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Andy Jackson edited this page May 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

We're getting an exciting amount of activity, so we need to have some idea what is going on and what state it's at. Otherwise we bloat and drift and end up with unrealistic or half-formed projects. Here I propose a simple template to tel us the who/what/when of a subproject.

So we can find them, please name the wiki pages consistently, e.g. Project: <my project name>

I'll fill it in with a real subproject, medrxivDownloader



Why needed

Because there is no Open source tool to automatically scrape and download

Similar/previous work

Proposed work

Develop Ferret as a universal tool for downloading from non-API-base sites


  • Lezan Hawizy
  • Tim Voronov

Project page


Current state

Works in principle but not fully documented or displayed

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