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Preference Files

Piotr Skowronek edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 2 revisions


Most of the advanced configuration options offered by muCommander require you to edit customisation files. This page is a quick description of what each of these files does and how to locate them.

Locating the customisation files

All customsation files are located in the same directory, whose location depends on what version of muCommander and what OS you're running:

muCommander version / OS familly Mac OS X Windows *NIX
Standalone ~/Library/Preferences/muCommander ~/.mucommander ~/.mucommander
Portable install/.mucommander install/.mucommander install/.mucommander


  • ~ is your home directory. If you're not sure what that is, just type ~ in muCommander's location bar and press ENTER - you might not know, but muCommander does.
  • install is the path to the directory in which muCommander is installed.

File descriptions

You'll find the following files in your customisation folder:

action_keymap.xml Controls muCommander keyboard shortcuts.
associations.xml Controls muCommander file assocations.
bookmarks.xml Stores your bookmarks.
commandbar.xml Controls the layout and content of your command bar.
commands.xml Stores all known muCommander custom commands.
credentials.xml Stores the various credentials (remote computer accounts) that you've asked muCommander to save.
preferences.xml Stores your general muCommander configuration.
toolbar.xml Controls the layout and content of your toolbar.
user_theme.xml Stores the user defined theme.

In addition to these, you'll find two directories:
extensions Stores the various muCommander extensions (look & feels, plugins...).
themes Stores the various muCommander themes.

Note that not all of these files might be present: muCommander will only store some of them if the default values have been changed. It doesn't mean your installation is broken.

Modifying customisation files

While we're trying to provide a proper user interface for all of muCommander's customisation options, we haven't yet managed to catch up and you will sometime have to edit them manually.

There is a trick to this, however: you have to make absolutely sure that muCommander has been shut down before you save your modifications. If you fail to do so, they will probably be overwritten when you do quit muCommander.

Additionally, Emacs users should be careful not to leave backup files (e.g. toolbar.xml~) in the customisation folder. These have a special meaning for muCommander and forgetting to delete them might very well undo your work.