Maastricht University
- Maastricht
- https://tangguangzhi.com/
A tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net library on top of it with PyTorch-like API
Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
tensorrt for yolo series (YOLOv10,YOLOv9,YOLOv8,YOLOv7,YOLOv6,YOLOX,YOLOv5), nms plugin support
RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it's combining the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference,…
A smaller subset of 10 easily classified classes from Imagenet, and a little more French
A python library for contrast maximization and voxel creation using events
The code associated with Comparing SNNs and RNNs on neuromorphic vision datasets: Similarities and differences.
A Software Framework for Neuromorphic Computing
robintibor / braindecode
Forked from TNTLFreiburg/braindecodeMoved to https://github.com/TNTLFreiburg/braindecode!
The dataset for drone based detection and tracking is released, including both image/video, and annotations.
Variational AutoEncoder + ResNet Transfer Learning
This is an implementation of the VAE (Variational Autoencoder) for Cifar10
Implemented Variational Autoencoder generative model in Keras for image generation and its latent space visualization on MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets
Pytorch implementation of FactorVAE proposed in Disentangling by Factorising(https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.05983)
A library for integrating machine learning tools with state-of-the-art sampling-based kinodynamic planning algorithms.
A PyTorch Implementation of "Recurrent Models of Visual Attention"
🙄 Difficult algorithm, Simple code.
来自一位 Pythonista 的编程经验分享,内容涵盖编码技巧、最佳实践与思维模式等方面。
A collection of reference environments for offline reinforcement learning