Postgresql (version-specific) client tooling intended to be used via exec-ing into k8s-hosted container. Everything below assumes that you have kubectl and a valid kube config setup locally and also that your k8s cluster has a default storage class configured. This is intended to be used for debugging purposes.
Docker image available at
To deploy this container you can:
kubectl -n <namespace> apply -f[version].yml
[version] should be replaced with the desired PostgreSQL version -- 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 11 or 12.
To query a db:
kubectl -n <namespace> get pods (note your postgresql-tools pod name)
kubectl -n <namespace> exec -i -t <pod-name> -- /bin/bash
psql -h <db hostname> -d <db name> -p <db port number> -U <postgresql user>
If you need to copy an large files to the container:
kubectl cp <local path> <namespace>/<pod name>:/data/<destination filename>
If you find that pg_dump is unexpectedly ending, it may be exceeding available memory. You should increase the memory available to the pod.
These docker images contain pg_repack. While installing pg_repack it installs tzdata as a dependency. tzdata requires you to specify a default time zone. By default this is set to "America/New_York". To change the default timezone to the one used by your db, run the following command from within the container and follow the prompts:
dpkg-configure tzdata
To remove the container once you're done with it:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete deployment postgresql-tools
and also
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pvc datadir
To deploy this container via helm, check out .