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Releases: rollbar/Rollbar.NET

Update project metadata

21 Mar 20:38
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chore: Update project metadata

Add scrub fields

12 Feb 17:17
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fix: resolve #644 - Scrub access token in the message payload

Added configurable code version

17 May 05:37
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feat: resolve #630 - No option to set code_version at the config level in v5 of the SDK

Hotfix and a small enhancement

31 Mar 23:04
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Hotfix of Telemetry with NetExtensions and RollbarMiddleware and a small enhancement

  • fix: resolve #626 - Telemetry in DotNet Core 3.1 is not initialized
  • feat: resolve #627 - Capture RollbarInfrastructureConfig with each payload

Hot fix: resolve #623 - NullReference exception while initializing RollbarInfrastructure

15 Mar 00:28
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Hot Fix

  • resolve #623 - NullReference exception while initializing RollbarInfrastructure

GH #615

10 Feb 20:12
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  • fix: resolve GH #615 - ConnectivityMonitor tests wrong thing

v5 goes Beta -> GA

09 Feb 00:00
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Since v4:

  • feat: optioanl RollbarInfrastructure concept
  • feat: optional explicit RollbarInfrastructure initialization
  • feat: structured Rollbar configuration
  • feat: Blazor browser-side support
  • feat: resolve #532 - Make RollbarMiddlewareException wrapper optional based on config settings
  • feat: resolve #585 - Would like to have an ability to log HttpRequest Body via ILogger
  • fix: OfflinePersistence module's dependency on SQLite native bits
  • refactor: Simplified and upgraded Rollbar.OfflinePersistence dependencies and project settings
  • refactor: resolve #587 - Update Rollbar.NET's dependency on Newtonsoft.Json package to current version 13.0
  • refactor: clean up the SDK explicit targets to only currently supported .NET versions
  • refactor: clear all the VS build warnings and Intelli-sense messages
  • refactor: addressed SonarCloud detected reliability issues
  • refactor: addressed SonarCloud detected security hotspots
  • refactor: addressed SonarCloud detected code smells
  • chore: remove unused files from the repo root

Addressing SonarCloud analyzer's suggestions

05 Nov 20:10
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  • refactor: addressed SonarCloud detected reliability issues
  • refactor: addressed SonarCloud detected security hotspots
  • refactor: addressed SonarCloud detected code smells

Clear of all the VS build warnings and Intelli-sense messages

14 Oct 07:03
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  • refactor: clear all the VS build warnings and Intelli-sense messages
  • chore: remove unused files from the repo root

Enhancing Asp.NetCore integration and dependencies cleanup

06 Oct 00:10
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  • feat: resolve #585 - Would like to have an ability to log HttpRequest Body via ILogger
  • refactor: clean up the SDK explicit targets to only currently supported .NET versions
  • fix: OfflinePersistence module's dependency on SQLite native bits