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Anjan Momi edited this page Nov 15, 2020 · 6 revisions


Maintaining control of the domain is absolutely crucial so that we get emails and our website stays up.

NOTE: If we do not pay 18$ for the year to gandi, we will lose our emails and our domain. Emails will not reach us.

I have chosen because:

  • It is very trustworthy - if we go with someone super cheap just because they give unlimited emails, we may end up losing our domain.
  • It's very easy to contact support if do lose our login for whatever reason
  • Their webgui is fast and intuitive
  • easy hosting with github pages
  • free ssl certificates

Renewing Domains

To renew the domain email any or all of these people:

[email protected] (they can add other payers. VP Services: contact anjan to add you as a payer)

[email protected]

[email protected]

To payers: make sure you delete your payment method after paying for the domain


We are allowed two mailboxes (emails we can send as and receive from) and unlimited forwarding emails (emails we can recieve from but not send as). The forwarding emails must be updated so that the new exec team's sfu emails are forwarded to (use: The two mailboxes ([email protected] and [email protected]) MUST have their passwords reset (use:

To log into [email protected] or [email protected] go to: http:


When a new VPcomms is initiated, we must pay for the domain (it costs $18 per year) and the new VPcomms MUST be given access to the gandi organization so that they may pay, update the emails, and update the website (should it change).


Have the new VP comms make a new account and github account (not needed if they already have one). Add them to the msess organization on github and msess organization on gandi.

Make sure the new VP comms uses their real names for their gandi account and doesn't name it msess. The msess organization on gandi is setup such that multiple people can pay for the domain to prevent losing the domain during transitional years.

If you need help. Email [email protected] (a former VP comm for MSESS)

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