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Uninstalling yabai

Åsmund Vikane edited this page May 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

The following steps will help you remove all traces of yabai from your system.

# stop yabai
yabai --stop-service

# remove service file
yabai --uninstall-service

# uninstall the scripting addition
sudo yabai --uninstall-sa

# uninstall yabai
brew uninstall yabai

# these are logfiles that may be created when running yabai as a service.
rm -rf /tmp/yabai_$USER.out.log
rm -rf /tmp/yabai_$USER.err.log

# remove config and various temporary files
rm ~/.yabairc
rm /tmp/yabai_$USER.lock
rm /tmp/yabai_$USER.socket
rm /tmp/yabai-sa_$USER.socket

# unload the scripting addition by forcing a restart of
killall Dock