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The gantt plugin generates a SVG image of a gantt chart complete with tasks, milestones, and dependencies for usage in any project. The gantt is generate by parsing the text in a code markup with the gantt language. Each line represent a separate option, group, task, milestone, or event.

Option Title My Gantt Chart!

Group This is a Group
Task task 1, t1, , 01/01/2022, 2M
Task task 2, t2, done, after t1, 1M

ℹ️ The keywords are not case-sensitive.


All options need to start with an option keyword.


Displays the specified title at the top of the chart Default value: empty

πŸ’» Format: option title Text with spaces

Today Marker

Display a vertical line on the time axis representing today. Default value: Off

πŸ’» Format: option todaymarker On

Axis Ticks

Changes Default value: 6

πŸ’» Format: option axisticks number


Displays the dependencies Default value: Off

πŸ’» Format: option dependencies On

Input Date Formats

Customize the format of the dates written in the markdown script. Refer to Luxon format for the detailed format. Default value: MM/dd/yyyy

πŸ’» Format: option inputdateformat dd-MM-yyyy

Output Date Formats

Customize the format of the dates dispayed on the chart. Refer to Luxon format for the detailed format. Default value: MM/dd/yyyy

πŸ’» Format: option outputdateformat dd-MM-yyyy

Use Business Days

When calculating durations and delayed start using the days unit, this skips weekends. Default value: Off

πŸ’» Format: option businessdays On


This is optional. You can organize your tasks by group. All tasks and milestones defined after this group will be part of it until another group is defined.

πŸ’» Format: group text as title of the group

Option Title My Gantt Chart!

Group This is a Group
Task task 1, t1, , 01/01/2022, 2M
Task task 2, t2, , after t1, 1M

Group This is another Group
Task task 3, t3, , after t1, 2W
Milestone important milestone, m1, , after t3

❗ Important: If the title of a group, task or milestone appear too long, the system will automatically break the title. However, you can manually insert a line break using the symbol \n as used on the example above.



A task something to do or complete within a specified timeframe. As such a task has a Start Date, an End Date, a Title, and a Completion status. In addition, a task may have dependencies, and a progress. When defining a task, each parameter must be separated by a comma following the format below.

The class can be a user-defined CSS class. By default, 4 class are defined, representing different task completion status:

  • pending
  • in-progress
  • done
  • critical

πŸ’» Format: Task title, identified, class, start date, end date, dependencies (optional), progress (optional)

option dependencies On

Group Harry's Tasks
Task My Task,                          t1,           done, 01/01/2022, 2M

Group Karine's Tasks
Task My Other Task #3342,                t2, in-progress,        after t1, 06/30/2022
Task Task With Dependency,  d3,         critical, 2W after t1, 5W, t1
Task Task With Progress      ,  tp1,    pending , 01/01/2022, 3M,      ,0% 



Start date and end date may be either absolute, relative or a duratin.

Start Date End Date
Absolute Date Yes Yes
Relative Date Yes No
Duration No Yes

Absolute Date

The date format must conform to the format defined by the option Input Date Formats. By default MM/dd/yyyy.

Relative Date

A relative date is calculated on the fly using a delay after the end date of a previously defined task or milestone. The delay is optional. If the delay is not specified, the system assumes a delay of 0D. The delay format follows the same rules as the duration below.

πŸ’» Format: Duration after taskIdentified or πŸ’» Format: after taskIdentified

➑️ Example: 2W after t1 or ➑️ Example: after t2


A duration is a number followed by the symbol of unit with no space. The units are defined as follows:

Symbol Unit
Y Year
M Month
W Week
D Day
H Hour
m minute
S Second


Define to wich task or milestone this depends on. The tasks or milestones are identified by their identifier. If multiple are specified, they must be separated by a space. The dependency inherit the class (i.e. color and style) from the originating task or milestone.

➑️ Example: Task Analyze Spreadsheet, AS18, , 2W after AS11, 5W, AS05 milestone4

ℹ️ Note: Don't forget to enable Dependencies to display them. Otherwise they will not appear.

⚠️ Warning: If the task depends on another task defined in the future, the link will not be displayed


The progress is simply a percentage number. It displays as the box filling like a progress bar.


A Milestone is similar to a task but do not have an end date. The milestone follows the same concepts as the task.

πŸ’» Format: Milestone title, identifier, class, start date, dependencies (optional), progress (optional)


Events allow interactions with the tasks. As of now, only 1 interaction is available: Go To. Events can be added to either tasks or milestones. An event is defined by the identifier of the triggering task or milestone, the type of the event and some argument depending on the type of the event.

πŸ’» Format: click taskId, EventType, arg

Go To

Navigate to another page within obsidian. The URL is obtained with a right click on the note from the obsidian file explorer, and use the command Copy obsidian URL.

πŸ’» Format: click taskIdentified, goto, URL


⚠️ Warning: Not yet supported


Predefined classes

Class Color
pending #2378a0
in-progress #ff9200
done #2da023
critical #a02323

Custom classes

To create a custom class, simply create a CSS snippet, create a class, and use-it directly in the gantt markdown.

.block-language-gantt .tasks,
.block-language-gantt .milestones,
.block-language-gantt .dependencies {
	fill: #ff9200;

.block-language-gantt .dependencies {
	stroke: #ff9200;

Custom Style

To customize the gantt, simply create a CSS snippet with your custom rules. You can use the following classes: All classes are under the master class block-language-gantt

Class Description
grid The background grid for scale
.group-block A group of task or milestones
.group-block rect.even The even number of groups
.group-block rect.odd The odd number of groups
.group-block-label text The label of a group
.tasks rect A task
.tasks-labels text A task label (carries the same custom class as the task)
.milestones rect A milestone
.milestones-labels text A milestone label (carries the same custom class as the task)
.today-marker line Today's marker
.dependencies path The path of a dependency (carries the same custom class as the originating class or milestone)
.dependencies path.arrow-head The arrowhead of a dependency (carries the same custom class as the originating class or milestone)
text.title The chart title


  • The Go To Event only allows navigation to other obsidian pages. External URLs are not allowed for security reasons.


Creates a Gantt Chart for Obsidian







No packages published


  • TypeScript 90.8%
  • CSS 7.7%
  • JavaScript 1.5%