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Xuhao Qin helloXqin
Robotics & Reinforcement learning & Control & Embodied AI & AGI

ShanghaiTech Universtiy & STAR center

Nguyen Van Thanh Tri TriNguyen2002
A mechatronics students trying something new . Robotics, Machine Vision and more.

Hanoi University of Science and Technology Hanoi, Vietnam

Vishal austinvishal
Formerly at RTECH-IIT working on Rehabilitation robots | Kinematics | Motion Planning | Manipulation | Geometry | Trajectory Optimization | Robotics Educator


Natish Natish21
I am a student, Robo enthusiast and a programmer currently working on physics informed deep learning for modelling robotic systems


ZhengmaoHe ZhengmaoHe

Guangzhou | Shanghai

Joana Levcheva JoeJoe1313
MSc Machine Learning and Data Science @ Imperial College London '22-'24 | BSc Applied Mathematics @ Sofia University | ex-VMware

Sofia, Bulgaria

SiWeiyong siweiyong
Teleoperation; Robot skill learning; Multimodal sensor fusion.

Bristol Robotics Lab Bristol, UK

Dongyubo beginner-123
student of South China University of Technology @south China University of Technology

South China University of Technology

Lkaho Lkaho
PhD Student in NTU EEE, Computer Control and Automation. Research interests are motion planning and control.

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

胡翰泽 hhz0328
不积跬步,无以至千里! 不写Bug,谈何Debug?

UCAS China

Libish Murugesan libishm1
researcher , hobbyist


Yihao Liu bingogome
Ph.D. student at JHU LCSR.

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD USA

Rikiiii muzi-Lu
SLAM & Visual Localization & 3d construction
Xiao Gao happygaoxiao
Postdoc researcher in EPFL LASA lab
Jiacheng Li RedBowtie
Former RA @FAST-FIRE, BEng in Automation; Robotics.


liulaoshi liulaoshi30
I am liulaoshi, a student in Yanshan university. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.

Yanshan University Yanshan University

zitong zitongbai
Phd student in Robotics

Beijing, China

Aditya Kamireddypalli kamiradi
PhD candidate and Robotics Research at @ipab-rad, University of Edinburgh

@ipab-rad, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

Omer Faruk Edemen omeredemen
Mechatronics Engineer Ankara, Turkey

NEU-Junshun soul0knight
Lidar SLAM/Sensor Fusion/Robotics

Northeastern University China

Aric AricLau07

Nankai University Tianjin,China

XHY BruceXiefromnpu
Phd candidate, interested in data-driven, model predictive control, security control

Beihang University Beijing, China

Dimitrios Chatzinikolis dimitrioschatzinikolis
Robotics Engineer

Takeda Cambridge, MA

huangzhouzhou250 huangzhouzhou250

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan