • Receive VSD via UDP and deposit to SDC
  • Run the crypto test vectors code with ODE team's OSS encoder
  • SchemaVersion 5 Change Notice
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