A postgresql-tools variant with a few convenience features for folks working with pega-helm-charts.
Everything is the remainder of this readme assumes that kubectl is installed, on the user's path and configured correctly to connect to your cluster. It is also expected that you will be deploying this container into the same namespace as your pega-helm-chart deployment.
Docker images available at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/primedorito/pega_pg_tools.
To deploy this container you can:
kubectl -n [namespace] apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/misterdorito/pega-pg-tools/master/k8s/pega-pg-tools-[version].yml
[namespace] should be replaced by the k8s namespace your deploying into. [version] should be replaced with the desired PostgreSQL version -- 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 11 or 12.
To query a db:
>kubectl -n [namespace] get pods -l app=postgresql-tools -o custom-columns=CONTAINER:.metadata.name --no-headers=true
>kubectl -n [namespace] exec -it postgresql-tools-65876f6cbb-j56gm /bin/bash
root@postgresql-tools-65876f6cbb-j56gm:/# pega-psql.sh
psql (9.6.16, server 9.6.11)
Type "help" for help.
dbname=> \dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner
data | dbuser
rules | dbuser
public | dbuser
(3 rows)
The pega-psql.sh script is on the user's path.
To remove the container once you're done with it:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete deployment postgresql-tools
and also
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pvc datadir
This repo extends extends the postgresql_tools repo -- generally the information there is applicable here.