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Computational Cultural Publishing: Climate Emergency Sprint

Simon Worthington edited this page May 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Computational Cultural Publishing: Climate Emergency Sprint

FYI: These are workshop notes from the 21-13 May run as part of a cultural event in Linz, Austria. - they cover some successful install notes and use of getpapers and ami. The notes will be written up in full and a follow on workshop will take place based in Malta on climate and migration as part of a summer school. The notes are from Open Climate Knowledge which is using the ContentMine software.



Open Climate Knowledge repo -

Open Climate Knowledge GitHub project -

How to install / kind of - See below

Workshop BigBlueRoom address -

Day 1 Thursday - 16:00-17:30 (what we'll cover)

Friday and earlier Saturday online help to get full system running

In bigblueroom

Day 2 Saturday - 16:00-17:30

“…this contradiction in the academic project into sharp relief—universalist in principle and unequal in practice. Shadow Libraries is a study of that tension in the digital era.”

Introduction, Shadow Libraries, Joe Karaganis, Open Access, MIT 2018. (see Open Access tab for download)



Open energy Modelling

Other notes

Installation and running

For installation:

General - ContentMine - getpapers and AMI

How to run the software:

get papers

  • Inside myprojectfolder run getpapers --help for options
  • Create a dictionary: note file name needs to stay the same as title
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dictionary title="runaway">
	<desc>created from iterative word clouds in "runaway222" corpus </desc>
	<entry url="/wiki/Tipping_points_in_the_climate_system" name="Tipping point" term="tipping" wikidata="Q7808933""Kippelement"/>
	<entry url="/wiki/Greenhouse_effect" name="greenhouse effect" term="greenhouse" wikidata="Q41560""Treibhauseffekt"/>
	<entry url="/wiki/Runaway_greenhouse_effect" name="runaway" term="runaway" wikidata="Q4357041""Galoppierender Treibhauseffekt"/>
    <entry term="acceleration" name="acceleration"/>
    <entry term="anthropogenic " name="anthropogenic " wikidata="Q29169263""anthropogen"/>
    <entry term="feedback" name="feedback"/>
    <entry term="forcing" name="forcing"/>
    <entry term="model" name="model"/>
    <entry term="sea ice" name="sea ice"/>
    <entry term="atmospheric" name="atmospheric"/>
    <entry term="insolation" name="insolation"/>
    <entry term="agricultural" name="agricultural"/>
    <entry term="anthropocene" name="anthropocene"/>
    <entry term="ipcc" name="ipcc" wikidata="Q171183"/>
    <entry term="carbon cycle" name="carbon cycle"/>
    <entry term="arctic" name="arctic"/>
    <entry term="antarctic" name="antarctic"/>
  • run getpapers: $ getpapers --query 'runaway' --xml --outdir test5 --limit 10
    • NB: script will generate directory if not existing
    • This will download papers from PMC as XML full test at a quality of 10


Inside myprojectfolder run $ ami -p test1 search --dictionary country runaway.xml NB: dictionary title needs to be same as file name.

This will generate the table with your dictionary in it:

articles bibliography dic:country dic:runaway word:frequencies
PMC6968565 local
titl: Comparison of the performance ...
date: jour:
abst: Objective: Autoantibodies to t ...
China x 2
PMC7160642 local
titl: Virus cripples China refinery ...
date: jour:
abst: null
China x 2
PMC7185022 local
titl: Liquidity Backstops and Dynami ...
date: jour:
abst: Liquidity backstops can mitiga ...
model x 40
PMC7188949 local
titl: Fatigue Induced Changes in Mus ...
date: jour:
abst: Purpose:To investigate changes ...
model x 5
PMC7189230 local
titl: Simultaneous human intracerebr ...
date: jour:
abst: Precisely localizing the sourc ...
model x 6
PMC7198792 local
titl: Perspectives on Using Online P ...
date: jour:
abst: null
PMC7200005 local
titl: A simple method to assess and ...
date: jour:
abst: Data saturation is the most co ...
model x 3
PMC7200705 local
titl: Quantifying biodiversity trade ...
date: jour:
abst: The challenge of balancing bio ...
PMC7200977 local
titl: A Non-invasive Method to Diagn ...
date: jour:
abst: Purpose: To find out the CT ra ...
model x 18
PMC7235041 local
titl: Using the force: STEM knowledg ...
date: jour:
abst: How does STEM knowledge learne ...
model x 26
feedback x 2
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