Design circuit boards with code! ✨ Get software-like design reuse 🚀, validation, version control and collaboration in hardware; starting with electronics ⚡️
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
An FPGA-based FT232H/FT600 chip controller for rapid data transmission via USB. 使用FT232H/FT600芯片进行FPGA与电脑之间的高速数据传输。
Textbook and full source codes to learn basics of RISC-V pipelined CPU design using the Bluespec Hardware Design Language(s)
Use ESP32 to display OV7670 camera images on an ILI9341 TFT display, 320x240 RGB565 @ 25 FPS
Design of 1024x32 SRAM (32Kbits) using OpenRAM and SKY130 PDKs with operating voltage of 1.8V and access time < 2.5ns
The hardware implementation of UDP in Bluespec SystemVerilog
WaveDriomGen is a GUI digital waveform tool based on WaveDrom, you can draw quickly in WaveDromGen
Gate-level visualization generator for SKY130-based chip designs.
Open-source high-performance RISC-V processor
Website for the OpenROAD tutorial held at the MICRO 2022 conference
130nm BiCMOS Open Source PDK, dedicated for Analog, Mixed Signal and RF Design
Under development open hardware microwave vector network analyzer
Sythesizable, modular Verilog implementation of 802.11 OFDM decoder.
Repository for the rp2040_pmod board from controlpaths devices.
The next generation of OpenLane, rewritten from scratch with a modular architecture
RISC-V SoC Physical Implementation in 180 nm CMOS with a Quark Core Based on FemtoRV32
A High-performance Timing Analysis Tool for VLSI Systems
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