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Geofence Filtering for PPM

Tony Chen edited this page May 15, 2017 · 2 revisions


The goal of this test is to verify that all the BSM data delivered is passed through the PPM filtering module. As the result of a successful upload, BSMs will be filtered accordingly through the PPM module and transmitted to a filtered Kafka topic for distribution.


  1. Run the ODE service through the docker installation and locally run the PPM through the installation instructions provided at the repo.
  2. Adjust the properties files with the PPM to filter the expected results for the geofence or other parameters.
  3. Upload a BSM file into the web tool of the ODE.
  4. If you are subscribed to the BSM messages, there will be an output of the raw BSM that was submitted.
  5. The message will be filtered by the PPM, and if the file passes, the resulting filtered BSM will be available on the screen.
  6. The output of the filtered parameters will also be available in the PPM console.


Change Notices

Informational Reference

  • Decode a file with asn1c
  • Deposit BSM to S3
  • Docker fix for SSL issues due to corporate network
  • Docker management
  • ECDSA Primer
  • Filter BSMs through PPM module
  • Geofence Filtering for PPM
  • Import BSMs from RSU log file
  • Import TIMs from RSU log file
  • jpo security svcs Integration
  • Link host directory to Docker directory
  • Migrating from SDW websocket depositor to SDW Depositor Submodule
  • ODE Release Deployment
  • ODE Release Preparation
  • Prepare a fresh Ubuntu instance for ODE installation
  • Process for Handling Bugs (Code Defects)
  • Run the ODE using the ASN codec module
  • Query RSU for set TIMs
  • Schema Version 6 Change Notice
  • Signed Message File Import
  • TIM REST Endpoint Changes
  • Using the .env configuration file
  • Using the ODE test harness

Test Procedures

  • Delete TIM on RSU test
  • Event Logger Test
  • Import Decode and Deliver BSM Test
  • Manage SNMP Test
  • Sending PDM to RSU Test
  • Sending TIM to RSU Test
  • Submit_TIM_To_SDW Test


  • Log File Changes (schemaVersion=4)
  • Receive BSMs over UDP
  • Receive ISD via UDP and deposit to SDC
  • Receive VSD via UDP and deposit to SDC
  • Run the crypto test vectors code with ODE team's OSS encoder
  • SchemaVersion 5 Change Notice
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