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Petr Janeček edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 12 revisions

How can I replace the default editor / viewer?

This is done by editing your commands.xml file and creating the view and edit commands.

For an in-depth explanation, read the documentation.

Why doesn't muCommander open my files?

There could be many reasons for this, but the most common ones are:

You're running muCommander on a system that isn't officially supported. See this page? for information on how you can have your system supported. Your commands or associations? file is corrupt. Try deleting them. You're running muCommander on a known system but with a configuration that we haven't encountered before. See this thread for an example.

Why is the Open with... menu grayed out?

Because you haven't defined any commands for it to use. Please read this article for more information.

Why doesn't muCommander use the system right-click menu?

Simply put, because we haven't found how. As far as we know, Java doesn't allow us to use system dependent things like that.

If you know better and can point us in the right direction with code samples or documentation links, we'd be happy to hear about it.

How can I search for a specific file?

At the time of writing, you can't.

This is an often requested feature, one that we're thinking about and have a few ideas on how to implement, but it's not there yet.

How do I open OpenOffice documents?

When you double-click or press Enter on an OpenOffice? document, the document's internals are revealed, which may seem a bit awkward. ODF files are actually ZIP files, and muCommander recognises them as such: when you try to open one, muCommander will show you the contents of the archive rather than start Open Office.

In order to start Open Office, you need to open "natively" (mapped to Shift Enter by default) the document.

How do I start OS X applications?

This question is closely linked to the previous one: OS X .app files are in fact directories, and muCommander will browse them rather than start the application. You need to open them "natively" (mapped to Shift Enter by default).

Why can't I execute applications extracted by muCommander? Why aren't file permissions properly preserved?

The short answer is, because you're not running Java 1.6 or higher.

Until version 1.6, Java did not know how to set file permissions on local files. Extracting executable files from archives (or copying them, for that matter) will drop the executable flag, preventing you from executing it.

If you can upgrade to Java 1.6, we advise you to do so. If you can't, however, you only need run chmod +x on the file for it to become executable again.

muCommander doesn't work properly with Spaces, why?

As much as we respect Apple, this is actually their fault.

Java under OS X doesn't integrate properly with Spaces. Depending on which version of Java you're running, support might improve. Upgrading to Java 1.6 is usually a good idea, as it appears to have the best support: the only thing that doesn't work is tying muCommander to a specific Space.

How can I have muCommander use QuickLook?

Edit ~/Library/Preferences/muCommander/commands.xml to include the line:

<command alias="view" value="qlmanage -p $f" type="system"/>

Previous issues regarding slowness and missing ESC are no longer an issue.

How can I add the iCloud directory in muCommander?

The iCloud directory is browsable at ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/

You can add it as a bookmark for quick access.

How can I copy / move files in the background?

In the copy popup, press Run in background. If the copy task is already running, press the Hide button in the lower right corner.

Nothing happens when I double-click on a file, why?

That's a problem we've encountered a few times when running muCommander on Linux. You can find detailed information in ticket #48, but if you just need a quick fix:

Open the file ~/.Xdefaults. Add the line: *.multiClickTime: 500. Run xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults.

How can I install muCommander in macOS when it warns that the file is corrupt?

Before opening the .dmg, open terminal and run:

xattr -d ~/Downloads/mu(c|C)ommander-*.dmg

If you have already opened the .dmg, use finder to eject/unmount the .dmg, run the xattr command, open the .dmg again and drag muCommander to applications (again), or run this:

xattr -r -d "/Applications/"

I'd like to help, what can I do?

There are many ways you can contribute to the project, take a look this page for a few ideas. Your help is greatly appreciated!