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Releases: sunDalik/Playable

Dry Cave [v0.43]

25 Sep 11:46
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New Features ✔️

  • Dry Cave — the alternative level to Flooded Cave
  • Shrines
    • Shrine of Seraph
    • Shrine of Imp
    • Shrine of Curse
    • Shrine of Balance
    • Shrine of Dice
  • Scorpion Queen — Dry Cave exclusive boss
  • 13 New enemies
    • Mini Star
    • Poisonous Star
    • Crab
    • Dark Crab
    • Phantom
    • Master Spider
    • Cactus Wall Trap
    • Bomb Skull
    • Desert Worm
    • Poison Cactus
    • Fire Cactus
    • Scorpion
    • Red Scorpion
  • 7 New Items
    • Mana Potion
    • Crown of Malice
    • Barbarian Helmet
    • Stone Mask
    • Sapphire Ring
    • Sacred Knowledge
    • Obsidian Cuffs

Dry Cave 🏜️

  • It is the alternative level to Flooded Cave
  • You need to beat Flooded Cave at least 5 times to unlock Dry Cave
  • Dry Cave will replace Flooded Cave with 100% chance if you have unlocked it, but never beat it
  • After beating it once, it will replace Flooded Cave with 50% chance
  • It features all-new enemies and all-new boss along with resprites of existing enemies
  • In the future every level will have an alternative level...

Content Progression 📖

  • Since the game now tracks how many times you have beaten each level, I could add tiny bits of content progression to gradually introduce players to new features
  • Some enemies will not appear until you've beaten their level enough times
  • Giant and tiny enemies don't generate on a level until you've beaten that level once
  • Enchanted items don't appear until you've beaten Flooded Cave once
  • Shrines don't appear until you've beaten Dark Tunnel once

Minor Additions 🔺

  • Hud Animations
    • Bump animation whenever you put an item in a slot
    • Swap animation when you swap weapon and extra slot
    • Link animation when you pick up a weapon and it's the same as your current weapon
    • Whenever you enter a new level, a title of this level appears
  • Added version number and link to game's discord server to main menu
  • Achievements
    • Add achievements for beating Dry Cave and activating a shrine
    • Remove achievements for destroying an obelisk and beating Flooded Cave fast
  • 15 new tips were added

Minion Changes 🐝

  • The philosophy for minions was changed.
    Previously I thought that it's hard to attack enemies with minions, so to compensate for it they should have high damage.
    It turned out that this is not true at all and in most cases it is actually easier to attack enemies with minions than with normal weapons. That is because minions can damage enemies from weird angles, while running away from them etc. Minions allow you to never stop moving and damage enemies nevertheless. Minions also provide massive AOE because you can collect a lot of minions in a run.
    So now the main idea behind minions is Movement and AOE!
  • Nerfs
    • Basic damage of all minions was decreased from 1 to 0.5
    • Attack bonus for putting a minion staff in your weapon slot was decreased from +1 to +0.5
  • Buff
    • Minions now also attack enemies if they stand on them and you move away. Now the optimal strategy with minions is a constant movement.
  • Minion items changes
    • Hive Staff now summons 3 bees instead of 4
    • Kitsune Mask's minion attack was decreased from 1 to 0.5
    • Summoner Belt's defense was reduced from 0.75 to 0.5
    • Nightmare minions die after 2 hits instead of 1

Enemy Changes 🐸

  • Red Star was removed from Flooded Cave, renamed to Dead Star and moved to Dry Cave
  • Paranoid eel now never turns to players if it is being attacked during his special attack
  • Reduce Poison Eel's health from 4 to 3
  • Mages in Ruins can drop a mana potion now
  • Spawning delay of cocoons with red spiders was decreased by 5
  • The average amount of alligators in Dark Tunnel was decreased

Item Changes 🔪

  • Quiver of the Forest Spirit now gives you +0.25 attack overall and shoots another homing arrow whenever you shoot with a bow, similarly to Cerberus Bow, instead of just giving you +0.75 bow attack
  • Assassin's Dagger's attack was increased from 1.25 to 1.5
  • Vampire Crown now also gives you 0.25 attack
  • Spear was added to weapon pool and thus can now be found in shops, chests and pedestals
  • Seer Circlet's rarity was decreased from A to B
  • Hero Key never generates in shops now
  • Heavy armor now also gives you -0.5 magic attack
  • Renamed
    • Divine Bow -> Empyreal Bow
    • Battle Helmet -> Guard Helmet
    • Summoner's Belt -> Summoner Belt

Graphical Changes 🖌️

  • Following sprites were changed
    • Mushroom
    • Small Mushroom
    • Spiky Wall Trap's spikes
    • Laser Turret's laser
    • Guard Helmet
    • Blade Crown
    • Vampire Crown
  • Added explosion animation
  • "Edge" dark tiles between light and darkness in Dark Tunnel were made brighter
  • Shadows were made a bit darker

General Changes ⚖️

  • Main menu now chooses a random background color on startup based on what levels you have seen
  • Chests can now be exploded. It takes 2 explosions to destroy it and it drops their item when destroyed. If chest was unopened on destruction, it drops a key
  • Death particles now have correct z-index which fixes the issue when they appeared behind walls
  • Keys now won't generate inside shops
  • Secret room in Flooded Cave was removed
  • The chances of getting a weapon from chests and pedestals were decreased from 30% and 40% to 25%

Enlightened [v0.34]

13 Aug 20:14
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This is a mini update that mainly adds the tutorial level

Additions ✔️

  • Tutorial Level
    • It can be accessed through the main menu and it is meant to teach core mechanics and philosophy of the game
  • Proper Game Over screen
    • It now shows player hud and stats like time, kills and level
    • The game now remembers who killed which player and shows it on game over screen
    • Game over screen also shows a random tip (currently, there are 18 tips)
  • New enemy - Lost Mage
  • Add 'Disable Mouse' setting

Enemy Changes 🐸

  • Stars and Red Stars now try their hardest to not see you through walls
  • Fire Snail's hp was reduced from 4 to 3
  • Wall Slimes and Lava Slimes now tend to generate in more random sizes rather than always preferring to generate in their biggest size
  • Hex Eye's attack delay was increased from 5-7 to 6-8
  • Cocoons now guarantee at least 1 turn of delay after their spider dies

General Changes ⚖️

  • Buttons in menu were redesigned
  • Fire Hazards now spread 1 time instead of 3
  • Esc key now works in main menu
  • Boss room in Ruins now always generates on an edge of the map
  • Rabbits' sprites were changed

The END of Lunatic City [v0.313]

05 Aug 17:09
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This update introduces a new final boss, levels redesign and a lot of new items and mechanics

Additions ✔️

  • Lunatic Leader - the boss of Ruins
  • Levels redesign! Every level now has a unique set of walls and floor tiles (9 of both per every floor)
  • Treasure walls
    • 2 treasure walls generate on every floor. You can recognize them because they are slightly gilded
    • Destroying them drops a key, a chest or a potion
  • Enchantments
    • Every item has a 1.8% chance to become enchanted and obtain special traits
    • Currently, there are 3 enchantments: Cursed, Divine and Nightmare
  • Enemy quirks
    • Every enemy has a 0.8% chance to obtain a quirk
    • Current quirks are Tiny and Giant
  • Items can give minions to the wielder. Minions will follow the player and attack all enemies they touch
  • New enemy - Lunatic Horror
  • 20 new items were added to a total of 90!
    • Demon Heart
    • Heart Cookie
    • Explosive Rage
    • Dog Staff
    • Cacti Staff
    • Hive Staff
    • Giant Sword
    • Book of Whirlpools
    • Ring of Protection
    • Egg Amulet
    • Whistle
    • Crossbow Glove
    • Kitsune Mask
    • Thorns Armor
    • Fallen Angel Wings
    • Summoner's Belt
    • Mushroom Greaves
    • Knight Boots
    • Essence of Light
    • Reroll Potion
  • 6 new achievements were added
    • Beat Ruins
    • Explode a treasure wall
    • Destroy an obelisk
    • Equip items in all non-magic slots
    • Find an enchanted item
    • Beat flooded caves in under 2 minutes

Rebalancing 🎲

  • I've received a lot of complaints regarding the game's difficulty and I overhauled a lot of the stuff to make the game more accessible
  • The average amount of enemies was reduced
  • Some enemies got their atk values reduced by 0.25
  • Bosses' health was reduced
  • 2-3 healing potions generate instead of 1-2
  • Poison hazard's lifetime was reduced by 2
  • Obelisk now requires only 1 sacrifice instead of 2

Enemy Changes 🐸

  • Enemies now can have unique reactions to stun. Enemies with special attacks will cancel their attacks once stunned
  • Aggressive AI was improved - if both players are equally far from enemy, it will always try both walking options
  • Cocoons
    • Cocoons are now more likely to spawn small spiders in flooded caves and green spiders in dark tunnel
    • Spawn delay now also depends on the spider type
  • Lizard Warriors have 3 hp instead of 4
  • Mushrooms have 2 hp instead of 3
  • Red Stars have attack delay of 2 instead of 1
  • Paranoid eel
    • Minion limit was reduced
    • It performs his special attacks less often
    • It spawns vertically if boss doors are horizontal
  • Guardian of the Light
    • Attack delays were increased
    • It now drops Essence of Light instead of Torch
  • Alligators now have a 10% chance to spawn without any special type
  • Spiders are now throwable with magic weapons
  • Red Spider is now permanently damageable after being attacked once

Item Changes 🩰

  • Old ballet shoes now damage spiders by 0.25 instead of stunning them
  • Wings
    • They guarantee you a dodge after 2 consecutive fails
    • Dodging once also provides you invulnerability for the rest of the turn
  • Spear's atk was increased from 0.75 to 1
  • Rusty Sword's uses were increased from 15 to 20
  • Light and Spikes can no longer damage obelisks

General Changes ⚖️

  • Lighting in Dark Tunnel was improved - darkness correctly renders on all tiles
  • You can now drop bag items if you use bag while holding shift
  • Shops now guarantee to have at least 1 weapon item and at least 1 non-weapon item
  • Bosses drop 1-2 potions instead of 2-3 if one of the players is dead
  • Dead players don't restore magic uses and shield durability while entering new levels
  • Doors now correctly open in all directions
  • Keys amount per floor was reduced by 1
  • A weapon will never generate on a level if players already have >=2 copies of that weapon equipped


Following sprites were changed

  • Mud mage
  • Teleport mage
  • Mud blocks
  • Doors
  • Obelisk
  • Grails
  • All intent icons
  • Wooden Shield
  • Stunning Shield
  • Golden Shield
  • Pedestal
  • Star enemies


  • Double Glaive was removed because it felt weird. It was logically replaced with Giant Sword

Lunatic City Part I [v0.19]

05 Jul 15:01
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You are blinded by your insolence aren't you?

Additions ✔️

  • New enemies
    • Hex Eye
    • Blade Demon
    • Lava Slime
    • Fire Snail
    • Explosive Pixie
  • Accessory item slot
  • New items
    • Witch Hat
    • Bronze Armor
    • Possessed Sandals
    • Vial of Ichor
    • Golden Dagger
    • Boomeraxe
    • Prismaxe
    • Cerberus Bow
    • Flask of Fire
    • Quiver of the Forest Spirit
    • Weapon Master Emblem
    • Hero Key
  • Shops
    • One shop generates once per every floor
    • They sell 1 bomb, 1 healing potion and 3 random items
    • They can never sell S-tier items, they can be only found from chests
    • The currency is keys
    • All items are pricier by 1 key compared to chests (e. g. B-tier chests can be opened with 2 keys but B-tier items in a shop can be bought for 3 keys)

Changes ⚖️

  • While both characters stand on the same tile bottom character cannot attack in this position
  • Improved level generation
    • Boss room now generates before all the other rooms. With this I can ensure that the boss room will always be fair and big
    • Obelisks now no longer meaninglessly destroy walls and doors around them
    • Added Laser Turret generation
    • The same weapon cannot generate more than once per level
    • Average amount of enemies in Dark Tunnel is reduced
  • If you try to pick up Necromancy from a grail and you don't have free magic slots and other character is dead — Necromancy instantly activates and disappears
  • Fire hazard's spread and lifetime were reduced
  • Improve Wall Slimes
    • They can now spawn with arbitrary sizes
    • If a wall slime finds out it was somehow broken (e. g. by wind) it will reshape into new wall slime
  • Killing minions (enemies that can spawn infinitely) no longer counts towards Vampire Crown's kill count
  • Paranoid Eel's minion limit was improved
    • Minion limit now depends on the boss room size
    • Paranoid Eel doesn't break walls and spawn eels during his vertical rush if minion limit is exceeded
    • Eels that were spawned in the boss room during level generation also count towards minion limit
  • Mud Cube Zombies improvements
    • Mud Zombies now die by themselves after 12-16 turns
    • Pickaxe can destroy 3 Mud Zombies at once
  • Bosses drop 2-3 healing potions on death. Kissing is removed...
  • Fire immunity no longer prevents damage from fire bullets
  • All bows were buffed
    • Bow deals 0.25 | 0.75 | 1 atk instead of 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75
    • Crossbow deals constant 1
    • Divine Bow has range 4 and 0.75 | 1 | 1.25 | 1.5 atk
  • Electric Armor's defense was increased from 0.25 to 0.5
  • Screen shake was improved
  • All levels now have 1 chest less to balance out the shop addition
  • Renamed
    • Basic Armor -> Leather Armor
    • Small Healing Potion -> Healing Potion
    • Maiden's Dagger -> Maiden's Short Sword
  • Resprited: all armor, wizard hat, seer circlet, healing potion, bullets, wall slimes, snail, spiky snail

You are choking on the chains

Magic overhaul [v0.13]

30 May 16:01
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This release completely overhauls magic system to make magic more fun and worthy of your time. It also adds a lot of new animations!


  • Magic overhaul
    • Magic doesn't have rarity anymore. Instead there is now "basic" and "advanced" magic that form magic hierarchy
    • To obtain a basic magic all you need is a free magic slot
    • To obtain an advanced magic you need to have a certain other magic equipped. An advanced magic is an upgrade to a magic they depend on
    • For example, there are Spikes, Vampire Spikes and Infernal Spikes. You can get spikes right off the bat, but to get Vampire Spikes you need Spikes equipped. To get Infernal Spikes you need Vampire Spikes equipped. When you pick up advanced magic, the basic one gets replaced by it
    • All magic has an equal chance of appearing, but it depends on what magic you currently have. Obelisk won't suggest you magic that you cannot pick up (Vampire Spikes won't appear if you don't have Spikes)
    • A lot of new magic was added and old magic was either removed or improved in some way
    • All magic now have nice animations to make them feel more powerful
    • Flooded Caves now have a secret room with additional obelisk in it. This is to allow people to play with new magic more (Tip: you will need a minimap and a few bombs to find a secret room)
  • New magic
    • Vampire Spikes
    • Infernal Spikes
    • Sun's Blessing
    • Crystal Wind
    • Crystal Guardian
    • Thunderstorm
    • Empyreal Wrath
    • Transcendence
    • Defense Link
    • Attack Link
    • Escape
  • New animations for
    • Fire and poison hazards
    • All magic books (flames, thunders, webs, ice)
    • A lot of magic idk
  • New enemy
    • Small Spider
  • "A heart" item was replaced by two similar items
    • Life Fruit
    • Heart-Shaped Key

Changes ⚖️

  • Improved performance
    • Added culling. Most of the sprites outside of the screen won't render anymore
    • Fixed an issue where the game would occupy gigabytes of RAM because text objects were not properly destroyed when updating time
  • Item descriptions changes
    • All items now have clear and comprehensive descriptions that tell exactly what an item does
    • Help boxes, that appear whenever you pick up an item, don't disappear until you make a turn. After picking up an item you can take your time to read the description at your own pace
    • Improved an overall look of help boxes
  • Statues were completely replaced by chests. There are more chests per level now and they can contain weapons as well as regular items
  • Seer Circlet's functionality was changed. Now it shows the contents of all chests before you open them
  • Shields changes
    • All shields activate automatically and can't be activated manually anymore
    • Amount of uses was significantly decreased
    • Shield animation was changed
  • Big mushrooms changes
    • Poison spreads on 8 tiles around instead of 12
    • Can move both horizontally and vertically
    • Can spawn as a regular enemy
  • Enemies treat doors as walls and can't go through them
  • Old magic that wasn't removed received changes
    • Abyssal spit shoots poison in a pyramid like spread instead of an infinite line
    • Aura is now called Light and it has more uses but less healing
    • Spikes deal less damage
    • Wind now pushes back by 2 tiles and can even damage some enemies
    • Immortality gives only 1 health container
  • Poison eel can't attack twice in a row to make it harder to cheat him with a spear
  • Paranoid eel doesn't stop moving on taking hazard damage
  • Inactive HUD slots are less visible now
  • Spear now deals half of your total damage instead of just 0.25
  • Resprited: all spiders, bomb, player2, hearts, abyssal spit, necromancy, aura(light), spikes, wind, immortality, key

Removals ❌

  • Statues were removed, but more interactive objects will be added later...
  • Energy counters, energy rabbits and energy alligators were removed
  • Removed a lot of boring magic
    • Fireball
    • Petrification
    • Teleport
    • Eternal Cross (might reintroduce later, but don't know how to fit it in rn)

Enjoy the update and stay tuned for more! Since my study year has almost ended I will work even harder on the game this summer :)

The update that changed the world [v0.1]

24 Apr 18:12
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This release introduces a completely new level generator and a perspective change as well as many other awesome features!


  • New level generator that doesn't use any premade rooms and instead generates a completely random dungeon
    • It uses preset room shape functions as well as their combos to create unique rooms with very little effort
    • It uses preset enemy sets to ensure that every encounter is fair. Number of enemies depends on the room size
    • Rooms are created via dividing a level into many rectangles (BSP) where each rectangle represents a room. Thus rooms have NO corridors now. All rooms are tightly packed together to remove any downtime from walking through boring empty corridors
  • Perspective for the game was changed to resemble a 3/4 top down view
    • Walls are now "taller"
    • Entities stand at the center of a tile and have shadows
    • Special Z-Index ordering logic was added. Basically the lower a tile is, the higher its z-index is
  • Achievements
    • They are stored in local storage, so they won't be cleared until you clear them manually
    • There are 3 at this time: Beat FC, Beat DT and Beat a boss without taking any damage
  • Keys
    • They sometimes drop from enemies, but are usually found lying on the floor
    • They occupy no slot
  • Chests now have a color corresponding to their rarity and require a specific amount of keys to open them. The higher the rarity of an item inside, the more keys they require
  • Boss rewards
    • Bosses now spawn a free item on death
    • If you defeated a boss without taking damage you will get 2 items
    • Added pedestals to hold these items
  • New weapons
    • Crossbow
    • Divine Bow
    • Double Glaive
    • Book of Webs
    • Book of Thunders
    • Book of Ice
  • Doors. They are basically just a cool sprite for room entries. They also have a green color on the minimap
  • Show FPS setting

Changes ⚖️

  • Graphics optimizations which led to a huge reduction in the startup time!
    • Sprites are now packed into spritesheets
    • Each spritesheet was compressed with TinyPNG
    • Some redundant sprites were removed, e. g. statues with weapons and sprites for an uncharged book of flames (these textures are now generated in runtime)
  • Destruction particles have a limit of 200. After reaching that limit some old particles will be removed
  • Added a limit of how many minions the Paranoid Eel can spawn
  • Font was changed to Roboto (font-weight 900)
  • Maiden's dagger's atk was increased to 1.25. Picking it up no longer causes damage
  • Pickaxe's atk was increased to 1 and it's able to destroy wall traps now
  • Spear now consistently hits with 0.25 atk in close combat
  • Renamed:
    • ninja dagger -> assassin's dagger
    • rapier -> long sword
    • timer (the one on HUD) -> time
    • concentrate (when charging a book) -> focus
  • Resprited: obelisk, grails, statues, bow, pickaxe, torch, assassin's dagger, book of flames, scythe, hammer, maiden's dagger, knife, long sword, chest

Removals ❌

  • All premade rooms were removed since the introduction of a new level generator
  • Red roller was removed because it is impossible for him to exist in a randomized environment
  • Ping Pong Buddies were removed because they weren't fun

From now on I will be focused on quality rather than quantity. I will not add any new levels until the 3 levels I already have will look and feel perfect. ✨

Eternal Unknown [v0.0666]

11 Mar 13:43
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This release mainly adds main menu, lots of new items and a draft ruins level


  • New enemies
    • Mud Mage
    • Mud Cube Zombie
    • Teleport Mage
    • Wall Slime
    • Ping Pong Buddies
    • Lizard Warrior
    • Cocoons (exist but can't yet be found in any rooms)
  • Bag slot and bag items
    • Bombs
    • Small healing potions
  • New items
    • Pawn Swords
    • Rusty Sword
    • Spear
    • Basic Shield
    • Fell Star Shield
    • Battle Helmet
    • Blade Crown
    • Old Ballet Shoes
    • A Heart
  • New magic
    • Eternal Cross
    • Immortality
  • Main menu, pause screen and settings (where you can change most controls and timer display)
  • Rarity system with 4 categories: C, B, A, S
  • New weapon animation system
  • Some enemies now drop items on death
  • Persistent death particles
  • Ability to expand and collapse minimap
  • All items in chests, statues and grails have text labels with text color representing rarity

Changes ⚖️

  • Removed 4th magic slot
  • Obelisks are now guaranteed to have necromancy if your partner is dead
  • Magic only restores half of the uses on new level
  • Improved some minor animations (e.g. apply easing to lying items and help boxes)
  • Star enemy attack animation was improved to represent its actual behavior
  • White character starts with spear instead of knife
  • Electric armor now reduces electric bullets damage
  • Increased uses for most shields
  • Turned off screen shakes when interacting with obelisks and statues

Lots of new stuff, huh? Why not go and give it a play now? 💣

The Challenge [v0.05]

08 Jan 14:58
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This release features bosses and various communication improvements!

Additions ✔️

  • Bosses
    The most powerful beings of the world have finally cursed the dungeon and are challenging players
    Introducing bosses
    • Paranoid Eel
    • Guardian of the Light
  • Intentions
    Each enemy has an icon that shows his intentions for the next turn
  • New animations
    • Entities shine red when damaged
    • Black curtains close and open when you enter new stages
    • Players have "wasted" death animation
  • Simple game over screen that allows you to restart a game
  • Fire Goblets. These are special objects for the Guardian of the Light's fight

Changes ⚖️

  • Improved level generation
    Level generator can abolish some entries if a path to them takes too long
  • Interactive objects are outlined white
    • Also add a sacrifice icon to the obelisk
    • Also add a line when a player tries to pick up magic of the alien alignment
  • There are now 3 levels of brightness in the dark tunnel
  • Vampire crown has a counter on the HUD
  • New pixels for the minimap
    • Exits are pink
    • Chests, obelisks and statues are orange

See you in the depths, challengers 💪

My only light in the dark [v0.04]

08 Jan 13:29
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This release mostly features game logic improvements and updates to the Dark Tunnel's fauna

Additions ✔️

  • 4 new enemies
    • Rabbits of 4 types: electric, fire, poison and energetic
    • Alligators. Come in 6 versions: normal, hungry, electric, fire, poison and energetic
    • Spiky wall traps
    • Laser turrets
  • New magic
    • Abyssal Spit
  • Item descriptions pop up whenever you pick them up
  • Minimap. Not perfect but already useful
  • "Limit chain" that will prevent players from going too far away from each other
  • More light to the dark! Fire, electricity, lasers and magic emit light in the dark tunnel
  • Death punishment
    Whenever a player dies all players lose 1 health container. This effect cannot be reverted with necromancy.
  • New rooms obviously

Changes ⚖️

  • New turn system
    Players can move simultaneously in one turn! After one of the player moves there is a 6-frame window to move another player before the enemies start moving
  • Used delta time in animations to make the game frame-independent
  • Camera was improved so it always moves smoothly
  • Improved HUD look
  • Pickaxe can be used as a weapon. It also received a special dual-wield synergy!
  • Frogs prefer to move away from players and small mushrooms — to move towards the players when they are <= 2 tiles away from them
  • Both players start with a knife
  • Player step animations were tweaked a bit


  • Carry, push and pull player interactions were removed
  • World no longer zooms out when players walk too far away from each other


  • Tons of them. Who cares anyway?

And that's it for now
Happy New Year for those who still enjoy it and stay with me for more 🙂

Released on 29.12.19

It is playable! [v0.0314]

04 Dec 11:54
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Although this is the first release, a LOT has been done so far:

  • Procedural level generation
  • Level lighting
  • 2 Stages: Flooded Cave and Dark Tunnel
  • Chests, obelisks and statues
  • 19 enemies
  • 8 weapons
  • 7 spells
  • 16 items including different armor, headwear, footwear, tools and shields
  • 4 hazards: poison and fire along with their dark versions
  • 4 player interactions: switch, carry, push and pull

And this is only the beginning, stay tuned for more!