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Anjan Momi edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 1 revision

Contributing to the blog is fun and easy!

New Post

To make a new blog post go into the _posts folder and make a new file.

Note: the _posts folder is full of example posts. You can compare the post on and the file in _posts to learn how to add things!

The file name should be in the format of: <DATE>-<shortName>.<FILE-TYPE>

<FILE-TYPE>: This can be md or html. html is currently only required for finance posts. md is much more easier to use and can be used for general posts. If you have html, it can be embedded into md files (I'll discuss this later).

<DATE>: The date when you are writing the blog post. <DATE> should be in iso 8601 format:

The correct way to write dates

<shortName>: Can be anything as long as it's memorable and unique.

Writing the Blog Post

Copy the following to the top of the new file you have created:

layout: post
author: <YOUR-NAME>
title: <YOUR-TITLE>

Simply write the blog post underneath the last ---.

HTML (.html)

If you chose html, Im going to assume you know what you're doing. So there's no guide here. However, I will look to add a guide to add finance reports from excel onto the blog. SOON

Markdown (.md)

If you chose md as the <FILE-TYPE>, you're going to have a really easy time writing the blog post. Markdown is a much easier markup language than html.

Here is a simple guide that will let you do pretty much everything:

markdown cheat-sheet

If you need a preview of what you're writing, it's helpful to use this:

markdown preview

Finally, if you need to embed a youtube video or write other html, simply insert the raw html into your file:

raw html in markdown

As always, if you need help, look at the previous posts for examples.

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