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LaMa ROS for SPARO Lab

LaMa ROS - Alternative Localization and Mapping for ROS.


To build LaMa ROS, clone it from GitHub and use catkin tools to build.

sudo apt install python-catkin-tools

After instruction catkin tools, you can clone githubs and build with catkin tools.

mkdir src
cd src
git clone
git clone
cd ..
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/melodic
catkin build

The main code is developed and maintained by Eurico Pedrosa, University of Aveiro. We modified the base code and launch files for 2d Navigation.

SLAM nodes (Online Mapping)

To create a map using Online SLAM execute

roslaunch iris_lama_ros sparo_2d_mapping_omor1.launch

The nodes will publish to expected topics such as /map and /tf.

Offline Mapping (From rosbag)

If you want to obtain a map from a rosbag and you want to save time (a lot), you can let iris_lama_ros "play" the rosbag for you.

roslaunch iris_lama_ros sparo_2d_offline_mapping.launch rosbag:=/path/your/rosbag.bag

Localization nodes (Localization only)

This node requires the existence of the /static_map service to load the map. To run the localization just execute

roslaunch iris_lama_ros sparo_2d_localization_omor1.launch


  • ~global_frame_id: The frame attached to the map (default: "map").
  • ~odom_frame_id: The frame attached to the odometry system (default: "odom").
  • ~base_frame_id: The frame attached to the mobile base (default: "base_link").
  • ~scan_topic: Laser scan topic to subscribe (default: "/scan").
  • ~initial_pos_x: Initial x position (default: 0 meters).
  • ~initial_pos_y: Initial y position (default: 0 meters).
  • ~initial_pos_a: Initial rotation (or angle) (default: 0 rad).
  • ~d_thresh: Traveled distance to accumulate before updating (default: 0.01 meters).
  • ~a_thresh: Angular motion to accumulate before updating (default: 0.25 rads).
  • ~l2_max: Maximum distance to use in the dynamic Euclidean distance map (default: 0.5 meters).
  • ~resolution: Resolution of the grid maps (default: 0.05 meters).
  • ~patch_size: Length of a patch (default: 32 cells).
  • ~strategy: Scan matching optimization strategy, GaussNewton ("gm") or Levenberg Marquard ("lm") (default: "gn").
  • ~max_iterations: Maximum number of interations performed by the optimizer (default: 100)
  • ~use_compression: Should the maps be compressed (default: false).
  • ~compression_algorithm: Compression algorithm to use, lz4 or zstd (default: "lz4").
  • ~cache_size: Size of the LRU used during online data compression (default: 100).
  • ~mrange: Maximum laser scan range (default: 16 meters).
  • ~beam_step: Number of beams to step (or skip) in each scan (default: 1).
  • ~truncate: Truncate the laser scan range from start to "middle" (default: 0.0 meters, 0.0 means no truncation).
  • ~truncate_ray: Truncate the laser scan range (or ray) from "middle" to end (default: 0.0 meters, 0.0 means no truncation).
  • ~map_publish_period: How long between updates to the map (default: 5 seconds).

Particle Filter SLAM only:

  • ~d_thresh: Traveled distance to accumulate before updating (default: 0.5 meters).
  • ~particles: Number of particles to use (default: 30).
  • ~seed: RNG seed value, use 0 for a random seed from device (default: 0)
  • ~threads: Number of working threads, -1 means disabled and 0 will expand to the available number of cores (default: -1).
  • ~sigma: Measurement variance (default: 0.05).
  • ~lgain: Gain value for smoothing the particles likelihood (default: 3.0).
  • ~srr: Odometry error in rotation as a function of rotation (default: 0.1).
  • ~str: Odometry error in rotation as a function of translation (default: 0.2).
  • ~stt: Odometry error in traslation as a function of translation (default: 0.1).
  • ~srt: Odometry error in translation as a funciton of rotation (default: 0.1).

Localization node

This node requires the existence of the /static_map service to load the map. To run the localization just execute

rosrun iris_lama_ros loc2d_ros scan:=base_scan

Please use rviz to set the initial pose. Global localization is not yet implemented.


  • /request_nomotion_update: Called to trigger an update without moving the robot (no-motion update)
  • /global_localization: Called to trigger a global localization procedure.


  • ~global_frame_id: The frame attached to the map (default: "map").
  • ~odom_frame_id: The frame attached to the odometry system (default: "odometry").
  • ~base_frame_id: The frame attached to the mobile base (default: "base_link").
  • ~scan_topic: Laser scan topic to subscribe (default: "/scan").
  • ~mrange: Maximum laser scan range. When 0, maximum range defaults to the sensor maximum range. (default: 0 meters).
  • ~beam_step: Number of beams to step (or skip) in each scan (default: 1).
  • ~initial_pos_x: Initial x position (default: 0 meters).
  • ~initial_pos_y: Initial y position (default: 0 meters).
  • ~initial_pos_a: Initial rotation (or angle) (default: 0 rad).
  • ~d_thresh: Traveled distance to accumulate before updating (default: 0.01 meters).
  • ~a_thresh: Angular motion to accumulate before updating (default: 0.2 rads).
  • ~l2_max: Maximum distance to use in the dynamic Euclidean distance map (default: 0.5 meters).
  • ~strategy: Scan matching optimization strategy, GaussNewton ("gm") or Levenberg Marquard ("lm") (default: "gn").
  • ~patch_size: Length of a patch (default: 32 cells).
  • ~use_map_topic: True to subscribe to the /map topic instead of requesting the map through the "static_map" service (default: false).
  • ~first_map_only: True to use only the first map ever received (default: false).
  • ~use_pose_on_new_map: True to use the current algorithm pose when the map changes (default: false).
  • ~force_update_on_initial_pose: True to trigger a no-motion update when an initial pose is received (default: false)
  • ~gloc_particles: Number of particles used to find the best global localization (default: 3000)
  • ~gloc_thresh: Value at which a global localization particle is considered viable. (default: 0.15 RMSE)
  • ~gloc_iters: Maximum number of iterations executed by the global localization procedure (default: 20)

Original Code

The base code is developed by IRIS Lab. ROS integration of LaMa, a Localization and Mapping package from the Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IRIS) Laboratory, University of Aveiro. It provides 2D Localization and SLAM. It works great on a TurtleBot2 with a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and an Hokuyo (Rapid URG).


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  • C++ 98.1%
  • CMake 1.9%