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Tags: nburkley/administrate



Toggle v0.1.2's commit message
Release Administrate v 0.1.2


* [thoughtbot#251] [FEATURE] Raise a helpful error when an attribute is missing from
* [thoughtbot#298] [FEATURE] Support ActiveRecord model I18n translations
* [thoughtbot#312] [FEATURE] Add a `nil` option to `belongs_to` form fields
* [thoughtbot#231] [UI] Fix layout issue on show page where a long label next to an empty
  value would cause following fields on the page to be mis-aligned.
* [thoughtbot#309] [UI] Fix layout issue in datetime pickers where months and years
  would not wrap correctly.
* [thoughtbot#306] [UI] Wrap long text lines (on word breaks) on show pages
* [thoughtbot#214] [UI] Improve header layout when there is a long page title
* [thoughtbot#198] [UI] Improve spacing around bottom link in sidebar
* [thoughtbot#206] [UI] Left-align checkboxes in boolean form fields
* [thoughtbot#315] [UI] Remove the `IDS` suffix for `HasMany` form field labels
* [thoughtbot#259] [BUGFIX] Make installation generator more robust
  by ignoring dynamically generated, unnamed models
* [thoughtbot#243] [BUGFIX] Fix up a "Show" button on the edit page that was not using the
  `display_resource` method.
* [thoughtbot#248] [BUGFIX] Improve polymorphic relationship's dashboard class detection.
* [thoughtbot#247] [BUGFIX] Populate `has_many` and `belongs_to` select boxes
  with the current value of the relationship.
* [thoughtbot#217] [I18n] Dutch
* [thoughtbot#263] [I18n] Swedish
* [thoughtbot#272] [I18n] Danish
* [thoughtbot#270] [I18n] Don't apologize about missing relationship support.
* [thoughtbot#237] [I18n] Fix broken paths for several I18n files (de, es, fr, pt-BR, vi).
* [thoughtbot#266] [OPTIM] Save a few database queries by using cached counts


Toggle v0.1.1's commit message
Release Administrate version 0.1.1

- Update gem version
- Update README with recommended optimistic versioning for bundler
- Update README with warning about Administrate's pre-1.0 status
- Update CHANGELOG to fill in missing PR references
- add `[I18n]` category to CHANGELOG
- sort CHANGELOG entries according to change type


* [thoughtbot#191] [CHANGE] Improve API for specifying how resources are displayed
  across the dashboard.
  * Models are now displayed with a sensible default - (e.g. "User thoughtbot#2")
  * Users can define `ModelDashboard#display_resource(resource)` for custom
    display behavior
  * Users who have generated views for the following field types
    may need to update them to take advantage of the new API:
    * HasOne
    * HasMany
    * Polymorphic
    * BelongsTo
* [thoughtbot#223] [FEATURE] Translation: Vietnamese
* [thoughtbot#161] [FEATURE] Translation: Mandarin Chinese
* [thoughtbot#196] [FEATURE] Translation: Taiwanese Mandarin
* [thoughtbot#142] [FEATURE] Translation: Brazilian Portuguese
* [thoughtbot#171] [FEATURE] Translation: Polish
* [thoughtbot#153] [FEATURE] Translation: Russian
* [thoughtbot#148] [FEATURE] Translation: French
* [thoughtbot#147] [FEATURE] Translation: German
* [thoughtbot#154] [FEATURE] Translation: Spanish
* [thoughtbot#126] [UI] Preserve whitespace when rendering text fields
* [thoughtbot#194] [BUGFIX] Don't clear out datetime values in form fields
* [thoughtbot#193] [BUGFIX] Don't assume that unrecognized db column types are searchable
* [thoughtbot#124] [BUGFIX] Better detection of application models
* [thoughtbot#156] [COMPAT] Include missing `sass-rails` dependency in gemspec
* [thoughtbot#174] [COMPAT] Make several missing dependencies explicit.
* [thoughtbot#144] [COMPAT] Update repository structure so Bundler can pull the gem from github.
  (e.g. `gem "administrate", github: "thoughtbot/administrate"`)
* [thoughtbot#166] [COMPAT] Use ANSI SQL standards for case-insensitive search
* [thoughtbot#120] [DOC] Add Rubygems version badge to README
* [thoughtbot#165] [DOC] Add CircleCI badge to README
* [thoughtbot#119] [DOC] Add CodeClimate badge to README


Toggle v0.1.0's commit message
Release version 0.1.0

* [CHANGE] Render views using local variables, not instance variables.
* [CHANGE] Rename `table` -> `collection` throughout the engine.
  * API for dashboard classes now relies on `COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES` constant
  * Generated views now use the `_collection` partial instead of `_table`
* [FEATURE] Add a generator for copying field views to host application
* [FEATURE] Generated dashboards are more explicit,
  and more clearly define the API.
* [FEATURE] Add a generator for creating custom field types
* [FEATURE] Add generators for copying view templates into host application
* [FEATURE] Add sensible dynamic titles to the dashboard pages.
* [FEATURE] Add text field type.
* [UI] Give form and show pages more consistent label styles
* [UI] Fix checkbox styling and label alignment.
* [UI] Fix scrollbar issues on list pages.
* [BUGFIX] Fix missing `dropdown.svg` asset.
* [BUGFIX] Fix asset precompilation issue for `datetime_picker_rails` gem.
* [BUGFIX] Remove erroneous "Showing 5 of 1" messages
  from has_many relationships on the `show` page.
* [COMPAT] Use optimistic versioning for all dependencies.
* [DOC] Update README with a better description of the repo.
* [DOC] Move changelog to root of repository, improve labels, add key.
* [DOC] Add comments to all template files
  describing what variables will be available