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Setting up the Raspberry Pi for the Pi Lite basic functions

Richard Parslow edited this page Jun 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

The code found in this repo is compatible for use with a RaspberryPi running Raspbian Jessie or Jessie Lite

First we assume you have already downloaded the Raspbian SD image from the foundations Download page (here in case you need) and wrote the image to a blank sd-card (recommdened at least 8GB)

Plug in your sd-card and boot up the pi without the Pi-Lire connected.

Once booted and logged in and run the raspi configuration tool.

In a terminal type the following command

sudo raspi-config

Then :

  • Select “Advanced Options”
  • Select “Serial”
  • Select “No” to disable the login shell over serial
  • Select “OK” when it says the serial interface has been disabled

If this is a new install you might want to setup other things like keyboard layout in case your not using a QWERTY UK keyboard, SSH and change your hostname also recommended is to change the default password for the user pi

When you exit raspi-config do not reboot but instead issue the following command

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

at the very end of the config.txt change enable_uart=0 to enable_uart=1

Then issue the following command to stop the rapsberrypi so you can connect the Pi-Lite and power on

sudo halt