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Releases: solidusio/solidus


12 Mar 17:09
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v2.5.0.rc1 Pre-release

This is a release candidate, if there are no major issues it will become the final version of Solidus 2.5.0


Changes since 2.5.0.beta2

  • Splitting shipment should update order totals and payment status #2555 (VzqzAc)
  • Filter unpriced products in taxon_preview #2604 (jhawthorn)
  • Fix error when listing products without price #2605 (jhawthorn)


20 Feb 23:16
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Changes since 2.5.0.beta1


14 Feb 19:43
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v2.5.0.beta1 Pre-release

This is a beta release, there might be minor breaking changes before the final release of 2.5.0



20 Dec 18:21
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This release fixes a two issues introduced in the 2.4.0 release and fixes deprecation warnings in the upcoming ruby 2.5.

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Changes since v2.4.1

  • Re-add missing wallet payment sources migration #2440 (BravoSimone)
  • Revert "deprecate pagination in searcher" this change had caused issues for a number of users and extensions, so we are rolling it back #2455
  • Use BigDecimal() instead of, which should fix warnings in the upcoming ruby 2.5 #2456


07 Nov 21:26
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Announcing Solidius 2.4.0! Just in time for Black Friday (for the brave upgraders).

A major change in this version is the the removal of RABL templates in the API in favour of JBuilder. The admin also sports a new cleaner look for tables and some other elements.

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Solidus 2.4.0

Major changes

  • Replace RABL with Jbuilder #2147 #2146 (jhawthorn)

    We've changed our JSON templating language for both the API and admin from
    RABL to Jbuilder.
    Jbuilder is faster and much more widely used (ships with Rails).

    API responses should be identical, but stores which customized API responses
    using RABL or added their own endpoints which extended Solidus' RABL partials
    will need to be updated.

  • Remove rescue_from StandardError in Api::BaseController #2139 (jhawthorn)

    Previously, exceptions raised in the API were caught (via rescue_from) and
    didn't reach the default Rails error handler. This caused many exceptions to
    avoid notice, both in production and in tests.

    This has been removed and exceptions are now reported and handled normally.

  • New admin table design #2159 #2100 #2143 #2123 #2165 (Mandily, graygilmore, tvdeyen)

    Tables throughout the admin have been redesigned to be simpler and clearer.
    Borders between cells of the same row have been dropped, row striping has been
    removed, and icons are simpler and more clearly attached to their row.

  • Introduce Stock::SimpleCoordinator #2199 (jhawthorn)

    The previous stock coordinator had incorrect behaviour when any stock location was low on stock.

    The existing stock coordinator classes, Coordinator, Adjuster, Packer, and
    Prioritizer, have been replaced with the new Stock::SimpleCoordinator. In most
    cases this will coordinate stock identically to the old system, but will
    succeed for several low-stock cases the old Coordinator incorrectly failed on.

    Stores which have customized any of the old Coordinator classes will need to
    either update their customizations or include the solidus_legacy_stock_system
    extension, which provides the old classes.


  • Replace Stock::Coordinator with Stock::SimpleCoordinator #2199 (jhawthorn)

  • Wrap Splitter chaining behaviour in new Stock::SplitterChain class #2189 (jhawthorn)

  • Remove Postal Code Format Validation (and Twitter CLDR dependency) #2233 (mamhoff)

  • Switch factories to strings instead of constants #2230 (cbrunsdon)

  • Roll up migrations up to Solidus 1.4 into a single migration #2229 (cbrunsdon)

  • Support non-promotion line-level adjustments #2188 (jordan-brough)

  • Fix StoreCredit with multiple currencies #2183 (jordan-brough)

  • Add Spree::Price to ProductManagement role #2182 (swcraig)

  • Remove duplicate error on StoreCredit#authorize failure #2180 (jordan-brough)

  • Add dependent: :destroy for ShippingMethodZones join model #2175 (jordan-brough)

  • Fix method missing error in ReturnAuthorization#amount #2162 (luukveenis)

  • Use constants instead of translations for StoreCreditType names #2157 (swcraig)

  • Enable custom shipping promotions via config.spree.promotions.shipping_actions #2135 (jordan-brough)

  • Validate that Refunds have an associated Payment #2130 (melissacarbone)

  • Include completed payment amounts when summing totals for store credit #2129 (luukveenis)

  • Allow dev mode code reloading of configured classes #2126 (jhawthorn)

  • Override model_name.human for PaymentMethod #2107 (jhawthorn)

  • Fix class/module nesting #2098 (cbrunsdon)

  • Reduce number of SQL statements in countries seeds #2097 (jhawthorn)

  • Rename Order#update! to order.recalculate #2072 (jhawthorn)

  • Rename Adjustment#update! to Adjustment#recalculate #2086 (jhawthorn)

  • Rename Shipment#update! to Shipment#update_state #2085 (jhawthorn)

  • Fix shipping method factory for stores with alternate currency #2084 (Sinetheta)

  • Added a configurable Spree::Payment::Cancellation class #2111 (tvdeyen)

  • Remove set_current_order calls in Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Order
    #2185 (Murph33)

    Previously a before filter added in
    core/lib/spree/core/controller_helpers/order.rb would cause SQL queries to
    be used on almost every request in the frontend. If you do not use Solidus
    Auth you will need to hook into this helper and call set_current_order where
    your user signs in. This merges incomplete orders a user has going with their
    current cart. If you do use Solidus Auth you will need to make sure you use a
    current enough version (>= v1.5.0) that includes this explicit call. This
    addresses #1116.

  • Remove ffaker as a runtime dependency in production. It needs to be added to the Gemfile for factories to be used in tests #2163 #2140 (cbrunsdon, swcraig)

  • Invalidate existing non store credit payments during checkout 2075 (tvdeyen)

  • The all configuration objects now use static preferences by default. It's no longer necessary to call use_static_preferences!, as that is the new default. For the old behaviour of loading preferences from the DB, call config.use_legacy_db_preferences!. #2112 (jhawthorn)

  • Assign and initialize Spree::Config earlier, before rails initializers #2178 (cbrunsdon)


  • Replace RABL with Jbuilder #2147 #2146 (jhawthorn)
  • Move API pagination into a common partial #2181 (jhawthorn)
  • Fix references to nonexistent API attributes #2153 (jhawthorn)
  • Remove rescue_from StandardError in Api::BaseController #2139 (jhawthorn)
  • Fix error when passing coupon_code to api/checkouts#update #2136 (jhawthorn)
  • Improved error handling and performance for moving inventory units between shipments and stock locations #2070 (mamhoff)
  • Remove unnecessary Api::Engine.root override #2128 (jhawthorn)


  • Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.0.0-beta #2156 (jhawthorn)
  • Admin Sass Organization...
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30 Oct 19:28
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v2.4.0.rc1 Pre-release

This is a release candidate. If no major issues arise it will become Solidus 2.4.0

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Changes since 2.4.0.beta1


03 Oct 21:06
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v2.4.0.beta1 Pre-release

This is a beta release and may have minor breaking changes before the final release of Solidus 2.4.0

on rubygems


31 Jul 20:29
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Announcing Solidus 2.3.0!

This is our first release to use Rails 5.1. This also includes over 30 pull requests from the SolidusConf 2017 Hack Days.

Thanks to all contributors, testers, and users who made this release possible.

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Solidus 2.3.0

  • Rails 5.1 #1895 (jhawthorn)

  • The default behaviour for selecting the current store has changed. Stores are now only returned if their url matches the current domain exactly (falling back to the default store) #2041 #1993 (jhawthorn, kennyadsl)

  • Remove dependency on premailer gem #2061 (cbrunsdon)

  • Order#outstanding_balance now uses reimbursements instead of refunds to calculate the amount that should be paid on an order. #2002 (many contributors ❤️)

  • Renamed bogus payment methods #2000 (tvdeyen)
    Spree::Gateway::BogusSimple and Spree::Gateway::Bogus were renamed into Spree::PaymentMethod::SimpleBogusCreditCard and Spree::PaymentMethod::BogusCreditCard

  • Allow refreshing shipping rates for unshipped shipments on completed orders #1906 (mamhoff)

  • Remove line_item_options class attribute from Api::LineItemsController #1943

  • Allow custom separator between a promotion's base_code and suffix #1951 (ericgross)

  • Ignore adjustment.finalized on tax adjustments. #1936 (jordan-brough)

  • Transform the relation between TaxRate and TaxCategory to a Many to Many #1851 (vladstoick)

    This fixes issue #1836. By allowing a TaxRate to tax multiple categories, stores don't have to create multiple TaxRates with the same value if a zone doesn't have different tax rates for some tax categories.

  • Adjustments without a source are now included in line_item.adjustment_total #1933 (alexstoick)

  • Always update last_ip_address on order #1658 (bbuchalter)

  • Don't eager load adjustments in current_order #2069 (jhawthorn)

  • Avoid running validations in current_order #2068 (jhawthorn)

  • Fix Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError on invalid image #2064 (karlentwistle)

  • Fix error message on insufficient inventory. #2056 (husam212)

  • Remove print statements from migrations #2048 (jhawthorn)

  • Make Address.find_all_by_name_or_abbr case-insensitive #2043 (jordan-brough)

  • Remove redundant methods on Spree::PaymentMethod::StoreCredit #2038 (skukx)

  • Fix ShippingMethod select for MySQL 5.7 strict #2024 (jhawthorn)

  • Use a subquery to avoid returning duplicate products from Product.available #2021 (jhawthorn)

  • Validate presence of product on a Variant #2020 (jhawthorn)

  • Add some missing data to seeds which was added by migrations #1962 (BravoSimone)

  • Add validity period for Spree::TaxRate #1953 (mtylty)

  • Remove unnecessary shipping rates callback #1905 (mamhoff)

  • Remove fallback first shipping method on shipments #1843 (mamhoff)

  • Add a configurable order number generator #1820 (tvdeyen)

  • Assign default user addresses in checkout controller #1967 (kennyadsl)

  • Use user.default_address as a default if bill_address or ship_address is unset #1424 (yeonhoyoon, peterberkenbosch)

  • Add html templates for shipped_email and inventory_cancellation emails #1377 (DanielePalombo)

  • Don't @extend compound selectors in sass. Avoids deprecation warnings in sass 3.4.25 #2073 (jhawthorn)


  • Configure admin turbolinks #1882 (mtomov)
  • Allow users to inline update the variant of an image in admin #1580 (mtomov)
  • Fix typo on fieldset tags #2005 (oeN)
  • Use more specific selector for select2 #1997 (oeN)
  • Replace select2 with <select class="custom-select"> #2034 #2030 (jhawthorn)
  • Fix admin SQL issues with DISTINCT products #2025 (jhawthorn)
  • Use @collection instead of @collection.present? in some admin controllers #2046 (jordan-brough)
  • Admin::ReportsController reusable search params #2012 (oeN)
  • Do not show broken links in admin product view when product is deleted #1988 (laurawadden)
  • Allow admin to edit variant option values #1944 (dividedharmony)
  • Do not refresh shipping rates everytime the order is viewed in the admin #1798 (mamhoff)
  • Add form guidelines to the style guide #1582 (Mandily)
  • Improve style guide flash messages UX #1964 (mtylty)
  • Document tooltips in the style guide #1955 (gus4no)
  • Fix path for distributed amount fields partial #2023 (graygilmore)
  • Use .all instead of .where\(nil\) in Admin::ResourceController #2047 (jordan-brough)
  • Fix typo on the new promotions form #2035 (swcraig)
  • Use translated model name in admin payment methods form #1975 (tvdeyen)


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25 Jul 21:15
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v2.3.0.rc3 Pre-release

This is a release candidate. It will become Solidus 2.3.0 if no major issues are reported.

Changes since 2.3.0.rc2

  • Fix an issue where Payment Methods without i18n keys would all be displayed in the admin as "Payment Method" instead of the specific type of payment method #2107


20 Jul 22:07
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v2.3.0.rc2 Pre-release

This is a release candidate. It will become Solidus 2.3.0 if no major issues are reported.

Changes since 2.3.0.beta1

  • Use translated model name in admin payment methods form #1975 (tvdeyen)
  • Revert rename of config/initializers/spree.rb #2096
  • Check if deprecated method_type if overridden #2093